Advantech PCM-3350 User Manual

PCM-3350 Series
NS Geode 586-Level PC/104 CPU Module with SVGA/LCD/ LAN Interface
User's Manual
Copyright notice
This document is copyrighted, 2001. All rights are reserved. The original manufacturer reserves the right to make improvements to the products described in this manual at any time without notice.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the original manufacturer. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, the original manufacturer assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements upon the rights of third parties which may result from its use.
AMD is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Award is a trademark of Award Software International, Inc. Cyrix is a trademark of Cyrix Corporation. IBM, PC/AT, PS/2 and VGA are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. RTL is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. C&T is a trademark of Chips and Technologies, Inc. UMC is a trademark of United Microelectronics Corporation. Winbond is a trademark of Winbond Electronics Corp. STPC is a trademark of SGS Thomson Corp.
For more information on this and other products, please visit our website at:
This manual is for the PCM-3350F.
1st Edition Printed in Taiwan May 2001
Packing list
Before you begin installing your card, please make sure that the following materials have been shipped:
• 1 PCM-3350 All-in-one single board computer
CD-ROM or Disks for utility, drivers, and manuals (PDF format)
1 2.5" IDE flat cable, 44-pin to 44-pin
• 1 PS/2 keyboard & mouse cable
2 serial port cables
1 parallel cable
• 1 26-34 pin FDD cable converter
• 1 floppy cable, for 3.5" FDD only
• 1 FDD flat cable
• 1 VGA cable
• 1 LAN cable


