Congratulafiona on your decision to proteti your home or bueiness with the
Rre Burglary Instruments XL-31 series eecunty eystem. You have chosen a
rekable, state of the art security system that is remarkably easyto operate. Your
system has been professionally installed by your local Secudty Company who
can explain the specifics of your system within your location.
The keypad is the arming station for your security system. Theee are available
keypads for your system:
XL4612RM Metal plate keypad containing indicator lights for each of the 12
zones (areas of protection), This keypad can be flush mounted into your wall or
surface mounted in a back box.
XL 4612SM This is a surface mount keypad with 12 LEDs for monfiorfng zone
7015 Keypad wtih a plastic case and with indisstor lights to show the statue of
each of the zones. NOTE: Thie keypad displays zone status indication fights
for 16 zones.
7~Keypad with a plastic case and atwo tine LCD (tiquid crystal display) with
a two tine readout.
Please identify the keypad(s) present on your system from the dagrams shown
in the sedions that follow.
The XL-31 is the Residential vereion of the which has been Usted by
Underwriters Laboratories for household Hre and Burglary apphcations.
The mdel XL-31B isthe Commercial Burgla~ mnfiguration of the wntrol panel
and has been Listed by Underwriters LaMratories for Commercial Burgla~
1) ZONE STATUS INDICATORS - displays the current zone status as follows:
2) ARM/DISARM INDICATOR -indicates system armed or disarmed.
If the system is armed (ARMED indicator ON) then the RDY ~ghtwill indicate
the arming mode (eee item 4 below)
3) AC/LOW BA~ERY - shows whether the system is running on AC (ON) or
backup battery (OFF). Ifthe Kghtis btinking slowly then the battery is low, if it is
bhnking rapidly then there is a telephone fine failure detected.
4) READY ln~cates whether the eystem is ready for arming (ON = Ready, OFF
= Not Ready).
In addition, the RDY fight shows the arming status if the ARMED LED is ON ae
OFF = Armed in Away mode
Slow B~nk = Armed in STAYmode finterior zones bypassed)
Fast Btink = Armed in INSTANT mde (exiVentry delay eliminated)
Fast & Slow BMnk= Armed in STAY-INSTANT mode
5) NUMERICAL KEYPAD operates in a similar manner to a calculator or
telephone with the digits 0-9 and
● # cleafly maked.
~.KEYPAD LAYOUT 7015 and 7005
The 7015 contains indicator tights for the zone status, and the 7005 keypad
contains a two hne Enghsh language dsplay.
1) ZONE STATUS INDICATORS-Your protected location has been dwided info
areas of protection known as zones. The zone indicators dsplay the current
status of each zone as follows:
2) READY Indcates whether the system is ready for arming.
3) ARWDISARM IND. Indicates system is armed (ON)/dsarmsd (OF~.
4) STAY- indicates system is armed wtih the infefior zones bypassed.
5) INSTANT - Indicates system is ARMED wtih all delay zonee instant.
6) AC - indicates system is running on AC (ON) or backup battery (OF~.
7) BAT - Indicates low battery. Slow pulse= low baffe~, OFF = Noml
8) COM Indicates a communications failure with the Central station
9) NUMERICAL KEYPAD operates in a similar manner to a calculator or
telephone with the dgits 0-9 and
10) OISPLAY AREA.Ttis section of the LCD keypad displays the wm~
system status in tms two second line of this dsplay can be
programmed by your installer to contain customized descriptors for the areas
of protection wiftin your location. The OFF-NORMAL installer programming
mode is identiied by a flashing READY (on LED mdels) and by the display
“PROGRAM MODE on LCD keypads.The panel is disabled in ttis mode. Cdl
for sewice if ttis condtion gersists.
● # clearfy msked.
Throughout this users manual the following conventions are used to display the
keystrokes required to perform the fundions.
Kq I&dd BYP-m kena~
l~dd ~STANT onkwa~
Kq l~ddSTAY on kend.
Key I&d& CODE on ke~d
Fwdgfi u= da
ARMING the system will activate all portione of your SewrifySyetem. Arming
can only be performed if all zones are READY.For example, if a protected door
is open the system cannot be armed.
The system is ready to be armed i the R~DYindicator HghfON (LED- based
keypads). On LCD-based keypads the following display will appeac
If the system is ready, ARMING can be performed as follow%
1. Enter your four digit user code into the keypad: [USER]
The ARMED inticator hghfwill now be ~i and Hyou are leaving the home you
may ex~ through a door designated by your installer as an extienfry zone for a
fried time period known as the exit delay. The entry exti times for your system
are as follows;
seconds- EXITseconds
LCD keypads will dsplay the following message;
The EXIT NOW meesage vanishes upon the end of the exk delay.
NOTE: For commercial systems (XL-31B) installation, a 2 sec. Bell Teet is
provided. Following receipt of the off-premise transmission from the control at
the central station, several beeps are heard from the keypad as confimafion.
If nether of these conditions occur, CALL FOR SERVICE.
NOTE: The system can be armed without the backup battery connected.
Ifthe system is not ready to be armed the READY indioator will be OFF. C)nLED
based keypads the zone Indimtor Hghfs will display the zones whkh are
currently not ready. The wndtionof each zone indicator refleofs the status of
each zone as follows;
BYPASSSlowbfintingkw intens~
The LCD keypad a dieplay indwates the eyetem ia not ready followed by
dsplays showing the zone number and description of the fau~ed zone.
For example:
Int~s example, the front door ie not ready (Zone 1). In order to m~e the sy~em
ready determine wtich zones are not ready byobsewingthe zone indcator
hghts,or the display section of the LCD keypad. From the zone number you can
find out which area of protection ie not ready. For example, assume the zone 1
is not ready. Typically, ttis might mean that a protected door or window is own.
.Oncethe problems wRheach zonehave beenresolved the R~DY
~ghtwill appear and the eystem can be armed.
To ARM the system when the system is NOT READY oneofthefolbwiW