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Manual Part Number
Revision A, September 2011
Printed in USA
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
5301 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95051
This guide is valid for the B.03.01 or later
revision of the Agilent ChemStation software for the Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole
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Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
In this Guide...
This guide presents a series of exercises to help you learn
the basic operation of your Agilent 6100 Series LC/MS
If you have any comments about this guide, please send an
e-mail to
1Prepare for the Analysis
Use these exercises to prepare the LC, to dilute a sulfa
demonstration sample, and to check the tune on the MS.
2Set Up and Run a Scan Method
Learn how to set up a scan method and acquire data for the
sulfa demonstration mix.
3Qualitative Data Analysis
Learn how to examine chromatograms and spectra to
identify sample components. In these exercises, you review
data from the sulfa sample you analyzed in Chapter 2, or
from a data file that you received with your ChemStation
4Set Up and Run a SIM Method
Learn how to set up a selected ion monitoring (SIM) method
and acquire data for the sulfa demonstration mix.
5Set Up and Run a Sequence
Use these exercises to set up an automated sequence for SIM
analyses of the sulfa mix at various concentrations, and to
acquire data with that sequence.
6Quantitative Data Analysis
Learn how to analyze data when you need to quantify
sample components. These exercises use caffeine data files
that you received with your ChemStation software.
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide3
4Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
1Prepare for the Analysis7
Exercise 1. Prepare the LC to run the sample8
Task 1. Start up ChemStation8
Tas k 2 . P ur ge t he pu mp9
Task 3. Prepare the column for the analyses10
Exercise 2. Prepare the samples for the analyses12
Exercise 3. Check the current MS tune values and adjust if
2Set Up and Run a Scan Method15
Exercise 1. Set up a full-scan acquisition method16
Task 1. Enter LC acquisition parameters16
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters19
Exercise 2. Acquire data with the full-scan method23
Task 1. Enter sample information24
Task 2. Acquire the data25
3Qualitative Data Analysis27
Exercise 1. Display and manipulate chromatograms28
Exercise 2. Examine mass spectra31
Exercise 3. Integrate the chromatogram36
Exercise 4. Print a report40
4Set Up and Run a SIM Method43
Exercise 1. Set up a SIM acquisition method44
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide5
Task 1. Load the scan method you created previously44
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters45
Exercise 2. Acquire data with the SIM method48
Task 1. Enter sample information49
Task 2. Acquire the data50
5Set Up and Run a Sequence51
Exercise 1. Set up a sequence52
Task 1. Prepare to create a new sequence52
Task 2. Edit sequence parameters53
Task 3. Set up the sequence table55
Task 4. Set up the sequence output58
Exercise 2. Run the sequence60
6Quantitative Data Analysis61
Exercise 1. Create a method for quantification62
Task 1. Create a new method62
Task 2. Set up the signal for quantification63
Task 3. Integrate the low-level standard65
Task 4. Set general calibration parameters67
Task 5. Set up the calibration curve68
Task 6. Explore options to refine the calibration72
Exercise 2. Process a sample and print a report73
6Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS System
Familiarization Guide
Prepare for the Analysis
Exercise 1. Prepare the LC to run the sample 8
Task 1. Start up ChemStation 8
Task 2. Purge the pump 9
Task 3. Prepare the column for the analyses 10
Exercise 2. Prepare the samples for the analyses 12
Exercise 3. Check the current MS tune values and adjust if necessary 14
This chapter presents exercises to help you learn how to:
• Prepare the LC and column for an analysis
• Prepare the samples that you analyze in these exercises
• Check the tune settings of the MS and adjust if necessary.
Before you start
• Order the sample: Agilent Electrospray LC Demo Sample,
p/n 59987-20033.
• Order the column: Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18, 2.1 mm x 30 mm,
3.5 µm, p/n 873700-902.
• You may use another similar column, but you may need to
adjust the HPLC conditions to obtain good separation.
• Make sure that the electrospray source is installed.
• Read the Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems
Quick Start Guide and Chapter 2 of the Agilent 6100
Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Concepts Guide.
