Adtec adManage User Manual

- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Using adManage
- Using autoDialer
Traff i c & M e dia M ana g e men t App l i cat i o n
Operations Manual
purely digital
cr ea te . mo ve . pl ay . save.
Intentionally Left Blank
© 2004-2006 Adtec Digital All rights reserved.
This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced and translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent in writing from Adtec Digital.
All examples with names, company names, or companies that appear in this manual are imaginary and do not refer to, or portray, in name or substance, any actual names, companies, entities, or institutions. Any resemblance to any real person, company, entity, or institution is purely coincidental.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. However, Adtec Digital makes no warranties with respect to this documentation and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Adtec Digital shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
adManage™ is a trademark of Adtec Digital. Other product and company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Document Name: admanage_1106

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction ............................................ 4
Overview ..............................................................
Applications ...........................................................4
Benefits ................................................................
Feature Highlights ..................................................
Availability ...........................................................
Options .................................................................5
Client Requirements ...............................................
Chapter 2 - Getting Started ........................................ 6
Logging Into adManage ...........................................6
User Accounts ........................................................6
Headend Setup ......................................................8
Channel Setup .......................................................9
System Configuration ...........................................
FCMP .................................................................. 12
Chapter 3 - Using adManage ..................................... 14
TBGS Server and adManage Services .....................
Alarm Service: ............................................... 14
File Backup Service: ....................................... 14
Content Service: ............................................. 14
Merger Service: .............................................. 14
MVL Service: .................................................. 14
RDY Service: .................................................
Scheduling .......................................................... 14
Ad Copy: .......................................................
Local Schedules: ............................................14
Interconnect Schedules: .................................15
Merging Schedules: ........................................ 15
Verifications: .................................................
Ready Files
MVL Files: ...................................................... 15
Content Management ........................................... 15
Missing: ........................................................ 15
Drive Status: ..................................................
: ................................................... 15
Purge: ........................................................... 16
4 4 5
Chapter 4 - Using autoDialer .................................... 24
Appendix .................................................................. 28
Evergreen: .....................................................
System MVL: ..................................................
Alarm Management .............................................. 18
Alarm Status: ................................................18
Suggested Use for Alarm Rules .............................. 18
Alarm Rules: ..................................................
User Rule Assignment: .................................... 22
Client PC Installation ............................................24
Initial Setup ........................................................ 24
TBGS ............................................................25
Client PC ........................................................ 25
Configuration .......................................................
Automated Functions: .....................................
Using AutoDialer ..................................................
Manual Functions: .......................................... 27
Manual Function Variables: ...............................
A - Contacting Customer Support ....................29
B - Ad Insertion Enterprise Solution .................. 32
B1 - Traffic & Billing Central ............................... 34
B2 - Connected Headend ...................................35
B3 - Satellite Serviced Headend .........................36
B4 - Disconnected Headend ............................... 37
C - CCMS Schedule Format .............................. 38
D - Verification Status Codes ............................39
E - Upgrading adManage ................................. 40
F - adVantage System Troubleshooting ............. 42
G - FAQ .........................................................44
H - Standard Operating Procedures ................... 47
17 17
25 26 26

Chapter 1 - Introduction


The Traffic & Billing Gateway Server and adManage Control application is at the core of the Adtec adVantage Enterprise Ad Insertion Solution. adManage coordinates the complex flow of media and data across the enterprise and streamlines the process of getting the right ads, schedules and verifications to the right places at the right times, resulting in high customer satisfaction levels and increased revenues. Cable and Broadcast operators looking for a turnkey content management solution will find unmatched value in the powerful server architecture, SQL database and full complement of user definable alarms providing notification via e-mail, text messaging, paging as well as visual alarming via the browser.


Cable Digital Ad Insertion: In a cable ad insertion enterprise,
there are likely to be several different types of headends with varying
levels of connectivity available. From networked LAN/WAN to satellite
to disconnected remote, the TBGS with adManage can bring them all
together seamlessly. Compatibility with other ad insertion systems is
standard innovation at Adtec.
Broadcast Digital Ad Insertion: The TBGS and adMantage
supports the broadcaster, whether the channel is analog, serial
digital or all digital. Ad insertion is performed by Adtec’s scalable
single-channel Duet or Duet-SDI. Since each Duet is a single-channel
modular unit that is totally self-contained, the system is fault tolerant
by design.
Digital Program Insertion into Transport Streams: For the
all-digital headend, adManage transparently delivers media and
schedules and retrieves verifications and status monitoring in the DPI
environment just as in any other type of headend. Adtec is compliant
with the Cable Labs VOD and SCTE encoding standards, ensuring
that your investment is future proof.
• Centralized control and system monitoring for your whole enterprise.
• Prioritized content management distribution to get commercials where they are needed next.
• Alarm Status via email, text messaging or paging so you are always informed of what is going on.
• Real time system status of insertion verifications.
• Support hundreds of channels at multiple headends so the system grows with your needs.