Chapter 1 General Information 1
1.1 Introduction....................................................................... 2
1.2 Features ............................................................................. 3
1.3 Specifications .................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Standard SBC functions .............................................. 4
1.3.2 VGA function .............................................................. 4
1.3.4 Ethernet function ........................................................5
1.3.5 Solid state disk ............................................................. 5
1.3.6 Mechanical and environmental ....................................5
1.4 Board dimensions ............................................................ 6
Chapter 2 Installation 7
2.1 Connectors....................................................................... 8
2.2 Locating connectors ........................................................ 9
2.3 Safety precautions .......................................................... 1 0
2.4 Ethernet connector (CN1) (PCM-3350F/N only)...... 10
2.4.1 Ethernet connector (CN1) ......................................... 10
2.4.2 Network boot............................................................. 10
2.5 LCD display connector (CN2) ...................................... 1 0
2.6 Serial ports (CN3: COM1; CN4: COM2/RS-232;
CN18: COM2/RS-422/485) ......................................... 11
2.6.1 RS-232 connection (COM1: CN3) ............................ 11
2.6.2 RS-232/422/485 connection
(COM2: CN4: RS-232; CN18: RS-422/485) ..................... 11
2.7 EIDE HDD connector (CN5) ....................................... 1 2
2.7.1 Connecting the hard drive ......................................... 12
2.8 PC/104 connector (CN6)............................................... 12
2. 9 Parallel port connector (CN7) ...................................... 13
2.10 Backlight connector (CN8)........................................... 13
2.11 VGA connector (CN9) ................................................... 13
2.11.1 CRT display connector (CN9) .................................13
2.12 Main power (+5 V / +12 V) connector (CN11) .......... 13
2.13 PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector (CN12) ................... 14
2.14 FDD connector (CN14) ................................................. 14
2.14.1 Connecting the floppy drive ..................................... 14
2.15 CompactFlash™ socket (CN16) .................................. 1 5
2.16 USB connector (CN17) ................................................. 15
2.17Multifunction Jumpers (MJ1)......................................16
2.17.1 Auxilary power connector (MJ1-A)........................16
2.17.2 Fan connector (MJ1-B) ........................................... 17
2.17.3 Reset button connector (MJ1-C) ............................. 17
2.17.4 IR connector (MJ1-D) ............................................ 17
2.17.5 Watchdog timer configuration (MJ1-E) ................... 17
2.18 SO DIMM socket (Slot1) ............................................. 1 8
2.18.1 Installing SODIMMs ............................................... 18
Chapter 3 Software Configuration 21
3.1 Introduction..................................................................... 22
3. 2 Utility CD disk ................................................................ 22
3. 3 VGA display software configuration ............................ 22
3. 4 Connections for two standard LCDs ........................... 24
3.4.1 Connections for Toshiba LTM10C042(640 x 480 TFT
color LCD) ......................................................................... 24
3.4.2 Connections for Toshiba LTM12C275A
(800 x 600 TFT color LCD) .............................................. 25
Chapter 4 Award BIOS Setup 27
4. 1 System test and initialization ........................................ 2 8
4.1.1 System configuration verification .............................. 28
4. 2 Award BIOS setup ......................................................... 2 9
4.2.1 Entering setup ............................................................29
4.2.2 Standard CMOS setup .............................................. 30
4.2.3 BIOS features setup .................................................. 31
4.2.4 Chipset features setup ............................................... 32
4.2.5 Power management setup ......................................... 33
4.2.6 PnP/PCI configuration .............................................. 34
4.2.7 Integrated peripherals ................................................ 35
4.2.8 Change password ...................................................... 36
4.2.9 Save & exit setup ......................................................37
4.2.10 Exit without saving .................................................. 37
Chapter 5 PCI Bus Ethernet Interface 39
5.1 Introduction..................................................................... 40
5. 2 Installation of Ethernet driver ..................................... 4 0
5.2.2 Installation for Windows 98/2000 .............................. 41
5. 3 Further information ........................................................ 4 4
Chapter 6 SVGA Setup 45
6.1 Introduction..................................................................... 46
6.1.1 Chipset .......................................................................46
6.1.2 Display memory ........................................................ 46
6. 2 Installation of SVGA driver .......................................... 46
6.2.1 Installation for Cyrix MediaGX Certified drivers for Windows 95/98. Insert the disk into the CD-ROM drive. .. 47
6.2.2 Installation for Windows NT ..................................... 50
6. 3 Further information ........................................................ 5 6
Appendix A Programming the Watchdog Timer 57
A.1 Programming the watchdog timer ............................... 58
Appendix B Installing PC/104 Modules 61
B.1 Installing PC/104 modules ............................................ 6 2
Appendix C Pin Assignments 65
C.1 Ethernet connector (CN1) ............................................ 6 6
C.2 LCD connector (CN2) ................................................... 6 7
C.3 COM1 connector (CN3) ............................................... 6 8
C.4 COM2 connector (CN4) ............................................... 6 8
C.5 EIDE hard drive connector (CN5) .............................. 6 9
C.6 PC/104 connector (CN6)............................................... 70
C.7 Parallel port connector (CN7) ...................................... 7 0
C.8 Backlight connector (CN8)........................................... 71
C.9 VGA connector (CN9) ................................................... 7 1
C.10 Main power (+5 V) connector (CN11) ........................ 7 2
C.11 PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector (CN12) ................. 7 2
C.12 FDD connector (CN14) ................................................. 73
C.13 CompactFlash™ socket (CN16) .................................. 74
C.14 COM2 connector for 422/485 (CN18) ........................ 7 6
C.15 Multifunction Jumpter (MJ1) ...................................... 7 6
Appendix D System Assignments 79
D.1 System I/O ports ............................................................ 8 0
D.2 DMA channel assignments........................................... 81
D.3 Interrupt assignments ................................................... 8 2
D.4 1st MB memory map ..................................................... 8 3


Figure 1-1: PCM-3350 dimensions ................................................................6
Figure 2-1: Locating connectors (component side) ..................................... 9
Figure 2-2: Locating connectors (solder side) ............................................. 9
Figure 3-1: Contents of the PCM-3350 Series utility disk ............................. 22
Figure 3-2: BIOS VGA setup screen .............................................................. 23
Figure 4-1: BIOS setup program initial screen ............................................. 29
Figure 4-2: CMOS setup screen ................................................................... 30
Figure 4-3: BIOS features setup ................................................................... 31
Figure 4-4: Chipset features setup ............................................................... 32
Figure 4-5: Power management setup ......................................................... 33
Figure 4-6: PnP/PCI configuration ................................................................ 34
Figure 4-7: Integrated peripherals ................................................................ 35
Figure B-1: PC/104 module mounting diagram ........................................... 63
Figure B-2: PC/104 module dimensions (mm) (±0.1) ................................. 63
Figure C-1: CompactFlash™ socket ............................................................ 75


