Agilent Technologies MSO-X 4022A, MSO-X 4024A, MSO-X 4032A, MSO-X 4052A, MSO-X 4034A User Manual

Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
User's Guide
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005-2012 No part of this manual may b e reproduced in
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Manual Part Number
First edition, October 2012 Printed in Malaysia Agilent Technologies, Inc.
1900 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
Print History
54709-97000, October 2012
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2 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes—At a Glance
Table 1 4000 X-Series Model Numbers, Bandwidths, Sample Rates
Bandwidth 200 MHz 350 MHz 500 MHz 1 GHz 1.5 GHz
Sample Rate (interleaved, non-interleaved)
2-Channel + 16 Logic Channels MSO
4-Channel + 16 Logic Channels MSO
2-Channel DSO DSO-X 4022A DSO-X 4032A DSO-X 4052A
4-Channel DSO DSO-X 4024A DSO-X 4034A DSO-X 4054A DSO-X 4104A DSO-X 4154A
2.5 GSa/s
MSO-X 4022A MSO-X 4032A MSO-X 4052A
MSO-X 4024A MSO-X 4034A MSO-X 4054A MSO-X 4104A MSO-X 4154A
2.5 GSa/s
2.5 GSa/s
2.5 GSa/s
2.5 GSa/s
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 3
The Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series oscilloscopes deliver these features:
• 200 MHz, 350 MHz, 500 MHz, 1 GHz, and 1.5 GHz bandwidth models.
• 2- and 4- channel digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) models.
• 2+16- channel and 4+16- channel mixed- signal oscilloscope (MSO) models.
An MSO lets you debug your mixed- signal designs using analog signals and tightly correlated digital signals simultaneously. The 16 digital channels have a 1.25 GSa/s sample rate, with a 250 MHz toggle rate.
• 12.1 inch SVGA touchscreen display. The touchscreen makes the oscilloscope easier to use:
You can "touch" inside alpha- numeric keypad dialogs to enter file,
label, network, and printer names, etc., instead of using softkeys and
the Entry knob.
You can drag a finger across the screen to draw rectangular boxes
for zooming in on waveforms or setting up Zone triggers.
You can touch the blue menu icon in the sidebar to display
information or control dialogs. You can drag (undock) these dialogs out of the sidebar, for example, to view cursor values and measurements at the same time.
You can touch other areas of the screen as substitutes for using
front panel keys, softkeys, and knobs.
• Interleaved 4 Mpts or non-interleaved 2 Mpts MegaZoom IV memory for the fastest waveform update rates, uncompromised.
• All knobs are pushable for making quick selections.
• Trigger types: edge, edge then edge, pulse width, pattern, OR, rise/fall time, Nth edge burst, runt, setup & hold, video, and zone.
• Serial decode/trigger options for: CAN/LIN, FlexRay, I UART/RS232, MIL- STD- 1553/ARINC 429, and USB. There is a Lister for displaying serial decode packets.
• Math waveforms: add, subtract, multiply, divide, FFT, d/dt, integrate, square root, Ax+B, square, absolute value, common logarithm, natural logarithm, exponential, base 10 exponential, low pass filter, high pass filter, averaged value, magnify, measurement trend, chart logic bus timing, and chart logic bus state.
4 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
• Reference waveform locations (4) for comparing with other channel or math waveforms.
• Many built-in measurements and a measurement statistics display.
• Built- in, license- enabled 2- channel waveform generator with: arbitrary, sine, square, ramp, pulse, DC, noise, sine cardinal, exponential rise, exponential fall, cardiac, and Gaussian pulse. Modulated waveforms on WaveGen1 except for arbitrary, pulse, DC, and noise waveforms.
• USB and LAN ports make printing, saving, and sharing data easy.
• VGA port for displaying the screen on a different monitor.
• A Quick Help system is built into the oscilloscope. Press and hold any key to display Quick Help. Complete instructions for using the quick help system are given in “Access the Built- In Quick Help" on page 60.