Feature Highlights

• Media Management with missing content monitoring.
• Interconnect commercial ad insertion with media management, schedule merging and verification splitting between interconnect and local T&B.
• Schedule management
• Verification management
• Log File and Ready File management
• SQL Database interface for eyeMonitor
• Alarm management of email, pager and text messaging with user defined rules based on time, date and system conditions.
• Browser interface gives access to adManage from any computer on the network.
• Evergreen content to each headend for material that is always available.
• autoDialer back channel redundancy for schedule distribution, verification and log file retrieval from the headends and central office. It can also be used with disconnected headends over dialup to manage schedules and verifications.
• Purge content from a headend or from the whole system.
• Archive content / system management for future use.
• Premerge services import schedules from different sources and update file names.
• Easily identify missing content from each ad inserter.
Chap t e r 1 - Int r o d ucti o n


adManage is available as part of the Traffic Billing and Gateway Server (TBGS).
Model Description
• 400 Watt power supply
• Two Hot Swap SATA hard drives
• Software RAID 1 (Mirroring) > 160 GB storage capacity
• Dual Gigabit Ethernet NICs
• Pentium 4 Intel Server mother board
• Intel remote Server management
• Windows 2000 Server
• ServeU FTP Server
• mySQL Database
• Adtec adManage application
• Adtec autoDialer application
• Physical 19” x 1.7” x 25.7” 30 lbs.
• Dual 550 Watt Hot Swap power supplies
• Four Hot Swap SATA hard drives
• Hardware RAID 5 > 400 GB storage capacity (1.5 TB max)
• Dual Gigabit Ethernet NICs
• Pentium 4 Intel Server mother board with 1GB RAM.
• Intel remote Server management
Windows 2000 Server
• ServeU
• mySQL Database
Adtec adManage application
• Adtec autoDialer application
Physical 19” x 3.4” x 25.7” 35 Lbs.
Option Description
Adtec’s FCMP (File and Command Multicast Protocol) software is an IP address satellite delivery system to distribute files to multiple headends.

Client Requirements

• Web Browser with JavaScript Enabled: Web Browsers Supported:
Microsoft Internet Explorer v5.0 or later; Firefox 1.0 or later;
• Javascript 2.0 or later.
• LAN/WAN connectivity to the TBGS.
This documentation reflects functionality of adManage version 2.5.4.


Option Description
Adtec’s eyeMonitor software provides an enterprise level view of all zones and channels in real time on a single screen. It provides a graphical status of all headends and channels with detailed analysis a click away.
The autoDialer application provides redundancy for LAN or WAN schedule distribution, verification and log file retrieval from the headends and central office. It can also be used with disconnected headends to manage schedules and verifications.
5Chap t e r 1 - Int r o d ucti o n

Chapter 2 - Getting Started

Logging Into adManage

Once your Traffic and Billing Gateway Server is properly installed you can log in and setup adManage.
Note: If you are using autoDialer or FCMP as part of the Adtec adVantage solution, you will need to setup/configure those before configuring adManage.
On the TBGS, browse to http://localhost for the adManage login page. The default user name and password is.
User name: adtec
Password: none
Note: If using any other computer on the same network as the TBGS, you will need to browser to http://hostname where the hostname is the network host name or equal the IP address of the TBGS server.
To get started, you will need to setup user accounts, headends and channels. It is also necessary to confirm your system configuration. If you are using an FCMP server as part of your system, you will also need to complete the FCMP setup panel. All of these settings are part of the Configuration tab located in the navigation bar.

