Agilent Feature Extraction 12.2 Reference Guide

Agilent Feature Extraction 12.2
Reference Guide
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Agilent Technologies
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Revision A0, January 2021
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2 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
In This Guide…
This Reference Guide contains tables that list default parameter values and results for Feature Extraction analyses, and explanations of how Feature Extraction uses its algorithms to calculate results.
1 Protocol Default Settings
This chapter includes tables that list the default parameter values found in the protocols shipped with the software (Agilent 2- color gene expression (GE), 1-color GE, CGH, ChIP, miRNA and non- Agilent protocols).
2 QC Report Results
Learn how to read and interpret the QC Reports.
3 Text File Parameters and Results
This chapter contains a listing of parameters and results within the text file produced after Feature Extraction.
4 XML (MAGE-ML) Results
Refer to this chapter to find the results contained in the MAGE- ML files generated after Feature Extraction.
5 How Algorithms Calculate Results
Learn how Feature Extraction algorithms calculate the results that help you interpret your gene expression (2- color and 1- color), CGH, ChIP and miRNA experiments.
6 Command Line Feature Extraction
This chapter contains the commands and arguments to integrate Feature Extraction into a completely automated workflow.
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 3
Apache acknowledgment
Part of this software is based on the Xerces XML parser, Copyright (c) 1999- 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved (
JPEG acknowledgment
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. Copyright (c) 1991- 1998, Thomas G. Lane. All Rights Reserved.
Loess/Netlib acknowledgment
Part of this software is based on a Loess/Lowess algorithm and implementation. The authors of Loess/Lowess are Cleveland, Grosse and Shyu. Copyright (c) 1989, 1992 by AT&T. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice in included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting documentation for such software.
Stanford University School of Medicine acknowledgment
Non- Agilent microarray image courtesy of Dr. Roger Wagner, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine
Ultimate Grid acknowledgment
This software contains material that is Copyright (c) 1994- 1999 DUNDAS SOFTWARE LTD., All Rights Reserved.
4 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
LibTiff acknowledgement
Part of this software is based upon LibTIFF version 3.8.0.
Copyright (c) 1988- 1997 Sam Leffler Copyright (c) 1991- 1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 5
6 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
1 Default Protocol Settings 13
Default Protocol Settings—an Introduction 14
Differences between CGH and gene expression microarrays 15 Hidden Settings 15
Tables of Default Protocol Settings 16
CGH_1201_Sep17 16 ChIP_1200_Jun14 24 GE1_1200_Jun14 31 GE2_1200_Dec17 37 GE2-NonAT_1100_Jul11 44 miRNA_1200_Jun14 49
Differences in Protocol Settings Based on Each Step 56
Place Grid 57 Optimize Grid fit 58 Find spots 59 Flag outliers 60 Compute Bkgd, Bias and Error 62 Correct Dye Biases 65 Compute ratios, calculate metrics, and generate results 66
2 QC Report Results 67
QC Reports 68
2-color Gene Expression QC Report 69 1-color Gene Expression QC Report 72 Streamlined CGH QC Report 75 CGH_ChIP QC Report 77 MicroRNA (miRNA) QC Report 79 Non-Agilent GE2 QC Report 81 QC reports with metric sets added 83
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 7
QC Report Headers 87
2-color Gene Expression QC Report 87 1-color Gene Expression QC Report 88 Streamlined CGH QC Report 88 CGH_ChIP QC Report 88 MicroRNA (miRNA) QC Report 89 Non-Agilent 2-color gene expression QC Report 89
Feature Statistics 90
Spot finding of Four Corners 90 Outlier Stats 91 Spatial Distribution of All Outliers 91 Net Signal Statistics 93 Negative Control Stats 94 Plot of Background-Corrected Signals 95 Histogram of Signals Plot (1-color GE or CGH) 96 Local Background Inliers 97 Foreground Surface Fit 97 Multiplicative Surface Fit 99 Spatial Distribution of Significantly Up-Regulated and Down-Regulated