Table 2-1: Connectors ...................................................................................................... 8
Table 2-2: Serial port connections (COM1, COM2) ........................................................ 11
Table 2-3: Serial port default settings ............................................................................12
Table B-1: PCM-3350 PC/104 connectors (CN6) ........................................................... 64
Table C-1: Ethernet connector (CN1) ............................................................................. 66
Table C-2: LCD connector (CN2) .................................................................................... 67
Table C-3: COM1 connector (CN3) ................................................................................ 68
Table C-4: COM2 connector (CN4) ................................................................................ 68
Table C-5: EIDE hard drive connector (CN5) ................................................................. 69
Table C-7: Parallel port connector (CN7) ....................................................................... 70
Table C-9: VGA connector (CN11) ................................................................................ 71
Table C-8: Backlight connector (CN8) ............................................................................ 71
Table C-10: Main power (+5 V) connector (CN11)........................................................72
Table C-11: PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector (CN12) ................................................... 72
Table C-12: FDD connector (CN14) ............................................................................... 73
Table C-13: CompactFlash™ socket (CN16) ................................................................. 74
Table C-14: COM2 connector for 422/485 (CN18) ........................................................ 76
Table C-15: MJ1-A, -5 V, -12 V input ............................................................................. 76
Table C-16: MJ1-B, fan connector ................................................................................. 76
Table C-18: MJ1-D, IR connector .................................................................................... 77
Table C-19: MJ1-E, watchdog jumper ............................................................................ 77
Table C-17: MJ1-C, reset button ..................................................................................... 77
Table D-1: System I/O ports ........................................................................................... 80
Table D-2: DMA channel assignments ........................................................................... 81
Table D-3: Interrupt assignments ................................................................................... 82
Table D-4: 1st MB memory map ...................................................................................... 83
General Information
This chapter gives background information on the PCM-3350.
Sections include:
• Introduction
• Features
• Specifications
• Board dimensions

1.1 Introduction

The PCM-3350 is the ultimate cost-effective solution for limited space applications. It is a new NS Geode Biscuit PC with enhanced graphics function. It uses a NS CS5530A chipset which supports TFT LCDs. It offers all the functions of an AT-compatible industrial computers on a single board. The PCM-3350 comes with an embedded high-perfor­mance GX1-300 processor on-board. For maximum performance, the PCM-3350 Series also supports an SDRAM SODIMM socket that can accept up to 128 MB memory.
On-board features include an Ethernet interface, socket for Compact Flash Card, Enhanced IDE interface with up to Ultra DMA transfer protocol, one parallel port, two serial ports (RS-232 and RS-232/422/
485) and a PS/2 keyboard/mouse interface. A SVGA/LCD display controller (LCD, and CRT displays) allows LCD screen resolutions up to 1024 x 768 and CRT resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 @ 16 colors.
The PCM-3350 complies with the "Green Function" standard and supports three types of power saving features: Normal, Doze, and Sleep modes.
The display type configuration is done through the software. A single Flash chip holds the system BIOS and the VGA BIOS. This minimizes the chip usage and eases configuration. You can change the display BIOS simply by programming the Flash chip.
If you need additional functions, the PCM-3350 has a PC/104 connec­tor for future upgrades.
2 PCM-3350 User's Manual

