How to Clean Your AeroGarden
A Clean Pump Helps Keep Your Garden Healthy and Productive!
A Note About These Instructions
Cleaning an AeroGarden Pump entails disassembling a portion of your AeroGarden, taking apart the Pump,
cleaning all the Pump Parts, and then putting the Pump back together.
We realize that not everyone is comfortable diving into the inside of an AeroGarden. If you are wary about
taking your Pump apart, or get stuck anywhere during the process, please call Customer Service to discuss
options for replacing your Pump.
Why Clean Your Pump
A clean Pump really does help keep your garden healthy and
productive. Cleaning removes nutrient residue and/or plant
roots that can clog your Pump and prevent the ow of water
and nutrients to your plants. It also reduces Pump noise.
When To Clean Your Pump
We recommend that you clean your AeroGarden Pump after
every Garden has reached the end of its life. This will ensure
that nutrients and/or plant roots do not clog the water ow
in your next Garden. The most convenient time to clean
the Pump is during the “Prepare for Your Next Garden”
cleaning steps, which can be found in the back of any Seed/
Plant Kit Guide.
In some instances, a planted AeroGarden may start to make
noise. This can be a sign of residue build-up inside the Pump.
If this occurs, we recommend cleaning the Pump at the time
you notice the noise. This will not harm your plants.
Supplies Needed:
• Small at-head screwdriver
• Small pliers or tweezers (optional)
• Butter knife
• Sink with hot water
• Dish soap
• Towel (optional)
• Extra AeroGarden
Additional Supplies for a Planted Garden:
• Shallow dish (such as baking pan)
• 1 Gallon container (such as a bucket,
large bowl or cooking pot)
Time Needed:
Approximately 20-25 minutes the rst
time and 15 minutes once familiar with
the process
AeroGarden Components
Please refer to these photos, and the one
on page 2, to identify parts referred to in
the Pump Cleaning instructions.
Cross Beams & Brackets
Cross Beams
Lamp Arm
Lamp Hood
Grow Surface
Control Panel
Page 1

AeroGarden Components (continued)
Grow Surface (upside down)
Pump located
behind Filter
Cover Plate
Wire Slot
Remove & Save AeroGarden Water & Seed Pods
Pump Wire
Contact Strips
Pump Connector
Skip this step if your AeroGarden is not planted and proceed to Step 2 on page 3.
Unplug your AeroGarden.
Remove Bowl from Base.
Remove Grow Surface and place in sink (or on towel) as
Grow Surface
roots will drip water.
Pump Tower
1 Gallon Container
Pour water from Bowl into shallow dish to a depth of 1”.
Pour remaining water from Bowl into container that
holds at least 1 gallon and set aside.
Gently remove Seed Pods from Grow Surface* and place
plants upright in shallow dish. Be sure roots are in water.
Don’t worry if you tear a few roots or if the Cross Beams come out
with the roots. Cross Beams can easily be placed back in position (see
Troubleshooting for instructions).
*Use the illustration and corresponding numbered spaces to indicate where Seed Pods are located in the
Grow Surface Openings so you can replace them in the same position later.
Page 2
Baking Dish

Remove Pump and Clean Pump Tower
Follow the steps whether your are cleaning a Pump from a planted
AeroGarden or an empty AeroGarden.
Unplug your AeroGarden.
Remove Bowl from Base.
Remove Grow Surface from Bowl and bring to sink or set on towel.
Hint: Lift the View Door and slide one hand into the Bowl to lift.
Remove Filter from the back of the Pump Tower and
rinse under hot water or discard if you have a new Filter.
(Missing or torn Fil te r? See Troubleshooting on Page 7.)
Turn Grow Surface upside down and remove Cover Plate.
1 Insert at-head screwdriver at an angle into rectangular
slot on right side of Pump Tower and gently push down
on screwdriver.
2 Repeat step “1” on rectangular slot on left side
of Pump Tower.
Grow Surface
Cover Plate
Remove the Pump by inserting the at-head screwdriver
into the space under the Pump. Push down on the handle
of the screwdriver to lift the Pump out of the Pump Tower.
Pull Pump Wire from Wire Slot but
keep it attached to Grow Surface.
Rinse out any residue or roots from
Pump and Pump Tower in sink. It is
okay to get everything (the Pump,
Pump Wire and Grow Surface) wet.
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