Q: What is the maximum temperature COMPETENCE 99080 B can achieve?”
A: In ovens manufactured by this company, the maximum temperature for cooking is 280 degrees Celsius, whereas for self cleaning the temperature can go up to a maximum of 500 degrees celsius.
Q: Are both ovens capable of being used at the same time?”
A: This specific device was created in a way that functionality of both ovens is permitted, allowing the user to explore with several different cooking techniques.
Q: Are there any restrictions on using cookware with the microwave feature?
A: Heat resistant glass, ceramics and certain AEG accessories can be used. Metal objects and aluminum foil should be handled with caution.
Q: How does the oven’s self cleaning mechanism work?”
A: First the oven heats up to a temperature of minimum 500 degrees celsius. This allows the greasy dirt to be easily wiped off.
Q: Is there a specific cleaning routine recommended for the fat filter?
A: The fat filter must be cleaned after every usage. One can boil it in a solution of water and automatic washing powder.
Q: Are you able to use the oven to sterilize the bottling jars?”
A: Yes, sterilizing a jar that is 1 to 1.5 liters is possible in this oven, around 6 jars can be placed at once. Do remember to use suitable jars and set the correct temperature.
Q: Mention any safe features embedded into the oven.
A: Some of the features that are embedded in the oven includes locking of the door while using the oven door lock for the cleaning purpose to avoid any unwanted accidents and ameoeba.