June 1997
General Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Aerovent Products
Filtered Air Supply Fans
The roof mounted filtered air supply fan consists of two basic sections: the intake head with filters and the base. The standard
base includes the belted panel fan and is designed for curb mounting with a 4" turndown. Illustrations below show both curb and
flat base type.
Detail Mounting of Flat Type Curb Base on Existing Roof
Use Hydro Shield and heavy-duty glass
membrane — Addex Corporation (or
1. Set ventilator curb base in mastic.
2. Apply mastic over curb base flange.
3. Work membrane into mastic.
4. Trowel mastic over membrane and work
©1997 Aerovent
Care and Maintenance
The filtered air supply unit requires a minimum of attention to
keep it operating properly. However, a certain amount is
required to prolong its most efficient operation. The components requiring service are generally the moving parts which
include bearings, propeller, belts and sheaves, motor and shutter. The maintenance for all of these items, with the exception
of the propeller and filters, is covered in a separate installation
and maintenance manual included with this shipment. Good
fan maintenance requires regular and systematic inspection of
all fan parts. Severity of the application should determine frequency of inspection and fan maintenance should include the
1. PROPELLER: When the fan wheel is handling clean air,
as in the case of the filtered air supply unit, dirt build-up
will be slight and very little unbalance will result. Air heavily laden with grease and dirt will deposit a great deal on
propeller blades. Conditions should be observed and cleaning performed as required for smooth fan operation and, in
the case of grease, removal of this fire hazard.
One problem that often develops is the unbalance
which occurs when particles of dirt and grease build up on
the blades. This unbalance condition will naturally cause
wear and noise. Cleaning should be accomplished, if possible, without removing the propeller from the shaft.
2. V-BELT DRIVE: Check V-belt drive for proper align-
ment and tension. (See General Installation and Maintenance
Manual, IM 100.)
3. FAN BEARINGS: Lubricate the bearings as detailed in
the ball bearing lubrication instructions. (See General
Installation and Maintenance Manual, IM 100.)
4. SCREWS AND BOLTS: Check tightness of all screws
and bolts throughout the assembly.
5. SHUTTERS: Periodically check damper blades and
remove accumulated dirt. Also, check bronze damper bearings and motor linkage for smooth operation.
Filters and Filter Care
The standard filters furnished with the Aerovent filtered air
supply unit are permanent washable type and are designed for
a face velocity of 520 feet per minute. These may be 16x20x2
inch, 16x25x2 inch or 20x25x2 inch.
Filters must be cleaned regularly to prevent undue resistance and a loss of filtering efficiency. Manometers and other
warning devices are available to indicate when the filters are
clogged but visual inspection at regular intervals is probably
the best method for determining when it is time to clean and
change filters. These filters can be removed with the hood in
Filter Maintenance
Remove and flush filter with water containing ordinary detergent. Rinse with clean water. Drain and allow to dry. Then
recoat the filter with filter coat adhesive such as RP Super
Filter Coat Adhesive (Research Products Corporation,
Madison, Wisconsin). Never replace these washable type filters without coating.
Disposable Filters
Aerovent supplies two types of disposable filters. One has a
permanent metal frame with disposable media and the other,
Farr 30-30, has a treated fiber frame which is completely disposable. Ordinary “throwaway” filters with a paper frame and
face retainer tend to deteriorate from moisture, thereby causing the filters to fall out of the frame.
A permanent washable filter may be replaced with disposable type provided that the manufacturer’s specifications call
for a face velocity of 520 feet per minute and are of the same
size and thickness.
In many cities, professional filter cleaning and replacement
service is available. This is often a convenient and economical
arrangement for filter care.
24 8 16 x 20 x 2
30 14 16 x 20 x 2
36 22 16 x 20 x 2
42 22 16 x 25 x 2
48 28 16 x 25 x 2
54 44 16 x 20 x 2
12 20 x 25 x 2
28 16 x 25 x 2
5959 Trenton Lane N | Minneapolis, MN 55442 | Phone: 763-551-7500 | Fax: 763-551-7501