For more information about InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, see:
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 5
In This Guide
This guide shows how to use the InfiniiVision 4000 X- Series oscilloscopes.
When unpacking and using the oscilloscope for the first time, see:
When displaying waveforms and acquired data, see:
When setting up triggers or changing how data is acquired, see:
Making measurements and analyzing data:
When using the built-in license enabled waveform generator, see:
Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” starting on page 27
Chapter 2, “Horizontal Controls,” starting on page 63
Chapter 3, “Vertical Controls,” starting on page 79
Chapter 4, “Math Waveforms,” starting on page 89
Chapter 5, “Reference Waveforms,” starting on page
Chapter 6, “Digital Channels,” starting on page 123
Chapter 7, “Serial Decode,” starting on page 143
Chapter 8, “Display Settings,” starting on page 149
Chapter 9, “Labels,” starting on page 157
Chapter 10, “Triggers,” starting on page 165
Chapter 11, “Trigger Mode/Coupling,” starting on
page 205
Chapter 12, “Acquisition Control,” starting on page 213
Chapter 13, “Cursors,” starting on page 231
Chapter 14, “Measurements,” starting on page 241
Chapter 15, “Mask Testing,” starting on page 271
Chapter 16, “Digital Voltmeter,” starting on page 283
Chapter 17, “Waveform Generator,” starting on page
When saving, recalling, or printing, see:
When using the oscilloscope's utility functions or web interface, see:
6 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Chapter 18, “Save/Recall (Setups, Screens, Data),”
starting on page 309
Chapter 19, “Print (Screens),” starting on page 323
Chapter 20, “Utility Settings,” starting on page 329
Chapter 21, “Web Interface,” starting on page 349
For reference information, see: Chapter 22, “Reference,” starting on page 367
When using licensed serial bus triggering and decode features, see:
Chapter 23, “CAN/LIN Triggering and Serial Decode,”
starting on page 387
Chapter 24, “FlexRay Triggering and Serial Decode,”
starting on page 405
Chapter 25, “I2C/SPI Triggering and Serial Decode,”
starting on page 415
Chapter 26, “I2S Triggering and Serial Decode,”
starting on page 435
Chapter 27, “MIL-STD-1553/ARINC 429 Triggering and
Serial Decode,” starting on page 445
Chapter 28, “UART/RS232 Triggering and Serial
Decode,” starting on page 461
Chapter 29, “USB 2.0 Triggering and Serial Decode,”
starting on page 471
Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys and softkeys
Instructions for pressing a series of keys are written in an abbreviated manner. Instructions for pressing [Key1], then pressing Softkey2, then pressing Softkey3 are abbreviated as follows:
Press [Key1] > Softkey2 > Softkey3. The keys may be a front panel [Key] or a Softkey. Softkeys are the six keys located directly
below the oscilloscope display.
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 7
8 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes—At a Glance 3
In This Guide 6
1 Getting Started
Inspect the Package Contents 27
Tilt the Oscilloscope for Easy Viewing 30
Power-On the Oscilloscope 30
Connect Probes to the Oscilloscope 31
Maximum input voltage at analog inputs 32
Do not float the oscilloscope chassis 32
Input a Waveform 32
Recall the Default Oscilloscope Setup 33
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 9
Use Auto Scale 33
Compensate Passive Probes 35
Learn the Front Panel Controls and Connectors 36
Front Panel Overlays for Different Languages 43
Learn the Touchscreen Controls 45
Draw Rectangles for Waveform Zoom or Zone Trigger Set
Up 45
Drag Waveforms Left and Right to Change the Horizontal
Position 46 Select Sidebar Information or Controls 47 Undock Sidebar Dialogs by Dragging 48
Select Dialog Menus and Close Dialogs 49 Drag Cursors 49 Touch Softkeys and Menus On the Screen 49 Enter Names Using Alpha-Numeric Keypad Dialogs 50 Change Waveform Offsets By Dragging Ground Reference