1.2 Features

• Ultra-compact size single board computer, smaller than a 3½" hard disk drive (96 mm x 90 mm)
• Onboard NS Geode GX1 300MHz CPU
• Up to 128 MB system memory, by way of SODIMM (SDRAM)
• Onboard VGA/18-bit LCD interface
• Supports CompactFlash™ card
• Built-in Enhanced IDE (AT bus) hard disk drive interface
• Onboard PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector
• Two serial ports (RS-232)
• Upgradeable through PC/104 module
• Green engine with sleep mode and low power consumption
• +5 V power supply (for CPU board), +12 V power supply (for PC/104, backlight)
• Onboard 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface
Chapter 1 General Information 3

1.3 Specifications

1.3.1 Standard SBC functions

CPU: Embedded Low power NS Geode GX1-300 MHz processor
BIOS: AWARD 256 KB Flash memory
System memory: One 144-pin SODIMM socket accepts up to 128 MB SDRAM
Enhanced IDE interface: Supports up to two EIDE devices. BIOS auto-detect, PIO Mode 3 or Mode 4 transfer, Ultra DMA33 mode (ATA-4) up to 33 MB/sec
FDD interface: Supports up to two FDDs/ 2.5" FDD
Serial ports: One serial RS-232 port, one serial RS-232/422/485 port
Parallel port: One parallel port, supports SPP/EPP/ECP mode
Infrared port: Shared with COM 2. Transfer rate up to 115 kbps
Keyboard/mouse connector: Mini-DIN connector supports standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse
USB interface: Two USB ports, USB 1.0 compliant
Power management: Supports power saving modes including Normal/Standby/Suspend. APM 1.1 compliant
Watchdog timer: 1.6 sec. intervals

1.3.2 VGA function

Chipset: NS CS5530A
Display memory: 1 ~ 4 MB share memory, set in BIOS
Display type: Supports CRT and TFT LCDs. Able to display both CRT and flat panel simultaneously
Flat-panel display mode: Panel resolution supports up to 1024 x 768 @ 18 bpp. Supports 18-bit TFT LCD panel
4 PCM-3350 User's Manual
CRT display mode: Non-interlaced CRT monitor resolutions up to 1024 x 768 @ 24 bpp

1.3.4 Ethernet function

Chipset: Intel 82559 ER
Ethernet interface: PCI 10/100 Mbps Ethernet. IEEE 802.3 U protocol compatible
Connection: On-board 2 x 5 2.0 mm connector
I/O address switchless setting
Built-in boot ROM

1.3.5 Solid state disk

• Supports CompactFlash™ cards

1.3.6 Mechanical and environmental

Dimensions: (L x W): 96 mm x 90 mm (3.77" x 3.54")
Weight: .11 kg (.24 lb)
Operating temperature: 0° ~ 60° C (32 ~ 140° F)
Storage temperature: -40° ~ 85° C (-40 ~ 185° F)
Operating humidity: 0% to 95% relative humidity, noncondensing
Power supply voltage: + 5 V ± 5 %
Power requirements: 2.0 A + 5 V, Max w/GX1-300 MHz CPU & 64 MB
Chapter 1 General Information 5

1.4 Board dimensions

Figure 1-1: PCM-3350 dimensions

6 PCM-3350 User's Manual
This chapter tells how to set up the PCM-3350 hardware. It includes instruc­tions on setting jumpers and connecting peripherals, switches and indicators. Make sure you read all the safety precautions before you begin the installation proce­dure.

2.1 Connectors

The board has a number of connectors that allow you to configure your system to suit your application.
The tables below shows the function of each of the board's connec­tors:

Table 2-1: Connectors

Label Function
CN1 Ethernet connector
CN2 LCD connector
CN3 COM1 connector
CN4 COM2 connector
CN5 EIDE HDD connector
CN6 PC/104 connector
CN7 Parallel port connector
CN8 Backlight connector
CN9 VGA connector
CN11 Main power (+5 V) connector
CN12 PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector
CN14 FDD connector
CN16 CompactFlash™ socket
CN17 USB Connector
CN18 COM2 RS422/485 connector
MJ1 Multifunction Jumper
Slot 1 SODIMM socket
8 PCM-3350 User's Manual

2.2 Locating connectors

Warning: Make sure you use the correct component side.
Improper installation can cause serious damage to your hardware!

