Always make sure you are using the most recent version of the Aria software. Check the
Aria software download website at
User Manual
Revision H0, March 2021
AriaMx: For Research Use Only. Not for use in
diagnostic procedures.
AriaDx: For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
Agilent Technologies
1Getting Started with the Aria Software 14
The Aria software 15
Getting Started with the Aria Software 16
Introduction to the Aria software 16
Overview of the user interface 18
Home screen 18
Menu toolbar 18
Tabs 18
Left and right panels 18
Home/Notifications/Help icons 19
Getting Started screen 19
Experiment Notes / Project Notes 19
Help access for the Aria software 20
Help system 20
Sample experiments 21
2Specifying Hardware and Software Settings 22
Update instrument optics 23
Change the default crosstalk correction settings 25
Set software preferences 28
Set default file name configuration 28
Create and apply analysis templates 29
3Performing Hardware and Software Tests and HRM Calibrations 32
Run an instrument qualification test 33
Run the test 33
About the Qualification Test graphical data 34
Perform an Installation Qualification test 36
Run an HRM calibration plate (HCP) 38
Prepare the plate 38
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program2
Run an HCP 39
If the HCP fails 40
4Creating/Opening an Experiment 42
Overview of the Getting Started screen 43
Tools available on the Getting Started screen 44
About the Aria file types 45
Quick Start Protocol 46
How to create, set up, run, analyze, and generate reports for an experiment 46
Create a new experiment 49
Create an experiment based on experiment type 49
Create an experiment from a template 50
Create an experiment from a LIMS data file 51
Open an existing experiment 53
Save a copy of an existing experiment 54
Create a template from an existing experiment 55
Convert an experiment to a new experiment type 56
5Selecting an Experiment Type 58
Overview of Experiment Types 59
Quantitative PCR 59
Comparative Quantitation 59
Allele Discrimination - Fluorescence Probes 60
Allele Discrimination - DNA Binding Dye with High-Resolution Melt 60
User Defined 60
The Quantitative PCR Experiment Type 61
Multiplexing quantitative PCR experiments 61
Well types for Quantitative PCR experiments 62
The Comparative Quantitation Experiment Type 63
Normalizing chance variations in target levels 63
3Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Determining amplification efficiencies for the targets of interest and normalizer targets 64
Including biological replicates in comparative quantitation 65
Well types for Comparative Quantitation experiments 66
The Allele Discrimination - DNA Binding Dye Experiment Type 67
About HRM calibration plates 67
Well types for Allele Discrimination - DNA Binding Dye experiments 68
The Allele Discrimination - Fluorescence Probe Experiment Type 69
Well types for Allele Discrimination - Fluorescence Probe experiments 70
The User Defined Experiment Type 71
6Setting Up the Plate 72
Overview of the Plate Setup screen 73
The plate map 74
Well type 74
Well name / Sample name 74
Target information 75
Replicate number 75
Reference dye 75
The Properties panel 76
Additional tools for setting up a plate 76
Import a plate setup 78
Select and view wells in the plate map 79
Select wells in the plate map 79
Unselect wells in the plate map 80
View details of a well or wells 80
Export the plate map image 85
Assign plate properties for a Quantitative PCR DNA Binding Dye experiment 86
Assign well types 86
Assign well names 86
Assign dyes/targets 88
Select a reference dye 89
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program4
Assign replicates 90
Assign quantities to Standard wells 92
Assign plate properties for a Quantitative PCR Fluorescence Probe experiment 94
Assign well types 94
Assign well names 94
Assign dyes/targets 96
Select a reference dye 97
Assign replicates 98
Assign quantities to Standard wells 100
Assign plate properties for a Comparative Quantitation experiment 102
Assign well types 102
Assign well names 103
Assign sample names and biological replicates 104
Assign dyes/targets 107
Select a reference dye 108
Designate the normalizer 108
Assign replicates 109
Assign quantities to Standard wells 111
Assign plate properties for an Allele Discrimination DNA Binding Dye experiment 113
Assign well types 113
Assign well names 113
Assign sample names 115
Assign dyes/targets 117
Select a reference dye 118
Assign replicates 119
Assign plate properties for an Allele Discrimination Fluorescence Probe experiment 122
Assign well types 122
Assign well names 122
Assign sample names 124
Assign dyes/targets 126
Select a reference dye 127
Assign Alleles 128
5Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Assign replicates 128
Assign plate properties for a User Defined experiment 131
Assign well types 131
Assign well names 131
Assign sample names and biological replicates 133
Assign dyes/targets 135
Select a reference dye 137
Designate the normalizer 137
Assign Alleles 138
Assign replicates 138
Assign quantities to Standard wells 141
7Setting Up the Thermal Profile 142
Set up the thermal profile 143
Elements of a Thermal Profile 144
Import a thermal profile 146
Edit the thermal profile 147
