Agilent SureSelect XT HS2 RNA User Manual

SureSelect XT HS2 RNA System
Strand-Specific RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment for the Illumina Platform
Version A1, September 2020
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2020
No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including elec­tronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agree­ment and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws.
Manual Part Number
Version A1, September 2020
Printed in USA
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA
Oligonucleotide sequences © 2006, 2008, and 2011 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved. Only for use with the Illumina sequencer systems and associated assays.
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The hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accor­dance with the terms of such license.
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This product is provided under an agree­ment between Bio-Rad Laboratories and Agilent Technologies Inc., and the manufac­ture, use, sale or import of this product is subject to U.S. Pat. No. 6,627,424 and EP Pat. No.1 283 875 81, owned by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased amount of the product and components of the product in PCR (but not including real-time PCR) in the Research Field (including all Applied Research Fields, including but not limited to forensics, animal testing, and food testing) and in real-time PCR in the Diagnostics and Prognostics Fields. No rights are granted for use of this product for real-time PCR in the Research Field, including all Applied Research Fields (including but not limited to forensics, animal testing and food testing).
Limited Use Label License: This product and its use are the subject of one or more issued and/or pending U.S. and foreign patent applications owned by Max Planck Gesellschaft exclusively licensed to New England Biolabs, Inc. and sublicensed to Agilent Technologies. The purchase of this product from Agilent Technologies, Inc., its affiliates, or its authorized resellers and dis­tributors conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased amount of the product and components of the product in research conducted by the buyer (whether the buyer is an academic or for profit entity). The purchase of this prod­uct does not convey a license under any claims in the foregoing patents or patent applications directed to producing the prod­uct. The buyer cannot sell or otherwise transfer this product or its components to a third party or otherwise use this product for the following COMMERCIAL PURPOSES: (1) use of the product or its components in manufacturing; or (2) use of the product or its components for therapeutic or prophy­lactic purposes in humans or animals.
2 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to the product or loss of important data. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 3
In this Guide...
This guide provides an optimized protocol for preparation of target- enriched Illumina paired- end multiplexed sequencing libraries using the SureSelect XT HS2 RNA system.
1 Before You Begin
This chapter contains information that you should read and understand before you start an experiment.
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA
This chapter describes the steps to prepare, qualify and fragment the RNA samples, then convert RNA to cDNA fragments.
3 Library Preparation
This chapter describes the steps to prepare dual- indexed, molecular- barcoded cDNA sequencing libraries for target enrichment.
4 Hybridization and Capture
This chapter describes the steps to hybridize and capture the prepared cDNA library using a SureSelect or ClearSeq probe capture library.
5 Post-Capture Sample Processing for Multiplexed Sequencing
This chapter describes the steps for post- capture amplification and guidelines for sequencing sample preparation.
6 Reference
This chapter contains reference information, including component kit contents and index sequences.
4 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
What’s New in Version A1
• Updates to index pair sequence tables (page 80 through
• Updates to downstream sequencing support information
• Updates to thawing conditions in Table 13 on page 30
page 87) including updates to P5 index platform
descriptions and correction of well position typographical errors
(see Table 38 on page 67 and Note on page 79)
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 5
6 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
1 Before You Begin 7
Overview of the Workflow 8
Procedural Notes 9
Safety Notes 9
Materials Required 10
Optional Materials 15
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA 17
Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples 19 Step 1B. Prepare and fragment intact RNA samples 22 Step 2. Synthesize first-strand cDNA 24 Step 3. Synthesize second-strand cDNA 25 Step 4. Purify cDNA using AMPure XP beads 26
3 Library Preparation 29
Step 1. Prepare the Ligation master mix 31 Step 2. Repair and dA-Tail the cDNA 3' ends 32 Step 3. Ligate the molecular-barcoded adaptor 34 Step 4. Purify the sample using AMPure XP beads 35 Step 5. Amplify the adaptor-ligated cDNA library 37 Step 6. Purify the amplified library with AMPure XP beads 40 Step 7. Assess quality and quantity 42
4 Hybridization and Capture 45
Step 1. Hybridize cDNA libraries to the probe 46 Step 2. Prepare streptavidin-coated magnetic beads 51 Step 3. Capture the hybridized DNA using streptavidin-coated beads 52
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 5
5 Post-Capture Sample Processing for Multiplexed Sequencing 55
Step 1. Amplify the captured libraries 56 Step 2. Purify the amplified captured libraries using AMPure XP beads 59 Step 3. Assess sequencing library DNA quantity and quality 61 Step 4. Pool samples for multiplexed sequencing 64 Step 5. Prepare sequencing samples 66 Step 6. Do the sequencing run and analyze the data 68 Sequence analysis resources 73
6 Reference 75
Kit Contents 76
SureSelect XT HS2 Index Primer Pair Information 79
Troubleshooting Guide 91
Quick Reference Protocol 94
6 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA System Protocol
1 Before You Begin
Overview of the Workflow 8 Procedural Notes 9 Safety Notes 9 Materials Required 10 Optional Materials 15
Make sure you read and understand the information in this chapter and have the necessary equipment and reagents listed before you start an experiment.
Agilent guarantees performance and provides technical support for the SureSelect reagents required for this workflow only when used as directed in this Protocol.
Agilent Technologies
1 Before You Begin