Agilent Technologies
1Prepare for the Analysis
Exercise 1. Prepare the LC to run the sample
Exercise 1. Prepare the LC to run the sample
For the following tasks, try the steps in the first column. If you
need more help, follow the detailed instructions in the middle
Task 1. Start up ChemStation
StepsDetailed Instructions Comments
1 Open the ChemStation window.• Click the ChemStation icon on the
Alternate method:
• From the Start menu, select:
All Programs > Agilent
ChemStation > Instrument 1
8Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Prepare for the Analysis1
Task 2. Purge the pump
Task 2. Purge the pump
Use these instructions with the binary and quaternary
pumps. See the ChemStation online Help for instructions for
the capillary and nanoflow pumps.
StepsDetailed Instructions Comments
1 Display the Method and Run Control
2 Place the pump in standby mode.a Click More Pump > Control HPLC
3 Prepare solvents used in these
familiarization exercises.
• A – 5 mM ammonium formate in
• B – 5 mM ammonium formate in
4 Replace the solvent bottles with the
ones you just prepared.
5 Open the purge valve.a Turn the black purge valve on the
6 Enter a flow of 5 mL/min and
50% B, using water in channel A and
methanol in channel B.
• In the view selection area in the
lower left, click Method and Run
Pump on the Instrument menu to
open the Pump Control dialog box.
b Select Standby and click OK.
a Into a 1-liter reservoir of
HPLC-grade water, add 1 mL of 5 M
ammonium formate.
b Into a 1-liter reservoir of
HPLC-grade methanol, add 1 mL of
5 M ammonium formate.
• Replace the bottles for channels A
and B.
front of the pump counter-clockwise
two turns.
b Place the tubing that exits the pump
into a 250-mL or larger beaker.
a Click the pump icon.
b Select Set up Pump.
c Enter the parameters in step 6 and
click OK.
Alternate method:
• Select Standby from the Pump
context menu.
• The part number for ammonium
formate is G1946-85021.
• Each ampoule contains 2.2 mL of
ammonium formate solution.
• Be sure to use HPLC-grade
7 Turn the pump on and monitor the
tubing for bubbles.
a To turn the pump on, click the
little button to the lower right
of the solvent delivery (pump) icon.
b Monitor for bubbles.
• Purge for about 3 minutes to pass
3X the volume for the binary pump.
• If you wish, you may purge each
channel individually first, to ensure
that neither is air-locked.
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide9
1Prepare for the Analysis
Task 3. Prepare the column for the analyses
StepsDetailed Instructions Comments
8 After the bubbles are gone and the
purge is complete, enter a flow of
1 mL/min and 100% B.
9 Purge a short while longer, and then
close the purge valve.
a Right-click the pump icon.
b Select Set up pump.
c Enter the new parameters in step 8,
and click OK.
a Continue to purge for a short while.
b Close the black valve.
For more information on purging the
pump, see the reference manual that
you received with your pump.
Task 3. Prepare the column for the analyses
In the exercises in the next chapters, you analyze a mixture
of four sulfonamide compounds. To perform the analyses in
the following chapters, you must first condition and
equilibrate your column.
StepsDetailed Instructions Comments
1 Disconnect the column from the
detector and MS.
a Turn the pump off by clicking
the little button to the lower
right of the solvent delivery
(pump) icon.
b Disconnect the column from the
detector and MS.
c Place the open end of the tubing
that exits the column into the
• To prevent detector contamination,
allow the column effluent to go
directly to the waste beaker.
2 Flush the column with 100%
methanol at 1 mL/min (5 to 10 min).
• ZORBAX SB-C18, 2.1 mm
3.5 µm, p/n 873700-902
× 30 mm,
a Tur n t h e pum p o n.
b Flow methanol through the column
under the conditions used in Task 2,
step 8.
• The data sheet shipped with the
column cartridge recommends that
you flush with 20 to 30 columnvolumes of 100% methanol
(approximately 5 to 7.5 mL).
10Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Prepare for the Analysis1
Task 3. Prepare the column for the analyses
StepsDetailed Instructions Comments
3 Condition the column as follows,
using the solvents made up in Task 2,
step 6:
• Flow rate – 0.4 mL/min
• 100% B for 1/2 hour
• 50% B for 1/2 hour
4 Equilibrate the column at the analysis
• 12% B for 1/2 hour at 40 °C
5 While the column equilibrates, set
parameters for the MS spray chamber
so it can heat and equilibrate as well.