Export the thermal profile image 159
8Running and Monitoring Experiments 160
Overview of the Instrument Explorer dialog box 161
Add instruments to your network 162
Add a new instrument based on its IP address 162
Add a new instrument based on its port number 163
View information about an instrument 163
Start, stop, or pause a run 165
Start a run 165
Cancel a run 166
Pause a run 167
Monitor a run 168
Connect to the running instrument 168
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program6
Monitor a run by viewing its progress through the thermal profile 169
Monitor a run by viewing the raw data plots 169
Change the display options for the raw data plots 170
Stop monitoring a run 172
Retrieve run data from the instrument 173
Retrieve data through the network 173
Retrieve data using a USB drive 174
Export instrument data to a CSV file 175
Export instrument data by column 175
Export instrument data by target 175
Export instrument data by wells 175
9Setting Analysis Criteria 176
Overview of the Analysis Criteria screen 177
Toggle display of plate map wells 178
Select the wells and well types to include in analysis 179
Select wells for analysis using the plate map 179
Select wells for analysis based on well type 179
Select the targets to include in analysis 180
Select which data collection points to analyze 181
Choose a treatment for replicate wells 182
Assign an HRM calibration plate 183
Assign an HCP for new experiments 183
Assign an HCP using the HCP icon 184
10Viewing Graphical Displays of the Results 186
Overview of the Graphical Displays screen 187
Graphs 187
Result table 188
Display options 188
7Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Zooming 190
Configure and apply analysis templates 192
Configure an analysis template in the Analysis Term Settings dialog box 193
View the Amplification Plots 197
View data for a single data point 197
Select a fluorescence data type 198
Specify the use of smoothing 198
Adjust the graph properties 199
Adjust the baseline correction settings 199
Adjust the crosstalk correction settings 201
Select the scale (linear or log) of the Y-axis 206
Manually adjust threshold fluorescence values 207
Adjust threshold fluorescence values by altering the algorithm settings 209
Lock or unlock the threshold fluorescence values 210
View the Melt Curve - Raw/Derivative Curve 212
About raw/derivative curves 212
View data for a single data point 213
Select a fluorescence data type 213
Adjust the graph properties 214
Specify the use of smoothing 214
Normalize the fluorescence values 214
Adjust the range of the X-axis 215
Adjust product melting temperature settings 216
View the Melt Curve - Difference Plots 218
About difference plots 218
Select a fluorescence data type 220
Assign the control target 220
View data for a single data point 221
Manually assign Unknowns to a genotype call 221
Adjust the graph properties 224
View the Standard Curve 225
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program8
View data for a single data point 225
Select a fluorescence data type 226
View the R-squared values, slopes, and amplification efficiencies 227
Adjust the graph properties 228
Manually adjust threshold fluorescence values 228
Display and adjust confidence intervals 229
View the Relative Quantity 230
About relative quantities 230
Select a fluorescence data type 231
Set the Y-axis scale for the Relative Quantity chart 231
Add error bars to the Relative Quantity chart 232
Adjust the graph properties 232
Select the algorithm method 232
Enter the amplification efficiencies for the targets 233
View the Allele Determination graph 235
View data for a single data point 235
Select data type and fluorescence type to display 236
Display genotype groups on the graph 237
Adjust the graph properties 238
Adjust the last cycle 238
Rename the genotype groups 239
Customize graph properties 240
Customize graph properties using the short-cut menu 240
Customize graph properties using the Graph Properties dialog box 243
11Generating Reports and Exporting Results 252
Generate report of results 253
View a preview of the report 253
Select report type 253
Generate the report 253
Configure the report 254
Create or edit report configuration definitions 257
9Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Export data/results to an Excel, text, LIMS data, or RDML file 260
Configure the file and export data 260
Load a saved data export definition 264
Create or edit data export definitions 265
12Creating and Setting Up an MEA Project 268
Quick Start Protocol 269
How to create, set up, analyze, and generate reports for a multiple experiment analysis
project 269
Overview of multiple experiment analysis 270
Applications 270
Restrictions 271
Guidelines for Comparing Cq Values Across Experiments 272
Reducing plate-to-plate variability 272
Selecting a method for setting threshold fluorescence levels 273
Create an MEA project 275
Open an existing MEA project 276
Select experiments for a project 277
Add or remove experiments from the project 277
Include or exclude experiments in the project analysis 278
Edit the plate setup of experiments in a project 279
Select an experiment to edit 279
Differentiate between targets across experiments 279
Edit plate properties 280