Icons 51 Access Controls and Menus Via the Spark Icon 52 Turn Channels On/Off and Open Scale/Offset Dialogs 54 Access the Horizontal Menu and Open the Scale/Delay
Dialog 54 Access the Trigger Menu, Change the Trigger Mode, and Open
the Trigger Level Dialog 55 Use a USB Mouse and/or Keyboard for Touchscreen
Controls 56
Learn the Rear Panel Connectors 56
Learn the Oscilloscope Display 58
Access the Built-In Quick Help 60
2 Horizontal Controls
To adjust the horizontal (time/div) scale 65
To adjust the horizontal delay (position) 65
Panning and Zooming Single or Stopped Acquisitions 66
To change the horizontal time mode (Normal, XY, or Roll) 67
XY Time Mode 68
To display the zoomed time base 71
To change the horizontal scale knob's coarse/fine adjustment
setting 73
To position the time reference (left, center, right) 73
Searching for Events 74
To set up searches 74
10 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Navigating the Time Base 75
3 Vertical Controls
To turn waveforms on or off (channel or math) 80
To adjust the vertical scale 81
To adjust the vertical position 81
To specify channel coupling 82
To specify channel input impedance 83
To specify bandwidth limiting 83
To change the vertical scale knob's coarse/fine adjustment
To copy search setups 75
To navigate time 76 To navigate search events 76 To navigate segments 77
setting 84
To invert a waveform 84
Setting Analog Channel Probe Options 85
To specify the channel units 85 To specify the probe attenuation 86 To specify the probe skew 86 To calibrate a probe 87
4Math Waveforms
To display math waveforms 89
To adjust the math waveform scale and offset 91
Units for Math Waveforms 91
Math Operators 92
Add or Subtract 92 Multiply or Divide 93
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 11
Math Transforms 94
Differentiate 95 Integrate 96 FFT Measurement 98 Square Root 106 Ax + B 106 Square 107 Absolute Value 108 Common Logarithm 108 Natural Logarithm 109 Exponential 109 Base 10 Exponential 110
Math Filters 110
High Pass and Low Pass Filter 111 Averaged Value 112
Math Visualizations 112
Magnify 112 Measurement Trend 113 Chart Logic Bus Timing 115 Chart Logic Bus State 116
5 Reference Waveforms
12 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
To save a waveform to a reference waveform location 119
To display a reference waveform 120
To scale and position reference waveforms 121
To adjust reference waveform skew 122
To display reference waveform information 122
To save/recall reference waveform files to/from a USB storage
device 122
6 Digital Channels
To connect the digital probes to the device under test 123
Acquiring waveforms using the digital channels 127
To display digital channels using AutoScale 127
Interpreting the digital waveform display 129
To change the displayed size of the digital channels 130
To switch a single channel on or off 130
To switch all digital channels on or off 130
To switch groups of channels on or off 130
To change the logic threshold for digital channels 131
To reposition a digital channel 131
To display digital channels as a bus 132
Probe cable for digital channels 124
Digital channel signal fidelity: Probe impedance and
grounding 135 Input Impedance 136
Probe Grounding 138 Best Probing Practices 140
To replace digital probe leads 140
7 Serial Decode
Serial Decode Options 143
Lister 144
Searching Lister Data 146
8 Display Settings
To adjust waveform intensity 149
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 13
To set or clear persistence 151
To clear the display 153
To select the grid type 153
To adjust the grid intensity 153
To display waveforms as vectors or dots 154
To freeze the display 155
To turn the label display on or off 157
To assign a predefined label to a channel 158
To define a new label 159
To load a list of labels from a text file you create 160
To reset the label library to the factory default 161
To add an annotation 162
10 Triggers
Adjusting the Trigger Level 167
Forcing a Trigger 167
Edge Trigger 168
Edge then Edge Trigger 170
Pulse Width Trigger 172
Pattern Trigger 175
Hex Bus Pattern Trigger 178
