To access this page, click Configuration > Services > DynDNS.
Figure 3.33 Configuration > Services > DynDNS
HostnameThe third order domain registered on the server.
UsernameUsername for logging into the DynDNS server.
PasswordPassword for logging into the DynDNS server.
IP ModeSpecifies a DynDNS se rvice other than the Possible
other services:,,
Enter the update server service information in this field. If you leave
this field blank, the default server will be used.
ServerSpecifies the version of IP pr otocol:
IPv4 - IPv4 protocol is used only (default).
IPv6 - IPv6 protocol is used only.
IPv4/IPv6 - IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack is enabled.
Example: DynDNS client configuration with the domain
Figure 3.34 DynDNS Configuration Example
WISE-6610 Series User Manual45 HTTP
To access this page, click Configuration > Services > HTTP.
Enable HTTP service Click the check box to set up Ethernet encapsulation (remote access)
Enable HTTPS
Session TimeoutEnter the variable in minutes to define the timeout period for the
ApplyClick Apply to save the values. NTP
The NTP configuration form allows you to configure the NTP client. To open the NTP
page, click NTP in the Configuration section of the main menu. NTP (Network Time
Protocol) allows you to periodically set the internal clock of the device. The time is set
from servers that provide the exact time to network devices. IPv6 Time Servers are
If you mark the Enable local NTP service check box, then the device acts as a
If you mark the Synchronize clock with NTP server check box, then the device
To access this page, click Configuration > Services > NTP.
Figure 3.35 Configuration > Services > HTTP
through HTTP function.
Click the check box to set up Ethernet encapsulation over HTTPS.
NTP server for other devices in the local network (LAN).
acts as a NTP client. This means that the device automatically adjusts the
internal clock every 24 hours.
Figure 3.36 Configuration > Services > NTP
Primary NTP Server IPv4 address, IPv6 address or domain name of primary NTP server.
Secondary NTP
TimezoneSpecifies the time zone where you installed the device.
Daylight Saving Time Activates/deactivates the DST shift.
IPv4 address, IPv6 address or domain name of secondary NTP
No - The time shift is inactive.
Yes - The time shift is active.
46WISE-6610 Series User Manual
The figure below displays an example of a NTP configuration with the primary server
set to and the secondary server set to and with the
automatic change for daylight saving time enabled. SNMP
The SNMP page allows you to configure the SNMP v1/v2 or v3 agent which sends
information about the device (and its expansion ports) to a management station. To
open the SNMP page, click SNMP in the Configuration section of the main menu.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) provides status information about the
network elements such as devices or endpoint computers. In the version v3, the
communication is secured (encrypted). To enable the SNMP service, mark the
Enable the SNMP agent check box. Sending SNMP traps to IPv6 address is
To access this page, click Configuration > Services > SNMP.
Figure 3.37 Example of NTP Configuration
Figure 3.38 Configuration > Services > SNMP
NameDesignation of the device.
WISE-6610 Series User Manual47
LocationLocation of where you installed the device.
ContactPerson who manages the device together with information how to
contact this person.
To enable the SNMPv1/v2 function, mark the Enable SNMPv1/v2 access check box.
It is also necessary to specify a password for access to the Community SNMP agent.
The default setting is public.
You can define a different password for the Read community (read only) and the
Write community (read and write) for SNMPv1/v2. You can also define 2 SNMP users
for SNMPv3. You can define a user as read only (Read), and another as read and
write (Write). The device allows you to configure the parameters in the following table
for every user separately. The device uses the parameters for SNMP access only.
To enable the SNMPv3 function, mark the Enable SNMPv3 access check box, then
specify the following parameters:
UsernameUser name
AuthenticationEncryption algorithm on the Authentication Protocol that is used to
verify the identity of the users.
PrivacyEncryption algorithm on the Privacy Protocol that is used to ensure
Privacy PasswordPassword for encryption on the Privacy Protocol.
Password used to generate the key used for authentication.
confidentiality of data.
Activating the Enable I/O extension function allows you monitor the binary I/O inputs
on the device.
