Agilent U2702A, U2701A Data Sheet

Agilent U2701A/U2702A USB Modular Oscilloscopes
IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference for Agilent VEE
Agilent Technologies
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Manual Part Number
First Edition, March 22, 2009
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95052 USA
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II U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference


1 Introduction to IVI-COM
Getting Started 2
Installation Guide 3
General Guidelines for Oscilloscope Programming 5
Side-by-Side SCPI and IVI-COM Comparison of the U2701A/U2702A
Commands 6
2 Configuration
Count 12
Item 13
BandwidthLimit 13 Configure 15 Coupling 18 Enabled 20 Offset 22 ProbeAttenuation 24 Range 26
Name 29
Close 31
Initialize 32
Initialized 34
Configure 35
Coupling 37
Edge 39
Configure 39 Slope 41
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference III
Glitch 43
Condition 43 Configure 45 Polarity 47 Width 49
Holdoff 50
Modifier 51
Level 53
Source 54
Status 55
TV 56
Configure 56 Event 59 LineNumber 61 SignalFormat 62 Type 64
Width 66
Condition 66 Configure 68 Polarity 71 ThresholdHigh 73 ThresholdLow 74
Clear 75
ConfigureServiceRequest 76
Preset 78
Register 79
SerialPoll 81
TimeoutMilliseconds 82
IV U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
WaitForOperationComplete 84
Disable 85
ErrorQuery 86
LockObject 88
Reset 89
ResetWithDefaults 90
SelfTest 91
UnlockObject 93
Enumeration Members 94
AgilentU2701AGlitchConditionEnum 94 AgilentU2701AGlitchPolarityEnum 95 AgilentU2701ASRQReasonEnum 95 AgilentU2701AStatusRegisterEnum 97 AgilentU2701AStatusSubRegisterEnum 98 AgilentU2701ATriggerCouplingEnum 99 AgilentU2701ATriggerModifierEnum 99 AgilentU2701ATriggerSlopeEnum 100 AgilentU2701ATriggerTypeEnum 101 AgilentU2701ATVSignalFormatEnum 102 AgilentU2701ATVTriggerEventEnum 103 AgilentU2701AVerticalCouplingEnum 104 AgilentU2701AWidthConditionEnum 105 AgilentU2701AWidthPolarityEnum 105
3 Acquisition
ConfigureRecord 108
Interpolation 110
NumberOfAverages 112
RecordLength 113
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference V
SampleMode 114
SampleRate 116
StartTime 117
TimePerRecord 119
Type 122
Enumeration Members 124
AgilentU2701AAcquisitionStatusEnum 124 AgilentU2701AAcquisitionTypeEnum 125 AgilentU2701AInterpolationEnum 126 AgilentU2701ASampleModeEnum 126
4 Waveform Display
Abort 128
AutoSetup 129
Count 130
Initiate 131
IsWaveformElementInvalid 132
Item 134
FetchWaveform 134 ReadWaveform 136
5 Post Analysis
Abort 140
AutoSetup 141
Count 142
Initiate 143
IsWaveformElementInvalid 144
VI U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Item 146
FetchWaveform 146 FetchWaveformMeasurement 148 ReadWaveform 150 ReadWaveformMeasurement 152
MathFunction 154
Name 156
Status 157
Enumeration Members 159
AgilentU2701AMathOperationEnum 159 AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum 160 AgilentU2701ATimeOutEnum 163
Calibrate 166
Date 167
Label 168
Time 169
Cache 170
ClearInterchangeWarnings 171
DriverSetup 172
GetNextCoercionRecord 173
GetNextInterchangeWarning 174
InterchangeCheck 175
InvalidateAllAttributes 176
IoResourceDescriptor 177
LogicalName 178
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference VII
QueryInstrumentStatus 179
RangeCheck 180
RecordCoercions 181
ResetInterchangeCheck 182
Simulate 183
Description 184
GroupCapabilities 185
Identifier 186
InstrumentFirmwareRevision 187
InstrumentManufacturer 188
InstrumentModel 189
Revision 190
SpecificationMajorVersion 191
SpecificationMinorVersion 192
SupportedInstrumentModels 193
Vendor 194
SerialNumber 195
7 Application Example
Introduction 198
Creating connectivity to the IVI-COM driver 198
Complete Example 207
VIII U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
U2701A/U2702A USB Modular Oscilloscope IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference for Agilent VEE

