System Master Code 10
Regular User Codes 10
Using the Programming Menus 10
Programming Access Codes 10
Setting the Time and Date 11
Adjusting System Sounds and Touchpad Brightness 11
Arming Your System Silently 11
Adjusting the Touchpad Beeps 12
Adjusting the Touchpad Display Brightness 12
Keychain Touchpad Arming 5
Quick Arm 5
Quick Exit 5
Using the Chime Feature 6
Preventing Accidental Alarms 6
Exit and Entry Delay Times 7
Extended Delay 7
Exit Extension 7
No Delay—For Instant Alarm 7
Auto STAY Arming Feature 8
Arming While a Door or Window is Open 8
Bypassing a Sensor Directly 8
Bypassing a Sensor Indirectly 8
Was the Bypass Successful? 8
Checking the Status of Your System 9
Short System Status 9
Full System Status 9
System Alarm Sounds 9
Panic Alarms 9
Fire Panic 9
Police Panic Alarm 9
Notification by Pager 12
Pager Messages 12
Streamlining the Page 13
Opening and Closing Reports 13
Latchkey Paging 14
No Activity Feature 14
Using the Panel Download Feature 14
System Information 14
Testing the System 15
Automatic Test Features 15
Manual Tests 15
Troubleshooting 16
Trouble Beeps and Trouble Messages 16
Appendix A: User Sheets 18
Appendix B: Planning for Emergencies 21
Appendix C: Programming Menus 23
Index 31
Commands at a Glance
To do this:Press:
Disarm the system.
Cancel an accidental alarm.
Arm to Level 2 —STAY.
Arm to Level 3—AWAY.
Send a police alarm.Press and hold both POLICE
Send an auxiliary alarm.Press and hold both AUXILIARY
Send a fire alarm.Press and hold both FIRE
Arm system with No Delay.
1 + Code
2 + Code
3 + Code
buttons for 2 seconds.
buttons for 2 seconds.
buttons for 2 seconds.
2 + Code + 4 or
3 + Code + 4
Arm system to send a
Latchkey page.
Bypass a sensor.
2 + Code + 6 or
3 + Code + 6
Indirectly: 2 + Code + ƒ or
3 + Code + ƒ
Directly:ƒ + Code + Sensor Number
Arm system silently.
5 + 2 + Codeor
5 + 3 + Code
Check the system status.
Turn Ch ime on/off.
Check alarm memory.
Initiate a phone test.
Initiate a sensor test.
7 + 1
7 + 6
8 + Code + 2
8 + Code + 3
This manual describes how to operate your system. It describes
basic arming and disarming commands as well as how to program
system features.
The dealer or installer may have already discussed the details of
your system with you. Record your system details in the User
Sheets located in Appendix A.
Y o ur secur ity system is made up of different parts. Each plays a
special role in the syst em’s ope ration:
The panel is at the heart of your system. It
stores the i ntellig ence to mo nitor al l the sensors
and devices in the system. The panel is the
piece of equipment that activ a t es sir e ns an d initiates a call to the central s tatio n in an alarm si tuation.
Touchpads are used to arm, disarm, and program your system.
Y o ur sy stem may use a wal l -
mounted touchpad that
looks like this:
Q u ic k G u id e
Disarm System/Can cel Alarm
Press 1 + CODE.
Arm to STAY
Close all protected doors and windows.
Press 2 + CODE.
Press 4 to arm delay do ors instantly,
if desired.
Arm to AWAY
Close all protected doors and windows.
Press 3 + CODE.
Ex it p r em is es th r o u g h d ela y d o o r.
Zone/Sensor Num ber
Byp ass Se nso rs
Arm sy stem to de sired level.
Press BYPASS + CODE + Sensor No.
Turn CHIM E O n/O ff
Ma ke su re sy stem is d isarm ed .
Press 7 + 1 to tu rn C H IM E o n or o ff.
Program User Settin gs
Ma ke su re sy stem is d isarm ed .
Press A or B to sc roll throug h m en us.
Press # to select option or accept entry.
Press to deselect option or cancel entry.
Press 1 fo r O F F ; p ress 2 fo r O N ;
press 0 - 9 fo r o the r en tries.
Test System Weekly
System is OK
press both
No Delay
press both
press both
Your system may also use wireless,
handheld touchpads that can be carried
from room to room.