Figure 2-1: Locating connectors (component side)

Figure 2-2: Locating connectors (solder side)

Chapter 2 Installation 9

2.3 Safety precautions

Warning! Always completely disconnect the power cord from
your board whenever you are working on it. Do not make connections while the power is on, because sensitive electronic components can be damaged by a sudden rush of power.
Caution! Always ground yourself to remove any static charge
before touching the board. Modern electronic devices are very sensitive to static electric charges. Use a grounding wrist strap at all times. Place all electronic components on a static-dissipative surface or in a static-shielded bag when they are not in the chassis.

2.4 Ethernet connector (CN1) (PCM-3350F/N only)

The PCM-3350F/N is equipped with a high performance 32-bit PCI-bus Fast Ethernet interface which is fully compliant with IEEE 802.3u 100/10Base-T specifications. It is supported by all major network operating systems.
2.4.1 Ethernet connector (CN1)
10/100Base-T connects to the PCM-3350F/N via an adapter cable to the 10-pin 2 mm connector.
2.4.2 Network boot
The network boot feature is built into the BIOS. It can be enabled or disabled in the chipset setup of the CMOS configuration. Refer to "BIOS Setting" in Chapter 4 for more information.

2.5 LCD display connector (CN2)

CN2 is a 40-pin dual-in-line header and is used to connect an LCD display.
10 PCM-3350 User's Manual

2.6 Serial ports (CN3: COM1; CN4: COM2/RS-232; CN18: COM2/RS-422/485)

The PCA-3350F offers two serial ports: COM1 in RS-232 and COM2 (CN4: RS-232, CN18:RS-422/485). Refer to CMOS "Integrated Peripher­al" for RS-232, 422 or 485 settings. These ports let you connect to serial devices (mouse, printers, etc.) or a communication network.
You can select the address for each port (for example, 3F8H [COM1], 2F8H [COM2]) or disable each port. Use the BIOS Advanced Setup program, which is covered in Chapter 4.
The card mounting bracket holds the serial port connector for the one port. The parallel port and serial port adapter kit (supplied with the card) holds the connector for the other port. This lets you connect and disconnect cables after you install the card. The DB-9 connector on the bottom of the bracket is the first RS-232 port, COM1. The DB-9 connector on the adapter kit is the second serial port, COM2.

Table 2-2: Serial port connections (COM1, COM2)

Connector Function
COM1 RS-232 COM2 RS-232/422/485
2.6.1 RS-232 connection (COM1: CN3)
Different devices implement the RS-232 standard in different ways. If you are having problems with a serial device, be sure to check the pin assignments for the connector.
2.6.2 RS-232/422/485 connection (COM2: CN4: RS-232; CN18: RS-422/485)
COM2 is an RS-232/422/485 serial port. You can select one of these functions via BIOS, as detailed in Chapter 4.
The IRQ and address range for both ports are fixed. However, if you wish to disable the port or change these parameters later, you can do
Chapter 2 Installation 11
this in the system BIOS setup. The table below shows the settings for the PCA-3350F Series' board's ports:

Table 2-3: Serial port default settings

Port Address Interrupt Default
COM1 3F8, 3E8 IRQ4 3F8 COM2 2F8, 2E8 IRQ3 2F8

2.7 EIDE HDD connector (CN5)

The built-in Enhanced IDE (Integrated Device Electronics) controller supports up to two IDE devices, including CD-ROM drives, tape backup drives, a large hard disk drive and other IDE devices.
2.7.1 Connecting the hard drive
Connecting drives is done in a daisy-chain fashion. It requires one or two cables, depending on the drive size. IDE 1.8" and 2.5" drives need a 1 x 44-pin to 2 x 44-pin flat-cable connector (included). IDE 3.5" drives need a 1 x 44-pin to 2 x 40-pin connector (not included).
Wire number 1 on the cable is red or blue, and the other wires are gray.
1. Connect one end of the cable to CN5. Make sure that the red (or blue) wire corresponds to pin 1 on the connector, which is labeled on the board (on the right side).
2. Plug the other end of the cable into the Enhanced IDE hard drive, with pin 1 on the cable corresponding to pin 1 on the hard drive. Unlike floppy drives, IDE hard drives can connect to either end of the cable. If you install two drives, you will need to set one as the master and one as the slave by using jumpers on the drives. If you install just one drive, set it as the master.