User Accounts

Within adManage you have the ability to create multiple users with varying access and control within adManage. Users can additionally be emailed and paged alarms as they are detected according to the rules configured in adManage. Setting alarm rules and assigning those rules to users is covered in Chapter 3 - Section - Alarm Management.
To add users, browse to Configuration > Users > Add a User. (Fig.
Figure 2.1
The following fields are available for each user.
User Name: Login name for the user. 20 character limit.
User Password/Verify: Password for the user. 20 character limit.
User Level: Each user must be assigned a level of access. The options are:
Administrator - Administrators have full access to all functions within
Standard - Standard users can use adMange but cannot make
configuration changes.
Guest - Guest users have read-only access.
Note: If using eyeMonitor or autoDialer software as part of you system, note that the usernames, passwords and user levels assigned in adManage are the same usernames, passwords and user levels to be used with all software in the adVantage system.
Chap t e r 2 - Gett i n g Sta r t e d
Email Host: The SMTP outgoing email host that should be used by adManage to send emails to this user. Note that typically the same SMTP host can be used for all users on the system.
Email Address: Email address for the user. This email address will be used by the Alarm Service.
Requires Authentication: Indicates whether the SMTP server requires user name and password authentication for sending emails using that host.
User Name: The SMTP server user name to use for authentication when adManage sends emails.
Password: The SMTP server password to use for authentication when adManage sends emails.
The following fields are available for any pager device available to that user.
Pager ID: Phone number for the paging terminal service used. Please check with your pager provider for the terminal service telephone number which should be used.
Pager Phone Number: Pager phone number for the user’s paging device.
Baud: Select the rate of data transmission specific to the pager. (Bits per
second. 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 172800, 345600, 518400, 1036800)
Once you have added a user it is possible to edit or delete that user by browsing to Configuration > Users and selecting either Edit or Delete to proceed.
Parity: Select the error checking bit specific to the pager. (None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space)
Type: Designate whether the pager is an alphanumeric or numeric pager.
Length: The maximum number of characters which can be received by a text
pager. (80, 120 characters).
Stop Bits: A stop bit signals the end of the data message to a paging terminal. Select the stop bits specific to the pager. (1 , 2)
Data Bits: Data bits are the number of bits that hold the data to be transferred over a modem connection to a pager terminal. Select the data bits specific to the paging terminal. (7 , 8)
Delay: The paging terminal service delay in seconds.
Modem Comport: The serial communication port of the server which is used
to connect with the telephone modem. (Typically COM1).
7Chap t e r 2 - Gett i n g Sta r t e d

Headend Setup

To add a headend, browse the navigation menu to Configuration >
Headend > Add a Headend. (Fig. 2.2)
Figure 2.2
Headend Password: The password for FTP and Telnet access for the headend. The default is the word “none”.
Auto Merge: Auto Merge is the process for automatic schedule merging and verification unmerging. The default setting is No. If you wish to begin adding a headend that is not fully functional and want to avoid alarm activity, we suggest setting the Auto Merge to no until the headend is up and running.
File Name Length: The length of the ad copy file name. As part of the auto merge feature, schedule files are parsed in three formats.
20/20: 6 characters, right-justified, leading zeros Ex. 00000123456 = 123456
Novar: 8 characters, right-justified, leading zeros Ex. Novar typically comes in as 11 characters which has leading zeros (00012345678 = 12345678)
Non-zero: variable length (max = 8), left-justified, trailing spaces Ex. “01234 “ = 01234
Full Name: The full 11 character file name specified in the CCMS schedule is used. (DPI applications only.)
The following fields are required for Headend Setup.
Headend ID: A three digit identifier for the headend. This number is identified in the schedule file name from your traffic and billing system and will be a value from 001-999. To locate this value, you should refer to the file name structure of your schedules using MDDCCHHH.SCH. The number represented by HHH is your Headend ID.
Headend Description: Description of the headend. You are limited to 255 characters. For management purposes, a short and concise description will serve best.
Phone Number: The phone number of the modem used by autoDialer at the headend. Format (000-000-0000) or if dialing for an outside line with a prefix (9,1-000-0000)
Headend IP Address: The WAN Internet Protocol Address of the gateway router at the headend.
Headend User Name: The user name for FTP and Telnet access for the headend. The default is “adtec”.
Once you have added a headend it is possible to edit or delete that headend by browsing to Configuration > Headend and selecting either Edit or Delete to proceed.
Note: If you delete a headend, all channels assigned to that headend will be deleted as well.
With a headend in place, you may begin adding channels.
Chap t e r 2 - Gett i n g Sta r t e d