Key ch ain touchpads are also wireless and are
handy for simple arming and disarming functions. Key chai n t ouch pads can be carried off-site.
The installer can program the keychain touchpad
to send a Police or Auxiliary panic alarm.
Wireless panic button touchpads are dedicated to sending one signal only—usually a
Police or Auxiliary panic alarm. Panic button
touchpads are usually kept near the user.
Door and window sensors protect the perimeter
of your home by alerting the panel when a door or
window is opened.
Motion detectors in hallways or rooms detect a person
moving across the field of detection.
Environmental sensors such as smoke and heat
detectors remain al ert f o r the presence of fire or
carbon monoxide 24 hours a day.
Or this:
Test System Weekly
press both
press both
press both
No Delay
The first touchpad is called a fixed English touchpad.
It communicates by using lighted text and an 11-character display.
The second touchpad is called an alphanumeric touchpad and
communicates by displaying text on a two-line display.
A se n so r is a c tiv a te d .
The senso r alerts the
panel immediately.
Your system can be set up to communicate with you through:
• S tatus beeps
• Alarm sirens
• Touchpad text
• Pager information
The pan el activates sirens. If the
sy ste m is m o n ito re d , th e p a n e l
calls the central m onitoring station.
T h is d ecisio n is b ase d o n system
program m ing and the current
a rm in g le v e l.
The central m onitoring station
operator reports the alarm to
the police or fire departm ent.
Instructing the Panel
Not just anyone can walk up to a touchpad and operate your security system. Before the syst em will process most commands, users
are required to enter a pre-programmed 4-digit access code.
Access codes are discussed in detail on page 10.
CommandA ccess C od e
Keychain touchpads that are enrolled as part of the system do not
require an access code, but are usually kept in an individual’s
pocket or purse.
If you would rather use an actual key to arm and
disarm the system, your security dealer can install a
special key and keyswitch in your home.
How Your System Communicates with You
Touchpads and i nterio r siren s produc e a v ariety of operating beeps
to inform you of different system states and operations.
Key Beeps
A Key beep is the tone y o u hear whe n you press a button on a
touchpad. The sound confirms that the button was pressed adequately. Key beeps can be turned on or off by the installer.
Status Beeps
Status beeps from touchpads or sirens sound when there is a
change in the current status of the system. Status beeps are not
alarms, but they do warrant your attention.
There is more than one type of Status beep:
• Exit Delay beeps indicate that an arming command has been
entered and the countdown to arming has begun.
• Entry Delay beeps indicate that you’ve entered the building and
the countdown to an alarm has begu n. (So disarm the sy st em as
soon as you get in!)
• Trouble beeps tell you that there is a problem with the sys t em o r
one of its components.
• Chime feature beeps tell you that a door was opened.
• Protest beeps inform you that you’re trying to arm the system
while there is an open door or window.
• Sensor test beeps are the sound the system makes during a sensor test to indicate that a sensor was tested properly.
Status beeps are described in more detai l thr oug ho ut the manual.
Pager Notification
Your system can dial the phone numbers of three different pagers
to notify pagerholders of events they ma y want to be awar e of .
Some of the events include:
• when the system is disarmed,
• when the system is armed,
• trouble conditions in the system, and
• alarm conditions.
For more information, see “Notification by Pager” on page 12.
What Happens When There is an Alarm
In the event of an alarm, several things happen at once:
• Sirens and hardwired touchpads emit emergency tones
• Panel notifies the central station for help.*
• Message appears on fixed English or alphanumeric touchpads.
* Your system may or may not be monitored.
If it is not monitored, no call will be made.
Since your se curity needs may vary throughout the da y, the system
was designed with thr ee armin g le vels. By arming your sy stem to a
particular level, only those sensors pr ogrammed to detect in that
arming level will report alarms.
Level 1—OFF
Use Level 1 when intrusio n detection is not necessary. For example, on an active Saturday morning—kids playing inside and out;
someone working in the garage; various house projects going on.
Even though Level 1 disarms the system, your system continues to
monitor for fire, smoke, carbon monoxide, and/or panic alarms if
your system has these devices installed.
Here are some other situations in which you’d set the system to
Level 1—OFF:
• Upo n ent ering yo ur armed home or business . Wh en ent erin g the
armed premises throug h a designated dela y door , the entry delay
time begins. Entry Delay beeps r emind you to disarm the system.
