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Manual Part Number
Fifth Edition, March 2011
Print History
54695-97015, June 2009
54695-97018, January 2010
54695-97022, February 2010
54695-97024, June 2010
Printed in Malaysia
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
1900 Garden of the Gods Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
A newer version of this manual
may be available at
This guide was written for version 6.1 of the
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000/6000/7000 Series
Oscilloscope software.
Trademark Acknowledgments
Java is a U.S. trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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The hardware and/or software described in
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If software is for use in the performance of a
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Product specifications, characteristics, and
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Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like
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A WARNING notice denotes a
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notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and
2InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
Navigate to a step in your workflow
Book Map
Click the text to jump to a chapter
Initial SetupConnecting to the
Tr ig ge ri ng
Device Under Test
DisplayingMeasurements and
Printing and Saving
Math Functions
Navigate to a topic
Acquisition ModesWeb InterfaceSerial
Mask TestControls and
Digital Channels
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide3
In This User’s Guide…
This guide shows you how to use the InfiniiVision 5000/6000/7000 Series
oscilloscopes. It contains the following chapters and topics:
Model numbers, options, where to find specifications.
2Initial Setup
Unpacking and setting up your oscilloscope. Using the Quick Help system.
Using the analog channels, setting up the timebase.
3Connecting to the Device Under Test
Connect the oscilloscope to the device under test using passive or active
probes or 50-ohm BNC cables.
Stabilizing and interpreting the display, AutoScale. Using pan and zoom.
Adjusting display intensity, using infinite persistence, using labels. XGA
video output.
6Measurements and Math Functions
Automatic time and voltage measurements, FFTs, math functions,
measurement statistics, cursor measurements, XY mode horizontal.
7Printing and Saving
Printing the oscilloscope’s display, saving setups and data, and using the
file explorer.
8Acquisition Modes
Run, Stop, and Single acquisitions. Selecting normal, average, peak detect,
or high resolution (smoothing) mode. About the Realtime option. Using
segmented memory.
4InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
9Web Interface
Setting up the I/O port, establishing LAN connection, using the
oscilloscope’s web interface.
10Serial Decode/Lister
Serial decode of I2C, I2S, SPI, CAN, LIN, RS232 (UART), FlexRay, and
MIL-STD 1553 serial buses.
11Mask Test
Using mask test to identify signal excursions beyond set limits.
12Controls and Connectors
Click on a control or connector to find out how to use it.
13Digital Channels
Using the digital channels of a mixed-signal oscilloscope (MSO).
Software updates, licenses, Secure Environment mode, Measurement
Category, Environmental Conditions, synchronizing the timebases of
multiple instruments, cleaning, binary and csv data files, warranty status,
Contact Us.
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide5
6InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
Book Map3
In This User’s Guide…4
Models Covered in this Manual22
Specifications and Characteristics23
Licensed Options 24
2Initial Setup27
Package Contents28
5000 Series Oscilloscope Package Contents29
6000A Series Oscilloscope Package Contents30
6000A Option BAT Oscilloscope Package Contents31
6000L Series Oscilloscope Package Contents32
7000A Series Oscilloscope Package Contents33
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide7
Accessories Available 34
Tilt the oscilloscope up for easy viewing 36
To tilt the 5000 Series oscilloscope up for easy viewing36
To tilt the 6000 Series oscilloscope up for easy viewing37
To tilt the 7000 Series oscilloscope up for easy viewing38
To install the optional front panel overlay40
5000 Series Overlay40
6000 Series Overlay41
7000 Series Overlay42
To mount the oscilloscope in a rack43
To mount the 5000 or 6000 Series oscilloscope in a rack43
To mount the 6000L Series oscilloscope in a rack43
To mount the 7000 Series oscilloscope in a rack46
Ventilation Requirements47
5000 and 6000A Series Ventilation Requirements47
