AEG MC2662E-W, MC2662E-M, MC2662E-B User Manual

User Manual Microwave Oven
Dear Customer
Thank you for choosing one of our high-quality products. With this appliance you will experience the perfect combination of functional design and cutting edge technology. Convince yourself that our appliances are engineered to deliver the best performance and control - indeed we are setting the highest standards of excellence. In addition to this you find environmental and energy saving aspects as an integral part of our products. To ensure optimal and regular performance of your appliance please read this instruction manual carefully. It will enable you to navigate all processes perfectly and most efficiently. To refer to this manual any time you need to, we recommend you to keep it in a safe place. And please pass it to any future owner of the appliance. We wish you much joy with your new appliance.
Symbol Description
Importantinformation concerning your safetyor theoperationofyourapplianceisnoted by thissymbol and/ormentions words such as «Warning»,«Take care».Besuretofollowall instructionscarefully.
This symbol indicates further information concerning the use of the appliance.
The cloverindicates energy-saving tips andhints for environmentally friendlyuseofyour appliance.
Inthe event ofmalfunctioning, please follow the instructions given in thesection «What to do if...»
Important safety instructions 4
Appliance overview 8
Microwave oven & accessories 8 Control panel 9
Before first use 10
Econ mode 10 Setting the clock 10 Adjusting the time when the clock is set 11 Using the STOP button 11 Child safety lock 11
Microwave cooking advice 12
Food characteristics 12 Cooking techniques 12 Microwave safe cookware 13
Microwave operation 14
Microwave cooking 14 Manual defrosting 14 Microwave power levels 14 Kitchen timer 15 Add 30 seconds 16 Plus & minus 16 Multiple sequence cooking 17 Auto cook & auto defrost operation 18
Programme charts 20
Auto cook & auto defrost charts 20 Recipes for auto cook 22 Cooking charts 23
Recipes 25
Care & cleaning 29
What to do if . . . 30
Specifications 30
Installation 31
Environmental information 34
Service & spare parts 35
Guarantee information 36
4 Important safety instructions
Important safety instructions
Important safety instructions: Read carefully and keep for future reference
To avoid the danger of fire
TThhee mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee lleefftt uunnaatttteennddeedd dduurriinngg ooppeerraattiioonn.. PPoowweerr lleevveellss tthhaatt aarree ttoooo hhiigghh oorr ccooookkiinngg ttiimmeess tthhaatt aarree ttoooo lloonngg mmaayy oovveerrhheeaatt ffooooddss rreessuullttiinngg iinn aa ffiirree..
The electrical outlet must be readily accessible so that the unit can be unplugged easily in an emergency. Do not store or use the oven outdoors.
IIff ffoooodd bbeeiinngg hheeaatteedd bbeeggiinnss ttoo ssmmookkee,, DDOO NNOOTT OOPPEENN TTHHEE DDOOOORR.. TTuurrnn ooffff aanndd uunnpplluugg tthhee oovveenn aanndd wwaaiitt uunnttiill tthhee ffoooodd hhaass ssttooppppeedd ssmmookkiinngg.. OOppeenniinngg tthhee ddoooorr wwhhiillee ffoooodd iiss ssmmookkiinngg mmaayy ccaauussee aa ffiirree.. OOnnllyy uussee mmiiccrroowwaavvee--ssaaffee ccoonnttaaiinneerrss aanndd uutteennssiillss.. DDoo nnoott lleeaavvee tthhee oovveenn uunnaatttteennddeedd wwhheenn uussiinngg ddiissppoossaabbllee ppllaassttiicc,, ppaappeerr oorr ootthheerr ccoommbbuussttiibbllee ffoooodd ccoonnttaaiinneerrss.. CClleeaann tthhee wwaavveegguuiiddee ccoovveerr,, tthhee oovveenn ccaavviittyy,, tthhee ttuurrnnttaabbllee aanndd ttuurrnnttaabbllee ssuuppppoorrtt aafftteerr uussee.. TThheessee mmuusstt bbee ddrryy aanndd ffrreeee ffrroomm ggrreeaassee.. BBuuiilltt--uupp ggrreeaassee mmaayy oovveerrhheeaatt aanndd bbeeggiinn ttoo ssmmookkee oorr ccaattcchh ffiirree..
Do not place flammable materials near the oven or ventilation openings. Do not block the ventilation openings. Remove all metallic seals, wire twists, etc., from food and food packages. Arcing on metallic surfaces may cause a fire. Do not use the microwave oven to heat oil for deep frying. The temperature cannot be controlled and the oil may catch fire. To make popcorn, only use special microwave popcorn makers. Do not store food or any other items inside the oven. Check the settings after you start the oven to ensure the oven is operating as desired. See the corresponding hints in this operation manual.
