AEG GA60LI220 User Manual [da]

user manual
notice d'utilisation
istruzioni per l’uso
2 electrolux
Electrolux. Thinking of you.
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Safety information 2 Product description 5 Control panel 5 Use of the appliance 7 Setting the water softener 7 Use of dishwasher salt 8 Use of detergent and rinse aid 9 Multitab function 10
Before the installation and use, read this manual carefully:
• For your safety and the safety of your property.
• To help the environment.
• For the correct operation of the appli­ance.
Always keep these instructions with the ap­pliance also if you move or give it to a differ­ent person. The manufacturer is not responsible if an in­correct installation and use causes dam­age.
Children and vulnerable persons safety
• Do not let persons, children included, with reduced physical sensory, reduced mental functions or lack of experience and knowledge to use the appliance. They must have supervision or instruction for the operation of the appliance by a person who is responsible for their safety.
• Children must get supervision to make sure that they do not play with the appli­ance.
• Keep all packaging away from children. There is the risk of suffocation or injury.
• Keep all detergents in a safe area. Do not let the children touch the detergents.
• Keep children and pets away from the appliance when the door is open.
General safety
• Do not change the specifications of this appliance. There is the risk of injury and damage to the appliance.
Loading cutlery and dishes 10 Select and start a washing programme
11 Washing programmes 12 Care and cleaning 13 What to do if… 14 Technical data 16 Environment concerns 17
Subject to change without notice
• Obey the safety instructions from the de-
tergent manufacturer to prevent burns to eyes, mouth and throat.
• Do not drink the water from the appli-
ance. Particles of detergent can stay in your appliance.
• Do not keep the appliance door open
without supervision. This to prevent injury and to fall on an open door.
• Do not sit or stand on the open door.
• The appliance is only for domestic use.
Do not use the appliance for other uses to prevent injury to persons and damage to property.
• Only use the appliance to clean accesso-
ries that are applicable for dishwashers.
• Do not put flammable products or items
that are wet with flammable products in, near or on the appliance. Risk of explo­sion or fire.
• Put the knives and all items with sharp
points in the cutlery basket with their points down. If not, put in a horizontal position in the upper basket or in the knife basket. (Not all models have the knife basket).
• Use only specified products for dish-
washers (detergent, salt, rinse aid).
• Types of salt that are not specified for
dishwashers can cause damage to the water softener.
• Fill the appliance with salt before you
start a washing programme. Remaining salt in the appliance can cause corrosion
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or make a hole in the bottom of the appli­ance.
• Do not fill the rinse aid dispenser with other products than the rinse aid, (dish­washer cleaning agent, liquid detergent). This can cause damage to the appliance.
• Make sure that the spray arms can move freely before you start a washing pro­gramme.
• The appliance can release hot steam if you open the door while a washing pro­gramme operates. There is a risk of skin burns.
•Do not remove the dishes from the appli­ance until the washing programme is completed.
Care and cleaning
• Before you clean the appliance, deacti­vate it and disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket.
• Do not use flammable products or prod­ucts that can cause corrosion.
• Do not use the appliance without the fil­ters. Make sure that the installation of the filters is correct. An incorrect installation causes unsatisfactory washing results and damage to the appliance.
• Do not use spray water or steam to clean the appliance. Risk of electrical shock and damage to the appliance.
• Make sure that the appliance is not dam­aged. Do not install or connect a dam­aged appliance, contact the supplier.
• Remove all packaging before you install and use the appliance.
• Only a qualified person must do the elec­trical connection, the plumbing and the installation of the appliance. This to pre­vent the risks of structural damage or in­jury.
• Make sure that the mains plug is discon­nected from the mains socket during in­stallation.
• Do not drill into the sides of the appliance to prevent damage to hydraulic compo­nents and electrical components.
Important!Obey the instructions in the template supplied with the appliance: – To install the appliance. – To assemble the door panel.
– To connect to the water supply and
• Make sure that the appliance is installed below and adjacent to safe structures.
Frost precautions
• Do not install the appliance where the temperature is less than 0 °C.
• The manufacturer is not responsible for frost damage.
Water connection
• Use new hoses to connect the appliance to the water supply. Do not use used ho­ses.
• Do not connect the appliance to new pipes or pipes not used for a long time. Let the water flow for some minutes, then connect the inlet hose.
• Make sure not to squash or cause dam­age to the water hoses when you install the appliance.
• Make sure that the water couplings are tight to prevent a water leakage.
• The first time you use the appliance, make sure that the hoses do not have water leaks.
