Agilent MassHunter Workstation – Data
Acquisition for 6400 Series Triple
Quadrupole LC/MS
Familiarization Guide
Before you begin 3
Prepare your system 3
Prepare to acquire data 4
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method 6
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data 6
Task 2. Determine precursor ion masses 11
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response 14
Task 4. Determine product ion masses 24
Task 5. Find optimum collision energy for MRM acquisition 30
Exercise 2 – Develop a Dynamic MRM acquisition method from an MRM
acquisition data file or an MRM method 33
Task 1. Create a batch file from an existing MRM data file 33
Task 2. Print a report in the Quantitative Analysis program 36
Task 3. Create a Dynamic MRM method using Update dMRM 37
Task 4. Create a Dynamic MRM method from an MRM method 39
Exercise 3 – Create a Triggered Dynamic MRM acquisition method 40
Task 1. Create a Triggered Dynamic MRM method from a Dynamic MRM
method manually 40
Task 2. Add/Modify compounds in an existing database 42
Task 3. Create a Triggered Dynamic MRM method from an existing
database 52
Exercise 4 – Optimize Acquisition parameters 56
Task 1. Use the Optimizer Software to optimize acquisition
parameters 56
Task 2. Use the “Source and iFunnel Optimizer” program to optimize
acquisition parameters 63
Use the exercises in this guide to learn how to use the Agilent 6400 Series
Triple Quad LC/MS. You can do these exercises with the demo data files,
SulfaDrugs, shipped with the system (in the Data folder of your Qualitative
Analysis installation disk), or with data you acquire.
In Exercise 1, you learn how to determine the best acquisition settings for
analyzing your compounds of interest. These instructions help you understand
not only how to set up a worklist to optimize instrument parameters for best
sensitivity in acquisition, but also how to use the Qualitative Analysis program
to identify parameter values producing optimum signal response. You can also
learn about the Qualitative Analysis program by using the Qualitative Analysis Familiarization Guide or the Qualitative Analysis online Help.
In Exercise 2, you learn how to use either an acquired data file or the
Quantitative Analysis report results to update a dynamic MRM method. This
method allows you to easily set up a dynamic MRM method.
In Exercise 3, you learn how to create a triggered dynamic MRM method.
In Exercise 4, you learn how to use two programs to optimize parameters. The
Optimizer Software helps you optimize acquisition parameters. Specifically, it
automates the selection of the best precursor ion and the fragmentor voltage
for the most abundant precursor ion, selection of the best product ions, and
optimization of collision energy values for each transition for a list of
compounds you specify. The “Source and iFunnel Optimizer” program helps
you to find the optimal source and iFunnel parameters.
See the Concepts Guide to learn more about how the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
works and why the fragmentor and collision energy voltages are important. For background
information, see Chapter 3, “Agilent Triple Quad MS and Sensitivity”, in the Concepts Guide.
See the online Help for detailed information on how the program works.
Each task is presented in a table with three columns:
• Steps – Use these general instructions to proceed on your own to explore
the program.
• Detailed Instructions – Use these if you need help or prefer to use a
step-by-step learning process.
• Comments – Read these to learn tips and additional information about each
step in the exercise.
2Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Before you begin
Before you begin, you need to check that your system is ready. If you plan to
acquire data, you also need to set up the instrument.
Prepare your system
1 Check that:
• The Data Acquisition program has been installed.
• The LC modules and the 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS have been
• The performance has been verified.
• The system has been turned on.
If these actions have not yet been done, see the Installation Guide for your
2 Copy the data files to your PC.
Copy the folder named SulfaDrugs in the Data folder on your Qualitative
Analysis installation disk to any location on your hard disk. This folder
contains all the data files needed for this exercise.
Do not re-use the sulfa drug data files already on your system unless you know that you
copied them from the originals on the disk and you are the only one using them. Data files
that are already on the system may contain processed results, leading to different behavior
during the exercises in this guide.
