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Manual Part Number
Second Edition, November 2010
Printed in USA
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
2850 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE 19808-1610 USA
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Where to Find More Information on Using your Pesticide Analyzer 7
What’s on the Specials Factory Information CD ROM 8
Copy Factory Methods and Test Results to the Hard Disk 9
Identifying and quantifying dozens (or hundreds) of pesticides
in a wide range of fruit and vegetable samples is a complex task.
The Agilent GC/MS/MS Pesticide Analyzer is a complete system
that’s factory configured and chemically tested to quickly
identify a broad range of commonly analyzed pesticide residues
with ultimate sensitivity. The pesticide analyzer comes with a
Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) database of several
hundred pesticides.
The Analyzer is configured with Agilent’s proprietary Capillary
Flow Technology, enabling rugged, reliable GC column
backflushing. Backflushing the GC column shortens run times,
extends column life, reduces chemical background noise,
provides consistent retention times and spectra and keeps the
MS ionization source clean.
Two configurations are available to meet different labs’ needs:
• SP1 7890-0501 (# 0501): This method is based upon Agilent’s
Retention Time Locked (RTL) GC/MS/MS MRM database
(500+ pesticides) running in the constant pressure mode
with post-column backflushing. It provides flexibility to add
GC detectors and can be easily scaled for shorter runtimes.
Agilent Technologies
• SP1 7890-0502 (# 0502): This method is based upon a list of
pesticides commonly found in food samples by US
laboratories. The GC/MS/MS MRM database, with 200+
pesticides, runs in the constant flow mode with mid-column
backflushing. This method provides ultimate performance
and shorter cycle time with reduced carrier gas
Your system is configured as a # 0501 pesticide analyzer with
post-column backflushing. Both configurations are easily
interchangeable by changing the column(s) and
adding/removing a capillary flow restrictor.
Your Pesticide Analyzer was configured and checked out at the
factory to ensure that your system will be ready to run samples
immediately after installation in your lab. The factory test
results for your Pesticide Analyzer can be found on the Specials
Factory Information CD ROM that was shipped with your
Where to Find More Information on Using your Pesticide
Application notes and publications
You can find a lot of information about pesticide analysis in the
application notes and publications included with your Specials
Factory Information CD ROM.
Alternatively, go to: and select
the Literature Library under the Quick Links.
List of the target pesticides
A list of target pesticides is included with your Specials Factory
Information CD ROM in both pdf and Excel format.
QuEChERS extraction procedures and ready-to-use kits
The QuEChERS extraction procedure for pesticide residues in
fruits and vegetables is being used by labs around the world. For
a training video, references, and ready-to-use kits for
performing QuEChERS extractions, go to the following Agilent
web site:
Your Pesticide Analyzer comes with a CD that contains the
• The GC/MS/MS method used for running the checkout
sample (0501_checkout_PCSL.m). This method is a
pulsed-cold-splitless MRM method with 17 analytes and is
retention time locked at the factory.
• The GC/MS/MS method used for running the general
pesticide analysis (Pulsed_cold_splitless.m) with several
hundred analytes.
• The GC/MS/MS method used for running the general
pesticide analysis (Hot_splitless.m) with several hundred
• A signal-to-noise data analysis method
• Checkout sample data file (0501_checkout_PCSL_1µL.d) and
checkout report obtained at the factory for a 1-µL injection of
the 100 ppb GC/MS/MS Pesticide Analyzer Checkout Sample
(P/N 5190-0494)
• Agilent Application Notes that discuss pesticide analysis
• A copy of this Quick Start Guide
• Tutorials on Large Volume Injection and Swaging SilTite
• A list of target pesticides in both pdf and Excel format
• An Excel database of RTs and MRM transitions for 500+
Copy Factory Methods and Test Results to the Hard Disk
Copy 0501_checkout_PCSL.m, Pulsed_cold_splitless.m,
Hot_splitless.m, and 0501_signal-to-noise.m methods from the
Specials Factory Information CD ROM to the “D:\MassHunter\
GCMS\1\Method” folder.
If you do not have a MultiMode Inlet (MMI) installed, you should use the
hot-splitless method (0501_checkout_HSL.m) instead of the
pulsed-cold-splitless method (0501_checkout_PCSL.m).
Edit the MSDchem.ini file in the C:\GCMS\msexe folder to show
_METHFILE$=0501_checkout_PCSL.m, so this method will be loaded as
you bring up the 7000 acquisition software.
Copy 0501_checkout_PCSL_1µL.d from the Specials Factory
Information CD ROM to the “D:\MassHunter\GCMS\1\Data”
The qqqacqmethod.xml file in each method folder has all the MRM
transitions in the method. The complete set of MRM transitions can be
duplicated in another method by copying this xml file from one method to
another. Make sure you back up the original qqqacqmethod.xml in the
target method folder.
The GC parameters can also be found in the acqmeth.txt file within the
method folder.