Selecting Enable M-BUS extension and entering the Baudrate, Parity and Stop Bits
lets you monitor the meter status connected to the expansion port MBUS status.
Selecting Enable reporting to supervisory system and entering the IP Address and
Period lets you send statistical information to the monitoring system, R-SeeNet.
IP AddressIPv4 or IPv6 address.
PeriodPeriod of sending statistical information (in minutes).
Each monitored value is uniquely identified using a numerical identifier OID - Object
Identifier. This identifier consists of a progression of numbers separated by a point.
The shape of each OID is determined by the identifier value of the parent element
and then this value is complemented by a point and current number. So it is obvious
48WISE-6610 Series User Manual
that there is a tree structure. The following figure displays the basic tree stru cture that
is used for creating the OIDs.
Figure 3.39 OID Basic Structure
The SNMP values that are specific for Conel devices create the tree starting at OID =
. You interpret the OID in the following manner:
This means that the device provides for example, information about the internal
temperature (OID or about the power voltage (OID For binary inputs and output, the following range of OID is
The list of available and supported OIDs and other details can be found in the
application note SNMP Object Identifier [8].
Figure 3.40 SNMP Configuration Example
Figure 3.41 MIB Browser Example
In order to access a particular device enter the IP address of the SNMP agent which
is the device, in the Remote SNMP agent field. The dialog displayed the internal
variables in the MIB tree after entering the IP address. Furthermore, you can find the
status of the internal variables by entering their OID.
50WISE-6610 Series User Manual
The path to the objects is:
The path to information about the device is: SMTP
Use the SMTP form to configure the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol client (SMTP) for
sending e-mails. IPv6 e-mail servers are supported.
To access this page, click Configuration > Services > SMTP.
iso ? org ? dod ? internet ? private ? enterprises ? conel ? protocols
iso ? org ? dod ? internet ? mgmt ? mib-2 ? system
Figure 3.42 Configuration > Services > SMTP
SMTP Server
SMTP PortPort the SMTP server is listening on.
Secure MethodNone, SSL/TLS, or STARTTLS. Secure method has to be supported
UsernameName for the e-mail account.
PasswordPassword for the e-mail account. The password can contain the
Own Email AddressAddress of the sender.
IPv4 address, IPv6 address or domain name of the mail server.
by the SMTP server.
following special characters * + , - . / : = ? ! # % [ ] _ { } ~
The following special characters are not allowed: " $ & ' ( ) ; < >
The mobile service provider can block other SMTP servers, then you can only use
the SMTP server of the service provider.
Figure 3.43 SMTP Client Configuration Example
You can send e-mails from the Startup script. The Startup Script dialog is located in
Scripts in the Configuration section of the main menu. The device also allows you to
send e-mails using an SSH connection. Use the email command with the following
-t: e-mail address of the receiver
-s: subject, enter the subject in quotation marks
-m: message, enter the subject in quotation marks
-a: attachment file
WISE-6610 Series User Manual51
-r: number of attempts to send e-mail (default setting: 2)
Note!Commands and parameters can be entered only in lowercase.
Example: Sending an e-mail:
The command above sends an e-mail to address with the subject
"System Log", body message "Attached" and attachment messages file with System
Log of the device directly from the directory /var/log/. SSH
To access this page, click Configuration > Services > SSH.
email -t -s "System Log" -m "Attached" -a /var/log/messages
Enable SSH serviceClick the check box to set up Ethernet encap sul ation (remote a ccess)
Session TimeoutEnter the variable in minutes to define the timeout period for the
ApplyClick Apply to save the values.
There is possibility to create your own shell scripts executed in the specific situations.
Go to the Scripts page in the Configuration section in the menu. The menu item will
expand and there are Startup Script, Up/Down IPv4 and Up/Down IPv6 scripts you
can use - there is IPv4 and IPv6 independent dual stack. For more examples of
Scripts and possible commands see the Application Note Commands and Script s [1].