Before you begin
Prepare your system
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide3
Before you begin
Prepare to acquire data
Prepare to acquire data
Parts ListThe exercise in this guide uses this equipment and materials:
If you do not intend to acquire data but want to learn how to use the
Qualitative Analysis program for method development, you can skip this step,
which tells you how to prepare the demo sample. You then do those tasks that
show you how to use the Qualitative Analysis program with the sulfa drug
data files shipped with the system.
sampler, binary pump, thermostatted column compartment, DAD
• Zorbax column (see Table 1 on page 4)
• A 1 ng/µL concentration of the sulfa mix sample (prepared in this step)
Tab l e 1Zorbax columns
Triple QuadrupoleColumn DescriptionFilm
6410B, 6420, 6430, 6460
and 6490
SB-C18 2.1mm x 50mm1.8 µm80Å822700-902
Pore SizePart
1 Prepare the LC solvent.
In 1-liter reservoirs of HPLC-grade water and acetonitrile (ACN), add 1 mL
of 5M ammonium formate each to make 5mM ammonium formate in water
and ACN and use for the A and B channels, respectively.
2 Prepare the sample.
a Add 10 µL of the sulfa mix from one of the ampoules (500 µL) to 990 µL
of solvent A in a 2 mL glass sample vial so that the final concentration is
1 ng/µL.
b Cap the vial and place in a sample location in the autosampler.
3 Set up the LC column.
Use the Agilent column from Table 1. Other columns and instrument
parameters may be used in these exercises, but some parameters may need
adjustment, and the results will differ.
4 Set the column temperature to 60
C. Lower temperatures may be used;
however, the retention times will be longer, and the pump pressure may
exceed the limit of some LC systems.
4Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
The Electrospray LC Demo Sample (P/N 59987-20033) contains five ampoules
with 100 ng/µL each of sulfamethizole (M+H)
279, sulfachloropyridazine (M+H)
= 285, and sulfadimethoxine (M+H)+ = 311.
= 271, sulfamethazine (M+H)+ =
Determining optimal parameter values for acquiring sample compound data requires that
the Agilent Triple Quad instrument already be tuned on the Tuning Mix calibrant ions.
Before proceeding with this exercise, make sure you have used Checktune or Autotune to
verify that calibrant ions each have the proper mass assignment, peak width, and signal
See the Quick Start Guide, Installation Guide or online Help for instructions on tuning the
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide5
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
For this exercise you analyze a mixture of four sulfonamide compounds.
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data
In this exercise, you enter the conditions for the analysis of the sulfa drug mix.
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
1 Enter LC parameters appropriate
for sulfa drug mix.
See Tab l e 2 .
a Double-click the Data Acquisition
b Make sure that Acquisition appears as
the selection in the Context text box.
If Tune is the selection, click
Acquisition from the Context
dropdown menu in the Combo bar.
c Enter the LC parameters listed in the
Tab l e 2.
• The Data Acquisition window
appears. See Figure 1.
Tab l e 2LC parameters for sulfa drug mix
ParameterLC Parameter
• Flowrate800 µL/min
• Solvent A5 mM ammonium formate in water
• Solvent B5 mM ammonium formate in 90:10 acetonitrile:water
• Gradient (min - %B)0 min - 13%
1.80 min - 60%
2 min - 60%
• Stop Time2.5 min
• Post Time3.0 min
• Inj. Vol.2.0 µL
6Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data
Tab l e 2LC parameters for sulfa drug mix (continued)
ParameterLC Parameter
• InjectionStandard
• Draw Position0.0 mm
• Ch A254 nm (4 nm BW on DAD)
• REF A (DAD only)400 nm (80 nm BW)
• Temp60 °C for the 6460 and 6490 with Agilent Jet Stream Technology
40 °C for other instruments
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide7
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data
Figure 1
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
2 Enter MS parameters appropriate
for sulfa drug mix and save the
method as iiiMS2Scantest.m,
where iii are your initials.
See Tab l e 3 .
Agilent MassHunter Workstation Software – Data Acquisition window
a Click the QQQ tab in the Method
Editor window.
b Select MS2Scan from the Scan Type
list in the Time Segments table.
c Enter the other MS parameters as
listed in Ta bl e 3 . These parameters are
in either the Acquisition or the Source
d Save the method as
iiiMS2Scantest.m, where iii are your
8Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
If you have an Agilent 6490, you cannot edit the
Fragmentor column. The value for the Fragmentor
for a 6490 QQQ comes from the tune file, and for the
6490 it is typically closer to 380 V.