• The water inlet hose has a safety valve and a double sheath with an inner mains cable. There is pressure in the water inlet hose only when the water flows. If there is a leak in the water inlet hose, the safety valve interrupts the flow of water. – Be careful when you connect the water
inlet hose: – Do not put the water inlet hose or
the safety valve in water.
– If the water inlet hose or the safety
valve are damaged, immediately dis­connect the mains plug from the mains socket.
– Contact the service centre to replace
the water inlet hose with safety valve.
Warning! Dangerous voltage.
4 electrolux
Electrical connection
• The appliance must be earthed.
• Make sure that the electrical information on the rating plate agrees with the power supply.
• Always use a correctly installed shock­proof socket.
• Do not use multiple plugs and extension cables. There is a risk of fire.
• Do not replace or change the mains ca­ble. Contact the service centre.
• Make sure not to squash or cause dam­age to the mains plug and cable behind the appliance.
• Make sure that there is access to the mains plug after the installation.
• Do not pull the mains cable to disconnect the appliance. Always pull the mains plug.
Service centre
• Only a qualified person can repair or work on the appliance. Contact the service centre.
• Use only original spare parts.
To discard the appliance
• To prevent the risk of injury or damage: – Disconnect the mains plug from the
mains socket. – Cut off the mains cable and discard it. – Remove the door catch. This prevents
children or pets to be closed in the ap-
pliance. There is a risk of suffocation. – Discard the appliance at the local
waste disposal centre.
Warning! The dishwasher detergents are dangerous and can cause corrosion !
• If an accident occurs with these de­tergents, contact immediately a physician.
• If the detergent gets into the mouth, contact immediately a physician.
• If the detergent gets into the eyes, contact immediately a physician and clean the eyes with water.
• Keep dishwasher detergents in a safe area and out of children touch.
• Do not keep the appliance door open when there is detergent in the detergent dispenser.
• Fill the detergent dispenser only be­fore you start a washing programme.
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1 Upper basket 2 Water hardness dial 3 Salt container 4 Detergent dispenser 5 Rinse aid dispenser
6 Rating plate 7 Filters 8 Lower spray arm 9 Upper spray arm
10 Top spray arm
6 electrolux
1 Display 2 On/off button 3 Indicators 4
Delay start button
5 Programme buttons 6 Function buttons
Washing phase indicator. It comes on when the washing and rinsing phases op­erate.
Drying phase indicator. It comes on when the drying phase operates.
End indicator. It comes on when the washing programme is completed.
Multitab indicator. It comes on when you activate the function.
Rinse aid indicator. It comes on when it is necessary to fill the rinse aid dispenser.
Salt indicator. It comes on when it is necessary to fill the salt container. After you fill the container, the salt indicator can stay on for some hours. This does not have an unwanted effect on the operation of the appliance.
1) When the salt container and/or the rinse aid dispenser are empty, the related indicators do not come on while a washing programme operates.
The display shows:
• The electronic adjustment of the level of
the water softener
• The activation and deactivation of the
rinse aid dispenser (only with the multitab function on)
• The washing programme time
• The remaining time to the end of the
washing programme
• The end of a washing programme (the
display shows a zero)
• The delay start time
• The alarm codes.
On/off button
Press this button to activate or deactivate the appliance. After ten minutes from the end of the wash­ing programme, the Auto Off function auto­matically deactivates the appliance. This helps to decrease energy consumption.
Delay start button
Press this button again and again to delay the start of the washing programme from 1 to 24 hours.
Programme buttons
Press one of these buttons to set a wash­ing programme. The related indicator comes on. Refer to 'Washing programmes'.
Function buttons
With these buttons you can:
• Adjust electronically the level of the water softener. Refer to 'Setting the water soft­ener'.
• Activate and deactivate the multitab func­tion. Refer to 'Multitab function'.
• Activate and deactivate the rinse aid dis­penser (only with the multitab function on). Refer to 'What to do if...'.
• Cancel a washing programme in opera­tion. Refer to 'Select and start a washing programme'.
Setting mode The appliance must be in setting mode
for these operations:
• To set and start a washing programme.
• To set and start a delay start.
• To adjust electronically the level of the water softener.
• To activate or deactivate the multitab
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• To deactivate or activate the rinse aid dispenser (only with the multitab function on).
Activate the appliance. The appliance is in setting mode when:
• All the programme indicators come on.
Activate the appliance. The appliance is not in setting mode when:
• Only one programme indicator comes on.
1. Be sure that the set level of the water
softener agrees with the water hardness in your area. If not, adjust the water softener.