To avoid the possibility of injury
WWaarrnniinngg!! Do not operate the oven if it is damaged or malfunctioning. Check the following before use:
a) The door; make sure the door closes properly and ensure it is not misaligned or
b) The hinges and door safety latches; check to make sure they are not broken or loose. c) The door seals and sealing surfaces; ensure that they have not been damaged. d) Inside the oven cavity or on the door; make sure there are no dents. e) The power supply cord and plug; ensure that they are not damaged.
5Important safety instructions
NNeevveerr aaddjjuusstt,, rreeppaaiirr oorr mmooddiiffyy tthhee oovveenn yyoouurrsseellff.. IItt iiss hhaazzaarrddoouuss ffoorr aannyyoonnee ootthheerr tthhaann aa ccoommppeetteenntt ppeerrssoonn ttoo ccaarrrryy oouutt aannyy sseerrvviiccee oorr rreeppaaiirr ooppeerraattiioonn wwhhiicchh iinnvvoollvveess tthhee rreemmoovvaall ooff aa ccoovveerr wwhhiicchh ggiivveess pprrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt eexxppoossuurree ttoo mmiiccrroowwaavvee eenneerrggyy..
Do not operate the oven with the door open or alter the door safety latches in any way. Do not operate the oven if there is an object between the door seals and sealing surfaces.
DDoo nnoott aallllooww ggrreeaassee oorr ddiirrtt ttoo bbuuiilldd uupp oonn tthhee ddoooorr sseeaallss aanndd aaddjjaacceenntt ppaarrttss.. FFoollllooww iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr CCaarree && CClleeaanniinngg.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn tthhee oovveenn iinn aa cclleeaann ccoonnddiittiioonn ccoouulldd lleeaadd ttoo aa ddeetteerriioorraattiioonn ooff tthhee ssuurrffaaccee tthhaatt ccoouulldd aaddvveerrsseellyy aaffffeecctt tthhee lliiffee ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee aanndd ppoossssiibbllyy rreessuulltt iinn aa hhaazzaarrddoouuss ssiittuuaattiioonn..
Individuals with PACEMAKERS should check with their doctor or the manufacturer of the pacemaker for precautions regarding microwave ovens.
To avoid the possibility of electric shock
Under no circumstances should you remove the outer cabinet. Never spill or insert any objects into the door lock openings or ventilation openings. In the event of a spill, turn off and unplug the oven immediately and call your local Service Force Centre. Do not immerse the power supply cord or plug in water or any other liquid. Do not allow the power supply cord to run over any hot or sharp surfaces, such as the hot air vent area at the top rear of the oven. Do not attempt to replace the oven lamp yourself or allow anyone who is not authorised by Service Force to do so. If the oven lamp fails, please consult your dealer or contact your local Service Force Centre. If the power supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it must be replaced with a special cord. The exchange must be made by an authorised Service Force technician.
To avoid the possibility of explosion and sudden boiling
WWaarrnniinngg!! LLiiqquuiiddss aanndd ootthheerr ffooooddss mmuusstt nnoott bbee hheeaatteedd iinn sseeaalleedd ccoonnttaaiinneerrss ssiinnccee tthheeyy aarree lliiaabbllee ttoo eexxppllooddee..
Never use sealed containers. Remove seals and lids before use. Sealed containers can explode due to a build up of pressure even after the oven has been turned off. Take care when microwaving liquids. Use a wide-mouthed container to allow bubbles to escape.
MMiiccrroowwaavvee hheeaattiinngg ooff bbeevveerraaggeess ccaann rreessuulltt iinn ddeellaayyeedd eerruuppttiivvee bbooiilliinngg,, tthheerreeffoorree ccaarree hhaass ttoo bbee ttaakkeenn wwhheenn hhaannddlliinngg tthhee ccoonnttaaiinneerr..
To prevent sudden eruption of boiling liquid and possible scalding:
1. Stir liquid prior to heating/reheating.
6 Important safety instructions
2. It is advisable to insert a glass rod or similar utensil into the liquid whilst reheating.
3. Let liquid stand for at least 20 seconds in the oven at the end of cooking time to prevent delayed eruptive boiling.
DDoo nnoott ccooookk eeggggss iinn tthheeiirr sshheellllss,, aanndd wwhhoollee hhaarrdd bbooiilleedd eeggggss sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee hheeaatteedd iinn mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveennss ssiinnccee tthheeyy mmaayy eexxppllooddee eevveenn aafftteerr mmiiccrroowwaavvee ccooookkiinngg hhaass eennddeedd.. TToo ccooookk oorr rreehheeaatt eeggggss wwhhiicchh hhaavvee nnoott bbeeeenn ssccrraammbblleedd oorr mmiixxeedd,, ppiieerrccee tthhee yyoollkkss aanndd tthhee wwhhiitteess,, oorr tthhee eeggggss mmaayy eexxppllooddee.. SShheellll aanndd sslliiccee hhaarrdd bbooiilleedd eeggggss bbeeffoorree rreehheeaattiinngg tthheemm iinn tthhee mmiiccrroowwaavvee oovveenn..