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data
Tab l e 3MS parameters for sulfa drug mix
ParameterValue (ESI)Value (AJS ESI)
• InletESI (positive polarity)AJS ESI (positive polarity)
• Scan TypeMS2ScanMS2Scan
• Delta EMV pos400 V200 V
• Mass Range100 to 400100 to 400
• Cell Acceleration Voltage7 V7 V
• Gas Temp350 °C
250 °C for Agilent 6490
• Gas Flow12 L/min
14 L/min for Agilent 6490
• Nebulizer50 psi35 psi
• Sheath Gas Temperaturenot applicable400 °C
• Sheath Gas Flownot applicable12 L/min
• Nozzle Voltagenot applicable0 V
• Capillary Voltage positive4000 V4000 V
• Fragmentor100 V (not adjustable on 6490, comes
from the Tune file)
350 °C
250 °C for Agilent 6490
10 L/min
14 L/min for Agilent 6490
100 V (not adjustable on 6490, comes
from the Tune file)
Figure 2Select Scan Type of MS2 Scan in the QQQ tab
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide9
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 1. Enter acquisition parameters and acquire data
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
3 Acquire data (optional).
• Set up a one-line worklist with
the method you just created.
• Name the data file
iiisulfamix01.d, where iii are
your initials.
• Designate a directory path to
hold your data files and method.
a If necessary, click View > Worklist to
display the Worklist window.
b Click Worklist > Worklist Run
Parameters. Verify that the parameters are set properly. Click OK.
c Click Worklist > Add Multiple
d Ty p e iii
data file name
e Select iiiMS2Scantest.m as the
method name.
f Click the Sample Position tab.
g Select the Autosampler, Well-plate or
Vial Tray.
h In the graphic, select a single position.
Click OK.
i In the Worklist window, mark the
check box to the left of the sample.
j Click the Start Worklist Run icon in
the main toolbar, the Run Worklist
icon in the Worklist toolbar or click the
Worklist > Run command.
sulfamix01.d as the
• The Worklist window is tabbed with
the Method Editor window by
default. Click the Worklist tab to
show the Worklist window.
• The Number of samples is set to 1.
• You have just acquired a full scan
MS data file to see what ions are
being formed from the sample.
• This step is optional because you
can perform the next step with an
example data file that comes with
the program. If you prefer, you can
create your own data file as
described in this step.
10Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 2. Determine precursor ion masses
Task 2. Determine precursor ion masses
In this exercise, you determine the precursor ions for each of the sulfa drugs
in the acquired data file.
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
1 Open the acquired data file.
• In the Qualitative Analysis
program, open either the
example file, sulfamix01.d, or
the data file you created in “Task
1. Enter acquisition parameters
and acquire data” on page 6.
a Double-click the Qualitative Analysis
The program displays the “Open Data
File” dialog box.
• When you open the sulfa drug
directory after installation, the Load result data (lower left corner) check
box is grayed out.
• If you see the check box marked,
this means that the data file(s)
already contains results. Clear this check box before opening the file.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide11
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Before you begin, make sure that
all previous settings are returned
to their default values:
• Restore default layouts
• Click Configuration >
Window Layouts > Restore
Default Layout.
• Make sure the method is
default.m. (see title bar)
• Click Method > Open.
• Select default.m, and click
• Return display options to default
• In the Configuration menu,
click each of the Display
Options commands.
• Click Default, and then OK.
• Restore the General layout.
• Click Configuration >
Configure for Workflow >
• Click OK.
• (optional) You may be asked to
save method changes.
• Return display options to default
• In the Configuration menu,
click each of the Display
Options commands.
Task 2. Determine precursor ion masses
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
12Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
b Do one of the following:
• Select the example data file
sulfamix01.d, and click Open.
• Select the data file you created in
“Task 1. Enter acquisition
parameters and acquire data” on
page 6, and click Open.
By default, the system displays the
Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC).
• The figure below shows the default
• The Qualitative Analysis program
displays a newly opened data file
with the same layout and display
settings used for the previous data
file. Therefore, you MUST make
sure to return to the default settings
for this exercise.
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 2. Determine precursor ion masses
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
2 Determine precursor ion masses
for all four peaks.
• You have determined them
correctly if you find the values
are similar to those shown in
this table:
• If you acquired the data file using
the Agilent Jet Stream
Technology, the retention times
may be different.