Channel Setup

To add a channel, browse the navigation menu to Configuration > Channel > Add a Channel. (Fig. 2.3) You must select a headend to add channels to. Single click on the desired headend. You will see the Headend ID number appear at the top of the page. Complete the following fields to add a channel to that headend.
Figure 2.3
The following fields are required for Channel Setup.
channel. It is identified in the file name structure of the Interconnect schedules using MDDCCHHH.SCH. The number represented by CC is your Interconnect channel ID.
Interconnect Channel Description: A description for the Interconnect channel. ( ex. ESPN )
Note: When editing or entering a path as part of the channel setup, you must use a trailing backslash “ \”
Channel Local Schedule Path: The source folder for local unmerged schedules. The default location on the TBGS is: C:\TBGS\LocalSchedules\.
Channel Interconnect Schedule Path: The source folder for Interconnect unmerged schedules. The default location on the TBGS is:
Local Verification Path: The location where the unmerge service places the local verification files pulled from the ad inserters. These files are sent back to your traffic and billing system. The default location on the TBGS is:
Interconnect Verification Path: The location where the unmerge service places the Interconnect verification files pulled from the ad inserters. These files are sent back to your Interconnect provider. The default location is:
Channel ID: A two digit identifier. This number is identified in the schedule file name from your traffic and billing system. It will be a value from 01-99. To locate this value, you can refer to the file name structure of your schedules using MDDCCHHH.SCH. The number represented by CC is your Channel ID.
Channel Description: Description of the channel. You are limited to 255 characters. The channel description should match the Duet unit name which is limited to 4 characters.
Interconnect Headend ID: The three digit identifier that is logically associated to the Interconnect schedules for a given provider. It is identified in the file name structure of the Interconnect schedules using MDDCCHHH.SCH. The number represented by HHH is your Interconnect headend ID.
Interconnect Headend Description: A description for the Interconnect provider. ( ex. Headend 3 )
Interconnect Channel ID: The two digit indentifier of the Interconnect
IP Address: The IP address of the channel. Each channel has a unique IPA.
Interconnect - Enable/Disable: Select enable if using Interconnect
schedules and verifications. Select disable if ONLY using local schedules and verifications.
Note: Disabling the Interconnect prior to applying changes will remove any values you have entered for Interconnect Headend ID, Interconnect Headend Description, Interconnect Channel ID, Interconnect Description ID, Channel Interconnect Schedule Path and Interconnect Verification Path.
Once you have added a channel it is possible to edit or delete that channel by browsing to Configuration > Channel and selecting either Edit or Delete to proceed. As channels are added, they are listed under the specified headend. Each channel screen provides a headend tree view on the left side of the screen.
9Chap t e r 2 - Gett i n g Sta r t e d
System Configuration
To modify the default system configuration of adManange, you will need to be an Administrator. Login and browse to Configuration > System. (Fig. 2.4)
Content Archiving Variables
Content archiving is an automated process which moves old local schedules, merged schedules and verifications to an archive folder on the TBGS. This saves the files in case they are needed and also removes the files from the active folder to prevent conflicts during the next calendar year. These setting will be used for this automated process.
Archive Path: The location of media that has been user-defined as archived media. To designate media as archived, you must be an Administrator or Standard User.
The default is: C:\tbgs\Archive\
Archive Type: This setting defines the number of days that will pass prior to archiving. The recommended setting is ‘60 Days’. This removes schedules and verifications older than 60 days from the active folder to the archive folder.
Archive Run Time: The daily run time for archiving. This is written in 24 hour format (ex. 13:32) The recommended setting is ‘03:00’ which
will run at 3:00am each morning.
Figure 2.4
Server Name: The TBGS server name. You can locate this by right-clicking on the My Computer icon of the TBGS and selecting Properties. Select the “Computer Name” tab and look for the “Full Computer Name” field. This value is the server name.
Expiration Variables
These variables assist in maximizing the use of available disk space on
each ad inserter.
Expire Run Time: The daily run time for the Content Service. This is
written in 24 hour format (ex. 13:32) The recommended setting is
‘04:00’ which will run at 4:00am each morning.
Expire Type: This field defines which criteria to use when moving content
to the expired list. You can select one of the given variables (Unused in
30,60,90 or 180 days) or you can select to only use the content expire
time. The recommended setting is ’Unused in 60 days’. This setting
places commercials not used in the last 60 days or expiration dates which
have been exceeded and are not in the Evergreen section into the Expired
List. The Expired List is provided on the on the Content Management >
Purge or the Content Management > System MVL pages.
Pre Merge Variables
Pre Merge is an optional service of adManage that allows for local and Interconnect schedules to be loaded prior to running the Merger Service. The process creates schedule templates in the form of Interconnect schedules to be used by the merging service. These fields configure this service.