6000L Series Ventilation Requirements47
7000 Series Ventilation Requirements47
Power Requirements48
Power-on the 5000/6000/7000 Series Oscilloscope49
Power-on the Battery-Powered 6000A Series Oscilloscope49
Caution indicator.50
3Connecting to the Device Under Test71
AC adapter for battery-powered oscilloscopes52
Keys, Softkeys, and the Entry Knob53
Verifying Basic Oscilloscope Operation54
Quick Help55
Quick Help Languages 56
Graphical User Interface Languages56
Quick Help Updates56
To set the clock57
To set up the screen saver58
Using the Analog Channels 59
To set up the Horizontal time base 64
Analog Input Impedance (50 Ohm or 1 MOhm)72
8InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
AutoProbe Interface72
Passive Probes73
Active Probes74
Active Probes for 6000 Series 100 MHz Bandwidth Models75
Connect the Probes to the Oscilloscope75
Maximum input voltage at analog inputs76
Do not float the oscilloscope chassis76
Compensating Passive Probes77
Calibrating Probes78
Manually Setting the Probe Attenuation Factor80
Digital Probes80
Triggering - General Information83
Trigger Mode and Coupling Menu84
Auto and Normal Trigger modes84
Choosing Auto Trigger Mode or Normal Trigger Mode84
Auto Mode85
Normal Mode85
Trigger Level Adjustment86
Trigger Coupling87
Trigger Noise Rejection87
HF Reject88
LF Reject89
Noise Rejection89
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide9
Trigger Holdoff90
Trigger Holdoff Operating Hints90
To set holdoff90
External Trigger Input92
2-Channel Oscilloscope External Trigger Input92
Maximum voltage at 2-channel oscilloscope external trigger
4-Channel Oscilloscope External Trigger Input94
Maximum voltage at 4-channel oscilloscope external trigger
Trigger Outpu t95
Tr ig g er s95
Source Frequency95
Source Frequency/895
Trigger Types96
CAN Trigger98
Duration Trigger102
< qualifier time set softkey103
> qualifier time set softkey103
Edge Trigger105
FlexRay Setup and Triggering107
Setup for FlexRay Signals107
FlexRay Triggering108
< qualifier time set softkey141
> qualifier time set softkey142
Sequence Trigger143
Define the “Find” Stage145
Define the “Trigger on” Stage146
Define the Optional “Reset on” Stage147
Adjust the Trigger Level149
SPI Trigger150
Assign Oscilloscope Channels to SPI Signals151
Set Up the Bits in the Serial Data String155
Resetting All Bits in the Serial Data String to One Value155
TV Trigger156
TV Triggering Examples159
To trigger on a specific line of video160
To trigger on all sync pulses161
To trigger on a specific field of the video signal161
To trigger on all fields of the video signal162
To trigger on odd or even fields163
UART/RS232 Trigger166
USB Trigger170
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide11
Tips for Displaying Waveforms174
Stabilizing the Display174
Interpreting the Display175
Graphic Symbols in Softkey Menus176
How AutoScale works177
Undo AutoScale177
Enabling Fast Debug AutoScale178
Specifying the Channels Displayed After AutoScale178
Preserving the Acquisition Mode During AutoScale178
Time Measurements199
Delay and Phase Measurements203
Voltage Measurements205
Overshoot and Preshoot Measurements211
Cursor Measurements214
To make cursor measurements215
Cursor Examples217
XY Horizontal Mode220
Math Functions224
To use waveform math224
To perform a math function upon an arithmetic operation225
Math scale and offset225
Add or Subtract228
Square Root234
FFT Measurement236
FFT Operation238
Enabling Precision Measurements and Math242
7Printing and Saving243
Printing the Oscilloscope’s Display244
Quick Print244
To print the oscilloscope’s display245
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide13
Saving Oscilloscope Data247
Selecting a Destination for Your Saved Data
Selecting a File Name249
Saving Waveform Trace and Oscilloscope Setup250
Display Image and Waveform Data File Formats250
Choosing Save Settings251
To save a waveform and/or setup to a USB mass storage
To save a waveform and/or setup to the oscilloscope’s internal
To recall waveform trace and/or oscilloscope setup256
File Explorer257
8Acquisition Modes261
To start and stop an acquisition262
To make a single acquisition264
Acquisition Modes265
At Slower Sweep Speeds265
Selecting the Acquisition mode265
Normal Mode265
Peak Detect Mode266
High Resolution Mode266
Averaging Mode267
Realtime Sampling Option269
9Web Interface275
14InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
Segmented Memory271
Using segmented memory271
Setting up the Oscilloscope’s LAN Connection276
To establish a LAN connection276
To establish a LAN connection (6000L Series)277
Stand-alone (Point-to-Point) Connection to a PC278
Accessing the Web Interface280
Browser Web Control281
