Dome Light C ontrol Output (F a ctory Default se tting)
Or Horn Output
Or Factory Security Rearm Signal Output
Or Ground Out
2. Yellow
3. Black / Green
4. Gray
5. Pink
Wire: (-) 200 m A Ignition 3 C ontrol Output
Wire: (-) 2 00 mA Time Cont rol C h annel 4 Output
Wire: (-) 2 00 mA Chan n e l 3 (T runk) Output
Wire: (-) 200 m A Programmable output
ut During Start (Crank).
2-Step Do or U nlock Output (F ac tory Default setting)
Or Factory Security Disarm Signal Output
Or Start Status (S ho c k S ens o r B y pass Co ntrol) Outp ut
6. Orange
-) 500mA Groun ded Output When Armed
1. Blue
Zone 2
Instant Trigger Ground Input
2. Green
3. Violet
4. White/Blue
5. White/Black
6. Black/White
7. White/Violet
8. White/Red
is not used.
Zone 3
Zone 3
Wire: (-) Ins ta nt St art a n d Turn O ff Inp ut.
Wire: (
Wire: (
Wire: (
Wire: Tach. Signal Input
Directly connect the H7/6 BLA CK/WHITE wire to the “GROUND” when this wire
Negative Door Pin Trigger Input:
Positive Door Pin Trigger
) Negative Safety Sh ut D own Input for Hood pin switch
) Neu tral Safety Switch Input &
) Remote Start Toggle Sw itch Input
) Pos itive Safety Shut Down Input for B r a ke sw itc h .
This Remote Starter with Alarm System is designed to be installed on fuel injected vehicles ONLY.
For automatic transmis sion vehicle, this system m ust be inst alled and wired through a saf ety switch it will
not start in any forward or reverse gear.
Some automatic transmission vehicle [mainly older GM vehicles with a purple starter wire] have a
mechanical-type park safety switch instead of electrical safety switch. The mechanical type does not
interrupt the starter circuit when the transmission is any gear and does not off er the 100% level of safety
required for remote s tarting purposes. Therefor e, our system should never be installed on any vehicle that
uses a mechanical type park safety switch.
For automatic transm ission vehicle, once you install this system, you must verify that the vehicle will not
start any forward or reverse gear. Regardless of the type of vehicle.
Read operation manual for operating and programming routine.
Do not install any component near the brake, gas pedal or steering linkage.
Some vehicles have a factor y installed transponder imm obilizer system that can severely com plicate the
installation. There is possibility that this system can not be installed on some immobilizer equipped vehicles.
Most vehicles have an SRS air bag system. Use extrem e care and do not probe any wires of the SRS
Disconnect the car battery before connecting work on the vehicle.
Check behind panels before drilling any holes. Ensure that no wiring harnes s or other com ponents are
located behind the panels that would otherwise be damaged.
Use conventional crimp lock, bullet on any wiring. Poor wiring, i.e. taped joints will possibly introduce
unreliability into the alarm system and may result in false alarms or incorrect operation.
Install wiring neatly under carpets or behind trim to prevent possible damage to wires.
For the wire operates the current mor e than 10A. W e suggest soldering all c onnection point. Do not use
crimp lock type connectors or wire nuts.
Keep wiring away from moving engine parts, exhaust pipes and high-tension cable. T ape wires that pass
through holes on the firewall to prevent fraying. Watches out sharp edges that may damage wires and
causes short circuit.
CAUTION: Do not connect the wire harness to the control module until all wiring to vehicle is complete.
Remember that the system does to start a vehicle is duplicate the functions of the ignition key switch!
Below, we will explain the three basic functions of the ignition switch. Since this installation will require
analysis of the ignition switch functions, we recom m end mak ing the three connections below at the ignition
switch harness directly.