Pre Merge: The On/Off selection for the Pre Merge Service. The recommended setting is ‘Off’.
Copy Local: Allows you to turn on/off copying of local schedules even if the Interconnect schedules are missing. The recommended setting is ‘On’.
Copy Interconnect: Allows you to turn on/off copying of Interconnect schedules even if the local schedules are missing. The recommended setting is ‘On’.
Import Content Path: The location of the source media or ad copy for
the Pre-Merge Service. The default location on the TBGS is C:\TBGS\ ITContent\. The recommended setting is to leave this blank unless
interconnect is being used.
Import Local Schedule Path: The location of source local schedules for
the Pre-Merge Service. The recommended setting is to leave it blank.
Chap t e r 2 - Gett i n g Sta r t e d
Over-write Local: This feature handles any scheduling conflicts that may
occur when merging local and Interconnect schedules. Enabling this feature
gives Interconnect scheduled content priority while disabling it gives local
scheduled content priority. The recommended setting is OFF unless
interconnect is being used.
Spot ID Prefix Key: This is used by the Pre Merge service to rename
ad files names to match the eight character naming scheme used in the
CCMS schedule. (See Appendix D for details on the CCMS Schedule) The
recommended setting is to leave this blank unless interconnect is
being used.
Export Schedule Template Path: The location of the pre merge
templates. The recommended setting is to leave this blank unless
interconnect is being used.
Default Paths
These paths are the default locations for the files used by adManage.
Note: When editing or entering a path as part of the system configuration, you must use a trailing backslash “ \”
Local Schedules: The location of the raw unmerged local schedules. This
location is used by the Merger Service as the source for all local schedules.
The default is: C:\tbgs\LocalSchedules\
Verifications: The location of the verification files received from the ad
inserters after they have been processed by the Unmerge Service. They
are used for verifying inserted content and are retrieved by your traffic and
billing service.
The default is: C:\tbgs\Verifications\
Import Local Schedule Path: The source path to obtain local schedules for the TBGS. The recommended setting is to leave this field
blank and to place your local schedules directly into the C:\tbgs\ LocalSchedules\ folder.
Export Local Verification Path: The destination path to an independent
server where local verifications are placed for further processing. It is used by ITVerificationPreparationService. The recommended setting is to
leave this blank and retrieve the Local verifications directly from c:\TBGS\Verifications\Local\.
Transaction Logs: The location of the RDY and LOG files received from
the ad inserters.
The default is: C:\tbgs\TransactionLogs\
Mirror List File: A mirror list file is a .MVL file created by adMange that specifies the exact media contents to be held in each ad inserter within a headend. These files are used by the solicitor unit at each headend for scheduling, verification and media delivery.
The default is: C:\tbgs\MirrorListFiles\
MVL - 1 : The location of the local MPEG files to be deployed to the ad inserters. It is used to store content for current and future distribution.
The default is: C:\TBGS\MasterVideoLibrary\
MVL - 2 : The location of the Interconnect MPEG files to be deployed to the ad inserters. It is used to store content for current and future distribution. This can be used for DPI ready encoded files as well.
The default is: C:\TBGS\MasterVideoLibrary2\
Verification Key Count: This is the total number of days to
allow eyeMonitor to view verifications. (Includes current day.) The
recommended setting is ‘7’.
Interconnect Schedules: The location of the raw unmerged Interconnect
schedules. This location is used by the Merger Service to merge local and
Interconnect schedules.
The default is: C:\tbgs\InterconnectSchedules\
Merged Schedules: The location for the merged schedules ready for
deployment to the ad inserters. These files are placed in this directory
by the Merger Service. They are merged schedules that include local and
Interconnect schedules.
The default is: C:\tbgs\MergedSchedules\
11Cha p t er 2 - Get t i n g Sta r t ed


FCMP The configuration of FCMP is used when a FCMP server exists as a part of the TBGS system. FCMP is an IP address satellite delivery system. It is used to distribute the media, MVLs, and schedules to each headend. Current and future schedules are used as a reference for a basic delivery list. Comparing the basic delivery list to the RDY retreived by autoDialer, the Delivery service creates a true delivery list of required files for each site. Once the delivery list is created, the FCMP server will deliver this content directly to each edjeL. The edjeL in turn EMTs the media and pass-throughs the MVL and schedules to the duets at the headend.
To modify the FCMP configuration of a headend, browse to Configuration > FCMP . (Figure 2.5)
The following fields are available for FCMP.
Select Headend: You must select a headend to assign a FID (FCMP ID) to. Single click on the desired headend. Complete the following fields to configure the FCMP setup for that headend.
Control ID: Select from the available options to specify the FCMP structure you are configuring. (FCMP structures are defined and created by the FCMP setup wizard)
Associated FID: The FCMP IDs already associated with that headend.
Available FID: The FCMP IDs available to the system.
Chap t e r 2 - Gett i n g Sta r t e d
13Cha p t er 2 - Get t i n g Sta r t ed
+ 35 hidden pages