Remote Front Panel281
Remote Programming283
Remote Programming with Agilent IO Libraries284
Get Image285
Identification Function286
Instrument Utilities287
Setting a Password288
10Serial Decode/Lister291
Serial Decode292
CAN Serial Decode295
Interpreting CAN Decode298
CAN Totalizer299
Interpreting CAN Lister Data301
To create a mask from a “golden” waveform (Automask)338
Troubleshooting Mask Setup339
Setup Options340
Run Until340
On Error340
Source Lock341
Mask Test Trigger Output342
Mask Statistics343
Reset Statistics344
To manually modify a mask file345
Building a Mask File348
16InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
12Controls and Connectors351
Front Panel352
5000/6000 Series Front Panel (4-channel) 352
5000/6000 Series Front Panel (2-Channel, differences
6000L Series Front and Rear Panel354
7000 Series Front Panel (4-Channel) 355
7000 Series Front Panel (2-Channel, differences only)356
Front Panel Control and Connector Descriptions357
Do not connect a host computer to the oscilloscope’s USB host
Rear Panel362
5000 Series Rear Panel (4-Channel)362
5000 Series Rear Panel (2-Channel)363
6000 Series Rear Panel (4-Channel) 364
6000 Series Rear Panel (2-Channel)365
6000 Series Option BAT Rear Panel (4-Channel)366
7000 Series Rear Panel (4-Channel) 367
7000 Series Rear Panel (2-Channel)368
Rear Panel Control and Connector Descriptions369
13Digital Channels371
To connect the digital probes to the device under test372
Probe cable for digital channels372
Acquiring waveforms using the digital channels375
To display digital channels using AutoScale376
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide17
Interpreting the digital waveform display378
To change the displayed size of the digital channels379
To switch a single channel on or off379
To switch all digital channels on or off379
To switch groups of channels on or off379
To change the logic threshold for digital channels380
To reposition a digital channel380
To display digital channels as a bus381
Digital channel signal fidelity: Probe impedance and
Input Impedance385
Probe Grounding387
Best Probing Practices388
To replace digital probe leads389
To restore the oscilloscope to its default configuration392
•Powerful triggering including analog HDTV, I
FlexRay, MIL-STD 1553, and USB.
•USB and LAN ports make printing, saving and sharing data easy. GPIB
ports on 5000 and 6000 Series models.
•2-channel and 4-channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) models.
•2+16-channel and 4+16-channel Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO)
•An MSO lets you debug your mixed-signal designs using up to four
analog signals and 16 tightly correlated digital signals simultaneously.
•You can easily upgrade an InfiniiVision 6000 or 7000 Series
oscilloscope from a DSO to an MSO and/or add features such as
Segmented Memory and Mask Test.
Agilent InfiniiVision oscilloscopes feature MegaZoom III technology:
•Most responsive deep memory.
•High definition color display.
•Largest display in its class (7000 Series, 12.1 inches).
•Fastest waveform update rates, uncompromised.
For more information about InfiniiVision oscilloscopes, see:
Models Covered in this Manual
Bandwidth100 MHz300 MHz500 MHz
Maximum Sample Rate2GSa/s2GSa/s4GSa/s
2-Channel DSODSO5012ADSO5032ADSO5052A
4-Channel DSODSO5014ADSO5034ADSO5054A
Please see the InfiniiVision oscilloscope data sheets for complete, up-to-date
specifications and characteristics. To download a data sheet, please visit:
Then, select the Library tab, followed by Specifications.
Or, go to the Agilent home page at and search for 5000, 6000, or 7000 series oscilloscopes data sheet.
To order a data sheet by phone, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list
is available at: or on page page 420.
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide23
Licensed Options
Many of the following licensed options can be easily installed without returning the
oscilloscope to a Service Center. Not all options can be installed on all models. See data
sheets for details. To see the list of options installed on your oscilloscope, press
decode (for 4 channel or 4+16
channel models only)
FPGN5406A FPGA dynamic probe for
Xilinx (MSO recommended)
FLXFlexRay trigger and decode (for 4
channel or 4+16 channel models
only). Includes mask limit test option
(LMT), segmented memory option
(SGM), and FlexRay physical layer
conformance test application option
Order N5457A after purchase (Option 232 at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
Order N5469A after purchase (Option 553 at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
N5434A with Option 001 (Oscilloscope-locked
license) or Option 002 (PC-locked license).
