First of All, Who and What Is
Advent Corporation is a new company formed to
develop new kinds of home entertainment products. Most
of us involved have had long prior experience in making
and marketing high-performance audio products for the
home. We are in business now to produce new home entertainment products, both audio and visual, that go well
beyond the generally limits generally accepted at any
given moment, and explore new or significantly different
approaches to design. One of our main product objectives
is a color television system that uses a projected image
instead of a conventional picture tube, producing a picture
of 41/2 by 6 feet.
Our President and General Manager, Henry E.
Kloss, was previously President and a founder of KLH
Research and Development Corporation, and, prior to that,
General Manager and a founder of Acoustic Research,
Incorporated. He has been directly responsible, over the
past fifteen years, for a major proportion of the important
and lasting audio products for the home, including roughly
half of the total number of loudspeaker now in use across
the country in component stereo systems and high-performance three piece music systems, radios and phonographs. His credits would be embarrassingly long to present complete, but they include:
• The longest lived best selling component speaker system on the market, unchanged in design and undiminished in popularity after twelve years.
• The revolutionary miniature full range speaker
that made it possible to provide sound of high quality in
radios and phonographs of modest size.
• The first high performance FM radio.
• The first high performance portable stereo
• The development of the three piece compact
stereo system as a primary medium for home audio.
All of us at Advent share with him some convictions developed over several years of working together,
about the way in which products can and should be developed. The Advent Loudspeaker is one result of those convictions, and we will have some more to say about them as
we describe the speaker.
What is the Advent Loudspeaker?
Our first Product, the Advent Loudspeaker, is
based on a premise that is not easy to accept. We believe
that it is possible to produce a speaker system, for a moderate price, that will be nothing Iess than the right, completely satisfying choice for most people with a demanding
interest in music and sound. The Advent speaker is
designed to combine the following objectives:
• To fit the highest category of loud speaker quality, with overall performance at least the equal - in every
audible and useful respect - of the most expensive speakers available.
• To do that for about half the average cost of the
speakers now generally considered the best available.
• To be small enough, unobtrusive enough, and
uncritical enough in placement to fit gracefully and usefully into a home.
• To produce enough output at low distortion to
permit listening to music at satisfyingly loud levels in even
the largest living room.
• To be driven comfortably by the majority of
good amplifiers and receivers now available, with a power
margin sufficient for the most demanding musical material.
• To sound convincing not only on the best recordings, but on the great majority of recordings of all kinds.
In developing the Advent Loudspeaker, our initial
interest was in the category just below the “ultimate” in
performance and a long way below it in price - the category in which most serious listeners, believing that further
improvements are not worth the added cost, decide to buy.
We knew that we could produce a speaker that would be
both significantly better and significantly less expensive
than the speakers considered the best value in that category. Our aim was to do that and establish a new point of
diminishing returns that would be closer to the highest
level of speaker performance.
But as we began to apply some new thinking
about old concepts and to take advantage of new materials
and manufacturing techniques, it became really clear that
we could provide a really tremendous gain in performance-per-dollar. So much, in fact, that the difference
between something very good and the highest level of performance was essentially nonexistent in actual cost. It
made no sense, then, to stop short of a speaker in the best
We didn’t stop short of that point. As difficult as it
may be to believe of a speaker system of this cost and
apparent simplicity, we know of no way to make any useful improvement in its performance.
*About our name: When you form a new business, and are eager to get on with things before the lawyers get all the papers signed
and the incorporation proceedings over with, you (our) lawyers call you “an advent company”. We decided the term suited our continued desire to get on with things, so we appropriated it for our permanent company name.