H1/1. Violet Wire – Starter Output
Careful consideration for the connection of this wire must be made to prevent the vehicle from starting
while in gear. Understanding the difference between a m echanical and an electrical Neutral Start Switch
will allow you to properly identify the circuit and select the cor rect installation method. In addition you will
realize why the connection of the safety wire is required for all mechanical switch configurations.
Failure to make this connection properly can result in personal injury and property damage.
In all installations it is the responsibility of the installing technician to test the rem ote start unit and assure
that the vehicle can not start via RF control in any gear selection other than park or neutral.
In both mechanical and electrical neutral star t switch conf igurations, the c onnection of the VIOLET wire will
be made to the low current start solenoid wire of the ignition s witch har nes s . T his wire have +12 volts when
the ignition switch is turned to the “START” (CRANK) position only. This wire have 0 volts in all other
ignition switch positions.
NOTE: This wire must be connected to the vehicle side of the starter cut relay (when used). For the
electrical neutral switch configuration, this connec tion must be made between the starter inhibit relay (when
used) and the neutral safety switch as shown in the following diagram.
Failure to connect this wire to the ignition switch side of the neutral safety switch can result in personal
Neutral Safety
Start Cut Relay
(When Used)
Closed in Park or
Neutral Only
H1/2 & H1/3. Red Wire (2) – +12V Power Input
Remove the two 20A fuses prior to c onnecting these wires and do not replace them until the satellite has
been plugged into the control module. These wires are the source of c urrent for all the circuits the relay
satellite will energize. They must be connected to a high current sour ce. Since the f actor y supplies ( +) 12V
to the key switch that is used to operate the motor, it is recommended that these wires be connected there.
Note: If the factory supplies two separate (+) 12V feeds to the ignition switch, connect one RED wire of the
satellite to each feed at the switch.
H1/4. Yellow Wire – Ignition 1 Output
Connect the YELLOW wire to the ignition 1 wire from the ignition s witch. The ignition wire should receive
"12 volts" when the ignition key is in the "ON" or “RUN” and "START" or “CRANK” position. W hen the
ignition is turned "OFF", the ignition wire should receive "0" voltage.. The Yellow wire must be connected.
H1/5. Pink Wire – Ignition 2 Output
Some vehicles have [2] ignition wires that must be power. Connect the PINK wire to the ignition 2 wire from
the ignition switch. The ignition wire should receive "12 volts" when the ignition key is in the "ON" or “RUN”
and "START" or “CRANK” position. W hen the ignition is turned "OFF", the ignition wire should receive "0"
voltage. If the PINK wire is not used, cap the end of the wire.
H1/6. Brown Wire –Accessor y Output (Heater /ACC Output)
Connect the BROWN wire to the accessory wire in the vehicle that powers the climate control system.
An accessory wire will show + 12 volts when the ignition switch is turned to the “ACCESSORY” or “ON” and
“RUN” positions, and will show 0 Volts when the key is turned to the “OFF” and “START” or “CRANK”
position. There will often be mor e than one accessory wire in the ignition har ness. The c orrect accesso ry
wire will power the vehicle’s climate control system. Som e vehicle m ay have separate wires for the blower
motor and the air conditioning compressor. In such cases , it will be necessary to add a relay to power the
second accessory wire.
H2/1. Red / White Wir e – Par king Light Relay Input --
The RED/WHIT E wire is the input to the flashing parking light relay. The connection of the RED/WHITE
wire will determine the output polarity of the flashing parking light relay.
If the vehicle you are working on has +12volt switched parking lights, you don’t need connect this wire. This
wire already connected to +12volt.
If the vehicle’s parking lights are ground switched, cut the RED/W HIT E wire, c onnect the RED/WHITE wire
to chassis ground.
