Technical Overview
Performance Equivalence of the
D1000 ScreenTape Assays on the
Agilent TapeStation Systems
Agilent TapeStation systems are well-established automated electrophoresis
systems for fast and reliable analysis of nucleic acids for multiple applications.
The platform integrates a benchtop electrophoresis-based instrument,
data-processing TapeStation software, and reagents, used in concert with
application-specific ScreenTape sample-processing consumable devices.
DNA and RNA samples can be analyzed with minimal handling effort and fully
scalable throughput from 1 to 96 samples. The entire Agilent ScreenTape
portfolio for TapeStation systems is a vital tool for sample quality control (QC) at
different checkpoints in next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflows.
To provide users with continued improvements and benefits to the TapeStation
platform, Agilent has recently introduced a technology update to the Agilent
4200 TapeStation instrument. For example, all instruments manufactured from
spring 2021 are equipped with a modified ScreenTape nest, enabling users to
easily exchange the electrode cartridge during the yearly, mandatory, preventive
maintenance service. Thus, the modified ScreenTape nest secures an optimized
cost of ownership. In addition, a modified instrument optical system allows
for a better match with the application-specific fluorescent dyes. All existing
ScreenTape applications as well as plastic consumables are fully compatible
with the new 4200 TapeStation system.
This technical overview highlights the performance of the Agilent D1000
ScreenTape assay and the Agilent High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay
on the new 4200 TapeStation system. Analytical assay specifications like
sensitivity, sizing, quantification, and molarity delivered by the new instrument
were evaluated and compared with the results obtained on the legacy 4200 and
4150 TapeStation systems to demonstrate data equivalency between all three
Analytical specifications
Sizing, quantification, and molarity
were compared between three
TapeStation models using the provided
corresponding ScreenTape ladders as
samples, a 300 bp DNA fragment, and
sheared human genomic DNA (gDNA).
Table 1 summarizes the analytical
specifications of the D1000 and High
Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assays.
The 4150 TapeStation (p/n G2992AA),
legacy 4200 TapeStation (p/n G2991AA),
and new 4200 TapeStation (p/n
G2991BA) systems with the Agilent
D1000 ScreenTape (p/n 5067-5582),
D1000 Reagents (p/n 5067-5583), Agilent
High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape (p/n
5067-5584), and High Sensitivity D1000
Reagents (p/n 5067-5585) were obtained
from Agilent Technologies Inc. NoLimits
300 bp DNA fragments (p/n SM1621),
the Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer, and Qubit
1X dsDNA HS (High Sensitivity) Assay
Kit (p/n Q33231) were purchased from
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Human
genomic DNA (p/n G304A) was acquired
from Promega. The M220 Focusedultrasonicator and the microTUBEs were
obtained from Covaris Inc.
Sample preparation
DNA fragments were prepared by
diluting the commercially available
DNA from Promega in 10 mM TrisHCl (pH = 8.0) to achieve a desired
number of concentrations within the
quantitative ranges of both D1000
ScreenTape assays (Table 1). Human
gDNA provided by the vendor was
Table 1. Comparison of analytical specifications of the Agilent D1000 ScreenTape assay and the Agilent
High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay.
Analytical Specifications Agilent D1000
Sizing Range 35 to 1,000 bp 35 to 1,000 bp
Typical Resolution
Sizing Precision
Sizing Accuracy
Quantitative Precision
Quantitative Accuracy
Quantitative Range 0.1 to 50 ng/µL 10 to 1,000 pg/µL
¹Signal-to-noise >3 (single peak)
²Measured using one ladder per ScreenTape device
Sizing accuracy for analysis with electronic ladder: ±20%
utilized to generate DNA smears. The
gDNA was sheared in the microTUBEs
on the Covaris instrument according to
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
A shearing time of 110 seconds was
selected to achieve a target peak size
of approximately 300 bp. The final
smear sample was diluted in 10 mM
Tris-HCl (pH = 8.0) to prepare different
concentrations satisfying the respective
specifications1. Nominal concentrations
of all analyzed samples were determined
on the Qubit Fluorometer with Qubit 1X
ScreenTape Assay
35 to 300 bp: 15%
300 to 1,000 bp: 10%
0.1 ng/µL 5 pg/µL
5% CV 5% CV
±10% ±10%
0.1 to 1 ng/µL: 15% CV
1 to 50 ng/µL: 10% CV
±20% ±20%
DNA analysis
The D1000 and High Sensitivity D1000
ScreenTape assays were utilized for
sample analysis on three new 4200
TapeStation instruments, and on single
legacy 4200 and 4150 TapeStation
systems, respectively. Sample
preparation for both assays were
performed according to the Agilent quick
guide instructions
were analyzed in replicates of nine on
all TapeStation systems using Agilent
TapeStation software 4.1.
