Order-No.: DD+DIS247.99E
1 Piece QF1H7 MA1
This document replaces DD+DIS125.99E and DD+DIS230.99E
Please file this document in section 13 of your technical documentation.
Year 2000 Readiness of ADC – Systems
1 General
To make ADC systems year 2000 ready, 2 CD-ROMs containing the required updates, have
been created. Together with the installation instructions and additional information they can be
ordered under:
October 99
ADC 70
Type 5140
ADC Compact
Type 5145
ADC Solo
Type 5155
This package is also included in the software upgrade for ADC70 (Order number: EB+
4406.0666). The following chapters show how to make the different ADC Systems year 2000
2 ADC 70 System:
2.1 Software Modules:
The following software versions are year 2000 ready. All other ADC 70 System software
components are not tested for year 2000 readiness and therefore have to be replaced by the
modules mentioned below to achieve year 2000 readiness.
• ADC 70 Digitizer:
CHM $'+$
VME $'&$
• ADC 70 Processing Station PS5000
Operating system 6XQ26681$6RODULV.5
Operating system updates year 2000 updates for Solaris 2.5*
* For the installation procedure see appendix 1 of this documentation.
printed in Germany

• ADC 70 ID-Station
Id-Station SW $,'$
Operating System DOS
Note 1: The date on the ADC 70 ID-Station has to be changed manually on the 01-01-2000 because
DOS jumps to the date 01-01-1970. Please change the date on the ID-Station in the
following way:
• Go to the Service Menu of the ADC 70 ID-Station application.
• Select “date and time”.
• Enter the correct date in the following manner: 01-01-2000 (the year “2000” has to be
entered in four digits).
• Leave the ADC 70 ID-Station software and go to “DOS”-level.
• Enter the command date.
• Enter date in the following manner: 01-01-2000 (the year “2000” has to be entered in four
digits, otherwise DOS jumps to 01-01-1970).
• Reboot the ID-Station.
As you probably will not be on site the 1
Note 2: The ADC 70 ID-Station software versions currently released have never been released to run
under any MS-Windows environment. Therefore they never have been tested for year 2000
readiness in that environment. Consequently AGFA cannot guarantee that the ID-StationSW runs properly in that environment and is able to manage the leap to year 2000.
of January 2000 please advice the customer to do
Note 3: If date and time on the Processing Station are changed and the Station is rebooted
afterwards, it comes up with time zone set to “PST” (Pacific Standard Time). This is a
general bug in Solaris 2.5 together with SUN Sparc20 hardware and has nothing to do with
non-compliance to year 2000. The Processing Station has to be rebooted a second time.
Then the correct time and time zone are set.
2.2 Availability
All the software components mentioned above (including the year 2000 updates) will be
available in one package from October 1999 on. They can be ordered with spare part
3 ADC Compact System
3.1 Software Modules
The following software-versions are year 2000 ready. All other ADC Compact System
software components are not tested for year 2000 readiness and therefore have to be
replaced by the modules mentioned below.
• ADC Compact Digitizer
Digitizer SW &23B&23$
• ADC Compact Processing Station software
Operating system = SunOS 5.5 (SUNA0403), Solaris 2.5
Operating system updates year 2000 updates for Solaris 2.5*
* For the installation procedure see appendix 1 of this documentation.
Section 13 / 2 Types 5140, 5145, 5155 15.10.1999

Operating system = SunOS 5.6 (SUNA0506), Solaris 2.6
Operating system updates year 2000 patches for Solaris2.6*
* For the installation procedure see appendix 2 of this documentation.
• ADC Compact Preview & ID-Station
Prid-Station SW 35,'
Operating System Windows 95
+ year 2000 updates for Win95 + Internet Expl.5*
Windows NT4.0
+ year 2000 update for WinNT4.0 with Service Pack 5 **
* For the installation procedure see appendix 3 of this documentation.
** For the installation procedure see appendix 4 of this documentation.
3.2 Availability
The ADC Compact Digitizer has to be upgraded to COP_1215 / COPA1215 or higher to be
year 2000 ready. The Digitizer software is available on AGFA Digimail and from the spare
parts stock under the following spare part numbers:
COP_1215 / COPA1215: CM+9.5145.1050.2
The ADC Compact Processing Station and the ADC Compact Preview & ID-Station have
never been released and delivered with an application software lower than DIPS.1.0.03 and
PRID 1.1.02, respectively. To make the Processing Station ready for year 2000 the Solaris
updates have to be installed, to make PRID ready for year 2000 the Win95 or WinNT updates
have to be installed. These updates are available from October 1999 on. The order number is:
4 ADC Solo System
4.1 Software Modules
The following Software-Versions are year 2000 ready. All other ADC Solo System software
components are not tested for year 2000 compliance and therefore have to be replaced by the
modules mentioned below.
• ADC Solo Digitizer
Digitizer SW 62/%
• ADC Solo Processing Station software
Operating system = SunOS 5.5 (SUNA0403), Solaris 2.5
Operating system updates year 2000 updates for Solaris 2.5*
* For the installation procedure see appendix 1 of this documentation.
15.10.1999 Types 5140, 5145, 5155 Section 13 / 3