Overview of the Workflow

Overview of the Workflow
The SureSelect XT HS2 RNA workflow for the preparation of NGS- ready libraries is summarized in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Overall target-enriched RNA sequencing sample preparation workflow.
8 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment

Procedural Notes

To prevent contamination of reagents by nucleases, always wear
powder- free laboratory gloves and use dedicated solutions and pipettors with nuclease- free aerosol- resistant tips.
Use best- practices to prevent PCR product and ribonuclease
contamination of samples throughout the workflow:
1 Assign separate pre- PCR and post- PCR work areas and use
dedicated equipment, supplies, and reagents in each area. In particular, never use materials designated to post- PCR work areas for pre- PCR segments of the workflow.
2 Maintain clean work areas. Clean the surfaces that pose the highest
risk of contamination daily using a 10% bleach solution, or equivalent.
3 Always use dedicated pre- PCR pipettors with nuclease- free
aerosol- resistant tips to pipette dedicated pre- PCR solutions.
4 Wear powder- free gloves. Use good laboratory hygiene, including
changing gloves after contact with any potentially- contaminated surfaces.
For each protocol step that requires removal of tube cap strips, reseal
the tubes with a fresh strip of domed caps. Cap deformation may result from exposure of the cap strips to the heated lid of the thermal cycler and from other procedural steps. Reuse of strip caps can cause sample loss, sample contamination, or imprecision in sample temperatures during thermal cycler incubation steps.
In general, follow Biosafety Level 1 (BSL1) safety rules.
Possible stopping points, where samples may be stored at 4°C or –20°C,
are marked in the protocol. Do not subject the samples to multiple freeze/thaw cycles.
Before You Begin 1
Procedural Notes

Safety Notes

SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 9
Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when working in the
1 Before You Begin