Agilent High Sensitivity D1000
ScreenTape Assay
35 to 300 bp: 15%
300 to 1,000 bp: 10%
15% CV
. The DNA samples
dsDNA HS Assay Kit. The respective
DNA ScreenTape ladders were used
as samples without any additional
Sample Intensity [Normalized FU]
Results and discussion
A dilution series of a 300 bp DNA
fragment with six concentrations from 5
to 1,000 pg/µL was analyzed on a new
4200 TapeStation system using the High
Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay.
The electropherogram overlay of all used
concentrations demonstrated single and
distinct peaks (Figure 1).
An enlarged section shows the overlay
of the technical replicates (n = 9) at a
concentration of 5 pg/µL, corresponding
to the specified limit of detection
(Table 1). The respective fragment peak
of 300 bp was clearly detected for all
9 replicates with signal-to-noise ratio
greater than 3. Thereby, the sensitivity of
the High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape
assay using a commercially available
fragment was confirmed on the new
4200 TapeStation system. Likewise, the
sensitivity of 0.1 ng/µL was verified for
the D1000 ScreenTape assay (data not
Figure 1. A 300 bp DNA fragment dilution series (5 to 1,000 pg/µL) was analyzed using the Agilent High
Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay on the new Agilent 4200 TapeStation system. The enlarged image
shows the overlay of individual electropherograms at the specified limit of detection of 5 pg/µL (n = 9).
5 pg/µL
Lower marker
750 pg/µL
500 pg/µL
250 pg/µL
10 pg/µL
Upper marker
Agilent D1000 ScreenTape assay
The analytical specifications of the
D1000 and High Sensitivity D1000
ScreenTape assays are summarized in
Table 1. Differing in quantitative range,
both D1000 assays allow for accurate
separation of DNA fragments and
smears ranging from 35 to 1,000 bp in
length. Previously, sizing specifications
of the D1000 DNA assays were evaluated
on the legacy 4200 TapeStation
system using two commercially
available ladders4. In this study,
sizing performance on the new 4200
TapeStation instrument was evaluated
using the D1000 and High Sensitivity
D1000 ScreenTape assay ladders as
samples, as described for the 4150
TapeStation system5, and the results of
all TapeStation models were compared.
Absolute sizes were determined on three
new 4200 TapeStation instruments and
compared with the results obtained
on both the legacy 4200 and 4150
TapeStation systems for all fragments
constituting the corresponding
ladders. The sizing performance of all
instruments is presented as an individual
bar chart for each assay with nominal
ladder fragment sizes supplied by Agilent
on the X-axes (Figure 2).
Determined size (bp)
Agilent High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay
50 100 200 300 400 500 700 1,000
Nominal size (bp)
4150 TapeStation
New 4200 TapeStation (1)
Legacy 4200 TapeStation
New 4200 TapeStation (2) New 4200 TapeStation (3)
50 100 200 300 400 500 700 1,000
Nominal size (bp)
4150 TapeStation
New 4200 TapeStation (1)
Figure 2. Sizing results for eight DNA fragments of the corresponding Agilent ScreenTape assay ladder
analyzed on three new Agilent 4200 TapeStation instruments and on both the legacy Agilent 4200
TapeStation instrument and the Agilent 4150 TapeStation instrument (n = 9) compared to nominal sizes.
(A) Agilent D1000 ScreenTape assay and (B) Agilent High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay.
Legacy 4200 TapeStation
New 4200 TapeStation (2) New 4200 TapeStation (3)