To access this page, click Configuration > Scripts. Startup Script
Use the St artup Script window to create your own scripts which will be executed after
all of the initialization scripts are run - right after the device is turned on or rebooted.
The changes in settings will apply after pressing the Apply button.
To access this page, click Configuration > Scripts > Startup Script.
Figure 3.44 Configuration > Services > SSH
through the Secure Shell (SSH) function.
Note!Any changes to the Startup Script will take effect the next time the
device is power cycled or rebooted. This can be done with the Reboot
button in the Administration section, or by SMS message.
52WISE-6610 Series User Manual
Example: Startup Script
Figure 3.45 Example of a Startup Script
When the device starts up, stop syslogd program and start syslogd with remote
logging on address and limited to 100 entries. Add these lines to the
Startup Script:
killall syslogd
syslogd -R -S 100 Up/Down Scripts
Use the Up/Down IPv4 and Up/Down IPv6 page to create scripts executed when the
Mobile WAN connection is established (up) or lost (down). There is independent IPv4
and IPv6 dual stack implemented in the device, so there is independent IPv4 and
IPv6 Up/Down script. IPv4 Up/Down Script runs only on the IPv4 WAN connection
established/lost, IPv6 Up/Down Script runs only on the IPv6 WAN connection
established/lost. Any scripts entered into the Up Script window will run after a WAN
connection is established. Script commands entered into the Down Script window will
run when the WAN connection is lost.
The changes in settings will apply after pressing the Apply button. Also you need to
reboot the device to make Up/Down Script work.
To access this page, click Configuration > Scripts > Up/Down IPv4 or Up/DownIPv6.
WISE-6610 Series User Manual53
Example: IPv6 Up/Down Script
Figure 3.46 Example of IPv6 Up/Down Script
After establishing or losing an IPv6 WAN connection (connection to mobile network),
the device sends an email with information about the connection state. It is
necessary to configure SMTP before.
Use the Automatic Update menu to configure the automatic update settings. The
device can be configured to automatically check for firmware and configuration
updates from a HTTP(S) or FTP(S) server. IPv6 sites/servers are supported. Used
protocol is specified by an address in Base URL field: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or FTPS.
To prevent possible unwanted manipulation of the files, the device verifies that the
downloaded file is in the tar.gz format. At first, the format of the downloaded file is
checked. Then the type of architecture and each file in the archive (tar.gz file) is
If the Enable automatic update of configuration option is selected, the device will
check if there is a configuration file on the remote server, and if the configuration in
the file is different than its current configuration, it will update its configuration to the
new settings and reboot.
If the Enable automatic update of firmware option is checked, the device will look for
a new firmware file and update its firmware if necessary.
54WISE-6610 Series User Manual
To access this page, click Configuration > Automatic Update.
Figure 3.47 Configuration > Automatic Update
Base URLBase URL, IPv4 or IPv6 address from which the configuration file will
be downloaded. This option also sp ecifies the communication protocol
(HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or FTPS), see examples below.
Unit IDName of configuration (name of the file without extension). If the Unit
ID is not filled, the MAC address of the device is used as the filename
(the delimiter colon is used instead of a dot.)
Update HourUse this item to set the hour (range 1-24) when the automatic update
will be performed every day. If the time is not specified, automatic
update is performed five minutes after turning on the device and then
every 24 hours. If the detected configuration file is differ ent from the
running one, it is downloaded and the device is restarted
The configuration file name consists of Base URL, hardware MAC address of ETH0
interface and cfg extension. Hardware MAC address and cfg extension are added to
the file name automatically and it isn't necessary to enter them. When the parameter
Unit ID is enabled, it defines the concrete configuration name which will be
downloaded to the device, and the hardware MAC address in the configuration name
will not be used.
The firmware file name consists of Base URL, type of device and bin extension. For
the proper firmware filename, see the Update Firmware page in Administration
section - it us written out there. See “Update Firmware” on page 66.
Note!It is necessary to load two files (.bin and .ver) to the HTTP/FTP server. If
only the .bin file is uploaded and the HTTP server sends the incorrect
answer of 200 OK (instead of the expected 404 Not Found) when the
device tries to download the nonexistent .ver file, then there is a risk that
the device will download the .bin file over and over again.