• The sulfamix01.d data file was
acquired with a different column
so your retention times are
• Close the data file after finding
the precursor ion masses.
a In the Chromatogram Results window,
make sure that the Range Select icon
in the toolbar is on.
b Click the left mouse button and drag
the cursor across the first peak to
produce a shaded region, as in the
figure below.
c Right-click the shaded area, and click
Extract MS Spectrum from the
shortcut menu.
• The system displays an averaged
spectrum across the peak in the MS
Spectrum Results window.
• The precursor mass of the first
compound, sulfamethizole, is
determined to be m/z 270.9.
• To obtain a single scan, doubleclick the apex of the peak.
d Repeat step a through step c for the
other compounds.
The precursor ion masses should
match those in the table in step 2.
e Click File > Close Data File.
f When asked if you want to save the
results, click No.
• Some compounds form sodium (Na)
and/or potassium (K) adducts as
well, corresponding to M + 23 and
M + 39 masses respectively. Seeing
these masses along with the M + H
can make for an easy confirmation
of which ion is the
pseudo-molecular ion (M + H)+.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide13
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
Task 3 shows you how to carry out the optimization for fragmentor voltage by
creating selected ion-monitoring experiments for each compound within a
method and setting up multiple methods with varying fragmentor voltages.
The Fragmentor Voltage for the 6490 is set automatically during Autotune, and
it cannot be set in the Data Acquisition program. If your instrument is a 6490,
skip to “Task 4. Determine product ion masses”. You can do the Qualitative
Analysis part of this task by using the data files that were shipped with the
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
1 Set up six methods for six different
fragmentor voltages.
• Change to a SIM experiment.
• Use 60, 80, 100, 140, 180 and 220
volts as the fragmentor voltages
for the six methods.
• Save the methods as
iiiMS2SIMxxx.m, where iii are
your initials and xxx is the
a In the Scan Type dropdown list, click
14Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
b In the Acquisition tab, enter the
Compound Name and Mass
(precursor ion mass) for
c Right-click anywhere in the Scan
segments section, and click Add Row.
d Type the Compound Name and the
Mass for sulfachloropyridazine.
e Repeat steps c and d for
sulfamethazine and sulfamethizole.
f Save the method as iiiMS2SIM140.m,
where iii are your initials.
g Change the fragmentor voltage to 60,
and save the method as
iiiMS2SIM060, where iii are your
h Repeat step g for voltages 80, 100, 180
and 220, saving the methods as
iiiMS2SIM080, iiiMS2SIM100,
iiiMS2SIM180 and iiiMS2SIM220, where iii are your initials.
• With the MS2SIM Scan Type set, a
different set of columns appears in
the Acquisition window.
• The Instrument Control and Data
Acquisition program creates a SIM
experiment for each compound
mass, starting with a default
fragmentor voltage of 140. See the
example below.
• The Fragmentor column is grayed
out if the instrument type is an
Agilent 6490.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide15
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
2 Set up and run the worklist
• Set up six samples with Sample
Name SulfaDrugMix to inject 1ul
from vials 1-6 or the ones you
• Specify the data files as
iiiSulfaSIMxxx.d, where iii are
your initials and xxx is the
a Click the Worklist icon if necessary to
make sure the worklist is visible.
b Click Worklist > New to start a new
worklist. You do not need to save the
last worklist.
c To set up the run, right-click the upper
left corner of the worklist, and click
Worklist Run Parameters.
d Type the paths for the method and data
e Type the information for the 60 voltage
f Click Worklist > Add Sample. Another
sample is added to the Worklist. Add
five samples to the worklist for
voltages 80-220.
g Mark the checkbox to the left of the
Sample Name for each of the six
• This step is optional because you
can use data files shipped with the
system to perform many of the
tasks in this exercise.
h Start the worklist.
• Click Worklist > Run.
• Click the icon in the main
• Click the icon in the worklist
• Note that the program only runs
those samples that are marked with
a checkmark.
• You can also run the worklist in
locked mode by clicking the
button in the main toolbar.
16Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
3 Set up a qualitative method to view
the EIC data automatically.
• Open the data file
Sulfa_SIM60.d or your own
iiiSulfa_SIM60.d, where iii are
your initials.