Materials Required

Materials Required
Materials required to complete the SureSelect XT HS2 RNA protocol are listed in the tables in this section. Select the preferred SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Reagent Kit format from Table 1, and a target enrichment probe from
Table 2. Then refer to Table 3 through Table 5 for additional materials
needed to complete the protocols using the selected kit format/RNA sample type.
Table 1 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Reagent Kit Varieties
Description Kit Part Number
16 Reaction Kit
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Reagent Kit G9989A (with Index Pairs 1–16) G9991A (with Index Pairs 1–96)
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Reagent Kit with AMPure
XP/Streptavidin Beads
G9990A (with Index Pairs 1–16) G9992A (with Index Pairs 1–96)
96 Reaction Kit
G9991B (with Index Pairs 97–192) G9991C (with Index Pairs 193–288) G9991D (with Index Pairs 289–384)
G9992B (with Index Pairs 97–192) G9992C (with Index Pairs 193–288) G9992D (with Index Pairs 289–384)
* 16-reaction kits contain enough reagents for 2 runs containing 8 samples per run.
† 96-reaction kits contain enough reagents for 4 runs containing 24 samples per run.
‡ AMPure, Beckman, and Beckman Coulter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc.
10 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Before You Begin 1
Materials Required
Table 2 Compatible Probes
Probe Capture Library Design Target 16 Reactions 96 Reactions
Pre-designed Probes
SSel XT HS and XT Low Input Human All Exon V7 Genome 5191-4028 5191-4029
SureSelect XT Clinical Research Exome V2 Genome 5190-9491 5190-9492
SureSelect XT Mouse All Exon Genome 5190-4641 5190-4642
ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer XT Genome 5190-8011 5190-8012
ClearSeq Inherited Disease XT Genome 5190-7518 5190-7519
ClearSeq RNA Kinome Transcriptome 5190-4801 5190-4802
Custom Probes
SureSelect Custom Tier1 1–499 kb
SureSelect Custom Tier2 0.5 –2.9 Mb
SureSelect Custom Tier3 3 –5.9 Mb
SureSelect Custom Tier4 6 –11.9 Mb
SureSelect Custom Tier5 12–24 Mb
Pre-designed Probes customized with additional Plus custom content
SSel XT HS and XT Low Input Human All Exon V7 Plus 1 Genome
SSel XT HS and XT Low Input Human All Exon V7 Plus 2 Genome
SureSelect XT Clinical Research Exome V2 Plus 1 Genome
SureSelect XT Clinical Research Exome V2 Plus 2 Genome
ClearSeq Comprehensive Cancer Plus XT Genome
ClearSeq Inherited Disease Plus XT Genome
Custom probes may designed for either genomic or transcriptomic targets. Please contact the SureSelect support team (see page 2) or your local representative for assistance with custom probe design and ordering for RNA library target enrichment.
Please visit the SureDesign
website to design the customized
Plus content and obtain ordering information. Contact the SureSelect support team (see
page 2) or your local
representative if you need assistance.
* Custom Probes designed August 2020 or later are produced using an updated manufacturing process; design-size Tier is
shown on labeling for these products. Custom Probes designed and ordered prior to August 2020 may be reordered, with these probes produced using the legacy manufacturing process; design-size Tier is not shown on labeling for the legacy-pro­cess products. Custom Probes of both categories use the same optimized target enrichment protocols detailed in this publi­cation.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 11
1 Before You Begin
Materials Required
Table 3 Required Reagents
Description Vendor and Part Number Notes
1X Low TE Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific p/n
12090-015, or equivalent
100% Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol, 200 proof) Millipore p/n EX0276
Nuclease-free Water Thermo Fisher Scientific p/n
AMPure® XP Kit 5 ml 60 ml 450 ml
Dynabeads MyOne Streptavidin T1 2 ml 10 ml 50 ml