2. Fill the salt container with dishwasher
3. Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid.
4. Load cutlery and dishes into the appli-
5. Set the correct washing programme for
the type of load and soil.
The water softener removes minerals and salts from the water supply. These minerals and salts can cause damage to the appli­ance.
• The display shows the time of the wash­ing programme or of the delay start. – It is necessary to cancel the pro-
gramme or the delay start to go back to the setting mode. Refer to 'Setting and starting a washing programme'.
6. Fill the detergent dispenser with the cor-
rect quantity of detergent.
7. Start the washing programme.
If you use the combi detergent tablets ('3 in 1', '4 in 1', '5 in 1'), use the multi­tab function (refer to 'Multitab func­tion').
Adjust the level of the water softener if this does not agree with the water hardness in your area. Contact your local water authority to know the water hardness in your area.
8 electrolux
Water hardness
German degrees
51 - 70 91 - 125 9,1 - 12,5 64 - 88 43 - 50 76 - 90 7,6 - 9,0 53 - 63 37 - 42 65 - 75 6,5 - 7,5 46 - 52 29 - 36 51 - 64 5,1 - 6,4 36 - 45 23 - 28 40 - 50 4,0 - 5,0 28 - 35 19 - 22 33 - 39 3,3 - 3,9 23 - 27 15 - 18 26 - 32 2,6 - 3,2 18 - 22 1 4
11 - 14 19 - 25 1,9 - 2,5 13 - 17 1 3
4 - 10 7 - 18 0,7 - 1,8 5 - 12 1 2
< 4 < 7 < 0,7 < 5
1) Factory position.
2) Do not use salt at this level.
You must adjust the water softener manually and electronically.
Manual adjustment
Turn the water hardness dial to the position 1 or 2 (refer to the table).
French degrees
mmol/l Clarke de-
til the programme indicators above function buttons (A), (B) and (C) flash.
3. Release function button (B) and function
button (C).
4. Press function button (A).
• The programme indicators above
Water hardness ad-
manually elec-
2 2
function button (B) and function but­ton (C) go off.
• The programme indicator above func­tion button (A) continues to flash.
• The display shows the setting of the water softener (example:
5. Press function button (A) again and again to change the setting.
6. Deactivate the appliance to confirm.
Electronic adjustment
1. Activate the appliance. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode.
If the water softener is set electronically to the level 1, the salt indicator stays off.
2. Press and hold function button (B) and function button (C) at the same time un-
9 8 7 6
= level
How to fill the salt container:
1. Turn the cap counterclockwise and
open the salt container.
2. Fill the salt container with 1 litre of wa-
ter (only for the first time you fill with salt).
3. Use the funnel to fill the salt container
with salt.
4. Remove the salt around the opening of the salt container.
5. Turn the cap clockwise to close the salt container.
It is correct that water comes out from the salt container when you fill it with salt.
Use of detergent
To help the environment, do not use more than the correct quantity of deter­gent. Obey the instructions on the detergent packaging.
How to fill the detergent dispenser:
Press the release button
of the detergent dispenser.
Put the detergent in the dispenser
to open the
3. If the washing programme has a pre­wash phase, put a small quantity of de­tergent on the inner part of the appli­ance door.
4. If you use the detergent tablets, put the
5. Close the detergent dispenser. Press
Use of rinse aid
Do these steps to fill the rinse aid dispens­er:
3. Remove the spilled rinse aid with an
4. Close the rinse aid dispenser. Press the
Adjust the rinse aid dosage
Factory set: position 3.
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tablet in the detergent dispenser
the lid until it locks into position.
Use long washing programmes when you use the detergent tablets. These cannot fully dissolve with short washing programmes and can decrease the washing results.
Rinse aid makes it possible to dry the dishes without streaks and stains. The rinse aid dispenser automatically adds rinse aid during the last rinsing phase.
Press the release button
of the rinse aid dispenser.
Fill the rinse aid dispenser
to open the
with rinse aid. The mark 'max' shows the maxi­mum level.
absorbent cloth to prevent too much foam during the washing programme.
lid until it locks into position.
10 electrolux
You can set the rinse aid dosage between position 1 (lowest dosage) and position 4 (highest dosage).
The multitab function is for combi detergent tablets. These tablets contain agents as detergent, rinse aid and dishwasher salt. Some types of tablets can contain other agents. Be sure that these tablets are applicable for the water hardness in your area (refer to the instructions on the packaging of the prod­ucts). The multitab function deactivates the flow of rinse aid and salt. The multitab function deactivates the indi­cators of salt and rinse aid. The programme duration can increase if you use the multitab function.
