AeroGarden Extended Season User Manual

Extended Season Growing & Harvesting Guide
your Garden’s
growth for
up to
3 months!
hese additional nutrients are designed for
gardeners like you who are not yet ready to completely harvest their Garden after using all the nutrients supplied with their original Seed Kit. While we are now supplying you with an additional 3 months of nutrient tablets, AeroGrow International, Inc. cannot guarantee the continued success of your Garden. We suggest that as you use these nutrients, you order your next Seed Kit so that your AeroGarden® can quickly be replanted when your plants reach the end of their life cycle.
How much the making
of a garden, no matter how small, adds to the joy of living.
xtending Your Garden’s Life
for up to 3 months
Tending your AeroGarden with the Extended Season Nutrients is just as easy as before. Every 2 weeks, both
the “Add Nutrients” and “Water Level Low” lights will blink on and off when it is time to add nutrient tablets.
When you add nutrients, continue using the same method for feeding (Basic, Rinse & Rell, or Alternating) as described in the Tending & Harvesting Guide included with your Seed Kit. Each of the methods is summarized below.
Basic Feeding
When your “Add Nutrients” light blinks, add
2 tablets from nutrient bag and reseal the bag.
Add water to raise the water level to “Fill To Here”
in the Bowl.
Press the “Reset” button to restart the nutrient timer
and turn off the blinking lights.
Enjoy your bountiful harvests!
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