1 Introduction to IVI-COM

Getting Started 2 Installation Guide 3 General Guidelines for Oscilloscope Programming 5 Side-by-Side SCPI and IVI-COM Comparison of the U2701A/U2702A
Commands 6
This chapter introduces the remote programming basics of the U2701A/U2702A USB modular oscilloscopes. The IVI- COM programming commands provide the means to control this instrument remotely via a PC.
Agilent Technologies
1 Introduction to IVI-COM

Getting Started

The IVI Foundation is an open consortium founded in year 1998 to promote specifications for programming test instruments.
For complete information on the IVI Foundation and for the most up- to- date versions of all IVI specifications and components, you can visit the IVI Foundation web site at
2 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference

Installation Guide

1 To download the AgilentU2701A IVI Driver, go to the Agilent Technical
Support web site at: US&lc=eng&t=80029.k.0&guid=181735
2 Click Drivers & Software > IVI-COM and IVI-C for U2701A/U2702A to download
the AgilentU2701A IVI Driver package.
3 Save the file to any location on your hard disk.
4 Disconnect any instrument that is connected to your PC and close all
other applications on your PC.
5 Double- click the saved installation file to begin installation.
6 The latest version of the IVI Shared Components should be downloaded
from prior to installing the AgilentU2701A IVI Driver package. It is recommended that you periodically check for newer versions of the IVI Shared Components and update as available from the IVI Foundation.
7 If the latest version of the IVI Shared Components is detected,
installation of the AgilentU2701A IVI Driver will proceed as normal.
Introduction to IVI-COM 1
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 3
1 Introduction to IVI-COM
8 The AgilentU2701A IVI Driver Setup Wizard dialog will appear. Click
Next to begin.
9 Read the License Agreement and select I accept the terms in the License
Agreement to proceed. You may click Print to print a hardcopy of the Agilent License Terms for your reference. Click Next to proceed.
10 Fill in the Customer Information Form accordingly, and click Next.
11 Select the Ty p i c a l or Full option in the Setup Type to install the
AgilentU2701A IVI Driver package. Advanced users may select the Custom option to customize the program features to be installed and where they will be installed. Click Next to proceed.
12 Click Next to install to the specified folder or click Change to install to
a different folder.
13 Click Install to begin the installation of the AgilentU2701A IVI Driver
14 Click Finish when the installation has completed.
4 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Introduction to IVI-COM 1
Waveform Display
Post Analysis
You can use the commands in this section to configure the oscilloscope channels for waveform acquisition, set the type of event that triggers the oscilloscope, modify the registry status, and perform various utility operations.
You can use the commands in this section to configure the acquisition type, the size of the waveform record, the length of time that corresponds to overall waveform record, and the position of the first point in the waveform record relative to the trigger event.
The statements in this section is used to acquire waveform data from the oscilloscope. You can use the commands in this section to initiate, acquire, and abort measurements.
The statements in this section is used to analyze the waveform data acquired from the oscilloscope. You can also use the commands in this section to initiate, acquire, and abort measurements.