Activate or deactivate the multitab function before the start of a washing programme. You cannot activate or de­activate the function when a washing programme operates.
To activate the multitab function
1. Activate the appliance.
2. Make sure that the appliance is in set­ting mode.
3. Press and hold function buttons (D) and (E) at the same time until the multitab in­dicator comes on.
Turn the rinse aid selector decrease the dosage.
4. Release function buttons (D) and (E). The function is activated.
• When you activate the multitab func-
tion, it stays on until you deactivate it.
To deactivate the multitab function and use separately detergent, salt and rinse aid
1. Activate the appliance.
2. Make sure that the appliance is in set­ting mode.
3. Press and hold at the same time, func­tion buttons (D) and (E) until the multitab indicator goes on.
4. Release function buttons (D) and (E). The function is deactivated.
5. Fill the salt container and the rinse aid dispenser.
6. Adjust the water hardness to the highest level.
7. Start a washing programme without dishes.
8. When the washing programme is com­pleted, adjust the water softener to the water hardness in your area.
9. Adjust the quantity of rinse aid.
to increase or
Refer to the leaflet 'Examples of Pro­Clean loads'.
Hints and tips
• Do not put in the appliance items that can absorb water (sponges, household cloths).
• Remove the remaining food from the items.
• Make soft the remaining burned food on the items.
• Put hollow items (cups, glasses and pans) with the opening down.
• Make sure that water does not collect in containers or in bowls.
• Make sure that cutlery and dishes do not bond together.
• Make sure that the glasses do not touch other glasses.
• Put small items in the cutlery basket.
• Mix the spoons with other cutlery to pre­vent them to bond together.
• When you put the items in the baskets, make sure that the water can touch all surfaces.
• Put light items in the upper basket. Make sure that the items do not move.
• Water droplets can collect on plastic items and non-stick pans.
Beer glass holders
The beer glass holders prevent beer glasses to move while a washing pro­gramme operates.
If you do not use the holders, fold them up or remove them. You can also remove the support.
Warning! Be careful when you disengage or engage the support.
To remove the holders and the support, do these steps:
1. Disengage the holders from the support and remove them.
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2. Push the support to the rear part of the basket to disengage it.
To engage the holders and the support, do these steps:
1. Push the support to the front part of the basket to engage it.
2. Engage the holders on the support.
Starting the washing programme without delay start
You can set the washing programme with the appliance door open or closed. If the door is open, you can change the setting, the appliance starts to operate only after you close the door. If the door is closed, the appliance starts to operate after 3 seconds from the setting of the washing programme.
1. Activate the appliance. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode.
2. Set the washing programme.
• The related programme indicator comes on.
• All the other programme indicators go off.
• The programme time flashes in the display.
3. Close the appliance door, the washing programme starts automatically.
• The programme time flashes no more
in the display.
12 electrolux
Starting the washing programme with delay start
You can set the delay start with the ap­pliance door open or closed. If the door is open, you can change the setting because the appliance starts to operate only after you close the door. If the door is closed, the appliance starts to operate after 3 seconds from the setting of the delay start.
1. Activate the appliance. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode.
2. Set the washing programme.
3. Press the delay start button again and again until the display shows the time of the delay start.
• The delay time flashes in the display.
4. Close the appliance door, the count­down starts automatically.
• The delay time flashes no more in the
display. When the countdown is completed, the washing programme starts automatically.
The opening of the appliance door stops the countdown. When you close the door, the countdown continues from the point of interruption.
Cancelling the delay start The countdown is not operating
1. Press the delay start button again and
again until the display shows the time of the washing programme.
2. Close the appliance door, the washing
programme starts automatically.
The countdown is operating
1. Press the delay start button again and
again until the display shows the time of the washing programme.
• The programme time flashes in the display. After some seconds, the time
stops to flash and the washing pro­gramme starts automatically.
Interruption of a washing programme
• Open the appliance door. – The washing programme stops.
• Close the appliance door. – The washing programme continues
from the point of interruption.
Cancelling the washing programme
If the washing programme has not started, you can change the selection. To change the selection while the washing programme operates, it is necessary to cancel the programme.
• Press and hold function button (B) and function button (C) at the same time until all the programme indicators come on.
Make sure that there is detergent in the detergent dispenser before you start a new washing programme.
End of the washing programme
When the washing programme is comple­ted, the display shows a zero and the end indicator is on.