QPCR Human Reference Total RNA Agilent p/n 750500 Control input RNA (optional)
Beckman Coulter Genomics
p/n A63880 p/n A63881 p/n A63882
Thermo Fisher Scientific p/n 65601 p/n 65602 p/n 65604D
10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5-8.0, 0.1 mM EDTA
Water should not be DEPC-treated
Separate purchase not required for use
with SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Reagent Kits that include SureSelect DNA
AMPure Streptavidin Beads (Agilent p/n G9990A, G9992A, G9992B, G9992C, or G9992D)
XP Beads and SureSelect
12 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Before You Begin 1
Materials Required
Sample volumes exceed 0.2 ml in certain steps of this protocol. Make sure that the plasticware
used with the selected thermal cycler holds 0.25 ml per well.
Table 4 Required Equipment
Description Vendor and Part Number
Thermal Cycler with 96-well, 0.2 ml block Various suppliers
Plasticware compatible with the selected thermal cycler:
96-well plates or 8-well strip tubes Tube cap strips, domed
Low-adhesion tubes (RNase, DNase, and DNA-free)
1.5 mL
0.5 mL
Microcentrifuge Eppendorf microcentrifuge, model 5417C or equivalent
Plate or strip tube centrifuge Labnet International MPS1000 Mini Plate Spinner, p/n
96-well plate mixer Eppendorf ThermoMixer C, p/n 5382000023 and Eppendorf
Small-volume spectrophotometer NanoDrop 2000, Thermo Fisher Scientific p/n ND-2000 or
Multichannel pipette Rainin Pipet-Lite Multi Pipette or equivalent
Single channel pipettes (10-, 20-, 200-, and 1000-µl capacity) Rainin Pipet-Lite Pipettes or equivalent
Sterile, nuclease-free aerosol barrier pipette tips general laboratory supplier
Vortex mixer general laboratory supplier
Ice bucket general laboratory supplier
Powder-free gloves general laboratory supplier
Magnetic separator Thermo Fisher Scientific p/n 12331D or equivalent
Consult the thermal cycler manufacturer’s
USA Scientific p/n 1415-2600 p/n 1405-2600
C1000 (requires adapter, p/n C1000-ADAPT, for use with strip tubes) or equivalent
SmartBlock 96 PCR, p/n 5306000006, or equivalent
* Select a magnetic separator configured to collect magnetic particles on one side of each well. Do not use a magnetic sep-
arator configured to collect the particles in a ring formation.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 13
1 Before You Begin
Materials Required
Table 5 Nucleic Acid Analysis Platform Options--Select One
Description Vendor and Part Number
Agilent 4200/4150 TapeStation
96-well sample plates
96-well plate foil seals
8-well tube strips
8-well tube strip caps
RNA ScreenTape
RNA ScreenTape Sample Buffer
RNA ScreenTape Ladder
High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape
High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape Sample Buffer
High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape Ladder
D1000 ScreenTape
D1000 Reagents
High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape
High Sensitivity D1000 Reagents
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Instrument
Agilent 2100 Expert SW Laptop Bundle (optional)
RNA 6000 Pico Kit
RNA 6000 Nano Kit
DNA 1000 Kit
High Sensitivity DNA Kit
Agilent 5200/5300/5400 Fragment Analyzer Instrument
RNA Kit (15NT)
HS RNA Kit (15NT)
NGS Fragment Kit (1-6000 bp)
HS NGS Fragment Kit (1-6000 bp)
Agilent p/n G2991AA/G2992AA
Agilent p/n 5042-8502
Agilent p/n 5067-5154
Agilent p/n 401428
Agilent p/n 401425
Agilent p/n 5067-5576
Agilent p/n 5067-5577
Agilent p/n 5067-5578
Agilent p/n 5067-5579
Agilent p/n 5067-5580
Agilent p/n 5067-5581
Agilent p/n 5067-5582
Agilent p/n 5067-5583
Agilent p/n 5067-5584
Agilent p/n 5067-5585
Agilent p/n G2939BA
Agilent p/n G2953CA
Agilent p/n 5067-1513
Agilent p/n 5067-1511
Agilent p/n 5067-1504
Agilent p/n 5067-4626
Agilent p/n M5310AA/M5311AA/M5312AA
p/n DNF-471-0500
p/n DNF-472-0500
p/n DNF-473-0500
p/n DNF-474-0500
14 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Before You Begin 1