Pierce the skin of such foods as potatoes, sausages and fruit before cooking, or they may explode.
To avoid the possibility of burns
Use pot holders or oven gloves when removing food from the oven to prevent burns. Always open containers, popcorn makers, oven cooking bags, etc., away from the face and hands to avoid steam burns.
TToo aavvooiidd bbuurrnnss,, aallwwaayyss tteesstt ffoooodd tteemmppeerraattuurree aanndd ssttiirr bbeeffoorree sseerrvviinngg aanndd ppaayy ssppeecciiaall aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthhee tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff ffoooodd aanndd ddrriinnkk ggiivveenn ttoo bbaabbiieess,, cchhiillddrreenn oorr tthhee eellddeerrllyy..
Temperature of the container is not a true indication of the temperature of the food or drink; always check the food temperature. Always stand back from the oven door when opening to avoid burns from escaping steam and heat. Slice stuffed baked foods after heating to release steam and avoid burns. Keep children away from the door to prevent them burning themselves.
To avoid misuse by children
WWaarrnniinngg!! OOnnllyy aallllooww cchhiillddrreenn ttoo uussee tthhee oovveenn wwiitthhoouutt ssuuppeerrvviissiioonn wwhheenn aaddeeqquuaattee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss hhaavvee bbeeeenn ggiivveenn ssoo tthhaatt tthhee cchhiilldd iiss aabbllee ttoo uussee tthhee oovveenn iinn aa ssaaffee wwaayy aanndd uunnddeerrssttaannddss tthhee hhaazzaarrddss ooff iimmpprrooppeerr uussee..
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Do not lean or swing on the oven door. Do not play with the oven or use it as a toy. Children should be taught all important safety instructions: use of pot holders, careful removal of food coverings; paying special attention to packaging (e.g. self­heating materials) designed to make food crisp, as they may be extra hot.
7Important safety instructions
Other warnings
NNeevveerr mmooddiiffyy tthhee oovveenn iinn aannyy wwaayy..
TThhiiss oovveenn iiss ffoorr hhoommee ffoooodd pprreeppaarraattiioonn oonnllyy aanndd mmaayy oonnllyy bbee uusseedd ffoorr ccooookkiinngg ffoooodd.. IItt iiss nnoott ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr ccoommmmeerrcciiaall oorr llaabboorraattoorryy uussee..
To promote trouble-free use of your oven and avoid damage
Never operate the oven when it is empty. When using a browning dish or self-heating material, always place a heat-resistant insulator such as a porcelain plate under it to prevent damage to the turntable and turntable support due to heat stress. The preheating time specified in the dish’s instructions must not be exceeded. Do not use metal utensils, which reflect microwaves and may cause electrical arcing. Do not put cans in the oven. Only use the turntable and the turntable support designed for this oven. Do not operate the oven without the turntable. To prevent the turntable from breaking: a) Before cleaning the turntable with water, leave the turntable to cool. b) Do not put hot foods or hot utensils on a cold turntable. c) Do not put cold foods or cold utensils on a hot turntable. Do not place anything on the outer cabinet during operation.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: If you are unsure how to connect your oven, please consult an authorised, qualified electrician. Neither the manufacturer nor the dealer can accept any liability for damage to the oven or personal injury resulting from failure to observe the correct electrical connection procedure. Water vapour or drops may occasionally form on the oven walls or around the door seals and sealing surfaces. This is a normal occurrence and is not an indication of microwave leakage or a malfunction.
8 Appliance overview
Appliance overview
Microwave oven & accessories
1. Front trim
2. Oven lamp
3. Control panel
4. Door opening button
5. Waveguide cover
6. Oven cavity
7. Seal packing
8. Door seals and sealing surfaces
9. Fixing points (4 points)
10. Ventilation openings
11. Outer cover
12. Rear cabinet
13. Power supply cord
Check to make sure the following accessories are provided: (1) Turntable (2) Turntable support (3) 4 fixing screws (not shown)
• Place the turntable support in the seal packing on the floor of the cavity.
• Then place the turntable on the turntable support.
• To avoid turntable damage, ensure dishes or containers are lifted clear of the turntable rim when removing them from the oven.
IImmppoorrttaanntt:: When you order accessories, please mention two items: part name and model name to your dealer or local Service Force centre.
