Data Acquisition Software
Complete software package
Graphic panel configuration
Modularized and prioritized task design
BasicScript scripting language to customize your applications
Plug & Play connect with ADAM I/O series
We have noticed that many users apply the ADAM Data Acquisition modules in small base projects. Because the cost ran higher than system hardware, Human Machine Interface
software were never suitable for these projects. ADAMView, the ADAM Data Acquisition software, is especially designed for low-volume ADAM projects. It provides a 150 physical points
database, ADAM Drivers, and OPC Server for all monitoring and control functions. In brief, ADAMView is a cost-effective and simple SCADA software for the ADAM I/O series.
System Requirements
CPU Intel® Pentium® 200 MHz or higher
RAM 64 MB Minimum
Disk Space 20 MB Minimum
Display VGA Resolution or Higher
Microsoft Compatible Mouse
OS Microsoft® Windows® 98, Windows® NT 4.0 SP4 or
above, Windows® 2000, Windows® XP
Supported Hardware
ADAM-4000/5000 Series Modules: Link through DLL Driver (Device Manager)
ADAM-4000 Modbus Series Modules: Link through Modbus® OPC Server
ADAM-5000/TCP, ADAM-6000 I/O Modules: Link by Modbus®/TCP OPC Server
ADAM-4501 Controller: Link through Modbus®/TCP OPC Server
ADAM-5510/5510 KW Series Controller: Link through Modbus® OPC Server
Feature Details
Complete Software Package
ADAMView takes advantage of Microsoft’s Windows graphical interface, offering fast and
intuitive configuration for human-machine interface and data acquisition applications. This
application software combines easy-to-use graphical development and the flexibility of
BasicScript, a powerful programming tool. With ADAMView, you can easily design both
simple and complex applications, such as factory processes and utility monitoring, Lab
testing, or environmental monitoring.
Graphical Panel Configuration
ADAMView provides a wide variety of graphical wizards, allowing users to quickly
create an intuitive operator interface. Built-in display objects include bar graph, button,
indicator, real time/historical trending, knob, gauge, slider, imported bitmap, numeric
display and control.
Modularized and Prioritized Task Design
ADAMView development environment allows you to decompose your system into several
smaller modules or tasks. The modular design is very useful to develop, and facilitate
large and complicated system maintenance. Each module or task has its own properties,
such as scan rate, start/stop method, and priority etc. With 32-bit Windows’ multi-tasking
capability, all tasks run simultaneously. Moreover, ADAMView software allows you to
prioritize your tasks to increase overall performance.
BasicScript Scripting Language to Customize Your Applications
ADAMView is easy to use. It fully integrates BasicScript language in its kernel to meet
your specific needs. Over 600 commands are available to perform almost any function
you can imagine, including calculations, reading and writing files, DDE, and ODBC. It
allows you to access and share data with other applications, such as Microsoft Access
and Microsoft Excel. With BasicScript scripting language, you can reuse existing code
and build your applications faster and easier.
Plug & Play Connect with ADAM I/O series
Once you install ADAMView software, you can immediately connect with ADAM4000/5000 I/O as a complete Data Acquisition System. Current ADAM users can apply
direct driver to access all ADAM-4000 modules and ADAM-5000/485 I/O system. Modbus
users can link ADAM-5510/5510KW, ADAM-4000 Modbus I/O, and ADAM-6000 through
the Modbus OPC server and Modbus/TCP OPC Server.
Ordering Information
PCLS-ADAMVIEW32 ADAMView Data Acquisition Software
PCLS-OPC/ADM OPC Server for ADAM-4000/5000 Series (RS-485)
PCLS-OPC/MOD Modbus® OPC Server
eAutomation System Solutions
All product specifications are subject to change without notice Last updated : 20-Jan-2006