Optional Materials

Optional Materials
Table 6 Supplier Information for Optional Materials
Description Vendor and Part Number Purpose
Tween 20 Sigma-Aldrich p/n P9416-50ML Sequencing library
storage (see page 69)
Optical Caps, 8× strip (flat) Consult the thermal cycler
manufacturer’s recommendations
MicroAmp Clear Adhesive Film Thermo Fisher Scientific p/n 4311971 Improved sealing for
PlateLoc Thermal Microplate Sealer with Small Hotplate and Peelable Aluminum Seal for PlateLoc Sealer
* Flat strip caps may be used instead of domed strip caps for protocol steps performed outside of the thermal cycler. Adhesive
film may be applied over the flat strip caps for improved sealing properties.
Please contact the SureSelect support team (see page 2) or your local representative for ordering information
Sealing wells for protocol steps performed outside of the thermal cycler
flat strip caps*
Sealing wells for protocol steps performed inside or outside of the thermal cycler
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 15
1 Before You Begin
Optional Materials
16 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA System Protocol
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA
Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples 19 Step 1B. Prepare and fragment intact RNA samples 22 Step 2. Synthesize first-strand cDNA 24 Step 3. Synthesize second-strand cDNA 25 Step 4. Purify cDNA using AMPure XP beads 26
This chapter describes the steps to prepare input RNA samples, including RNA fragmentation when required, and the steps to convert the RNA fragments to strand- specific cDNA prior to sequencing library preparation and target enrichment.
The protocol is compatible with both intact RNA prepared from fresh or fresh frozen samples and lower- quality RNA prepared from FFPE samples. For FFPE- derived RNA samples, begin the protocol using “Step 1A.
Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples” on page 19. For intact RNA
samples, begin the protocol using “Step 1B. Prepare and fragment intact
RNA samples” on page 22.
RNA sequencing library preparation requires RNA fragments sized appropriately for the NGS workflow. In this section of the protocol, intact total RNA samples are chemically- fragmented by treatment with metal ions present in the 2X Priming Buffer at elevated temperature. FFPE- derived RNA samples are already sufficiently fragmented. The FFPE samples must be combined with the same 2X Priming Buffer, but the mixtures are held on ice, preventing further fragmentation of the FFPE- derived RNA.
Protocols in this section for both intact RNA and FFPE sample types are applicable to either 2 x 100 bp or 2 x 150 bp read- length sequencing.
Agilent Technologies
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA
The protocol steps in this section use the components listed in Table 7. Thaw and mix each component as directed in Table 7 before use (refer to the Where Used column). Remove the AMPure XP beads from cold storage and equilibrate to room temperature for at least 30 minutes in preparation for use on page 26. Do not freeze the beads at any time.
Table 7 Reagents thawed before use in protocol
Kit Component Storage Location Thawing
2X Priming Buffer (tube with purple cap)
First Strand Master Mix (amber tube with amber cap)
Second Strand Enzyme Mix (tube with blue cap or bottle)
Second Strand Oligo Mix (tube with yellow cap)
* The First Strand Master Mix contains actinomycin-D and is provided ready-to-use. Keep the reagent in the supplied amber
vial to protect the contents from exposure to light.
SureSelect cDNA Module (Pre PCR), –20°C
SureSelect cDNA Module (Pre PCR), –20°C
SureSelect cDNA Module (Pre PCR), –20°C
SureSelect cDNA Module (Pre PCR), –20°C
Thaw on ice then keep on ice
Thaw on ice for 30 minutes then keep on ice
Thaw on ice then keep on ice
Thaw on ice then keep on ice
Mixing Method
Vortexing page 21 (FFPE RNA) OR
Vortexing page 24
Vortexing page 25
Vortexing page 25
Where Used
page 23 (intact RNA)
18 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA 2

Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples

Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples
The instructions in this section are for FFPE- derived RNA samples. For intact (non- FFPE) RNA samples, instead follow the instructions in “Step
1B. Prepare and fragment intact RNA samples” on page 22.
Prepare total RNA from each FFPE sample in the run. The library preparation protocol requires 10–200 ng of FFPE total RNA in a 10 µl volume of nuclease- free water.
Consider preparing an additional sequencing library in parallel, using a high- quality control RNA sample, such as Agilent’s QPCR Human Reference Total RNA (p/n 750500). Use of this control is especially recommended during the first run of the protocol, to verify that all protocol steps are being successfully performed. Routine use of this control is helpful for any required troubleshooting, in order to differentiate any performance issues related to RNA input from other factors.
Before you begin the library preparation protocol, assess the initial quality of each sample in order to determine the appropriate reaction conditions at several steps in the workflow. Use the steps below to qualify each FFPE total RNA sample.
1 Use a small- volume spectrophotometer to determine sample absorbance
at 260 nm, 280 nm, and 230 nm. Determine the RNA concentration and the 260/280 and 260/230 absorbance ratio values for the sample.
High- quality RNA samples are indicated by values of approximately 1.8 to 2.0 for both ratios. Ratios with significant deviation from 2.0 indicate the presence of organic or inorganic contaminants, which may require further purification or may indicate that the sample is not suitable for use in RNA target enrichment applications.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 19
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA
Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples
2 Examine the starting size distribution of RNA in the sample using one
of the RNA qualification systems described in Table 8. Select the specific assay appropriate for your sample based on the RNA concentration determined in step 1 on page 19.
Determine the DV200 (percentage of RNA in the sample that is >200 nt) using the analysis mode described in Table 8. RNA molecules must be >200 nt for efficient conversion to cDNA library.
Table 8 RNA qualification platforms
Analysis Instrument RNA Qualification Assay Analysis to Perform
4200/4150 TapeStation RNA ScreenTape or High Sensitivity
RNA ScreenTape
2100 Bioanalyzer RNA 6000 Pico Chip or NanoChip Smear/Region analysis using 2100 Expert Software
5200 Fragment Analyzer RNA Kit (15NT) or HS RNA Kit
Region analysis using TapeStation Analysis Software
Analysis using ProSize Data Analysis Software
Grading of FFPE RNA quality by RNA Integrity Number (RIN) is not recommended for this application.
3 Grade each RNA sample based on the percentage of RNA in the sample
>200 nucleotides, according to Table 9.
Table 9 Classification of FFPE RNA samples based on starting RNA size
Grade DV200 Recommended input
Good FFPE RNA >50% 200 ng 10 ng
Poor FFPE RNA 20% to 50% 200 ng 50 ng
Inapplicable FFPE RNA <20% Not recommended for further processing
* For optimal results, prepare libraries from poor-grade FFPE RNA samples using a minimum of 50 ng
input RNA. Libraries may be prepared from 10–50 ng poor-grade FFPE RNA with potential negative impacts on yield or NGS performance.
Minimum input amount
4 Place 10 µl of each sample, containing 10–200 ng of FFPE total RNA in
nuclease- free water, into wells of a thermal cycler- compatible strip tube or PCR plate.
Poor- quality FFPE samples should contain at least 50 ng RNA.
20 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA 2
Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples
5 Add 10 µl of 2X Priming Buffer to each sample well.
6 Mix well by pipetting up and down 15–20 times or seal the wells and
vortex at high speed for 5–10 seconds. Spin briefly to collect the liquid then place the RNA samples on ice.
All samples, including highly degraded FFPE samples, must be combined with 2X Priming Buffer, which supplies the random primers for cDNA synthesis. FFPE RNA samples are not subjected to the high-temperature incubation step used for fragmentation in this buffer.
7 Proceed immediately to “Step 2. Synthesize first- strand cDNA” on
page 24.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 21
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA

Step 1B. Prepare and fragment intact RNA samples

Step 1B. Prepare and fragment intact RNA samples
The instructions in this section are for intact RNA prepared from fresh or fresh frozen samples. For FFPE- derived RNA samples, instead follow the instructions in “Step 1A. Prepare and qualify FFPE RNA samples” on page 19.
Consider preparing an additional sequencing library in parallel, using a high- quality control RNA sample, such as Agilent’s QPCR Human Reference Total RNA (p/n 750500). Use of this control is especially recommended during the first run of the protocol, to verify that all protocol steps are being successfully performed. Routine use of this control is helpful for any required troubleshooting, in order to differentiate any performance issues related to RNA input from other factors.
The 2X Priming Buffer used in this step includes both fragmentation agents and primers used for cDNA synthesis in the following steps. The fragmentation conditions shown in this section are appropriate for both 2 x 100 bp and 2 x 150 bp NGS read- length workflows.
1 Prepare total RNA from each sample in the run. The library preparation
protocol requires 10–200 ng of intact total RNA in a 10 µl volume of nuclease- free water.
Verify the RNA concentration and quality using a small volume spectrophotometer and one of the RNA qualification platforms listed in
Table 5 on page 14.
2 Preprogram a thermal cycler with the program in Table 10. Immediately
pause the program, and keep paused until samples are loaded in step 6.
Table 10 Thermal cycler program for fragmentation of intact RNA samples
Step Temperature Time
Step 1 94°C 4 minutes
Step 2 4°C 1 minute
Step 3 4°C Hold
* Use a reaction volume setting of 20 l, if required for thermal cycler set up.
22 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
When using the SureCycler 8800 thermal cycler, the heated lid may be left on (default setting) throughout the RNA library preparation incubation steps. The heated lid must be on during the amplification and hybridization steps on page 38, page 47 and page 57.
Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA 2
Step 1B. Prepare and fragment intact RNA samples
3 Place 10 µl of each sample, containing 10–200 ng total RNA in
nuclease- free water, into wells of a thermal cycler- compatible strip tube or PCR plate.
4 Add 10 µl of 2X Priming Buffer to each sample well.
5 Mix well by pipetting up and down 15–20 times or seal the wells and
vortex at high speed for 5–10 seconds. Spin briefly to collect the liquid.
6 Place the samples in the thermal cycler, and resume the thermal cycling
program in Table 10 for RNA fragmentation.
7 Once the thermal cycler program in Table 10 reaches the 4°C Hold
step, transfer the fragmented RNA sample plate or strip tube from the thermal cycler to ice or a cold block. Proceed immediately to “Step 2.
Synthesize first- strand cDNA” on page 24.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 23
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA

Step 2. Synthesize first-strand cDNA

Step 2. Synthesize first-strand cDNA
The First Strand Master Mix used in this step is viscous. Mix thoroughly by vortexing at high speed for 5 seconds before removing an aliquot for use and after combining with other solutions. Pipetting up and down is not sufficient to mix this reagent.
The First Strand Master Mix is provided with actinomycin-D already supplied in the mixture. Do not supplement with additional actinomycin-D.
1 Preprogram a thermal cycler with the program in Table 11. Immediately
pause the program, and keep paused until samples are loaded in step 5.
Table 11 Thermal cycler program for first-strand cDNA synthesis
Step Temperature Time
Step 1 25°C 10 minutes
Step 2 37°C 40 minutes
Step 3 4°C Hold
* Use a reaction volume setting of 28 l, if required for thermal cycler set up.
2 Vortex the thawed vial of First Strand Master Mix for 5 seconds at high
speed to ensure homogeneity.
3 Add 8.5 µl of First Strand Master Mix to each RNA sample well.
4 Mix well by pipetting up and down 15–20 times or seal the wells and
vortex at high speed for 5–10 seconds. Spin briefly to collect the liquid.
5 Place the samples in the thermal cycler, and resume the program in
Table 11.
24 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA 2