H2/2. W hite Wire –Parking Light Relay Output (+12 V 10A Output) --
Connect the WH ITE wire to the parking light wire coming from the headlight switch. Do not connect the
WHIT E wire to the dashboard lighting dim mer switch. ( Damage to the dim mer will result) . The lim itation of
the WHIT E wire is 10 AMP max. Do not exceed this limit or damage to the alarm and parking relay will
H2/3. Black Wire – System Ground –
This is main ground connec tion of the alar m m odule. Mak e this c onnection to a solid s ection of the vehicle
frame. Do not connect this wire to any existing ground wires supplied by the factory wire loom, mak e the
connection to the vehicle's frame directly.
H2/4. Brown Wir e – Sir en Drive Programmable Output – (See Alarm Feature III - 1 Programming)
This is the positive (+) output connec tion for the s iren. Curr ent capacity is 2 amps . Mak e connection to the
(+) red wire from the siren. Make the (-) black wire coming from the siren to a good chassis ground.
H2/5. Red W ir e –System Power (+12V Constant) --
The RED wire supplies power to the system. Connect this wire to a constant +12 volt source.
The led indicator status should be m ounted in a highly visible area such as top of the dashboard, on top of
the shifter console or on dashboard face. Leave at least 6m m s pace behind the m ounting location for LED
housing. Once a suitable location is chos en, drill a 6mm hole. Run the LED wires through the hole then
press the 2 pin LED housing into the place. Route the LED wires to the control module.
Select a mounting location for the s witch that is easily accessible to the driver of the vehicle. The switch
does not have to be concealed, however, concealing the switch is always recomm ended, as this provides
an even higher level of security to the vehicle. Mount the valet switch in a hidden but accessible location.
Route the valet switch wires to the control module.
H5/1. White Wire –(-) 200ma Programmable Output.
Dome Light Control Output (Factory Default Setting)—
This wire becomes grounded when the dome light controls circuit active. The current capacity of this wire is
200mA. This wire can control the operation of the interior lights. An optional 10 Amps relay can be used to
this system for interior lights operation.
a). Upon disarming, the interior lights will remain on for 30 seconds.
b). If the vehicle is violated, the interior light will flash for the same duration as the siren.
Horn Output– See Alarm Feature III - 2 Programming)
This wire is provided to use the existing vehicle's horn as the alarm system's optional's warning audible
device. It's a transistorized low current output, and should only be connected to the low current ground
output from the vehicle's horn switch. When the system is triggered, the horn will sound.
Factory Security Rearm Signal Output– (See Alarm Feature III - 2 Programming)
This wire is designed to rearm a factory installed security system. This wire will supply a pulse whenever
the remote start times out or is shut dowm using the transmitter and remote door locking..
Ground Output During Star t ( Cr ank) –
(See Alarm Feature III - 2 Programming)
This wire will provide a 200 mA ground output while the starter output of the remote start unit is active. This
output can be used to activate the Crank Low/Bulb Test wire found in some GM vehicles. This wire is also
referred to as the ECM wake up wire in some vehicles.
H5/2. Yellow Wire – (-) 200ma Ignition 3 Output –
This wire provides a 200mA (-) ground output that becomes active 4 seconds before the remote start unit
initialize, and remains grounded while running.
Ignition 3 output:
Some newer vehicles use a third ignition wire
which is required to start and keep the vehicle’s
engine running. If this is the case, wire an IGN 3
relay (not supplied) as shown below:
Do not connect any vehicle circuits together, they
are isolated for a resaon.
Transponder interfacing using relay:
If the vehicle has transponder system installed, you will need to by-pass the system while the vehicle is
operating under the control of the Remote Start Unit. To do this:
1. You will need a transponder key that's already programmed to the vehicle.
2. Remove the trim around the ignition switch.
3. Wrap a thin (28 - 30awg) wire tightly around ignition switch 6 to 8 times and secure it.
4. About 6"down line make another loop of approximately 2"diameter.
5. Place the key inside this loop and secure it to the loop.
6. Connect on end of the (28 - 30awg) wire to pin (87) of the relay module.
7. Connect the other end of the loop wire to Pin (30) of relay module.
8. Connect the pin (86) of the relay module to the ignition wire from the ignition switch.
9. connect the pin (85) of the relay module to the H5/2 Yellow wire of 5-pin mini white connector.