2.8 PC/104 connector (CN6)

Refer to Appendix B in this manual.
12 PCM-3350 User's Manual

2.9 Parallel port connector (CN7)

Normally, the parallel port is used to connect the card to a printer. The PCM-3350 includes a multi-mode (ECP/EPP/SPP) parallel port. It is accessed via CN7, a 26-pin flat-cable connector.
You will need an adapter cable if you use a traditional DB-25 connec­tor. The adpater cable should have a 26-pin connector on one end and a DB-25 connector on the other.
The parallel port interrupt channel is designated as IRQ7.

2.10 Backlight connector (CN8)

The LCD inverter is connected to CN8 via a 4-pin connector to provide +12 V power to the LCD display.

2.11 VGA connector (CN9)

The PCM-3350 board's SVGA interface can facilitate conventional CRT displays. The card has a connector to support CRT VGA monitors.
2.11.1 CRT display connector (CN9)
CN9 is a 16-pin, pin head housing connector. Please use the VGA cable (provided with your kit) to convert the pin head housing connector into a connector for conventional CRT displays.
Detailed information on pin assignments for CRT display connector CN9 is given in Appendix C.

2.12 Main power (+5 V / +12 V) connector (CN11)

This supplies main power to the PCM-3350 (+5 V), and also 12 V power to the backlight connector.
Chapter 2 Installation 13

2.13 PS/2 keyboard/mouse connector (CN12)

The PCM-3350 board provides a pin head keyboard connector, which supports both a keyboard and a PS/2 style mouse. In most cases, especially in embedded applications, a keyboard is not used. If the keyboard is not present, the standard PC/AT BIOS will report an error or failure during the power-on self test (POST) after resetting the PC. The PCM-3350 board's BIOS standard setup menu allows you to select "Absent/Present" for your keyboard under the Advanced CMOS Setup section. This allows non-keyboard operation in embedded system applications without the system halting during the POST. When "PS/2 mouse support" is enabled, your PS/2 mouse is automati­cally detected by the system.

2.14 FDD connector (CN14)

You can attach one 3.5" floppy drive to the the PCM-3350's onboard controller. This is useful for notebooks, for example.
A daisy-chain drive cable converter (part no. 9681000044) is required for a single floppy system. A 34-pin flat-cable connector is fitted on one end of the cable converter, while the other end has one floppy disk drive connector. It consists of a 34-pin flat-cable connector (for the 3½” drives).
2.13.1 Connecting the floppy drive
1. Plug the 34-pin flat-cable connector into the cable converter. Make sure that the red wire corresponds to pin 1 on the connector.
2. Attach the appropriate conector at the other end of the cable to the floppy drive(s). You can use only one connector in the set. The set at the other end (after the twist in the cable) connects to the A: drive.
When connecting a 3½” floppy drive, you may have some difficulties in determining which pin is number one. Look for a number on the circuit board indicating pin number one. In addition, you should check if the connector on the floppy drive has an extra slot. If the slot is up,
14 PCM-3350 User's Manual
pin number one should be on the right. Please refer to any documenta­tion that came with the drive for more information.
If your cable needs to be custom made, you can find the pin assign­ments for the board's connector in Appendix C.

2.15 CompactFlash™ socket (CN16)

The PCM-3350 is equipped with a CompactFlash™ Type I disk socket on the solder side, which supports the IDE interface CompactFlash disk card. The socket itself is specially designed to prevent any incorrect installation of the CompactFlash disk card. When installing or removing the CompactFlash disk card, please make sure that the system power is off.
The CompactFlash™ disk card is defaulted as the E disk drive in your PC system. To fit the EMAC CFC into the PCM-3350, simply plug it into the designated connector. It will only fit when the red triangle on the CFC is aligned with the triangle on the connector. The card will not fit any other way (do NOT use excessive force).

