Continued from previous page
Step 7 Reorder
• It is best to replace Grow Bulb(s) every 6 months. As bulbs dim, plants
may “stretch” looking for light, or not ower or fruit as vigorously.
• We are always introducing new Seed Kits! Check our website to see
what you want to grow next.
Replanting your AeroGarden
If you have already grown a seed kit in your AeroGarden, it is important to
restart the nutrient timer before planting a new seed kit.
For 6- and 7-Pod AeroGarden models:
1. Press and HOLD “Reset” button until “Add Nutrients” light begins to blink:
• 6 seconds/Space•Saver 6 models
• 9 seconds/all other 6- and 7-Pod models
2. Release “Reset” button and “Add Nutrients” light will go o. Nutrient timer
is now reset.
For 3-Pod AeroGarden models:
1. Press and HOLD button until “Add Nutrient” light begins to blink (about 6
2. Release button then quickly press and release button again. “Add Nutrient”
light will blink once and timer is now reset.
Remember to...
• Sanitize your AeroGarden before replanting (see “Prepare for Your Next
Garden” in your model’s Quick Start Guide). If you no longer have your
Quick Start Guide, you can nd one at www.aerogardensupport.com.
• Set your Lamp Hood to the lowest position when starting a new garden.
• Replace Grow Bulb(s) after 6 months of use. Bulbs can be ordered at
www.aerogrow.com, by calling 1-800-476-9669 or from your retailer.
How to Plant Your Garden
Now AeroGardens are even greener. To save paper we’ve included an
abridged Tending & Harvesting Guide. To download a full Tending &
Harvesting Guide for your garden visit: www.aerogardensupport.com.
Step 1 Set up your AeroGarden®
Reference your Quick Start Guide for instructions on setting up your
garden. If you no longer have your garden’s Quick Start Guide, you can
download the latest version at www.aerogardensupport.com. If you’re
replanting your garden, please refer to the “Replanting Your Garden” on
the back page of this guide.
• If your garden has a “plant select” feature, set it to the correct plant type.
Step 2 Water your AeroGarden
• Add cool tap water or puried water to the bowl to the ‘Fill to Here”
indicator. Do not use well or softened water.
• The AeroGarden has a low water level indicator, but we encourage you to
check the water level frequently and keep the bowl full.
Step 3 Plant your seed kit
Seed pod labels identify plant height.
• Herbs and Flowers: Place Tall plants in the back row, Medium plants
along the sides, and Short plants in the front.
• Vegetables: Place Seed Pods in each Front/Side opening and in a center back
opening. Put plant spacers in the remaining openings. In 3-Pod gardens,
place Seed Pod in any opening.
• If plants are all the same height, location of Seed Pod does not matter.
This warranty covers defects in materials, workmanship, germination and growth for one year
from date of purchase; void if used in a growing system other than an AeroGarden. AeroGrow will
replace a non-germinating Seed Pod with a Seed Pod AeroGrows choosing. To return a product see
www.aerogardensupport.com under “All Other Questions” section. You may have other legal
rights that vary from state to state.
AeroGrow International, Inc., P.O. Box 18450, Boulder, CO 80308-1450
©2010 AeroGrow International, Inc. Item # 507320-0000
Front Center
6-Pod Space•Saver
Grow Surface Examples
Continued on next page.

Continued from previous page
Step 4 Feed your AeroGarden
• Feed your garden at start-up, and when the “Add Nutrient” light blinks
(every two weeks). After feeding, reset the “Add Nutrient” light by clicking “Reset” once (hit “Select” instead on 3-Pod models). Always top o
water level when adding nutrients.
4 ml Packet 3-Pod Gardens 1 Packet each feeding
Herb & Salads - use for all feedings
Vegetables & Flowers - use 4 ml packets at startup
5.5 ml Packet 3-Pod Gardens 1 Packet each Feeding after using all 4 ml packets
at startup
6/7-Pod Gardens 2 Packets each Feeding after using all 8 ml packets
at startup
8 ml Packet 6/7-Pod Gardens Use 1 Packet per Feeding
Herb & Salads - use for all feedings
Vegetables & Flowers - use 8 ml packet at startup
When growing an AeroGarden 6 Seed Kit in an AeroGarden 3, use half the
nutrients at each feeding.
• Shake nutrient pack well and pour about half into your AeroGarden.
• Roll or fold cut end, secure with tape or a paperclip store upright until
next feeding.
Step 5 Care for your AeroGarden plants
With just a little bit of care your Garden will grow rapidly and oer bountiful
BEST TIP: Always keep your grow lights as close to your plants as possible
(without burning your plants).
• Chives grow slowly and often get shaded by faster growing plants. Create
space for your chives by pruning surrounding plants frequently.
• It’s almost never too early to start pruning basil. Use the trimmings in
soups, salads, sandwiches, etc.
• Harvest your tall, fast-growing herbs before raising the light hood.
• It’s best to keep all plant heights within 2 inches of each other. This allows
shorter or slow-growing plants time to mature before the lights are raised.
• When owers are 2” (5cm) tall, check each seed pod for multiple plants.
Using scissors, gently snip the smallest plants at the base of the stem, leaving
no more than 3 plants in each pod.
• Wilted or dead owers should be removed often for continued ower
• When your plants are about 2” (5cm) tall, check each Seed Pod for multiple
plants. Using scissors, gently snip the smallest plants at the base of stem,
leaving ONE healthy plant in each Seed Pod.
• You will need to start pollinating your plants regularly once they begin to
ower. With the lights on GENTLY shake your plants from side to side. This
will spread the pollen to all the owers on your plant.
• Vegetables need a daily dark period to produce owers and fruit. If
your garden is in a place that receives any room light (natural or articial), we
recommend that you set your light(s) to be on during the day.
• Growing fruit can cause your vegetable plants to topple over - support them
with bamboo stalks or try AeroGarden Soft Ties or Trellis systems.
Tips for Better Growth & Harvest
• Pruning tips- Always try to prune/harvest just above a new leaf set as seen in
diagram A.
• Little bugs can nd their way to your garden by riding in
on clothing or other plants. If you nd some unwanted
guests spray your plants with water to wash them o,
Too High
Cut Here
make sure you spray UNDER the leaves as bugs usually
reside there.
• Plants will grow into each other’s space and block light. To
keep all plants in your garden healthy, trim back the leaves
Diagram A
from the sides of the plant as seen in diagram B.
• AeroGarden plants love a fresh water bath! For extra care
you may empty the water out of your bowl at every other
feeding time and ll with fresh cool water and then add
For more tips about each plant type see our website
Diagram B
Step 6 Enjoy your harvest
• Herbs: Harvest frequently to maintain a healthy garden, but take no
more than 1/3 of the plant at a time.
• Tomatoes and other Vegetables: Your plants will continue to blos-
som and set fruit after their rst cycle. Fruit will sour on the vine so it is
important to remove it when it is ripe.
Continued on next page.