Step 3. Synthesize second-strand cDNA

Step 3. Synthesize second-strand cDNA
The Second Strand Enzyme Mix used in this step is viscous. Mix thoroughly by vortexing at high speed for 5 seconds before removing an aliquot for use and after combining with other solutions. Pipetting up and down is not sufficient to mix this reagent.
1 Once the thermal cycler program in Table 11 begins the 4°C hold step,
transfer the samples to ice.
2 Preprogram the thermal cycler with the program in Table 12.
Immediately pause the program, and keep paused until samples are loaded in step 7
Table 12 Thermal cycler program for second-strand synthesis
Step Temperature Time
Step 1 16°C 60 minutes
Step 2 4°C Hold
* Use a reaction volume setting of 58 l, if required for thermal cycler set up.
3 Vortex the thawed vials of Second Strand Enzyme Mix and of Second
Strand Oligo Mix at high speed for 5 seconds to ensure homogeneity.
4 Add 25 µl of Second Strand Enzyme Mix to each sample well. Keep on
5 Add 5 µl of Second Strand Oligo Mix to each sample well, for a total
reaction volume of 58.5 µl. Keep on ice.
6 Mix well by pipetting up and down 15–20 times or seal the wells and
vortex at high speed for 5–10 seconds. Spin briefly to collect the liquid.
7 Place the plate or strip tubes in the thermal cycler, and resume the
program in Table 12.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 25
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA

Step 4. Purify cDNA using AMPure XP beads

Step 4. Purify cDNA using AMPure XP beads
1 Verify that the AMPure XP beads have been held at room temperature
for at least 30 minutes before use.
2 Prepare 400 µl of 70% ethanol per sample, plus excess, for use in
step 9.
The freshly-prepared 70% ethanol may be used for subsequent purification steps run on the same day. The complete RNA Library Preparation protocol requires 1.2 mL of fresh 70% ethanol per sample and the Target Enrichment protocol requires an additional 0.4 mL of fresh 70% ethanol per sample.
3 Mix the bead suspension well so that the suspension appears
homogeneous and consistent in color.
4 Transfer the samples in the PCR plate or strip tube to room
temperature, then add 105 µl of the homogeneous bead suspension to each cDNA sample well.
5 Pipette up and down 15–20 times or cap the wells and vortex at high
speed for 5–10 seconds to mix. If the beads have splashed into the well caps, spin briefly to collect the samples, being careful not to pellet the beads.
6 Incubate samples for 5 minutes at room temperature.
7 Put the plate or strip tube into a magnetic separation device. Wait for
the solution to clear (approximately 2 to 5 minutes).
8 Keep the plate or strip tube in the magnetic stand. Carefully remove
and discard the cleared solution from each well. Do not touch the beads while removing the solution.
9 Continue to keep the plate or strip tube in the magnetic stand while
you dispense 200 µl of fresh 70% ethanol in each sample well.
10 Wait for 1 minute to allow any disturbed beads to settle, then remove
the ethanol.
11 Repeat step 9 and step 10 once for a total of two washes.
12 Seal the wells with strip caps, then briefly spin the samples to collect
the residual ethanol. Return the plate or strip tube to the magnetic stand for 30 seconds. Remove the residual ethanol with a P20 pipette.
26 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA 2
Step 4. Purify cDNA using AMPure XP beads
13 Dry the samples by placing the unsealed plate or strip tube on the
thermal cycler, set to hold samples at 37°C, until the residual ethanol has just evaporated (up to 2 minutes).
Stopping Point If you do not continue to the next step, seal the wells and store at 4°C
Do not dry the bead pellet to the point that the pellet appears cracked during any of the bead drying steps in the protocol. Elution efficiency is significantly decreased when the bead pellet is excessively dried.
14 Add 52 µl nuclease- free water to each sample well.
15 Seal the wells with strip caps, then vortex the plate or strip tube for
5 seconds. Verify that all beads have been resuspended, with no visible clumps in the suspension or bead pellets retained on the sides of the wells. Briefly spin to collect the liquid, being careful not to pellet the beads.
16 Incubate for 2 minutes at room temperature.
17 Put the plate or strip tube in the magnetic stand and leave until the
solution is clear (up to 5 minutes).
18 Remove 50 µl of cleared supernatant to a fresh PCR plate or strip tube
sample well and keep on ice. You can discard the beads at this time.
overnight or at –20°C for prolonged storage.
SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment 27
2 Preparation of Input RNA and Conversion to cDNA
Step 4. Purify cDNA using AMPure XP beads
28 SureSelect XT HS2 RNA Library Preparation and Target Enrichment
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