View the thermal profiles of experiments in a project 281
Toggle display between one experiment and all experiments 283
Select the wells and well types to include in analysis 283
Select the targets to include in analysis 284
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program10
Select which data collection points to analyze 284
Choose a treatment for replicate wells 285
Overview of the Graphical Displays screen for a project 286
Graphs 286
Result table 287
Display options 287
Zooming 289
Compare amplification plots in a project 291
Compare amplification plots by experiment 291
Compare amplification plots by target 291
Consolidate the amplification plots 292
Compare raw or derivative melt curves in a project 293
Compare raw or derivative melt curves by experiment 293
Compare raw or derivative melt curves by target 294
Consolidate the raw or derivative melt curves 294
Compare standard curves in a project 295
Compare standard curves by experiment 295
Compare standard curves by target 296
Consolidate the standard curves 296
Compare Relative Quantity charts in a project 297
Compare relative quantities by experiment 297
Compare relative quantities by target 298
Consolidate the relative quantities 298
Compare Allele Determination graphs in a project 299
14Generating Multiple Experiment Analysis Reports and Exporting Results 300
Generate report of MEA project results 301
View a preview of the report 301
Select report type 301
Generate the report 301
Configure the report 302
11Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Create or edit report configuration definitions 305
Export MEA data/results to an Excel, text, or LIMS data file 308
Configure the file and export data 308
Load a saved data export definition 311
Create or edit data export definitions 312
15“How-To” Examples for Multiple Experiment Analysis Projects 314
Example 1 315
How to find the initial template quantity of a target in an unknown sample using a standard curve
from a separate experiment 315
Example 2 317
How to normalize target quantities in Unknown and Calibrator wells using a normalizer target from a
separate experiment 317
16Help for the Aria ET (Electronic Tracking) Software 320
Overview of the Aria ET software 321
Open an experiment in the Aria ET software 323
Open an experiment 323
Import and export experiments in the Aria ET software 326
Import experiments into the database 326
Export experiments from the database 326
Lock or log out of the Aria ET software 328
Lock the program 328
Log out of the program 328
Change your password in the Aria ET software 330
Create a multiple experiment analysis project in the Aria ET software 331
Manage users in the Aria ET software 332
Set account properties for all users 332
Manage user accounts 335
Archive and restore experiments in the Aria ET software 339
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program12
Archive experiments 339
Restore experiments 341
View audit trails and system logs in the Aria ET software 343
View the audit trail logs 343
View the system logs 346
Add and remove databases in the Aria ET software 348
Add an Aria ET database 349
Remove an Aria ET database 350
View transaction logs in the Aria ET software 352
View transaction logs for primary database 352
View transaction logs for an archive database 353
17Reference Help and Troubleshooting & Support 354
QPCR Glossary 355
Experiment Type and QPCR Detection Chemistry Terms 355
Well-Types 357
Analysis Terms 358
Troubleshooting Guide
Contact Agilent Technical Support 370
13Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Getting Started with the Aria Software
The Aria software 15
Getting Started with the Aria Software 16
Introduction to the Aria software 16
Overview of the user interface 18
Home screen 18
Menu toolbar 18
Tabs 18
Left and right panels 18
Home/Notifications/Help icons 19
Getting Started screen 19
Experiment Notes / Project Notes 19
Help access for the Aria software 20
Help system 20
Sample experiments 21
Agilent Technologies
1Getting Started with the Aria Software
The Aria software
The Aria software
The Aria software features a variety of experiment type options with
customized plate and thermal profile setup, and experiment analysis
screens that streamline the process of collecting and analyzing data for
specific applications. The software capabilities allow you to:
• Quickly set up an experiment using a template or the Import Plate
Setup function
• View raw fluorescence data without mathematical correction or
calibration factors
• Quantitate the initial template quantity of a DNA target based on a
standard curve
• Generate and display normalized relative quantity values on a log(2)
fold change chart to assess the effects of an experimental treatment on
gene expression levels
• Export any data set directly to Microsoft Excel or to a text file
• View and analyze the data from several experiments together in a single
project using the multiple experiment analysis functions
• Use high resolution melt analysis for SNP genotyping in an Allele
Discrimination experiment
15Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Getting Started with the Aria Software
Introduction to the Aria software
The software's Home screen provides an introduction to the program and
a list of program features.