Features (Positive and Negative Log Ratios) 100 Plot of LogRatio vs. Log ProcessedSignal 101 Spatial Distribution of Median Signals for each Row and Column 102 Histogram of LogRatio plot 103
Inter-Feature Statistics 104
Reproducibility Statistics (%CV Replicated Probes) 104 Microarray Uniformity (2-color only) 106 Sensitivity 107 Reproducibility Plots 108 Spike-in Signal Statistics 111 Spike-in Linearity Check for 2-color Gene Expression 113 Spike-in Linearity Check for 1-color Gene Expression 114
QC Report Results in the FEPARAMS and Stats Tables 121
8 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
QC Metric Set Results 122
CGH_QCMT_Sep17 122 ChIP_QCMT_Jun14 123 GE1_QCMT_Jun14 123 GE2_QCMT_Dec17 124 miRNA_QCMT_Jun14 124 Metric Evaluation Logic 125
3 Text File Parameters and Results 127
Parameters/options (FEPARAMS) 129
Statistical results (STATS) 160
STATS Table (ALL text output types) 160
Feature results (FEATURES) 179
FULL Features Table 179 COMPACT Features Table 190 QC Features Table 195 MINIMAL Features Table 201 Other text result file annotations 205
4 MAGE-ML (XML) File Results 207
How Agilent output file formats are used by databases 208
MAGE-ML results 209
Differences between MAGE-ML and text result files 209 Full and Compact Output Packages 209 Tables for Full Output Package 210 Table for Compact Output Package 218
Helpful hints for transferring Agilent output files 222
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 9
XML output 222 TIFF Results 224
5 How Algorithms Calculate Results 225
Overview of Feature Extraction algorithms 226
Algorithms and functions they perform 226 Algorithms and results they produce 232
XDR Extraction Process 236
What is XDR scanning? 236 XDR Feature Extraction process 236 How the XDR algorithm works 238 Troubleshooting the XDR extraction 239
How each algorithm calculates a result 240
Place Grid 240 Optimize Grid Fit 243 Find Spots 243 Flag Outliers 250 Compute Bkgd, Bias and Error 256 Correct Dye Biases 276 Compute Ratios 280 Calculate Metrics 282 MicroRNA Analysis 285
Example calculations for feature 12519 of Agilent Human 22K image 292
Data from the FEPARAMS table 293 Data from the STATS Table 293 Data from the FEATURES Table 293
6 Command Line Feature Extraction 299
Commands 301
Command line syntax 301 Commands and arguments 302
10 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Return Codes 307
Extraction Input 309
Extraction Results 314
Status information 314 Examples of status information 315 Error codes from XML file 317 Warning codes from XML file 321
Index 327
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 11
12 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Agilent Feature Extraction 12.2 Reference Guide
1 Default Protocol Settings
Default Protocol Settings—an Introduction 14 Tables of Default Protocol Settings 16 Differences in Protocol Settings Based on Each Step 56
See the Feature Extraction 12.2 User Guide to learn the purpose of all the parameters and settings and how to modify them.
Agilent protocols are meant for use with Agilent microarrays scanned with an Agilent scanner. They are intended for use with arrays that use Agilent default lab procedures (label, hybridization, wash, and scanning methods). The non-Agilent protocol is meant for use with non-Agilent microarrays that are scanned with an Agilent scanner.
When a protocol is assigned to an extraction set, the software loads a set of protocol parameter values and settings that affect the process and results for Feature Extraction.
Parameter values in the protocol depend on the microarray type and your experiment. The following pages list the default settings for each of the protocol templates shipped or downloaded with the software. Each protocol template represents a different microarray type. You can display these settings and values when you open the Protocol Editor for each of the protocol templates.
Agilent Technologies
1 Default Protocol Settings

