User Manual
Document Name:
ACR1256U- User Manual.doc
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:
Subject to change without prior notice
Table of Contents
1.0. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 4
2.0. Features ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.0. Architecture ............................................................................................................... 6
4.0. Connection with computer ....................................................................................... 7
4.1. plug the ACR1256U to a computer USB port, and the Green light will be flashing ............... 7
4.2. the driver will be auto install after plugging the reader. You should see the red box below . 8
4.3. When you put a contactless card on the reader, the green LED will be on. ......................... 9
4.4. The card ID can be checked by some card tool software, e.g. APDU.exe, the card ID is
shown in the red box below ................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix A. Parameter sheet .......................................................................................... 11
Appendix B. Firmware Upgrade Procedure ................................................................... 12
Method: Upgrade by APDU command ........................................................................................... 12
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Design Specification
Version 1.00.00
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1.0. Introduction
The Security smart card reader ACR1256U is a USB PC-linked contactless card reader/writer.
ACR1256U is compliant to ISO-14443 Parts 1- 4 supporting contactless card, Mifare cards,
FeliCa cards. ACR1256U is capable to support PKI management。
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Document Title Here
Design Specification
Version 1.00.00
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