1. Deactivate the appliance.
2. Open the appliance door.
For better drying results, keep the ap­pliance door ajar for some minutes.
Remove the items from the baskets
• Let the dishes become cold before you remove them from the appliance. Hot dishes can be easily damaged.
• First remove the items from the lower basket, then from the upper basket.
• There can be water on the sides and on the door of the appliance. Stainless steel becomes cool more quickly than the dishes.
Programme Type of soil Type of load Programme description
Heavy soil Crockery, cutlery,
pots and pans
Prewash Wash 70 °C Rinses Dry
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Programme Type of soil Type of load Programme description
Normal soil Crockery and cutlery Prewash
1) This is the standard programme for test institutes. With this programme you have the most efficient use of water and energy consumption for crockery and cutlery with normal soil. Refer to the supplied leaflet for test information.
2) With this programme you can wash a load with fresh soil. It gives good washing results in a short time.
Normal soil Crockery and cutlery Prewash
Fresh soil Crockery and cutlery Wash 65 °C
Normal or light soil
Delicate crockery and glassware
Wash 65 °C Rinses Dry
Wash 50 °C Rinses Dry
Rinse Wash 45 °C
Rinses Dry
Consumption values
Energy (kWh) Water (litre)
1,5 - 1,7 15 - 16
1,4 - 1,6 16 - 17
1,0 - 1,1 10 - 11
0,9 9
0,8 - 0,9 12 - 13
1) The display shows the programme time.
The water pressure and temperature, the variations of the mains supply and
To remove and clean the filters
Dirty filters decrease the washing results. Although the maintenance is very low with these filters, make a check at intervals and if necessary, clean them.
1. Turn the filter (A) counterclockwise and
remove it out from filter (B).
the quantity of dishes can change the consumption values.
2. Filter (A) has two parts. To disassemble the filter, pull them apart.
14 electrolux
3. Fully clean the parts with water.
4. Put the two parts of the filter (A) togeth­er and push. Make sure that they as­semble correctly in each other.
5. Remove the filter (B).
6. Fully clean the filter (B) with water.
7. Put the filter (B) to its initial position. Make sure that it assembles correctly in the two guides (C).
8. Put the filter (A) into position in filter (B). Turn the filter (A) clockwise until it locks.
To clean the spray arms
Do not remove the spray arms. If the holes in the spray arms become clog­ged, remove remaining parts of soil with a thin pointed object.
To clean the external surfaces
Clean the external surfaces of the appliance and control panel with a moist soft cloth. Only use neutral detergents. Do not use abrasive products, abrasive cleaning pads or solvents (acetone).
The start of the appliance does not occur or it stops during operation. First try to find a solution to the problem (re­fer to the table). If not, contact the service centre.
With some malfunctions, the display shows an alarm code:
- The appliance does not fill with wa-
Malfunction Possible cause Possible solution
The appliance does not fill with water.
The water tap is blocked or there is limescale on it.
- The appliance does not drain the
- The anti-flood device is on.
Warning! Deactivate the appliance before you do the checks.
Clean the water tap.
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Malfunction Possible cause Possible solution
The water pressure is too low. Contact your local water au-
The water tap is closed. Open the water tap. The filter in the water inlet hose
The connection of the water in-
The water inlet hose is dam-
The appliance does not drain the water.
The connection of the water
The water drain hose is dam-
The anti-flood device is on. Close the water tap and con-
The start of the washing pro­gramme does not occur.
The mains plug is not connec-
The fuse in the fuse box is
The delay start is set. • Cancel the delay start.
After the check, activate the appliance. The programme continues from the point of in­terruption. If the malfunction occurs again, contact the service centre. If the display shows other alarm codes, contact the service centre. The necessary information for the service
is blocked.
let hose is not correct.
aged. There is a blockage in the sink
drain hose is not correct.
The appliance door is open. Close the appliance door.
ted in the mains socket.
Record this information: –Model
(MOD.) ....................................................
– Product number
(PNC) ..........................................
– Serial number
(S.N.) ..............................................
Clean the filter.
Make sure that the connection is correct.
Make sure that the water inlet hose has no damages.
Clean the sink spigot.
Make sure that the connection is correct.
Make sure that the water drain hose has no damages.
tact the service centre.
Connect the mains plug.
Replace the fuse.
• When the countdown is completed, the washing pro­gramme starts automatically.
centre is on the rating plate.
The washing results and drying results are not satisfactory
Problem Possible cause Possible solution
The dishes are not clean. The washing programme was
not applicable for the type of load and soil.
You did not put the items cor-
rectly in the baskets, water did not touch all surfaces.