Default Protocol Settings—an Introduction

Default Protocol Settings—an Introduction
To learn more about changing the default values for the protocols, see the Feature Extraction 12.2 User Guide.
To learn about the naming of the protocol templates, see the Feature Extraction 12.2 User Guide.
Agilent provides new and updated protocols on the eArray website. If you set up an eArray login in Feature Extraction, the software can automatically download and install protocol updates from eArray. See the Feature Extraction
12.2 User Guide for more details.
This chapter presents tables for display of the default settings for each protocol. Parameter values depend on:
microarray type
lab protocol
scanner used
Listed in the following table are the names of the nonremovable protocols and where you can find the tables that list their default values.
Table 1 Location of protocol template default settings
Protocol Template name Location in chapter
page 16
page 24
page 31
page 37
page 44
page 49
14 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1

Differences between CGH and gene expression microarrays

Differences between CGH and gene expression microarrays
To see the differences in some default settings between protocols, go to “GE2_1200_Dec17” on page 37.

Hidden Settings

CGH microarrays possess a different negative control sequence scheme than the gene expression microarrays. The gene expression microarrays have many replicate negative control features using only one sequence. The CGH microarrays have many sequences of negative controls that span the range of sequence variability seen in the biological probes used on the microarrays. This difference in the control grid (especially the multiple sequences used for negative controls) leads to a difference in protocol settings.
To create a protocol for a specific type of microarray, you are required to use an Agilent- created protocol or user- created protocol for the same type of microarray.
Protocol templates provide both visible and hidden settings whose values are specific to the type or format of microarrays. Although you can change the visible settings so that any two protocols of different type appear identical, you cannot change the hidden settings that distinguish these protocols from one another.
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 15
The “Tables of Default Protocol Settings” show only the default visible parameter values for the steps of the protocol. You can see the hidden parameters in the FE PARAMS table. See “Parameters/options (FEPARAMS)” on page 129. Many of these hidden parameters are image- processing ones that are chosen using the “Automatically Determine” function.
1 Default Protocol Settings

Tables of Default Protocol Settings

Tables of Default Protocol Settings
These protocol settings may not be optimum for non-Agilent microarrays or Agilent microarrays processed with non-Agilent procedures. You determine the settings and values that are optimum for your system.


