AEM 30-8761 CAS Trigger Disc User Manual

Installation Instructions for:
Crank Angle Sensor replacement for EMS P/N 30-6620
1990-1995 Nissan 300ZX VG30DE, VG30DETT
1989-1998 Nissan Skyline RB26DETT,
1993-1998 Skyline RB25DET, 1989-1994 Skyline RB20DET,
1988-1990 S13 180SX, 200SX and Silvia CA18DET
This installation is not for the tuning novice nor the PC illiterate! Use this system with EXTREME caution! The AEM EMS System allows for total flexibility in engine tuning. Misuse of this product can destroy your engine! If you are not well versed in
This product is legal in California for racing vehicles only and should never
engine dynamics and the tuning of management systems or are not PC literate, please do not attempt the installation. Refer the installation to a AEM trained tuning shop or call 800-423-0046 for technical assistance. You should also visit the AEM EMS Tech Forum at
NOTE: AEM holds no responsibility for any engine damage that results from the misuse of this product!
be used on public highways.
2205 126
Instruction Part Number: 10-6620-A supplement
Street Unit A Hawthorne, CA. 90250
Phone: (310) 484-2322 Fax: (310) 484-0152
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**Cam / Crank Angle Sensor: AEM trigger disc MUST be used Discrepancies have been observed in the OEM cam/crank signals between model years and/or trim levels; to avoid confusion the Series 2 EMS does not support the OEM Nissan trigger pattern. A replacement trigger disc is now included with every Nissan EMS and must be installed before attempting to start the engine. The following installation was performed on a stock 300ZX. Installation in a Skyline or modified 300ZX may require removal of different components to access the CAS sensor, but the procedure for the CAS disc change should be identical.
Tools/parts required:
Replacement trigger disc for Nissan RB/VG/VE cam angle sensor (AEM P/N 35-8761, supplied with 30-6620 EMS)
¼” ratchet
4-6” extension
8mm socket
10 mm socket
Small needle-nose pliers
¼ ” flat screwdriver
No. 1 Phillips screwdriver
No. 2 Phillips screwdriver
Small mallet or dead blow hammer
Medium-sized hammer
Small prybar (or wide flat screwdriver)
3 M4x45mm cap screws (available at McMaster-Carr in pack of 25 for $1.47; p/n:
Medium-sized pliers
3/8” pin punch
1/8” pin punch
Vise or area to place sensor assembly on
Red threadlocker
Failure to perform the following procedure correctly could result in permanent damage to mechanical and electrical sensor components, which could result in engine damage. Please read all instructions carefully before attempting this procedure, and do not attempt the install if you feel you may not be able to perform all operations safely without damaging components. AEM will not be held liable for any damage that occurs as a result of these instructions.
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Instructions: Locate the CAS sensor on your vehicle as shown in figures 1, 2, and 3.
Figure 1: Location of the CAS sensor
Figure 2: Location of the CAS sensor
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Figure 3: Close-up of CAS sensor
Remove intake tube obstructing access to the CAS sensor using an 8mm socket as shown in figures 4 and 5. Figure 6 shows how access to the CAS sensor looks once the tube is removed.
Figure 4: Removal of intake tube using 8mm socket
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Figure 5: Removal of intake tube using 8mm socket
Figure 6: Intake tube removed to access CAS sensor
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Mark the three bolts on the CAS sensor with your Sharpie as shown in figures 7 and 8 so that the sensor will go back into its original position upon reinstallation.
Figure 7: Marking position of CAS sensor
Figure 8: Marking position of CAS sensor
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Remove clip that holds the harness to the CAS sensor using a pick and a pair of needle-nose pliers as shown in figures 9 and 10. This may be done after removing the CAS assembly, but is best done now.
Figure 9: Pry here to remove this clip
Figure 10: Remove clip with needle-nose pliers
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Remove the three bolts on the CAS sensor using a 10mm socket as shown in figure 11. Take care not to turn the sensor. Mark with your Sharpie so that the sensor can be reinstalled correctly as shown in figure 12. Figure 13 shows the cam with the CAS assembly removed. (If you turn the sensor by accident, make sure to align it with cam and mark it)
Figure 11: Removal of 3 CAS sensor bolts using 10mm socket
Figure 12: Mark shaft relative to housing for correct reinstallation onto cam
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