The spray arms could not turn
freely. Incorrect position of the items in the baskets.
Make sure that the washing programme is applicable for the type of load and soil.
Put the items correctly in the baskets.
Make sure that an incorrect po­sition of the items do not cause the blockage of the spray arms.
16 electrolux
Problem Possible cause Possible solution
The filters are dirty or not as-
The quantity of detergent was
Limescale particles on the dishes.
Incorrect level of the water soft-
The salt container cap is not
There are streaks, whitish stains, or a bluish layer on glasses and dishes.
Dry water drop stains on glasses and dishes.
The detergent can be the
The dishes are wet. The washing programme was
The dishes are wet and matt. The rinse aid dispenser is emp-
The multitab function is on (this
Activating the rinse aid dispenser
1. Activate the appliance. Make sure that the appliance is in setting mode.
2. Press and hold function button (B) and
sembled and installed correctly.
not sufficient or missing. The salt container is empty. Fill the salt container with dish-
ener adjustment.
closed correctly. The rinse aid quantity is too
The rinse aid quantity is too low.
without a drying phase or with a decreased drying phase.
function automatically deacti­vates the rinse aid dispenser).
• The programme indicator above func­tion button (B) continues to flash.
• The display shows the setting of the rinse aid dispenser.
function button (C) at the same time un­til the programme indicators above function buttons (A), (B), and (C) start to flash.
3. Release function button (B) and function button (C).
4. Press function button (B).
• The programme indicators above
function button (A) and function but-
5. Press function button (B) to change the setting.
6. Deactivate the appliance to confirm.
ton (C) go off.
Make sure that the filters are clean and correctly assembled and installed.
Make sure that the quantity of detergent is sufficient.
washer salt. Adjust the water softener with
the correct level. Make sure that the salt contain-
er cap is closed correctly. Decrease the rinse aid quantity.
Increase the rinse aid quantity.
Use a different brand of deter­gent.
For better drying results, keep the door ajar for some minutes.
Fill the rinse aid dispenser with rinse aid.
Activate the rinse aid dispenser.
The rinse aid dis­penser is deactiva­ted.
The rinse aid dis­penser is activated.
Dimensions Width 596 mm Height 818 - 898 mm Depth 575 mm Water supply pressure Minimum 0.5 bar (0.05 MPa) Maximum 8 bar (0.8 MPa)
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Water supply Capacity Place settings 12
1) Connect the water inlet hose to a water tap with a 3/4'' thread.
The rating plate on the inner edge of the appliance door shows the electrical connection data.
Cold water or hot water maximum 60 °C
photovoltaic panels and aeolian), use a hot water supply to decrease energy consumption.
If the hot water comes from alternative sources of energy, (e.g. solar panels,
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be
caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Recycle the materials with the symbol Put the packaging in applicable containers to recycle it.
18 electrolux
Electrolux. Thinking of you.
Partagez notre imagination sur
Consignes de sécurité 18 Description de l'appareil 21 Bandeau de commande 21 Utilisation de l'appareil 23 Réglage de l'adoucisseur d'eau 23 Utilisation du sel régénérant 24 Utilisation du produit de lavage et du liquide de rinçage 25 Fonction "Tout en 1" 26 Rangement des couverts et de la vaisselle
Lire attentivement cette notice d'utilisation avant l'installation et l'utilisation de l'appa­reil :
• Pour votre sécurité et la sécurité de votre appareil.
• Pour protéger l'environnement.
• Pour le bon fonctionnement de l’appareil.
Conservez cette notice d'utilisation avec l'appareil. Si vous déménagez ou si l'appa­reil est cédé à une autre personne, assurez­vous que la notice d'utilisation l'accompa­gne. Le fabricant n'est pas responsable des dommages liés à une mauvaise installation ou utilisation.
Sécurité des enfants et des personnes vulnérables
• Cet appareil n'est pas destiné aux en­fants et aux personnes dont les capaci­tés physiques, sensorielles ou mentales, ou le manque d'expérience et de con­naissance les empêchent d'utiliser l'ap­pareil sans risque lorsqu'ils sont sans surveillance, ou en l'absence d'instruc­tion d'une personne responsable qui puisse leur assurer une utilisation de l'ap­pareil sans danger.
• Surveillez les enfants en veillant à ce qu'ils ne jouent pas avec cet appareil.
• Ne laissez jamais les emballages à la por­tée des enfants. Risque d'asphyxie ou de blessure corporelle.