OR Trigger 178
Rise/Fall Time Trigger 180
Nth Edge Burst Trigger 182
14 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Runt Trigger 183
Setup and Hold Trigger 186
Video Trigger 187
To set up Generic video triggers 192 To trigger on a specific line of video 193 To trigger on all sync pulses 194 To trigger on a specific field of the video signal 195 To trigger on all fields of the video signal 196 To trigger on odd or even fields 197
Serial Trigger 200
Zone Qualified Trigger 201
11 Trigger Mode/Coupling
To select the Auto or Normal trigger mode 206
To select the trigger coupling 208
To enable or disable trigger noise rejection 209
To enable or disable trigger HF Reject 209
To set the trigger holdoff 210
External Trigger Input 210
12 Acquisition Control
Running, Stopping, and Making Single Acquisitions (Run
Overview of Sampling 215
Maximum voltage at oscilloscope external trigger input 211
Control) 213
Sampling Theory 215 Aliasing 215 Oscilloscope Bandwidth and Sample Rate 216
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 15
Oscilloscope Rise Time 217 Oscilloscope Bandwidth Required 218 Memory Depth and Sample Rate 219
Selecting the Acquisition Mode 219
Normal Acquisition Mode 220 Peak Detect Acquisition Mode 220 Averaging Acquisition Mode 223 High Resolution Acquisition Mode 225
Realtime Sampling Option 226
Realtime Sampling and Oscilloscope Bandwidth 227
Acquiring to Segmented Memory 228
Navigating Segments 229 Measurements, Statistics, and Infinite Persistence with
Segmented Memory 229 Segmented Memory Re-Arm Time 230 Saving Data from Segmented Memory 230
13 Cursors
To make cursor measurements 232
Cursor Examples 235
14 Measurements
To make automatic measurements 242
Measurements Summary 244
Snapshot All 246
Voltage Measurements 247
Peak-Peak 248 Maximum 248 Minimum 248 Amplitude 248 To p 249
16 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Base 250 Overshoot 250 Preshoot 251 Average 252 DC RMS 252 AC RMS 253 Ratio 255
Time Measurements 255
Period 256 Frequency 256 Counter 257 + Width 258 – Width 258 Burst Width 258 Duty Cycle 258 Rise Time 259 Fall Time 259 Delay 259 Phase 260 X at Min Y 262 X at Max Y 262
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 17
Count Measurements 263
Positive Pulse Count 263 Negative Pulse Count 263 Rising Edge Count 264 Falling Edges Count 264
Mixed Measurements 264
Area 264
Measurement Thresholds 265
Measurement Window 267
Measurement Statistics 267
15 Mask Testing
To create a mask from a "golden" waveform (Automask) 271
Mask Test Setup Options 274
Mask Statistics 276
To manually modify a mask file 277
Building a Mask File 280
How is mask testing done? 282
16 Digital Voltmeter
17 Waveform Generator
To select generated waveform types and settings 287
To edit arbitrary waveforms 291
Creating New Arbitrary Waveforms 293 Editing Existing Arbitrary Waveforms 294 Capturing Other Waveforms to the Arbitrary Waveform 299
To output the waveform generator sync pulse 299
To specify the expected output load 300
To use waveform generator logic presets 300
To add noise to the waveform generator output 301
To add modulation to the waveform generator output 302
To set up Amplitude Modulation (AM) 303 To set up Frequency Modulation (FM) 304 To set up Frequency-Shift Keying Modulation (FSK) 306
To restore waveform generator defaults 307
To set up dual channel tracking 307
18 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
18 Save/Recall (Setups, Screens, Data)
Saving Setups, Screen Images, or Data 309
To save setup files 311 To save BMP or PNG image files 311 To save CSV, ASCII XY, or BIN data files 312 Length Control 314 To save Lister data files 315 To save reference waveform files to a USB storage device 315 To save masks 316 To save arbitrary waveforms 316 To navigate storage locations 317 To en t e r file n a mes 317
Recalling Setups, Masks, or Data 318
To recall setup files 319 To recall mask files 319 To recall reference waveform files from a USB storage
device 319 To recall arbitrary waveforms 320