• Drying gas flow: 8 L/min
• Nebulizer pressure: 35 psig
• Drying gas temperature: 300
• Capillary voltage: 3000 V
For 6150 with Agilent Jet Stream
• Sheath Gas Flow: 12 L/min
• Sheath Gas Temp: 360°C
• Nozzle Voltage: 0 V
a Click Set up Instrument Method on
the Instrument menu to open the
Setup Method dialog box.
b Click the Pump tab.
c Enter the flow rate in step 3.
d For Solvent B, type 100 and click
e Wait 30 minutes.
f For Solvent B, type 50 and click
g Wait 30 minutes.
a For Solvent B, type 12 and click
b Click the TCC tab on the Setup
Method dialog box.
c For Temperature, type 40 and click
a Right-click the MSD
icon on the system
diagram and select
Spray Chamber.
b Enter the parameters described in
step 5.
c Click OK.
d Wait 10 minutes before you tune the
• At a flow rate of 0.4 mL/min, the
checkout column should produce
about 70 to 80 bar pressure
(measured without any fittings at
the column exit).
• If, after you perform these steps, the
pump pressure through the column
is too high, order a replacement
SB-C18 column (p/n 873700-902).
• If your column is not new, you can
reduce the length of time that you
condition the column.
• While you condition and equilibrate
the column, you may complete
step 5 in this exercise and then
work on the rest of the exercises in
this chapter. Be sure to complete
step 6 before you go on to the next
6 Reconnect the column to the DAD
and MS.
• You can complete “Exercise 3.
Check the current MS tune values
and adjust if necessary” either with
or without the column connected to
the DAD and MS, but you do need to
reconnect prior to the exercises in
Chapter 2, “Set Up and Run a Scan
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide11
1Prepare for the Analysis
Exercise 2. Prepare the samples for the analyses
Exercise 2. Prepare the samples for the analyses
In the exercises in the next chapters, you analyze a mixture
of four sulfonamide compounds. The Electrospray LC Demo
Sample (p/n 59987-20033), contains five ampoules with
100 ng/µL each of these compounds:
To perform the analyses in the following chapters, you must
first prepare the sample at various dilutions. The final
concentrations will be 1, 5 and 10 ng/µL. You will also
prepare a solvent blank.
12Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Prepare for the Analysis1
Exercise 2. Prepare the samples for the analyses
StepsDetailed Instructions Comments
1 Prepare a 1:10 dilution of the original
sample in a 1-mL autosampler vial.
• Final concentration is 10 ng/µL
• You will use this sample for the
scan analysis in Chapter 2, and for
the SIM analyses in Chapter 4 and
Chapter 5.
2 Prepare a 1:20 dilution of the original
sample in a 1-mL autosampler vial.
• Final concentration is 5 ng/µL
• You will use this sample for the SIM
analysis in Chapter 5.
3 Prepare a 1:100 dilution of the original
sample in a 1-mL autosampler vial.
• Final concentration is 1 ng/µL
• You will use this sample for the SIM
analysis in Chapter 5.
4 Prepare a solvent blank in a 1-mL
autosampler vial.
• You will use this sample for the SIM
analysis in Chapter 5.
a Transfer 100 µL of the sulfa mixture
into the autosampler vial.
b Add 900 µL of 90:10 water:methanol
that contains 5 mM ammonium
formate (NH
c Cap the vial.
a Transfer 50 µL of the sulfa mixture
into the autosampler vial.
b Add 950 µL of 90:10 water:methanol
that contains 5 mM ammonium
c Cap the vial.
a Transfer 10 µL of the sulfa mixture
into the autosampler vial.
b Add 990 µL of 90:10 water:methanol
that contains 5 mM ammonium
c Cap the vial.
a Into the autosampler vial, transfer
990 µL of 90:10 water:methanol that
contains 5 mM ammonium formate.
b Cap the vial.
• The original sulfa mixture is
dissolved in a solvent mixture of
70% water and 30% acetonitrile.
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide13
1Prepare for the Analysis
Exercise 3. Check the current MS tune values and adjust if necessary
Exercise 3. Check the current MS tune values and adjust if necessary
The MS is very stable and does not need to be tuned very
often. You can usually tune just once a month, or once a
week at most. You can use the Check Tune program
described in this exercise to confirm that the MS is in
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
1 Switch to the MSD Tune view.• In the view selection area in the
lower left, click MSD Tune.