To open the Home screen: Click the Home icon near the upper right
corner of the program window.
Getting Started with the Aria Software1
Getting Started with the Aria Software
If you want the program to open to the Home screen, mark the check box near the
bottom of the screen labeled Show Home on StartUp.
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program16
1Getting Started with the Aria Software
Getting Started with the Aria Software
To view the Introduction, click Introduction (near the top right corner of
the Home screen). The text on this screen provides an overview of the
AriaMx/AriaDx Real- Time PCR System.
To view the Features, click Features (near the top right corner of the
Home screen). The text on this screen lists the features of the Aria
Minimum PC requirements
Table 1 lists the minimum PC requirements needed to run the Aria
Table 1Minimum requirements for running the Aria software
Operating systemWindows 10 – with regional format set to English (United States)
Supported architectures×64 (64 bit)
Programs*Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (required for ET software only)
Runtime components of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Libraries
Processor2 GHz Dual Core Processor
Working memory (RAM)2 GB (more is recommended)
Hard disk space40 GB
Display resolution1024 × 768 (1280 × 1024 is recommended)
* Installers for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 are provided
on the Aria Software Download page of the Agilent website. If you do not have the needed
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 components, then the Aria installer will automatically install
them to your PC when you initiate installation of the Aria software.
17Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Overview of the user interface
Home screen
The Home screen provides an introduction to the AriaMx/AriaDx system
and a list of program features. See “Introduction to the Aria software” on
page 16 for detailed information on the Home screen.
Menu toolbar
At the top of the program window are the File and Instrument menus.
• The File menu contains commands for opening, closing, saving, and
printing experiments and projects.
• The Instrument menu contains commands for connecting to,
configuring, exporting data from, and testing the AriaMx/AriaDx
Getting Started with the Aria Software1
Overview of the user interface
The user interface of the Aria software allows you to open up to 5
experiments at a time (when experiment files are < 1.5 MB), or one
project at a time. The program displays each open experiment or project
on its own tab, enabling you to quickly switch between them. Click the
icon to the right of the tabs to open a new tab. New tabs open to the
Getting Started screen.
Left and right panels
When you are working in an experiment or project, the left side of the
screen displays the Experiment Area panel, and the right side of the
screen displays a panel with tools for the currently open screen (e.g., the
Report Configuration panel is displayed on the Generate Report screen).
You can hide these panels by clicking the arrow icon next to the panel
name. Click the arrow icon again to expand the panel.
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program18
1Getting Started with the Aria Software
Overview of the user interface
Home/Notifications/Help icons
The top right corner of the program window has 3 icons for quickly
accessing the Home screen, viewing any notifications from the program,
and opening the Aria help system.
- Click this icon to open the Home screen. Click the icon again to close
the Home screen and return to previous screen.
- Click this icon to open a text box displaying any notifications from
the program. When you have unread notifications waiting, the icon is dark
- Click this icon to open the program's help system to the topic that
pertains to the currently displayed screen.
Getting Started screen
When you open a new tab in the program (from the File menu or the
icon), it opens to the Getting Started screen. From this screen you can
create a new experiment (from scratch or from a template), create a new
multiple experiment analysis project, or open an existing experiment or
project. See “Overview of the Getting Started screen” on page 43 for more
Experiment Notes / Project Notes
The Experiment Notes icon or Project Notes icons appears in the lower
left corner of the screen whenever an experiment or project is open.
Clicking the icon opens the Experiment Notes or Project Notes text box.
Use this text box to type your own notes pertaining to the particular
experiment or project. Click Save to save your notes for later reference.
19Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Help access for the Aria software
The Aria software contains a help system that provides instructions on
setting up, running, and analyzing experiments and creating multiple
experiment projects. You can also view video tutorials on the Agilent
website that describe how to perform some of the most common tasks in
the program.
Help system
From any screen or dialog box, click the help icon () in the upper
right corner of the screen to open the help system. The help system
automatically opens to the most relevant topic based on where you are in
the program.
You can navigate the help system window from the Contents tab or the
Search tab.
• On the Contents tab, use the table of contents on the left side of the
window to browse the chapters and topics within the help system.
• On the Search tab, type a search word into the field and click GO to
find the help topics that contain the word. If you type multiple words
into the field, the program will list help topics that contain all of the
words. Use quotes to search for a complete phrase (e.g., “comparative
quantitation”). You can also use the Boolean operators AND and OR to
find topics that contain more than one search word (e.g., comparative AND quantitation), or topics that contain any one of multiple search
words (e.g., comparative OR quantitation).
Getting Started with the Aria Software1
Help access for the Aria software
The help system contains the following chapters:
• Getting Started with the Aria Software- Contains help topics to
familiarize new users with the program and provide instructions for
getting started
• How- To Help - Provides step- by- step instructions on how to use the
• Reference Help - Contains trademark designations and a glossary of
QPCR terms
• Troubleshooting and Support - Contains troubleshooting suggestions
and a directory for contacting a technical support person in your region
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program20
1Getting Started with the Aria Software
Help access for the Aria software
Sample experiments
The Aria software comes with several sample experiment files that include
post- run data. The sample experiments are saved to the folder
C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Agilent Aria\Sample Experiments
during installation of the software. The folder includes a sample
experiment for each experiment type and subtype for both the AriaMx
(*.amxd) and AriaDx (*.adxd) software modes. You open the sample
experiments in the Aria software to help familiarize yourself with the
experimental setup and graphical displays available for each experiment
21Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Specifying Hardware and Software
Update instrument optics 23
Change the default crosstalk correction settings 25
Set software preferences 28
Agilent Technologies
2Specifying Hardware and Software Settings
Update instrument optics
Update instrument optics
Multiple optical modules are available for use with the AriaMx/AriaDx
instrument for detection of different dye spectra. In the Supported Optical
Configuration dialog box, you can view the optical modules, their currently
supported dyes, and the crosstalk correction settings for non- target dyes
that could be detected by each module.
Periodically, Agilent may add new supported dyes and optical modules to
the AriaMx/AriaDx Real- Time PCR System, and make a new optics
configuration file available to you. You can use the Supported Optical
Configuration dialog box to load that new file.
To open the Supported Optical Configuration dialog box: At the top of
the program window, click Instrument > Optical Configuration.
23Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Specifying Hardware and Software Settings2
Update instrument optics
To update the optical configuration file:
1 Open the Supported Optical Configuration dialog box.
2 Click Import Optical Configuration.
The Open dialog box opens.
3 Browse to the folder of the configuration file that you received from
Agilent. Select the file and click Open. The Supported Optical
Configuration dialog box is updated with the new configuration.
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program24
2Specifying Hardware and Software Settings
Change the default crosstalk correction settings
Change the default crosstalk correction settings
Multiple optical modules are available for use with the AriaMx/AriaDx
instrument for detection of different dye spectra. In the Supported Optical
Configuration dialog box, you can view the optical modules and their
currently supported dyes, and change the crosstalk correction settings for
non- target dyes that could be detected by each module.
To open the Supported Optical Configuration dialog box: At the top of
the program window, click Instrument > Optical Configuration.
Crosstalk occurs when emission from one dye is detected by two different
optical modules (the target optical module and the spillover optical
module). A dye is at risk for crosstalk when its emission spectra overlaps
that of another dye that is assigned to a different optical module. The
Aria software includes crosstalk correction settings, which can help
compensate for crosstalk.
25Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Specifying Hardware and Software Settings2
Change the default crosstalk correction settings
The factory settings for crosstalk correction are the default settings, unless
the default settings are changed in the Supported Optical Configuration
dialog box. Once changed, the new default crosstalk correction settings are
applied to all experiments going forward. Alternatively, you can adjust the
crosstalk correction settings for an individual post- run experiment using
the tools in the Amplification Plots graph. See “Adjust the crosstalk
correction settings” on page 201 for instructions.