This protocol is a CGH protocol for use with the
Oligonucleotide Array- Based CGH for Genomic DNA Analysis (Enzymatic User Manual version 6.1 or higher, ULS
User Manual version 3.1 or higher).
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Place Grid Array Format For any format automatically
determined or selected by you, the software uses the default Placement Method.
Parameters that apply to specific formats appear only if that format is selected.
Placement Method Hidden if Array Format is set to
Enable Background Peak Shifting Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine
[Recognized formats: Single Density (11k, 22k), 25k, Double Density (44k), 95k, 185k, 185k 10 uM, 65-micron feature size (also with 10-micron scans), 30-micron feature size single pack and multi pack, and Third Party]
Automatically Determine.
Allow Some Distortion (All formats)
Automatically Determine.
Set to False for all arrays except 30 microns single pack and multi pack, for which it is set to True.
16 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Use central part of pack for slope and skew calculation?
Use the correlation method to obtain origin X of subgrids
Use Enhanced Gridding
Optimize Grid Fit Grid Format The parameters and values for
Apply the enhanced gridding feature released in Feature Extraction 12.1. The enhancements include a new iterative method for determining grid position, rotation, and skew, and several “fine” grid tuning methods that improve the calculation of rotation and skew. Enhanced gridding also uses both the foreground and background of the corner stencil patterns to improve identification of grid corners.
optimizing the grid differ depending on the format.
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
Set to False for all arrays except 30 microns single pack and multi pack, for which it is set to True.
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
Set to False for all arrays except 30 microns single pack and multi pack, for which it is set to True.
Note: Results obtained with protocols that use enhanced gridding may vary slightly from results obtained with previous gridding algorithms (e.g., fewer gridding errors). Use appropriate validation processes when switching from previous CGH protocols to ones that use enhanced gridding.
Automatically Determine
[Recognized formats: 65-micron feature size, 30-micron feature size, and Third Party]
Iteratively Adjust Corners? Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
True (All Formats, except Third Party)
False (Third Party)
Adjustment Threshold Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
0.300 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 17
1 Default Protocol Settings
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Maximum Number of Iterations Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
5 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Found Spot Threshold Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
0.200 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Number of Corner Feature Side Dimension?
Find Spots Spot Format Depending on the format selected
by the software or by you, the default settings for this step change. See the following rows for the default values for finding spots.
Use the Nominal Diameter from the Grid Template
Spot Deviation Limit Hidden if Array Format is set to
Calculation of Spot Statistics Method
Cookie Percentage Hidden if Array Format is set to
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
20 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Automatically Determine
[Recognized formats: Single Density (11k, 22k), 25k, Double Density (44k), 95k, 185k, 185k 10 uM, 244k 10uM, 65-micron feature size, 30-micron feature size, and Third Party]
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
True (All Formats)
Automatically Determine.
8.0 for all formats except for third party, for which it is set to 1.5
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
Use Cookie (All Formats)
Automatically Determine.
0.650 (Single Density, 25k)
0.561 (Double Density, 95k)
0.700 (185k, 185k 10 uM, 244k 10 uM, 65-micron feature size)
18 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
0.750 (30-micron feature size)
Exclusion Zone Percentage Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
1.200 (All Formats except 30-micron feature size)
1.300 (30-micron feature size)
Auto Estimate the Local Radius Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