2 Select the tune file.a In the Select Tune File dialog box,
select ATU NE S.TU N.
b Keep the default of Positive Polarity
c Click OK.
d In the status bar near the top of the
MSD Tune view, verify that you see
the following:
• Mode is API-ES
• Source is ESI (electrospray)
3 Run a Check Tune.• From the Tune menu, select Check
Note that Check Tune requires
values for comparison that are
determined from a previous
Autotune. Autotune is normally run
during installation.
4 If Check Tune report suggests that
you adjust peak widths or mass axis,
then do that.
5 If the Check Tune report shows poor
sensitivity, which indicates that your
MS settings are significantly out of
adjustment, then run a full Autotune.
a From the Tune menu, select Adjust
Mass Peak Width.
b From the Tune menu, select
Calibrate Mass Axis.
• From the Tune menu, select
Autotune > Positive Polarity.
• Make sure that you use an
appropriate calibrant with an
appropriate source.
• Check Tune is normally all that you
need to do to confirm that the MS
settings are correct.
• If Check Tune indicates a problem
with your MS settings, then
proceed to step 4 and/or step 5.
• The exercises in this manual use
only the positive ion mode and
standard scan speeds, so it is not
necessary to tune for negative
polarity or fast scan.
14Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS System
Familiarization Guide
Set Up and Run a Scan Method
Exercise 1. Set up a full-scan acquisition method 16
Task 1. Enter LC acquisition parameters 16
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters 19
Exercise 2. Acquire data with the full-scan method 23
Task 1. Enter sample information 24
Task 2. Acquire the data 25
These exercises show you how to set up a scan data
acquisition method for the demonstration sample (sulfa mix)
and to acquire data with that method.
The LC parameters that you enter in these exercises are
appropriate for the standard Agilent 1100/1200/1260/1290
Series liquid chromatography (LC) systems. You must enter LC
parameters that are appropriate for your LC model.
To view the results of these exercises, see Chapter 3,
“Qualitative Data Analysis.”
Before you start
• Review the Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS
Systems Quick Start Guide and Chapter 3 of the Agilent
6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Concepts Guide.
• Prepare the LC, column and sample as described in
Chapter 1, “Prepare for the Analysis.”
For the tasks on the following pages, try the steps on the left
without the detailed instructions. If you need more help, follow
the detailed instructions on the right.
Agilent Technologies
2Set Up and Run a Scan Method
Exercise 1. Set up a full-scan acquisition method
Exercise 1. Set up a full-scan acquisition method
This exercise changes the default method and saves it as a new
method. This exercise consists of the following tasks:
• “Task 1. Enter LC acquisition parameters” on page 16
• “Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters” on page 19
Task 1. Enter LC acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
1 Display the Method and Run Control
2 Open the method DEF_LC.M.a Select File > Load > Method.
3 Save the method under a new name,
4 Enter a volume of
1 µL for the
• In the view selection area in the
lower left of the ChemStation
window, click Method and Run
b If necessary, navigate to
c Select DEF_LC.M and click OK.
a Select File > Save As > Method.
b In the dialog box, for Name, type
c Click OK.
d In the box for Comment for method
history, type a comment.
e Click OK.
a Click Set up Instrument Method on
the Instrument menu to open the
Setup Method dialog box.
b Click the ALS tab.
c Click Standard injection.
d In the Injection volume box, type 1
for a 1-µL injection.
• You save the method now with a
new name to avoid inadvertently
overwriting the default method
16Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Set Up and Run a Scan Method2
Task 1. Enter LC acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
5 Enter pump parameters.a Click the Pump tab on the Setup
Method dialog box.
b Set the parameters as follows:
StopTime=7.00 min
Solvent A=Water 88%
Solvent B=Methanol 12%
6 Set up the gradient timetable as it
appears in the figure below.
7 Enter a column compartment
temperature of 40
8 Enter parameters for the diode-array
detector (DAD).
a Open the Timetable area in the
lower part of the tab, click Insert,
and type the first line.
b Click Append and type the second
c Repeat step b for lines 3 and 4.
a Click the TCC tab on the Setup
Method dialog box.
b Click the option button for oC.
c Ty p e 40.0 for
a Click the DAD tab on the Setup
Method dialog box.
b Enter the parameters shown below:
• Use Signal A: Wavelength 272nm,
Bandwidth16 nm
• Reference Wavelength: 360 nm,
Reference Bandwidth 100 nm
• Spectrum Store: All in peak
• Peakwidth: > 0.1 min
c Click OK to close the Setup Method
dialog box with the new setpoints.