2.16 USB connector (CN17)

The PCM-3350F board provides two USB (Universal Serial Bus) interfaces, which give complete plug and play and also hot attach/detach for up to 127 external devices. The USB interfaces comply with USB specification rev. 1.0 and are fuse protected.
The USB interfaces are accessed through a 8-pin flat-cable connector, CN17. The adapter cable has a 8-pin connector on one end and a USB connector on the bracket.
The USB interfaces can be disabled in the system BIOS setup.
Chapter 2 Installation 15

2.17 Multifunction Jumpers (MJ1)

Multifunction jumpers (MJ1)
MJ1 Assign Pins Function Notes
1-3 -5 V, -12 V input
5-7 Fan connect
12-16 IR connect
System reset button
Watchdog connect
Pin1: -5 V Pin2: GND Pin3: -12 V
Pin5: +5 V Pin6: GND Pin7: +12 V
open: normal closed: reset
Pin12: Vcc Pin13: NC Pin14: Receive Pin15: GND Pin16: Transmit
Pin 18-19: IRQ11 Pin 19-20: reset

2.17.1 Auxilary power connector (MJ1-A)

Supplies secondary power to peripherals that require -5 V and
-12 V.
16 PCM-3350 User's Manual

2.17.2 Fan connector (MJ1-B)

The PCM-3350 is equipped with a low power dissipation GX1 CPU. With only a heat sink, the PCM-3350 will operate normally at tempera­tures up to 60° C. At temperatures above 60° C, a fan is recommended. A CPU fan power supply connector is provided (+5 V input) in addition to the CPU power supply.
This provides power supply to the optional CPU cooling fan. This connector is only available when +5 V power is supplied to the board.
Warning! Before making the connection, make sure that the
voltage is absolutely correct and matched with the correct connector.

2.17.3 Reset button connector (MJ1-C)

If you install a reset button, it should be a single pole switch rated at 5 V. Momentarily pressing the button will activate a reset.
For reset button pin assignments, please see Appendix C.

2.17.4 IR connector (MJ1-D)

This connector supports the optional wireless infrared transmitting and receiving module. This module mounts on the system case. You must configure the setting through BIOS setup.

2.17.5 Watchdog timer configuration (MJ1-E)

An onboard watchdog timer reduces the chance of disruptions which EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) interference can cause. This is an invaluable protective device for standalone or unmanned applications. Setup involves two jumpers and running the control software (refer to Appendix A).
Whnen the watchdog timer is enabled and the CPU shuts down, the watchdog timer will automatically either reset the system or generate an interrupt on IRQ11, depending on jumper MJ1-E settings.
Chapter 2 Installation 17

2.18 SO DIMM socket (Slot1)

You can install anywhere from 8 MB to 128 MB of onboard SDRAM memory using 8, 16, 32 or 128 MB 144-pin SODIMMs (Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Modules).

2.18.1 Installing SODIMMs

Note: The modules can only fit into a socket one way. Their
gold pins must point down into the SODIMM socket.
The procedure for installing SODIMMs appears below. Please follow these steps carefully.
SO DIMM installation
1. Make sure that all power supplies to the system are switched off.
2. Install the SODIMM card. Install the SODIMM so that its gold pins point down into the SODIMM socket.
3. Slip the SODIMM into the socket at a 45 degree angle and carefully fit the bottom of the card against the connectors.
4. Gently push the SODIMM into a perpendicular position until the clips on the ends of the SODIMM sockets snap into place.
5. Check to ensure that the SODIMM is correctly seated and all connector contacts touch. The SODIMM should not move around in its socket.
Important: Only use standard form SODIMM memory modules
(as shown in the diagram below). Standardized dimensions ensure a proper fit. Check with your memory supplier about the SODIMM modules you will use.
18 PCM-3350 User's Manual
Chapter 2 Installation 19
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