CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder with
16-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
Multiple alarms:
— Loss of signal.
— Loss of reference clock.
— Loss of framing.
— Laser degrade alarm.
— Inter- and intraoffice SONET/SDH
— Subscriber loop
— Metropolitan area networks
Advance Data Sheet
March 2001
The CA16-type transponder s integrate up to 15 discre te
ICs and optical components, including a 2.5Gbits/s op-
tical transmitter and receiver pair, all in a single, compact packag e.
2.5 Gbits/s optical transmitter and receiver with
16-channel 155 Mbits/s multiplexer/demultiplexer.
Available with 1.55 µm cooled DFB laser transmit-
ter and an APD receiver for long-reach applications:
— Offers 45 standard ITU wavelengths with
100 GHz spacing.
— Each module is capable of two wavelengths
under user control.
Pig ta iled, low- p r o file pack age.
Differential LVPECL data interface.
Operating case temperature range: 0 °C to 65 °C.
Automatic transmitter optical power control.
High-speed data communications
The CA16-type transponder performs the parallel-toserial-to-optical transport and optical transport-toserial-to-parallel function of the section and photonic
layers of the SONET/SDH protocol. The CA16 transmitter se ctio n performs the bit ser i al i z a ti o n and op tical transmission of SONET/SDH OC-48/STM-16
data that has been formatted into standard SONET/
SDH compliant 16-bit parallel format. The CA16
receiver performs the optical-to-electrical conversion
function and is then able to detect frame and byte
boundaries and demultiplex the serial data into 16-bit
parallel OC-48/STM-16 format.
The CA16 transponder does not perform byte-level
multiplexing or interleaving.
Laser bias monitor outp ut.
Trans mitter laser disable input.
Line loopback and diagnostic loopback capability.
CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder withAdvance Data Sheet
16-Chann el 155 Mb its/s Mu ltip lexer/Demu ltip le x erMarch 2001
Table of Contents
Features ................................................................... 1
Figure 14. FRAME N Tim ing.................... ............ .....26
-to PICLK Timing...............................22
Agere Systems Inc..
Advance Data SheetCA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder with
March 200116-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of the CA16Type transponder. This device is a bidirectional module
designed to provide a SONET or S DH compliant electro-optical interface between the SONET/SDH photonic
physical layer and the electrical section layer. The module contains a wavelength-tunable (two channels at
100 GHz) 2.5 Gbits/s optical transmitter and a
2.5 Gbits/s optical receiver in the same physical package along with the electronics necessary to multiplex
and demultiplex sixteen 155 Mbits/s electrical channels.
Clock synthesis, clock recovery , and SONET/SDH
frame detection ci rcuits are also included within the
In the transmit direction, the transponder module multiplexes sixteen 155 Mbits/s PECL electrical data signals
into an optical signal at 2488.32 Mbits/s for launching
into optical fiber. An internal 2.488 GHz reference oscillator is phase-locked to an external 155.52 MHz data
timing refe rence.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
The optical transmitter is available at any ITU grid
wavelength with a 1.55 µm cooled DFB laser for longreach applications. Th e optical outp u t signal is S ONET
and ITU compliant for OC-48/STM-16 applications as
shown in Table 4, OC-48/STM-1 6 Transmitter Optical
In the receive direction, the transponder module
receives a 2488.32 Mbits/s optical signal and converts
it to an electrical signal, and then extracts a clock signal and demultiplexes the data into sixteen 155 Mbits/s
differential LV PECL data signals. When enabled, the
module can also detect SONET/SDH frame boundaries. The optical receiver is available with an APD
photodetector. The receiver operates over the wavelength range of 1.1 µm to 1.6 µm and is fully com pliant
to SONET/SDH OC-48/STM-16 physical layer specifications as shown in Table 5, OC-48/STM-16 Receiver
Optical Characteristics.
Stresses in excess of the absol ute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the dev ice. These are absolute stress ratin gs onl y. Function al operatio n of the device is not implied at thes e or any o ther conditions in excess
of those given in the operations sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended
periods can adversely affect reliability.