The factory settings for crosstalk correction have been optimized to eliminate
potential crosstalk for dyes that are part of the default optical configuration.
Agilent does not recommend changing the crosstalk correction settings unless
you are using a new custom dye and the emission wavelength of that dye could be
detected by more than one optical module in the instrument.
To change the default crosstalk correction settings:
1 In the Supported Optical Configuration dialog box, locate the box for
the optical module that is or could be reporting crosstalk fluorescence
(i.e., the spillover optical module). The dyes that have the potential to
crosstalk with that optical module are listed in that box (e.g., the
HEX- JOE dye in the FAM optical module).
2 Change the crosstalk correction setting for the dye by adjusting the
value in the field.
The values in these fields are percentages of the total raw fluorescence.
They will be subtracted from the raw fluorescence signal for the optical
module when that dye is used as a target.
Crosstalk correction values that differ from the factory settings are
noted with an asterisk (*).
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program26
2Specifying Hardware and Software Settings
Change the default crosstalk correction settings
3 Click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog box.
To reset the crosstalk correction settings back to the factory settings:
1 In the Supported Optical Configuration dialog box, locate the box for
the optical module that you want to reset.
Crosstalk correction values that differ from the factory settings are
noted with an asterisk (*).
2 Within that box, click the reset icon next to Crosstalk Correction.
The crosstalk correction values for all dyes listed in the box are reset to
the factory values.
3 Click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog box.
The Supported Optical Configuration dialog box does not include crosstalk
correction settings between the HEX-JOE and Cy3 optical modules because the
degree of crosstalk is too significant to be adequately corrected. Agilent does not
recommend using HEX-JOE and Cy3 together in a multiplex reaction.
27Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Set software preferences
The Preferences dialog box is used for setting your preference on the
default file name configuration and for creating and selecting analysis
To open the Preferences dialog box: At the top of the program window,
click File > Preferences.
Set default file name configuration
To configure the default file name for experiments and projects:
1 In the Preferences dialog box, make sure File is selected at the top.
Specifying Hardware and Software Settings2
Set software preferences
2 Next to New Experiment/Project File Naming, click one of the
following options:
• Default - Select this option to use the program's default file naming
system. For experiments, the default file name is “Experiment”
followed by the next available number (e.g., “Experiment 3"). For
projects, the default file name is “Project” followed by the next
available number (e.g., “Project 3").
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program28
2Specifying Hardware and Software Settings
Set software preferences
• Custom - Select this option to configure your own file naming
system by selecting which pieces of information to include in the
default file name. Using the check boxes, you can select to include
the experiment type, the creation date for the experiment or project
(in format MM- DD- YYYY, DD- MM- YYYY, or YYYY- MM- DD), and the
time that the experiment or project was created.
3 Click OK to close the dialog box and save your changes.
Create and apply analysis templates
To create an analysis template that sets the default analysis settings for
1 In the Preferences dialog box, select Defaults at the top.
2 Type a name for the new template into the field below Choose analysis
template (and Select OK to apply).
29Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program
Specifying Hardware and Software Settings2
Set software preferences
3 Select when to apply the analysis template using the check boxes. You
can mark one check box, both check boxes, or neither check box.
• Mark Creating new experiment if you want to apply the analysis
template to all newly created experiments going forward.
• Mark Opening post run experiment if you want to apply the
analysis template anytime a post run experiment is opened in the
• Clear both check boxes if you do not want the analysis template to
be automatically applied to experiments.
4 Click Add.
A message box opens asking you to confirm that you want to create the
new template. Click OK to continue.
5 Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
The program will apply the template to your experiments according to
the check box selections made in step 3.
Newly created analysis templates have only default analysis settings. See
“Configure and apply analysis templates” on page 192 for instructions
on configuring the analysis settings in the analysis template.
To select an existing analysis template to be applied to experiments:
1 In the Preferences dialog box, select Defaults at the top.
2 In the field below Choose analysis template (and Select OK to apply),
click the arrowhead to expand the drop- down list. The list contains all
of the existing analysis templates.
3 Select a template from the list.
4 Select when to apply the analysis template using the check boxes. You
can mark one check box, both check boxes, or neither check box.
Agilent Aria Real-Time PCR Program30
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