Sélection et départ d'un programme de lavage 28 Programmes de lavage 29 Entretien et nettoyage 30 En cas d'anomalie de fonctionnement 30 Caractéristiques techniques 33 En matière de protection de l'environnement 33
Sous réserve de modifications
• Conservez tous les produits de lavage dans un endroit sûr. Ne laissez pas les enfants toucher les produits de lavage.
• Tenez les enfants et les animaux éloignés de l’appareil lorsque la porte est ouverte.
Consignes générales de sécurité
• Ne modifiez jamais les caractéristiques de cet appareil. Vous risqueriez de vous blesser et d'endommager l'appareil.
• Les produits de lavage pour lave-vaisselle peuvent occasionner des brûlures chimi­ques au niveau des yeux, de la bouche et de la gorge. Respectez les instructions de sécurité du fabricant des produits.
• L'eau de votre lave-vaisselle n'est pas potable. Des résidus de produits de lava­ge peuvent subsister dans votre lave­vaisselle.
• Ne laissez pas la porte de l'appareil ou­verte sans supervision. Vous éviterez ain­si les blessures et les chutes sur une por­te ouverte.
• Ne montez pas ou ne vous asseyez pas sur la porte ouverte de votre appareil.
Utilisation de l'appareil
• Cet appareil est destiné à un usage do­mestique normal. Ne l'utilisez jamais à d'autres fins, pour éviter les dommages corporels et les dégâts matériels.
• Ce lave-vaisselle est conçu pour laver la vaisselle et les ustensiles pouvant être la­vés en machine.
electrolux 19
• Ne placez pas de produits inflammables ou d'éléments imbibés de produits in­flammables à l'intérieur, à proximité ou sur l'appareil. Risque d'explosion ou d'in­cendie.
• Les couteaux et autres ustensiles pointus ou tranchants doivent être placés dans le panier à couverts avec la pointe vers le bas, ou placez-les en position horizontale dans le panier supérieur ou dans le pa­nier à couteaux (tous les modèles ne sont pas équipés d'un panier à couteaux).
• N'utilisez que des produits (sel, produit de lavage, liquide de rinçage) spécifiques pour lave-vaisselle.
• Tout autre type de sel non spécialement étudié pour être utilisé dans un lave-vais­selle, en particulier le sel de cuisine, peut endommager l'adoucisseur d'eau.
• Approvisionnez en sel juste avant de dé­marrer un programme de lavage. Les restes de sel dans l'appareil peuvent pro­voquer de la corrosion ou perforer la cu­ve de l'appareil.
• Ne remplissez jamais le distributeur de li­quide de rinçage avec d'autres produits (agent de nettoyage pour lave-vaisselle, produit de lavage liquide). Vous risqueriez d'endommager l'appareil.
• Assurez-vous que les bras d'aspersion tournent librement avant de lancer le pro­gramme de lavage.
• De la vapeur chaude peut s'échapper de l'appareil si vous ouvrez la porte pendant le déroulement d'un programme de lava­ge. Risque de brûlures cutanées.
• N'enlevez pas la vaisselle de l'appareil avant la fin du programme de lavage.
Entretien et nettoyage
• Avant de nettoyer l'appareil, arrêtez-le et débranchez-le du secteur.
• N'utilisez pas de produits inflammables ou corrosifs.
• N’utilisez pas l'appareil sans les filtres. Contrôlez que les filtres sont correcte­ment installés. Si les filtres ne sont pas correctement installés, les performances de lavage pourraient être compromises et l'appareil endommagé.
• Ne projetez pas d'eau ou de vapeur sur l'appareil pour son nettoyage. Cela cré-
erait un risque de choc électrique et pourrait endommager l'appareil.
• Vérifiez que l'appareil n'a subi aucun dommage au cours du transport. Ne branchez jamais un appareil endomma­gé. Si l'appareil est endommagé, contac­tez votre magasin vendeur.
• Retirez tous les emballages avant la pre­mière utilisation.
• Seul un professionnel qualifié doit effec­tuer l'installation, le raccordement électri­que et hydraulique, la mise en service et la maintenance de l'appareil. Vous évite­rez ainsi des risques mobiliers, immobi­liers et corporels.
• Pendant l'installation et avant toute inter­vention sur le lave-vaisselle, il est néces­saire de débrancher l'appareil.
• Les parois de votre lave-vaisselle ne doi­vent jamais être percées pour éviter d'en­dommager les composants hydrauliques et électriques.
Important !Respectez les consignes données sur le gabarit fourni avec l'appa­reil : – Pour installer l'appareil. – Pour monter la porte du meuble. – Pour raccorder les tuyaux d'arrivée
d'eau et de vidange.