Operating Case Temperature RangeT
Storage Case Temperature RangeT
Supply Voltage—–0.55.5V
Voltage o n Any LV PECL P in—0V
High-speed LVPECL Output Source Current——50mA
Static Discharge Voltage
CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder withAdvance Data Sheet
16-Chann el 155 Mb its/s Mu ltip lexer/Demu ltip le x erMarch 2001
Pin Descriptions
Table 1. CA16-Type Transponder Pinout
Pin #Pin NameI/OLogicDescription
01FGNDISupplyFrame Ground
02IPDMONOAnalogReceiver Photodiode Curren t Monitor
03TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
04TxD15PILVPECLTrans mi tter 155 Mbits/s MSB Data Input
05TxD15NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s MSB Data Input
06TxD13PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
07TxD13NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
08TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
09TxD11PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
10TxD11NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
11TxD09PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
12TxD09NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
13TxDGNDISUPPLYTransmitter Digital Ground
14TxD07PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
15TxD07NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
16TxD05PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
17TxD05NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
18TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
19TxD03PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
20TxD03NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
21TxD01PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
22TxD01NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
23TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
PILVPECLByte-Aligned Parallel Input Clock at 155 MHz
NILVPECLByte-Aligned Parallel Input Clock at 155 MHz
27TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
28Tx3. 3DISupplyTrans mi tter 3.3 V Digital Supply
29Tx3. 3DISupplyTrans mi tter 3.3 V Digital Supply
30TxAGNDISupplyTransmitter Analog Ground
31Tx3.3AISupplyTransmitter 3.3 V Analog Supply
32Tx3.3AISupplyTransmitter 3.3 V Analog Supply
33TxAGNDISupplyTransmitter Analog Ground
34LPMOAnalogLaser Power Monitor
35LSRALMO5 V CMOS Laser Degrade Alarm
36LSRBIASOAnalogNot Implemented on the CA16-Type Transponder
37NC——No User Connection Permitted
1. Frame ground is connected to the housing and is isolated from all circu it grounds (TxDGND, TxAGND, RxDGND, RxAGND).
2. Pins labeled no connec t i on must rem ain open c i rc uits; they have internal voltages and must not be con nected to V
or any signal node.
, Grou nd,
Agere Systems Inc.
Advance Data SheetCA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder with
March 200116-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
Pin Descriptions
Table 1. CA16-Type Transponder Pinout (continued)
Pin #Pin NameI/OLogicDescription
42RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
43Rx3.3DISupplyReceiver 3.3 V Digital Supply
44Rx3.3DISupplyReceiver 3.3 V Digital Supply
45NC——No User Connection Permitted
46RxAGNDISupplyReceiver Analog Ground
47RxAGNDISupplyReceiver Analog Ground
48Rx3.3AISupplyReceiver 3.3 V Analog Supply
49RxAGNDISupplyReceiver Analog Ground
50RxAGNDISupplyReceiver Analog Ground
51RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
52VTECISupplyTEC Cooler 3 V Anal og Supply V ol ta ge
53VTECISupplyTEC Cooler 3 V Anal og Supply V ol ta ge
54VTECISupplyTEC Cooler 3 V Anal og Supply V ol ta ge
55RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
56RxQ14POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
57RxQ14NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
58RxQ12POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
59RxQ12NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
60RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
61RxQ10POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
62RxQ10NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
63RxQ08POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
64RxQ08NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
65RxDGNDISUPPLYReceiver Digital Ground
66RxQ06POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
67RxQ06NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
68RxQ04POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
69RxQ04NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
70RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
71RxQ02POLV PECLReceiver 155 M b i ts/s Data Output
72RxQ02NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
73RxQ00POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s LSB Data Output
74RxQ00NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s LSB Data Output
75RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
76NC——No User Connection Permitted
77NC——No User Connection Permitted
78NC——No User Connection Permitted
79NC——No User Connection Permitted
80FGNDISupplyFrame Ground
81FGNDISupplyFrame Ground
82ResetI—Master Reset
1. Frame ground is connected to the housing and is isolated from all circuit grounds (TxDGND, TxAGND, RxDGND, RxAGND).
2. Pin s lab eled no c onnection must remain open circuits; they have internal voltages and must not be connected to V
or any signal node.