True (Single Density, Double Density, 25k, 95k)
False (185k, 185k 10uM, 65-micron feature size, 30-micron feature size, 244k 10uM)
LocalBGRadius Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
100 (when False for 185k, 185k 10uM, 65-micron feature size, 244k 10 uM)
150 (when False for 30-micron feature size)
Pixel Outlier Rejection Method Inter Quartile Region
(Automatically Determine and All Formats)
RejectIQRFeat 1.42 (All Formats)
RejectIQRBG 1.42 (All Formats)
Statistical Method for Spot Values from Pixels Use Mean/Standard Deviation
(Automatically Determine and All Formats)
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 19
1 Default Protocol Settings
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Use Enhanced SpotFinding
Flag Outliers Compute Population Outliers True
Compute Non Uniform Outliers True
Scanner The values for the parameters
This enhancement allows for more accurate placement of the center of each spot by increasing the area around the expected spot center in which the algorithm looks for pixels in the image that are attributable to that spot. If the increased search area captures pixels from neighboring spots, then the algorithm does not attribute those pixels to the spot.
Minimum Population 10
IQRatio 1.42
Background IQRatio 1.42
Use Qtest for Small Populations? True
Report Population Outliers as Failed in MAGEML file
change depending on the scanner used for the image. See the following for differences.
Note: Results obtained with protocols that use enhanced spot finding may vary slightly from results obtained without spot finding (e.g., fewer non-uniform features). Use appropriate validation processes when switching to CGH protocols that use enhanced spot finding.
Automatically Determine
Agilent scanner
Automatically Compute OL Polynomial Terms Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
Feature – (%CV)^2 0.04000
Red Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
20 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Compute Bkgd, Bias and Error
Red Signal Constant Term Multiplier
Green Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Green Signal Constant Term Multiplier
Background – (%CV)^2 0.09000
Red Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Red Background Constant Term Multiplier
Green Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Green Background Constant Term Multiplier
Background Subtraction Method No Background Subtraction
Significance (for IsPosAndSignif and IsWellAboveBG) Use Error Model for Significance
2-sided t-test of feature vs. background max p-value
WellAboveMulti 13
Signal Correction—Calculate Surface Fit (required for Spatial Detrend)
Feature Set for Surface Fit OnlyNegativeControlFeatures
Perform Filtering for Surface Fit False
Perform Spatial Detrending True
Signal Correction—Adjust Background Globally False
Signal Correction—Perform Multiplicative Detrending True
Detrend on Replicates Only False
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 21
1 Default Protocol Settings
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Filter Low signal probes from Fit? True
Neg. Ctrl. Threshold Mult. Detrend Factor
Perform Filtering for Fit Use Window Average
Use polynomial data fit instead of LOESS?
Polynomial Multiplicative DetrendDegree
Robust Neg Ctrl Stats? True
Choose universal error, or most conservative Most Conservative
MultErrorGreen 0.1000
MultErrorRed 0.1000
Auto Estimate Add Error Red True
Auto Estimate Add Error Green True
Use Surrogates True
Correct Dye Biases Use Dye Norm List Automatically Determine
Dye Normalization Probe Selection Method Use Rank Consistent Probes
Rank Tolerance 0.050
Variable Rank Tolerance False
Omit Background Population Outliers False
Allow Positive and Negative Controls False
Signal Characteristics OnlyPositiveAndSignificantSignals
Normalization Correction Method Linear
Max Number Ranked Probes -1
Compute Ratios Peg Log Ratio Value 4.00
22 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 2 Default settings for CGH_1201_Sep17 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Calculate Metrics Spikein Target Used False
Min Population for Replicate Stats? 3
Grid Test Format Automatically Determine
Recognized formats: 60 micron and 30 micron feature size, third party
PValue for Differential Expression 0.010000
Percentile Value 75.00
Generate Results Type of QC Report Streamlined CGH
Generate Single Text File True
JPEG Down Sample Factor 4
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 23
1 Default Protocol Settings