General Guidelines for Oscilloscope Programming

The block diagram below illustrates the general flow of steps required to program an oscilloscope. The necessary IVI- COM driver commands are arranged to reflect this block diagram.
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 5
1 Introduction to IVI-COM
Side-by-Side SCPI and IVI-COM Comparison of the
U2701A/U2702A Commands
Tab l e 1 - 1 SCPI, IAgilentU2701A IVI, and IIviScope command comparison
SCPI command IAgilentU2701A IVI command IIviScope command
IEEE 488.2 Common commands
*CLS IAgilentU2701AStatus.Clear -
*IDN IIviDriver.Identity IIviDriver.Identity
*OPC? IAgilentU2701ASystem.WaitForOperation
*RST IIviDriverUtility.Reset() IIviDriverUtility.Reset()
Root level commands
AUTO IAgilentU2701AMeasurements.AutoSetup IIviScopeMeasurements.AutoSetup
ACQuire commands
AVERages IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.NumberOf
MODE IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.SampleMode IIviScopeAcquisition.SampleMode
SRATe? IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.SampleRate IIviScopeAcquisition.SampleRate
TYPE IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.Type IIviScopeAcquisition.Type
CHANnel<n> commands
BWLimit IAgilentU2701AChannel.BandwidthLimit -
COUPling IAgilentU2701AChannel.Coupling IIviScopeChannel.Coupling
DISPlay IAgilentU2701AChannel.Enabled IIviScopeChannel.Enabled
INVert - -
OFFSet IAgilentU2701AChannel.Offset IIviScopeChannel.Offset
PROBe IAgilentU2701AChannel.ProbeAttenuation IIviScopeChannel.ProbeAttenuation
SCALe IAgilentU2701AChannel.Range IIviScopeChannel.Range
6 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Introduction to IVI-COM 1
Tab l e 1 - 1 SCPI, IAgilentU2701A IVI, and IIviScope command comparison
SCPI command IAgilentU2701A IVI command IIviScope command
KEY commands
AUTO_SCALE IAgilentU2701AMeasurements.AutoSetup IIviScopeMeasurements.AutoSetup
CH1 IAgilentU2701AChannel.Enabled IIviScopeChannel.Enabled
CH1_POS_DEC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Offset IIviScopeChannel.Offset
CH1_POS_INC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Offset IIviScopeChannel.Offset
CH1_SCALE_DEC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Range IIviScopeChannel.Range
CH1_SCALE_INC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Range IIviScopeChannel.Range
CH2 IAgilentU2701AChannel.Enabled IIviScopeChannel.Enabled
CH2_POS_DEC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Offset IIviScopeChannel.Offset
CH2_POS_INC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Offset IIviScopeChannel.Offset
CH2_SCALE_DEC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Range IIviScopeChannel.Range
CH2_SCALE_INC IAgilentU2701AChannel.Range IIviScopeChannel.Range
MAIN_DELAYED IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.StartTime IIviScopeAcquisition.StartTime
MATH IAgilentU2701AMeasurementsMathFunction -
MEASURE IAgilentU2701AMeasurement IIviScope.Measurement
MODE_COUPLING IAgilentU2701AChannel.Coupling IIviScopeChannel.Coupling
SINGLE IAgilentU2701AMeasurements.Initiate IIviScopeMeasurements.Initiate
TIME_POS_DEC IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.StartTime IIviScopeAcquisition.StartTime
TIME_POS_INC IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.StartTime IIviScopeAcquisition.StartTime
TIME_SCALE_DEC IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.TimePerRecord IIviScopeAcquisition.TimePerRecord
TIME_SCALE_INC IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.TimePerRecord IIviScopeAcquisition.TimePerRecord
TRIG_LVL_DEC IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Level Property IIviScopeTrigger.Level
TRIG_LVL_INC IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Level Property IIviScopeTrigger.Level
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 7
1 Introduction to IVI-COM
Tab l e 1 - 1 SCPI, IAgilentU2701A IVI, and IIviScope command comparison
SCPI command IAgilentU2701A IVI command IIviScope command
MEASure commands
FALLtime AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
FREQuency AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
NDUTycycle AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
NWIDth AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
OVERshoot AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
PDUTycycle AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
PERiod AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
PREShoot AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
PWIDth AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
RISetime AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VAMPlitude AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VAVerage AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VBASe AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VMAX AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VMIN AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
8 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Introduction to IVI-COM 1
Tab l e 1 - 1 SCPI, IAgilentU2701A IVI, and IIviScope command comparison
SCPI command IAgilentU2701A IVI command IIviScope command
MEASure commands
VPP AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VRMS AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
VTOP AgilentU2701AMeasurementEnum Enumeration IviScopeMeasurementEnum Enumeration
TIMebase commands
DELayed IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.StartTime IIviScopeAcquisition.StartTime
HOLDoff IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Holdoff IIviScopeTrigger.Holdoff
POSition IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.StartTime IIviScopeAcquisition.StartTime
SCALe IAgilentU2701AAcquisition.TimePerRecord IIviScopeAcquisition.TimePerRecord
TRIGger commands
[EDGE]:COUPling IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Coupling Property IIviScopeChannel.Coupling
[EDGE]:LEVel IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Level Property IIviScopeTrigger.Level
[EDGE]:SLOPe IAgilentU2701ATriggerEdge.Slope Property IIviScopeTriggerEdge.Slope
[EDGE]:SOURe IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Source Property IIviScopeTrigger.Source
[EDGE]:SWEep IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Modifier Property IIviScopeTrigger.Modifier
MODE IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Type Property IIviScopeTrigger.Type
PULSe:MODE AgilentU2701ATriggerTypeEnum Enumeration IIviScopeTriggerTypeEnum Enumeration
PULSEe:WIDTh AgilentU2701ATriggerTypeEnum Enumeration IIviScopeTriggerTypeEnum Enumeration
STATus IAgilentU2701ATrigger.Status -
WAVeform commands
DATA? IAgilentU2701AMeasurement.ReadWaveform IIviScopeMeasurement.ReadWaveform
XINCrement? IAgilentU2701AMeasurement.ReadWaveform IIviScopeMeasurement.ReadWaveform
XORigin? IAgilentU2701AMeasurement.ReadWaveform IIviScopeMeasurement.ReadWaveform
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 9
1 Introduction to IVI-COM
10 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
U2701A/U2702A USB Modular Oscilloscope IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference for Agilent VEE