Software is installed on an external PC.
Order N5424A after purchase (Option AMS at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
N5406A with Option 001 (Oscilloscope-locked
license) or Option 002 (PC-locked license).
Software is installed on an external PC.
Order N5432C after purchase (Option FLX at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself. FlexRay triggering and decode
FRCFlexRay Physical Layer Conformance
Test Application
LMTMask Limit TestOrder N5455A after purchase (Option LMT at
24InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
Order U7244A. Application runs on a PC
connected to InfiniiVision oscilloscope.
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
Option DescriptionOrder
LSSI2C/SPI serial decode option (for 4
channel or 4+16 channel models only)
MSOMixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO).
Upgrade a DSO to an MSO.
PWRU1881A Power ApplicationOrder U1881A. Application runs on PC
SECSecure Environment ModeNonvolatile memory is cleared of all setup and
SGMSegmented MemoryOrder N5454A after purchase (Option SGM at
SNDI2S serial decode option (for 4 channel
or 4+16 channel models only)
Order N5423A after purchase (Option LSS at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
Order N2735, N2736A, or N2737A. You can
easily install this option yourself. The logic
cable kit is supplied with the MSO license.
connected to InfiniiVision oscilloscope.
Optional U1880A deskew fixture available.
trace settings in compliance with National
Industrial Security Program Operation Manual
(NISPOM) Chapter 8 requirements. Available at
time of purchase only. See also
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
Order N5468A after purchase (Option SND at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
page 402.
See also “Installed Licenses” on page 400.
A6JANSI Z540 Compliant Calibration
InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide25
Built-in Quick Help
A Quick Help system is built into the oscilloscope. Press and hold any key to display Quick Help.
Complete instructions for using the quick help system are given on
Digital Channels
Because all of the oscilloscopes in the Agilent InfiniiVision Series have analog channels, the
analog channel topics in this book apply to all instruments. Whenever a topic discusses the digital
channels, that information applies only to Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (MSO) models or DSO
models that have been upgraded to an MSO (available on the 6000 and 7000 Series oscilloscopes).
Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys and softkeys
Instructions for pressing a series of keys are written in an abbreviated manner. Instructions for
pressing Key1, then pressing Softkey2, then pressing Softkey3 are abbreviated as follows:
The keys may be a front panel [Key] or a Softkey. Softkeys are the six keys located directly below
the oscilloscope display.
page 55.
Using this book with the 6000L Series oscilloscopes
The 6000L Series oscilloscopes do not have a built-in display or front panel control keys. If you are
using a 6000L Series oscilloscope, and this book refers to using front panel controls, you can use
the built-in Web control feature described on
complete the instructions.
“Accessing the Web Interface” on page 280 to
26InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes User’s Guide
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000/6000/7000 Series Oscilloscope
User’s Guide
Initial Setup
Package Contents 28
5000 Series Oscilloscope Package Contents 29
6000A Series Oscilloscope Package Contents 30
6000A Option BAT Oscilloscope Package Contents31
6000L Series Oscilloscope Package Contents 32
7000A Series Oscilloscope Package Contents 33
Accessories Available 34
Tilt the oscilloscope up for easy viewing36
To install the optional front panel overlay 40
To mount the oscilloscope in a rack43
Ventilation Requirements 47
Power Requirements48
Power-on the 5000/6000/7000 Series Oscilloscope49
Power-on the Battery-Powered 6000A Series Oscilloscope49
Verifying Basic Oscilloscope Operation 54
Quick Help 55
Graphical User Interface Languages56
To set the clock57
To set up the screen saver58
Keys, Softkeys, and the Entry Knob 53
Using the Analog Channels 59
To set up the Horizontal time base64
This chapter shows package contents for each oscilloscope model, and
explains how to set up the oscilloscope. Information about using the
analog channels and setting up the horizontal timebase is given. For an
overview of front panel controls see “Controls and Connectors” on
page 351.
2Initial Setup
Package Contents
✔ Inspect the shipping container for damage.
✔ Verify that you received the following items and any optional accessories you may
If your shipping container appears to be damaged, keep the shipping container or
cushioning material until you have inspected the contents of the shipment for
completeness and have checked the oscilloscope mechanically and electrically.