Yellow Wire
+ 12 V Constant
Fused 25A Capable
Ignition 3 Wire From
Ignition Key Switch
If the vehicle has the General Motor VAT S system installed, you will need to by-pass the system while the
vehicle is operating under the control of the Remote Start Unit. To do this:
1. Measure the resistance of the resistor pellet on the ignition key then select a resistor within 5% of the
key’s value.
2. Loc ate the pair of VAT S wires in the vehicle, usually a pair of thin gauge wires running fr om the ignition
switch to the VATS control module.
3. Connect the YELLOW wire from Remote Start Unit to TERMINAL #85 of an external relay. Connect
terminal #86 of the relay to a fused +12 volt.
4. Cut (#1) wire (as shown), and connect the ignition switch side of the cut wire to term inal #87a of the
relay. Connect the other side of the (#1) wire to terminal #30.
5. Connect the previously selseced resistor from terminal #87 to the second(#2) wire (as shown).
Matching Re si stor
YELLO W wire
87a 86
To + 12 V
VATS control Module
VAT wire (#1)
VAT wire
H5/3 Black / Green Wire – (-) 200mA Tim er Control Channel 4 Output –
This wire is built-in user-programmable timer output provides a ground through this wire. Press the
and buttons at the same time. You may program the built-in timer to send a ground
signal for any time interval between 1 second and 2 minutes. For instance, this timer output m ay be used
to turn on the headlight with the remote control. Also on certain BMW, Mercedes Benz, Jaguar and
Volkswagen cars, you can use this unique timed output to allow rem ote closure of all power window and
sunroof without the need for an external module! (See Alarm Feature III – 4 Programming) (Factory
default setting on momentary grounded)
This will become a 1 second pulse ground by activate channel 3 on transmitter for two seconds, the current
capacity of this wire is 200 mA. This feature allows you to remote control trunk release or other electric
H5/5. Pink Wire –(-) 200ma Programmable Output (See Alarm Feature III - 3 Programming)
The 2 steps unlock feature will work f or the most fully electronic door lock c irc uit. T he vehic le must have an
electronic door lock switch (not the lock knob or k ey switch), which locks and unlock s all of vehicle's doors.
When wired f or this featur e, press the disar m ( or unlock ) button one time will disarm the alarm and unloc k
the driver's door only. If, press disarm (or unlock ) button two times within 3 seconds , the alarm will disarm
and all doors will unlock.
Factory Security Disarm Signal Output–
This wire is designed to disarm a factory installed security system. This wire sends a negative (-) 1 seconds
pulse upon a remote start and rem ote door unlocking. Some f actory systems must be disarmed to allow
remote starting. In most cases , this wire may be connected directly to the factory alarm disarm wire. The
correct wire will show nagative ground when the key is used to unlock the doors or trunk. This wire is
usually found in the kick panel area in the wiring harness coming into the car body from the door.
Start Status (Shock Sensor Bypass Contr ol) Output –
This wire is designed to by-pass shock sensor module. This wire will supply an output at all times the
remote start is operating plus an additional 3 seconds after the remote start unit turn off.
H5/6 Orange Wire –(-) 500ma Grounded Output When Armed --
This wire will become grounded when the alarm is armed. The current capacity of this wire is 200mA. This
output can control starter disable, when an intrusion is detected and the system is triggered. The vehicles
prevent from any unauthorized starting.
IN4003 Diode
White wire
Yellow wire to
Ignition Switch
: ORANGE wire
from control module
VIOLET wire (Starter output)
form Heavy Gauge wire harness
Orange wire
Red wire
H7/1. Blue W ire – Ground Instant Trigg er I nput --
This wire is the ground trigger input wire for hood/trunk pin switches.
H7/2. Green Wire – Negative Door Switch Sensing Input --
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