• In the Method Editor, add in the
EICs corresponding to the
precursor ion masses of 271,
279, 285, and 311.
• Save the method as iiiExercise1,
where “iii” are your initials.
a Click File > Open Data File.
The system displays the Open Data
File dialog box
b Select either Sulfa_SIM60.d or
iiiSulfa_SIM60.d, and click Open.
c Click Method > Method Editor or
View > Method Editor.
The system displays the Method Editor
• The Qualitative Analysis program
should be open. If not, see
“Double-click the Qualitative
Analysis icon.” on page 11.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide17
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
d If necessary, click Define
Chromatograms in the Chromatogram
section of the Method Explorer.
e To delete the BPC chromatogram, click
f Select EIC for the Chromatogram
Definition Type,
g In the MS Chromatogram tab, make
sure MS Level is set to All and Scans
is set to All scan types.
h Clear the Do cycle sum check box.
271 as the m/z value.
i Ty p e
j Click Add.
k Repeat steps i and j for the other
precursor ions,
279, 285 and
l Click Method > Save As. The system
opens the Save As dialog box
m Save the method as iiiExercise 1.m.
n Click Save.
• The default Method Editor list
selection after installation is
Integrate (MS).
• You can also select Define
Chromatograms from the Method
Items list in the Method Editor
18Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
4 Extract the chromatogram for the
data file and view the results.
• Make sure you can see all five
chromatograms, the TIC and four
a Click the Run button on the Method
Editor toolbar.
b To see the TIC and four EICs, click the
arrow next to the Maximum Number of
List Panes icon in the Chromatogram
Results toolbar, as shown in the
example below.
c Select 5 to view five chromatograms
The system displays chromatogram
results as shown below.
• You can also click the
Chromatograms > Extract Defined
Chromatograms command to
extract the defined chromatograms.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide19
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
5 Extract the remaining ion
chromatograms automatically.
• Extract Defined Chromatograms
should be the default action for
Assign File Open Actions.
• Open the remaining data files,
Sulfa_SIM80.d through
• Close the Method Explorer.
a Select File Open Actions from the
General section in the Method
b Make sure that Actions to be run list
only contains Extract Defined
• The Qualitative Analysis Method
Editor lets you define actions to be
performed automatically upon
opening a data file(s).
c Click File > Open Data File.
The system displays the Open Data
File dialog box.
d Select the data files to be opened,
Sulfa_SIM80.d through
e Mark the Run ‘File Open’ actions from
selected method check box. (lower left
20Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Mark this check box.
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
f Click Open.
The Qualitative Analysis program
displays all the EICs for all the data
files selected.
g To close the Method Explorer and
Method Editor, click the X in the upper
right corner of each window.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide21
• You can also close the Method
Explorer and Method Editor
windows by clicking the View >
Method Explorer command and the
View > Method Editor command.
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
22Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide
Exercise 1 – Develop an acquisition method
You can overlay the
chromatograms by
clicking the Overlaid
mode icon in the
Chromatogram Results
Task 3. Find optimum fragmentor voltage for maximum response
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
6 Select the fragmentor voltage that
produces the maximum response
for each of the precursor ions.
• Close the data files after you
determine the optimum voltage.
a In the Data Navigator window,
highlight the EICs for 271.0 m/z.
b Click the Show only the highlighted
items icon, .
Only the 271 m/z check boxes are now
c Look at the relative intensities of each
peak to determine which fragmentor
voltage setting will be best to use for
the 271 precursor.
• You press the Ctrl key to be able to
select multiple objects from the
Data Navigator window.
• You press the Shift key to be able to
select a group of objects.
• A fragmentor voltage of 100 should
be sufficient for each precursor ion.
• You can now determine the product
ions that are available for the
multiple-reaction monitoring
experiments to maximize sensitivity
for the analysis.
d Repeat step a through step c for the
other three base peaks or precursor
e Click File > Close Data File.
f Click Close when the Close Data File
dialog box appears.
• Click the different EICs in the Data
Navigator window to change which
chromatogram is labeled in the
Chromatogram Results window.
When the color of the label of the
chromatogram matches the color of
the chromatogram that has the
highest intensity, you use the
fragmentor voltage that was used
for that file.
Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad LC/MS Familiarization Guide23
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