Control panel
1 Digital display indicators
9Appliance overview
Cooking stages
Auto defrost bread
Auto defrost
2 AUTO COOK indicators 3 AUTO COOK button 4 AUTO DEFROST button 5 POWER LEVEL button 6 TIMER/WEIGHT knob 7 START/QUICK button 8 STOP button 9 DOOR OPENING button
10 Before first use
Before first use
Econ mode
The oven is set in ‘ENERGY SAVE’ mode (‘Econ’).
1. Plug in the oven.
2. The display will be blank.
3. Open the door and the power comes on.
4. Close the door and ‘Econ’ will be displayed.
5. The display will count down from 3:00 to zero.
6. When zero is reached, the oven goes into ‘Econ’ mode and the display goes blank.
7. To cancel ‘Econ’ mode, set the clock.
8. To set ‘Econ’ mode when the clock is set, open the door, press start for 5 seconds, press stop then close the door.
Setting the clock
The oven has a 12 hour clock. Example: To set the clock to 11:30.
1. Plug in the oven.
2. The display will be blank.
3. Open the door and the power comes on.
4. Whilst the door is open, rotate the TIMER/WEIGHT knob to adjust the hour.
5. Press the START/QUICK button once then rotate the TIMER/WEIGHT knob to adjust the minutes.
6. Press the START/QUICK button.
7. Check the display:
8. Close the door.
1. You can rotate the TIMER/WEIGHT knob clockwise or anti-clockwise.
2. ENERGY SAVE mode cannot be set when the clock is set.
11Before first use
Adjusting the time when the clock is set or oven is in ‘Econ’ mode
To set the clock to 12:45.
1. Open the door.
2. Press and hold the START/QUICK button for 5 seconds. The oven will beep. Rotate the TIMER/WEIGHT knob to adjust the hour.
3. Press the START/QUICK button once then rotate the TIMER/WEIGHT knob to adjust the minutes.
4. Press the START/QUICK button once.
5. Check the display:
Using the STOP button
Use the STOP button to:
1. Erase a mistake during programming.
2. Stop the oven temporarily during cooking, press once.
3. Cancel a programme during cooking, touch twice.
Child safety lock
The oven has a safety feature which prevents the accidental running of the oven by a child. When the lock has been set, no part of the microwave will operate until the lock feature has been cancelled.
Example: To set the child safety lock.
1. Press and hold the stop button for 5 seconds.
The oven will beep twice and ‘LOC’ will be displayed:
To cancel the child safety lock, press and hold the stop button for 5
seconds, the oven will beep twice and the time of day will be displayed.
Child safety lock cannot be set if the clock is not set.
12 Microwave cooking advice
Microwave cooking advice
Microwave cooking
To cook/defrost food in a microwave oven, the microwave energy must be able to pass through the container to penetrate the food. Therefore it is important to choose suitable cookware.
Round/oval dishes are preferable to square/oblong ones as the food in the corners tends to overcook. It is important to turn, rearrange or stir food to ensure even heating. Standing time is necessary after cooking as it enables the heat to disperse equally throughout the food.
Food characteristics
Composition Foods high in fat or sugar (e.g. Christmas pudding, mince pies) require less heating time. Care
Density Food density will affect the amount of cooking time needed. Light porous foods, such as
Quantity The cooking time must be increased as the amount of food placed in the oven increases.
Size Small foods and small pieces cook faster than large ones, as microwaves can penetrate from
Shape Foods which are irregular in shape, such as chicken breasts or drumsticks, take longer to cook
Temperature The initial temperature of food affects the amount of cooking time needed. Chilled foods will of food take longer to cook than food at room temperature. Cut into foods with fillings, e.g. jam
should be taken as overheating can lead to fire.
cakes or bread, cook more quickly than heavy, dense foods, such as roasts and casseroles.
E.g. four potatoes will take longer to cook than two.
all sides to the centre. For even cooking make all the pieces the same size.
in the thicker parts. Round shapes cook more evenly than square shapes when microwave cooking.
doughnuts, to release heat or steam.
Cooking techniques
Arrange Place the thickest parts of food towards the outside of the dish. E.g. Chicken drumsticks. Cover Use vented microwave cling film or a suitable lid. Pierce Foods with a shell, skin or membrane must be pierced in several places before cooking or
Stir, turn and For even cooking it is essential to stir, turn and rearrange food during cooking. Always stir and rearrange rearrange from the outside towards the centre.
Stand Standing time is necessary after cooking to enable the heat to disperse equally throughout
Shield Some areas of food being defrosted may become warm. Warm areas can be shielded with
reheating as steam will build up and may cause food to explode, e.g. Potatoes, Fish, Chicken, Sausages.
after cooking has ended, e.g. poached, hard boiled.
the food.
small pieces of foil, which reflect microwaves, e.g. legs and wings on a chicken.
Eggs should not be heated using microwave power as they may explode, even
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