Recalling Default Setups 321
Performing a Secure Erase 321
19 Print (Screens)
To print the oscilloscope's display 323
To set up network printer connections 325
To specify the print options 326
To specify the palette option 327
20 Utility Settings
I/O Interface Settings 329
Setting up the Oscilloscope's LAN Connection 330
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 19
To establish a LAN connection 331 Stand-alone (Point-to-Point) Connection to a PC 332
File Explorer 333
Setting Oscilloscope Preferences 335
To choose "expand about" center or ground 335 To disable/enable transparent backgrounds 336 To load the default label library 336 To set up the screen saver 336 To set AutoScale preferences 337
Setting the Oscilloscope's Clock 338
Setting the Rear Panel TRIG OUT Source 339
Setting the Reference Signal Mode 339
To supply a sample clock to the oscilloscope 340
Maximum input voltage at 10 MHz REF connector 340 To synchronize the timebase of two or more instruments 341
Performing Service Tasks 342
To perform user calibration 342 To perform hardware self test 344 To perform front panel self test 345 To display oscilloscope information 345 To display the user calibration status 345 To clean the oscilloscope 345 To check warranty and extended services status 346 To contact Agilent 346 To return the instrument 346
Configuring the [Quick Action] Key 347
21 Web Interface
Accessing the Web Interface 350
20 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
22 Reference
Browser Web Control 351
Real Scope Remote Front Panel 352 Simple Remote Front Panel 353 Browser-Based Remote Front Panel 354 Remote Programming via the Web Interface 355 Remote Programming with Agilent IO Libraries 356
Save/Recall 357
Saving Files via the Web Interface 357 Recalling Files via the Web Interface 358
Get Image 359
Identification Function 360
Instrument Utilities 360
Setting a Password 363
Specifications and Characteristics 367
Measurement Category 367
Oscilloscope Measurement Category 368 Measurement Category Definitions 368 Transient Withstand Capability 369
Maximum input voltage at analog inputs 369
Maximum input voltage at digital channels 369
Environmental Conditions 369
Probes and Accessories 370
Passive Probes 371 Single-Ended Active Probes 371 Differential Probes 372 Current Probes 373
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 21
Accessories Available 373
Loading Licenses and Displaying License Information 374
Licensed Options Available 375 Other Options Available 376 Upgrading to an MSO 376
Software and Firmware Updates 377
Binary Data (.bin) Format 377
Binary Data in MATLAB 378 Binary Header Format 378 Example Program for Reading Binary Data 381 Examples of Binary Files 381
CSV and ASCII XY files 384
CSV and ASCII XY file structure 385 Minimum and Maximum Values in CSV Files 385
Acknowledgements 386
23 CAN/LIN Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for CAN Signals 387
CAN Triggering 389
CAN Serial Decode 391
Interpreting CAN Decode 392 CAN Totalizer 393 Interpreting CAN Lister Data 394 Searching for CAN Data in the Lister 395
Setup for LIN Signals 396
LIN Triggering 397
LIN Serial Decode 399
Interpreting LIN Decode 401 Interpreting LIN Lister Data 402
22 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Searching for LIN Data in the Lister 403
24 FlexRay Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for FlexRay Signals 405
FlexRay Triggering 406
Triggering on FlexRay Frames 407 Triggering on FlexRay Errors 408 Triggering on FlexRay Events 408
FlexRay Serial Decode 409
Interpreting FlexRay Decode 410 FlexRay Totalizer 411 Interpreting FlexRay Lister Data 412 Searching for FlexRay Data in the Lister 413
25 I2C/SPI Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for I2C Signals 415
I2C Triggering 416
I2C Serial Decode 420
Interpreting I2C Decode 421 Interpreting I2C Lister Data 423 Searching for I2C Data in the Lister 423
Setup for SPI Signals 424
SPI Triggering 428
SPI Serial Decode 430
Interpreting SPI Decode 432 Interpreting SPI Lister Data 433 Searching for SPI Data in the Lister 433