This protocol is a ChIP protocol for use with Agilent Mammalian ChIP- on- Chip and DNA methylation applications.
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Place Grid Array Format For any format automatically
determined or selected by you, the software uses the default Placement Method.
Parameters that apply to specific formats appear only if that format is selected.
Placement Method Hidden if Array Format is set to
Enable Background Peak Shifting Hidden if Array Format is set to
Use central part of pack for slope and skew calculation?
Use the correlation method to obtain origin X of subgrids
Automatically Determine
[Recognized formats: Single Density (11k, 22k), 25k, Double Density (44k), 95k, 185k, 185k 10 uM, 65-micron feature size (also with 10-micron scans), 30-micron feature size (single pack and multi pack) and Third Party]
Automatically Determine.
Allow Some Distortion (All formats)
Automatically Determine.
Set to false for all arrays except 30 microns (single pack and multi pack), for which it is set to true.
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
Set to False for all arrays except 30 microns single pack and multi pack, for which it is set to True.
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
Set to False for all arrays except 30 microns single pack and multi pack, for which it is set to True.
24 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Use Enhanced Gridding
Optimize Grid Fit Grid Format The parameters and values for
An enhanced automatic gridding algorithm was released in Feature Extraction 12.1 for use in CGH protocols only. Agilent has not validated the new algorithm in ChIP protocols.
optimizing the grid differ depending on the format.
Iteratively Adjust Corners? Hidden if Array Format is set to
Adjustment Threshold Hidden if Array Format is set to
Maximum Number of Iterations Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine
[Recognized formats: 65-micron feature size, 30-micron feature size, and Third Party]
Automatically Determine.
True (All Formats, except Third Party)
False (Third Party)
Automatically Determine.
0.300(All Formats, except Third Party)
Automatically Determine.
5 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Found Spot Threshold Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
0.200 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Number of Corner Feature Side Dimension?
Find Spots Spot Format Depending on the format selected
by the software or by you, the default settings for this step change. See the following rows for the default values for finding spots.
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
20 (All Formats, except Third Party)
Automatically Determine
[Recognized formats: same as those listed above except 244k 10uM replaces 65-micron feature size 10-micron scans]
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 25
1 Default Protocol Settings
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Use the Nominal Diameter from the Grid Template
Spot Deviation Limit Hidden if Array Format is set to
Calculation of Spot Statistics Method
Cookie Percentage Hidden if Array Format is set to
Exclusion Zone Percentage Hidden if Array Format is set to
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
True (All Formats)
Automatically Determine.
8.0 for all formats except for third party, for which it is set to 1.5
Hidden if Array Format is set to Automatically Determine.
Use Cookie (All Formats)
Automatically Determine.
0.650 (Single Density, 25k)
0.561 (Double Density, 95k)
0.700 (185k, 185k 10 uM, 244k 10 uM, 65-micron feature size)
0.750 (30-micron feature size)
Automatically Determine.
1.200 (All Formats except 30-micron feature size)
1.300 (30-micron feature size)
Auto Estimate the Local Radius Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
True (Single Density, Double Density, 25k, 95k)
False (185k, 185k 10uM, 65-micron feature size, 30-micron feature size, 244k 10uM)
26 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
LocalBGRadius Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine.
100 (when False for 185k, 185k 10uM, 65-micron feature size, 244k 10 uM)
150 (when False for 30-micron feature size)
Pixel Outlier Rejection Method Inter Quartile Region
(Automatically Determine and All Formats)
RejectIQRFeat 1.42 (All Formats)
RejectIQRBG 1.42 (All Formats)
Statistical Method for Spot Values from Pixels Use Mean/Standard Deviation
(Automatically Determine and All Formats)
Flag Outliers Compute Population Outliers True
Minimum Population 8
IQRatio 1.42
Background IQRatio 1.42
Use Qtest for Small Populations? True
Report Population Outliers as Failed in MAGEML file
Compute Non Uniform Outliers True
Scanner The values for the parameters
change depending on the scanner used for the image. See the following for differences.
Agilent scanner
Automatically Compute OL Polynomial Terms Hidden if Array Format is set to
Automatically Determine
Automatically Determine.
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 27
1 Default Protocol Settings
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Feature – (%CV)^2 0.04000
Compute Bkgd, Bias and Error
Red Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Red Signal Constant Term Multiplier
Green Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Green Signal Constant Term Multiplier
Background – (%CV)^2 0.09000
Red Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Red Background Constant Term Multiplier
Green Poissonian Noise Term Multiplier
Green Background Constant Term Multiplier
Background Subtraction Method No Background Subtraction
Significance (for IsPosAndSignif and IsWellAboveBG) Use Error Model for Significance
2-sided t-test of feature vs. background max p-value
WellAboveMulti 13
Signal Correction—Calculate Surface Fit (required for Spatial Detrend)
Feature Set for Surface Fit OnlyNegativeControlFeatures
Perform Filtering for Surface Fit False
Perform Spatial Detrending True
28 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
Default Protocol Settings 1
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Signal Correction—Adjust Background Globally False
Signal Correction—Perform Multiplicative Detrending True
Detrend on Replicates Only False
Filter Low signal probes from Fit? True
Neg. Ctrl. Threshold Mult. Detrend Factor
Perform Filtering for Fit Use Window Average
Use polynomial data fit instead of LOESS?
Polynomial Multiplicative DetrendDegree
Robust Neg Ctrl Stats? True
Choose universal error, or most conservative Most Conservative
MultErrorGreen 0.1000
MultErrorRed 0.1000
Auto Estimate Add Error Red True
Auto Estimate Add Error Green True
Use Surrogates True
Correct Dye Biases Use Dye Norm List Automatically Determine
Dye Normalization Probe Selection Method Use Rank Consistent Probes
Rank Tolerance 0.050
Variable Rank Tolerance False
Omit Background Population Outliers False
Allow Positive and Negative Controls False
Signal Characteristics OnlyPositiveAndSignificantSignals
Feature Extraction Reference Guide 29
1 Default Protocol Settings
Table 3 Default settings for ChIP_1200_Jun14 protocol (continued)
Protocol step Parameter Default Setting/Value (v12.2)
Normalization Correction Method Linear
Max Number Ranked Probes -1
Compute Ratios Peg Log Ratio Value 4.00
Calculate Metrics Spikein Target Used False
Min Population for Replicate Stats? 3
Grid Test Format Automatically Determine
Recognized formats: 60 micron and 30 micron feature size, third party
PValue for Differential Expression 0.010000
Percentile Value 75.00
Generate Results Type of QC Report CGH_ChIP
Generate Single Text File True
JPEG Down Sample Factor 4
30 Feature Extraction Reference Guide
+ 299 hidden pages