• Vérifiez que l'appareil est installé sous et à proximité de structures sûres.
Précautions contre le gel
• N'installez pas l'appareil dans un endroit où la température ambiante est inférieure à 0 °C.
• Le fabricant ne pourra être tenu respon­sable en cas de dommages dus au gel.
Tuyau d’arrivée d’eau
• Utilisez des tuyaux neufs pour raccorder l'appareil à l'arrivée d'eau. N’utilisez pas de tuyaux usagés.
• Ne raccordez pas l’appareil à des con­duites neuves ou qui n’ont pas été utili­sées depuis longtemps. Laissez couler l’eau pendant quelques minutes avant de brancher le tuyau d’arrivée d’eau.
• Veillez à ne pas écraser ou endommager les tuyaux d'eau lorsque vous installez l'appareil.
20 electrolux
• Assurez-vous que tous les raccords de tuyaux d’eau sont bien serrés afin d’éviter les fuites.
• Lorsque vous utilisez l'appareil pour la première fois, vérifiez que les tuyaux ne fuient pas.
• Le tuyau d'arrivée d'eau comporte une soupape de sécurité et une gaine double comportant un câble électrique interne. Le tuyau d'arrivée d'eau est sous pres­sion uniquement quand l'eau circule. Si le tuyau fuit, la soupape de sécurité coupe automatiquement l'eau. – Faites attention au moment de raccor-
der le tuyau d'arrivée d'eau : – N'immergez pas le tuyau d'arrivée
d'eau ou la soupape de sécurité dans l'eau.
– Si le tuyau d'arrivée d'eau ou la sou-
pape de sécurité est endommagé, débranchez immédiatement la prise secteur.
– Contactez le service après-vente de
votre magasin vendeur pour rempla­cer le tuyau d'arrivée d'eau avec soupape de sécurité.
Avertissement Tension dangereu­se
Raccordement électrique
• L'appareil doit être relié à la terre.
• Vérifiez que les données électriques figu­rant sur la plaque signalétique correspon­dent à celles de votre réseau.
•Utilisez toujours une prise correctement installée, protégée contre les chocs.
• L'appareil ne doit pas être raccordé à l'aide d'un prolongateur ou d'une prise multiple. Risque d'incendie.
• Ne remplacez et ne modifiez jamais le câ­ble d'alimentation. Contactez votre servi­ce après-vente.
• Attention à ne pas écraser ou endomma­ger la prise et le câble d'alimentation situ­és à l'arrière de l'appareil.
• Assurez-vous que la prise principale est accessible une fois l'appareil installé.
• Ne tirez jamais sur le câble d'alimentation électrique pour débrancher l'appareil. Dé­tachez, pour ce faire, la fiche de la prise secteur.
Service après-vente
• Toute intervention ou réparation sur votre appareil doit uniquement être effectuée par une personne qualifiée. Contactez votre service après-vente.
• Utilisez exclusivement des pièces d'origi­ne.
Pour mettre l'appareil au rebut
• Pour éviter tout risque corporel ou maté­riel : – Débranchez l'appareil. – Coupez le câble d'alimentation au ras
de l'appareil et mettez-le au rebut.
– Retirez le loquet de la porte. Ceci évite
d'enfermer un enfant ou un animal dans l'appareil par accident. Risque d'asphyxie.
– Mettez l'appareil au rebut dans un cen-
tre local agréé.
Avertissement Les produits de lavage pour lave-vaisselle sont dangereux et peuvent être corrosifs !
• En cas d'accident impliquant ces produits, contactez immédiatement un médecin.
• En cas d'ingestion du produit, con­tactez immédiatement un médecin.
• En cas de projection de produit de lavage dans les yeux, contactez im­médiatement un médecin et rincez abondamment à l'eau.
• Conservez les produits de lavage pour lave-vaisselle dans un endroit sûr et hors de portée des enfants.
• Ne laissez pas la porte de l'appareil ouverte quand celui-ci contient du produit de lavage.
• Remplissez le distributeur de produit de lavage juste avant de démarrer un programme de lavage.
electrolux 21
1 Panier supérieur 2 Sélecteur de dureté de l'eau 3 Réservoir de sel régénérant 4 Distributeur de produit de lavage 5 Distributeur de liquide de rinçage
6 Plaque de calibrage 7 Filtres 8 Bras d'aspersion inférieur 9 Bras d'aspersion intermédiaire
10 Bras d'aspersion supérieur
+ 47 hidden pages