Aiphone GF Instruction Manual

GF Multi-Unit
Audio/Video Entry System
Aiphone Corporation
1700 130th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98005
November, 2002
GF System Overview
Audio/Video Digital
Entrance Station
The GF Multi-Unit Audio/Video System is the ideal access control system for office buildings and new or
Select Entrance Station
Audio Direct
Apartment Stations
Features Benefits
Black & White Video System
Vandal Proof Diecast Panel
Digital Name Scrolling module
Many configurations available
Audio only or Audio/Video
Max. 5 Entrance Stations
Station Capacity
Allows residents to visually identify visitors
Withstands heavy usage
Allows visitors to search for occupants
Meet an even wider range of system requirements
Choice of features depending on need of each tenant
Configurable to meet wide variety of applications
250 audio handset stations, 150 videostations
Access Codes/Door Entry
PC Programming
20 different access codes available for users
Program directory information onsite or in advance
Names & Functions
GF-NS, Name scroll module
1. LCD display
2. CANCEL (or select & back)
3. SCROLL backward or move cursor to left
4. SCROLL forward or move cursor to right
10 Keypad with Name Scrolling
5. CALL (or select & next)
GF-10K, Digital keypad module
6. Digital keypad (0~9, *, #) When entering letters; A~Z, 0 =[,][-],[.],[/],[ ]
•Dialing Room #
•Activate door release by entering Access code
•Name search with * key and scrolling
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