Set the timetable parameters as
Line 1 Time 1:00, %B=12, Flow=0.4
Line 2 Time 3:00, %B=100,
Line 3 Time 6:00, %B=100,
Line 4 Time 7:00, %B=12, Flow=0.4
• The DAD is used in this example,
but the variable wavelength
detector (VWD) may be used
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide17
2Set Up and Run a Scan Method
Task 1. Enter LC acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
9 Select Data Acquisition only in the
Run Time Checklist.
10 Save the new parameters to the
method file, SULFA MS SCAN 1.M.
a Click Run Time Checklist on the
RunControl menu.
b Mark the Data Acquisition check
c Click OK.
a Select File > Save > Method.
b In the box for Comment for method
history, type a comment.
c Click OK.
• While it is common to include Data
Analysis in the Run Time Checklist,
for these exercises, you will view
the results in Chapter 3,
“Qualitative Data Analysis.”
18Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Set Up and Run a Scan Method2
Set to 100 for 6120
Set to 125 for 6130 or 6150
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
1 Enter parameters for the quadrupole
mass spectrometer (MS):
• Signal 1, scan mode, positive
• Scan range: 100 to 500
• Fragmentor:
100 V for the Agilent 6120; 125 V for
the 6130 or 6150
• Gain: 1.00
• Threshold: 150
• Stepsize: 0.10
• Peakwidth: 0.05 min
• Scan data storage: Condensed
• Active signals: 1 only
a Right-click the MSD
icon on the system
diagram and select Set
up MSD Signals.
b Enter the parameters described in
step 1 and shown in the figure
below. Take care to enter the
appropriate Fragmentor voltage for
your MS model.
c Click OK.
• To save disk space you usually acquire line spectra (Scan Data
Storage = Condensed). However,
when you acquire spectra from
intact proteins or protein
digests/peptides, you must acquire
and deconvolute profile spectra.
(Scan Data Storage = Full).
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide19
2Set Up and Run a Scan Method
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
2 Enter parameters for the spray
chamber of the ion source:
• Drying gas flow: 9 L/min
• Nebulizer pressure: 40 psig
• Drying gas temperature: 300
• Capillary voltage: 3000 V
For 6150 with Agilent Jet Stream
• Nebulizer pressure: 30 psi
• Drying gas flow: 7 L/min
• Drying gas temperature: 350°C
• Sheath gas flow: 12 L/min
• Sheath gas temperature: 360 C°
• Capillary voltage: 4000 V
• Nozzle voltage: 0 V
• Fragmentor: 200 V
• Multiplier gain: 3
a Right-click the MSD
icon on the system
diagram and select
Spray Chamber.
b Enter the parameters described in
step 2 and shown in the figure
c Click OK.
For all models except 6150 with Agilent Jet Stream technology
For 6150 with Agilent Jet Stream technology
20Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Set Up and Run a Scan Method2
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
3 Set up to store the fragmentor voltage
throughout the run.
4 Save the method.a Select Method > Save Method to
a Right-click the MSD
icon on the system
diagram and select
Data Curves.
b Select Fragmentor - 1.
c Click the Add button.
d Click OK.
overwrite the method
b In the box for Comment for method
history, type a comment.
c Click OK.
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide21
2Set Up and Run a Scan Method
Task 2. Enter MS acquisition parameters
StepsDetailed InstructionsComments
5 Print the method.a Select Method > Print Method.
b Mark the check boxes as shown in
the figure below.
c Click the Print button.
22Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide
Set Up and Run a Scan Method2
Exercise 2. Acquire data with the full-scan method
Exercise 2. Acquire data with the full-scan method
Now you are ready to acquire data for the sulfa mix with the
method you just created. This exercise consists of the following
• “Task 1. Enter sample information” on page 24
• “Task 2. Acquire the data” on page 25
Agilent 6100 Series Quadrupole LC/MS Systems Familiarization Guide23
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