26 I2S Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for I2S Signals 435
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 23
I2S Triggering 438
I2S Serial Decode 441
Interpreting I2S Decode 442 Interpreting I2S Lister Data 443 Searching for I2S Data in the Lister 444
27 MIL-STD-1553/ARINC 429 Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for MIL-STD-1553 Signals 445
MIL-STD-1553 Triggering 447
MIL-STD-1553 Serial Decode 448
Interpreting MIL-STD-1553 Decode 449 Interpreting MIL-STD-1553 Lister Data 450 Searching for MIL-STD-1553 Data in the Lister 451
Setup for ARINC 429 Signals 452
ARINC 429 Triggering 453
ARINC 429 Serial Decode 455
Interpreting ARINC 429 Decode 457 ARINC 429 Totalizer 458 Interpreting ARINC 429 Lister Data 459 Searching for ARINC 429 Data in the Lister 460
28 UART/RS232 Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for UART/RS232 Signals 461
UART/RS232 Triggering 463
UART/RS232 Serial Decode 465
Interpreting UART/RS232 Decode 467 UART/RS232 Totalizer 468 Interpreting UART/RS232 Lister Data 469 Searching for UART/RS232 Data in the Lister 469
24 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
29 USB 2.0 Triggering and Serial Decode
Setup for USB 2.0 Signals 471
USB 2.0 Triggering 473
USB 2.0 Serial Decode 475
Interpreting USB 2.0 Decode 476 Interpreting USB 2.0 Lister Data 478 Searching for USB 2.0 Data in the Lister 479
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 25
26 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
1 Getting Started
Inspect the Package Contents 27 Tilt the Oscilloscope for Easy Viewing 30 Power-On the Oscilloscope 30 Connect Probes to the Oscilloscope 31 Input a Waveform 32 Recall the Default Oscilloscope Setup 33 Use Auto Scale 33 Compensate Passive Probes 35 Learn the Front Panel Controls and Connectors 36 Learn the Touchscreen Controls 45 Learn the Rear Panel Connectors 56 Learn the Oscilloscope Display 58 Access the Built-In Quick Help 60
This chapter describes the steps you take when using the oscilloscope for the first time.
Inspect the Package Contents
Inspect the shipping container for damage.
If your shipping container appears to be damaged, keep the shipping container or cushioning material until you have inspected the contents of the shipment for completeness and have checked the oscilloscope mechanically and electrically.
1 Getting Started
Verify that you received the following items and any optional
accessories you may have ordered:
InfiniiVision 4000 X- Series oscilloscope.
Power cord (country of origin determines specific type).
Oscilloscope probes:
Two probes for 2-channel models.
Four probes for 4- channel models.
Digital probe kit (MSO models only).
Documentation CD- ROM.
28 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series oscilloscope
Getting Started 1
N2894A probes (Qty 2 or 4)
Documentation CD
Digital Probe Kit* (MSO models only)
Power cord (Based on country
f origin)
*N6450-60001 Digital Probe Kit contains: N6450-61601 16-channel cable (qyt 1) 01650-82103 2-inch probe ground leads (qyt 5) 5090-4832 Grabber (qyt 20)
Digital probe replacement parts are listed in the "Digital Channels" chapter.
See Also “Accessories Available" on page 373
Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide 29
1 Getting Started
Tilt the Oscilloscope for Easy Viewing
The oscilloscope can be tilted up for easier viewing. 1 Tilt the oscilloscope forward. Rotate the foot down and toward the rear
of the oscilloscope. The foot will lock into place.
2 Repeat for the other foot. 3 Rock the oscilloscope back so that it rests securely on its feet.
To retract the feet: 1 Tilt the oscilloscope forward. Press the foot release button and rotate
the foot up and toward the front of the oscilloscope.
2 Repeat for the other foot.
Power-On the Oscilloscope
Line voltage, frequency, and power:
~Line 100- 120 Vac, 50/60/400 Hz
100- 240 Vac, 50/60 Hz
120 W max
30 Agilent InfiniiVision 4000 X-Series Oscilloscopes User's Guide
+ 458 hidden pages