2 Configuration

Channels Interface commands starting on page 12 Close 31 Initialize 32 Initialized 34 Trigger Interface commands starting on page 37 Status Interface commands starting on page 75 System Interface commands starting on page 82 Utility Interface commands starting on page 85 Enumeration Members 94
This chapter describes the configuration commands used to program the U2701A/U2702A USB modular oscilloscopes over the remote interface. You can use the commands in this chapter to configure the oscilloscope channels for waveform acquisition, set the type of event that triggers the oscilloscope, modify the registry status, and perform various utility operations.
Agilent Technologies
2 Configuration


Ty p e
This command returns the number of channels available.
12 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference


Configuration 2
This is an interface reference pointer to the IAgilentU2701AChannel interface which is selected by the channel name.


Ty p e
Get and Set
This command returns/sets the bandwidth limit status for the selected channel. If If
False, the bandwidth limit for the selected channel is disabled.
True, the bandwidth limit for the selected channel is enabled.
Item Type Description
Name String The name of a channel. It may be either a name returned
by the Name property or a name mapped to a particular repeated capability in the session in the configuration store.
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 13
2 Configuration
Return Format
14 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Configuration 2


Ty p e
This command configures the most commonly used properties of the oscilloscope channel sub- system. Use this command to enable or disable the channel and to set the range, offset, coupling, and probe attenuation values.
Configure(Range, Offset, Coupling, ProbeAttenuation,
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 15
2 Configuration
Item Type Description
Name String The name of a channel. It may be either a name returned
by the Name property or a name mapped to a particular repeated capability in the session in the configuration store.
Range Double Specifies the vertical range. This value sets the Vertical
Range property.
Offset Double Specifies the vertical offset. This value sets the Vertical
Offset property.
Coupling AgilentU2701A
VerticalCoupling Enum
ProbeAttenuation Double Specifies the probe attenuation. This value sets the
Enabled Boolean Specifies if the channel is enabled for acquisition. This
Specifies how to couple the input signal. This value sets the Vertical Coupling property.
ProbeAttenuation property.
value sets the Channels.Enabled property.
Return Format
16 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Configuration 2
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 17
2 Configuration


Ty p e
Get and Set
This command returns/sets how the oscilloscope couples the input signal.
Item Type Description
Name String The name of a channel. It may be either a name returned
by the Name property or a name mapped to a particular repeated capability in the session in the configuration store.
Return Format
Item Type Description
AgilentU2701A VerticalCoupling Enum
18 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Enum See “AgilentU2701AVerticalCouplingEnum” on page 104.
Configuration 2
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 19
2 Configuration


Ty p e
Get and Set
If this command is set to True, the oscilloscope acquires a waveform for this channel when the IAgilentU2701AMeasurement.Initiate, IAgilentU2701AMeasurement.ReadWaveform, IAgilentU2701AMeasurement.ReadWaveformMeasurement, or IIviScopeMeasurement.ReadWaveformMinMax methods are called.
Item Type Description
Name String The name of a channel. It may be either a name returned
by the Name property or a name mapped to a particular repeated capability in the session in the configuration store.
Return Format
20 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
Configuration 2
U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference 21
2 Configuration


Ty p e
Get and Set
This command returns/sets the location of the center of the range that was specified with the Range property. The units are expressed in volts, with respect to ground. For example, to acquire a sine wave spanning from 0.0 V to 10.0 V, set Offset to 5.0 V.
Item Type Description
Name String The name of a channel. It may be either a name returned
by the Name property or a name mapped to a particular repeated capability in the session in the configuration store.
Return Format
22 U2701A/U2702A IVI-COM Programmer’s Reference
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