Note!Firmware update can cause incompatibility with the user modules. It is
recommended that you update user modules to the most recent version.
Information about the user modules and the firmware compatibility is at
the beginning of the user module's Application Note.
WISE-6610 Series User Manual55
Example 1: Automatic Update
In the following example the device checks for new firmware or configuration file
each day at 1:00 a.m. An example is given for the WISE-6610 Series device.
In the following example the device checks for new firmware or configuration each
day at 1:00 a.m. An example is given for the WISE-6610 Series device with MAC
address 00:11:22:33:44:55.
You may run custom software programs in the device to enhance the features of the
device. Use the User Modules menu item to add new software modules to the device,
to remove them, or to change their configuration. Use the Browse button to select
the user module (compiled module has tgz extension). Use the Add button to add a
user module.
To access this page, click User Modules (located under Customization).
The new module appears in the list of modules on the same page. If the module
contains an index.html or index.cgi page, the module name serves as a link to this
page. The module can be deleted using the Delete button.
Updating a module is done the same way. Click the Add button and the module with
the higher (newer) version will replace the existing module.
56WISE-6610 Series User Manual
Programming and compiling of modules is described in the Application Note
Programming of User Modules [10].
Figure 3.50 User Modules
MODBUS TCP2RTU Provides a conversion of MODBUS TCP/IP protocol to MDBUS RTU
protocol, which can be operated on the serial line.
Easy VPN clientProvides secure connection of LAN network behind our device with
LAN network behind CISCO device.
NMAPEnables TCP and UDP scan.
Daily RebootEnables daily reboot of the device at the specified time.
HTTP Authentication Adds the process of authentication to a server that doesn't provide
this service.
HTTP Authentication Adds support of dynamic protocols.
PIM SMAdds support of multicast routing protocol PIM-SM.
pduSMSSends short messages (SMS) to specified number.
PingerAllows you to manually or automatically verify the functionality of the
IS-ISAdds support of IS-IS protocol.
Enable the reception of messages from WMBUS meters and saves
contents of these messages to an XML file.
connection between two network interfaces (ping).
Note!In some cases the firmware update can cause incompatibility with
installed user modules. Some of them are dependent on the version of
the Linux kernel (for example SmsBE and PoS Configuration). It is best
to update user modules to the most recent version.
Information about the user module and the firmware compatibility is at the beginning
of the user module's Application Note.
WISE-6610 Series User Manual57 MQTT and LoRaWAN
To access the gateway configuration page, navigate to Customization and click User
Modules > LoRaWAN Gateway > MQTT and LoRaWAN.
Figure 3.51 User Modules > LoRaWAN Gateway > MQTT and LoRaWAN
LoRaWAN Radio Setting
Model NameEnter the model name.
LoRaWAN Radio
Radio 0 Main
Radio 1 Main
Quick SetupClick to enter the Quick Setup menu enabling the selection of pre-
LoRaWAN Gateway Setting
LoRaWAN Gateway
Backup EnableClick the drop-down menu to enable (default: Off) the LoRaWAN
Backup Database
LoRaWAN Network Server Setting
LoRaWAN Network
Server Enable
LoRaWAN Server
Listen Port
LoRaWAN Network
Server HTTP Port
LoRaWAN Network
Server HTTPS Port
Click the drop-down menu to enable the radio channel and
corresponding settings.
Enter the frequency setting for the interface.
Enter the frequency setting for the interface.
configured region-specific, radio frequency settings.
Displays the gateway identifier for the remote LoRa network server.
backup feature.
Set the backup frequency, setting: 5 to 60 minutes.
Click the drop-down menu to disable the LoRaWAN network server
(default: On).
Enter a variable (1 to 65535) to designate the listening port.
Enter a variable (1 to 65535) to designate the HTTP port.
Enter a variable (1 to 65535) to designate the HTTPS port.
58WISE-6610 Series User Manual
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