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© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006
Printed in the U.S.A. August 31, 2006
The Agilent Probe Advantage
Unlike other companies, Agilent
provides optimized and validated probe
design that delivers the high signal-tonoise ratios that are essential for the
success of ChIP-on-chip experiments.
We carefully design our probes using
stringent criteria.*
• 60-mer oligonucleotide probes provide
robust hybridization—critical for the
sensitivity and specificity that
ChIP-on-chip demands.
• Average probe spacing parameters
have been specifically optimized for
the ChIP method as compared to other
microarray applications.
• Repeat regions are masked to
significantly reduce non-specific noise.
*Probes are designed with criteria including
optimal Tm, unique sequence, and self-structure
Product number G4495A
Microarrays/slide 1
Slides/set 1
Design ID numbers 014792
Microarray format 244K
Probe length 60 bases
Probe Coverage Slide 1 Chromosomes 1–22 (~153,000 probes)
Agilent internal quality control probes ~5000
Sequence source Human-ENCODE
Feature size 65 µm
Starting sample input 0.5 x 10
–1 x 108cells
DNA required for labeling 2 µg
Type of labeling Random priming using Klenow with
Cyanine-3 and -5 nucleotides
DNA required for hybridization 5 µg per channel
Hybridization volume 500 µL