, Grou nd,
Agere Systems Inc.
CA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder withAdvance Data Sheet
16-Chann el 155 Mb its/s Mu ltip lexer/Demu ltip le x erMarch 2001
Pin Descriptions
Table 1. CA16-Type Transponder Pinout (continued)
Pin #Pin NameI/OLogicDescription
83TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
86TxD14PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
87TxD14NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
88TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
89TxD12PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
90TxD12NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
91TxD10PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
92TxD10NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
93TxDGNDISUPPLYTransmitter Digital Ground
94TxD08PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
95TxD08NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
96TxD06PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
97TxD06NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
98TxDGNDISupplyTransmitter Digital Ground
99TxD04PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
100TxD04NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
101TxD02PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
102TxD02NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s Data Input
103TxDGNDISUPPLYTransmitter Digital Ground
104TxD00PILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s LS B Data Input
105TxD00NILVPECLTransmitter 155 Mbits/s LSB Data Input
106TxDGNDISupp lyTransmitter Digital Ground
109TxDGNDISupp lyTransmitter Digital Ground
110TxAGNDISupplyTransmitter Analog Ground
111Tx3.3DISupplyTransmitter Digital 3.3 V Supply
112Tx3.3AISupplyT r ansmitter Analog 3.3 V Supply
113NC——Future Function (I
C Clock)
114PHINITILVPECLPhase Initialization
116NC——Future Function (I
DISITTLTransmitter Di sable
C Data)
ILVTTLLine Loopback (active-low)
119LOSOLVTTLLoss of Sign al
120RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
121OOFILVTT LOut of Frame (enable frame detection)
122RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
123Rx3.3DISupp lyReceiver Digital 3.3 V Supply
1. Frame ground is connected to the housing and is isolated from al l cir cu it g rounds (TxDGND, TxAGND, RxDGND, RxAGND).
2. Pins labeled no connec t i on must rema in open circui ts; they have internal voltages and must not be con nected to V
or any signal node.
, Grou nd,
Agere Systems Inc.
Advance Data SheetCA16-Type 2.5 Gbits/s DWDM Transponder with
March 200116-Channel 155 Mbits/s Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
Pin Descriptions
Table 1. CA16-Type Transponder Pinout (continued)
Pin #Pin NameI/OLogicDescription
124Rx3.3DISUPPLYReceiver Digital 3.3 V Supply
125SE ARCHOLVTTLFrame Search Output
126RxAGNDISupplyReceiver Analog G r ound
127RxAGNDISupplyReceiver Analog G r ound
128Rx3.3AISupplyReceiver Analog 3.3 V Supply
131NC——No User Connection Permitted
POLV PECLByte-Aligned Parallel Output Clock at 155 MHz
NOLVPECLByte-Aligned Parallel Output Clock at 155 MHz
132WSIL VTTLBinary Input to Select One of Two Grid Wavelengths
133VTECISupplyTEC Cooler 3 V Analog Supply Vol tage
134VTECISupplyTEC Cooler 3 V Analog Supply Vol tage
135RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
136RxQ15POLVPECLReceiver MSB 155 Mbits/s Data Output
137RxQ15NOLVPECLReceiver MSB 155 Mbits/s Data Output
138RxQ13POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
139RxQ13NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
140RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
141RxQ11POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
142RxQ11NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
143RxQ09POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
144RxQ09NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
145RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
146RxQ07POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
147RxQ07NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
148RxQ05POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
149RxQ05NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
150RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
151RxQ03POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
152RxQ03NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
153RxQ01POLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
154RxQ01NOLVPECLReceiver 155 Mbits/s Data Output
155RxDGNDISupplyReceiver Digital Ground
156NC——No User Connection Permitted
157NC——No User Connection Permitted
158NC——No User Connection Permitted
159NC——No User Connection Permitted
160FGNDISupplyFrame Ground
1. Frame ground is connected to the housing and is isolated from all circuit grounds (TxDGND, TxAGND, RxDGND, RxAGND).
2. Pins labeled no connection must remain open circuits; they have internal voltages and must not be connected to V
, Ground, or any signa l
Agere Systems Inc.
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