• Before opening a door or window while inside or outside the armed home or business. When you wake up in the morning and
want to get your newspaper, you must disarm the system before
opening the door to prevent an accidental alarm.
If your syst em contains smoke and fire sensors, it monitors the
premises for smoke and fire alarms 24 hours a day and in all arming levels.
These alarms cannot be cancelled or aborted and are always
reported to the central station. Since many communities charge
for dispatching the fire department in error , your dealer may give
you specific instructions to follow in the event of an accidental
smoke or fire alarm. Recor d these in s tructions in the Appendix A
User Sheets under “Accidental Smoke and Fire Alarms.”
Clearing Smoke Sensors
Once a smoke sensor has been in alarm, it is considered “Open” or in “Trouble” until it is reset:
•Press 1 + Code, once to silence the alarm.
•Press 1 + Code, twice to reset the smoke alarm.
In Le v e l 2 S T A Y , sim ply p re ss
before opening the door.
The door m ust be closed again
w ithin 2 m inutes to avoid alarm .
C ontact yo ur dealer if you 'd
lik e to u s e th is fe a tu re .
(See the section on “Preventing Accidental Alarms” on page 6 if
you would like to be able to leave quickly when the system is
• To stop sirens and cancel an alarm. When an alarm condition
occurs, disarming the system turns off any sirens.
To disarm to Level 1—OFF using a touchpad:
1.Press 1. Touchpads display “Enter Code.”
2.Enter your access code.
Touchpads display date and time or programmed text.
3.The system sounds one long beep.
Arming Level 2—STAY
There are times when y o u want intrusion protection, bu t s till want
the freedom to move around wi thin your house without setting off
an alarm. For example, in the evening when your family is inside
for the night. In this and similar situations, arm your system to
To disarm your system with a keychain
touchpad, press the Un lock button.
Your installer can set up your keychain
touchpad to arm the system in one of two ways:
1.Press the Lock butt on to arm the system directly to Le vel 3
with no Exit delay. Using this method, you would not be
able to arm to Level 2.
2.Press the Lock button to increase the arming level each
time it is pressed (Lev el 1 to Le v el 2, or Le v el 2 t o L ev e l 3).
The Exit delay time would be applied.
Y o ur sy stem may be set up so that you’r e able to arm the
system without using an access code.
To use Quick Arm:
•Increase the arming level by simply pressing 2 or 3
at any touchpad.
Decreasing the arming le vel requires that the user enter a code.
S im p ly p r e ss o r
to in c re a se th e a rm in g le v e l.
To decrease the arm ing
le v e l, y o u 'll n e e d t o e n te r
an access code.
C ontact yo ur dealer if you 'd
lik e to u s e th is fe a tu re .
To arm to Level 2—STAY using a touchpad:
1.Close all protected perimeter doors and windows.
2.Press 2 a t any t ouchpad. Touchpads display, “Enter Code.”
3.Ent er y o ur acc ess code. Touchpads display,
”Armed to STAY.”
4.The system sounds two short beeps.
5.If lea ving the prem ises, exit through a designated dela y door
immediately .
Arming Level 3—AWAY
At other times, y ou w ant e v ery sensor t o be alert: When the family
is away from home, or, in a business, after closing time.
In this and similar situations, set your system to 3—AWAY for maximum protection. All sensors are active—perimeter door and window sensors, and interior motion detectors.
To arm to Level 3—AWAY using a touchpad:
1.Close all perimeter doors and windows.
2.Press 3 a t any t ouchpad. Touchpads display, “Enter Code.”
3.Ent er y o ur acc ess code. Touchpads display,
”Armed to AWAY.”
4.The system sounds three short beeps.
5.Exit through a designated delay door immediately.
Note: In UL Listed systems, this feature is disabled.
Y our syst em may be set up so that when y our syst em is armed
to Level 2—STAY, you’re able to press D on any touchpad
and simply walk out of the door without ha ving t o disarm and
rearm the system.
This is useful when your system is armed and you wa n t to
quickly pop outside to pick up the newspaper without disarming your system.
IMPORTANT: If you step outsi de and are plan ning to come
back in, do not close the door behind you!
To use Quick Exit:
1.When the system is armed to 2—STAY, press D at any
touchpad. Opening the door without pressing D
will cause an alarm.
2.Open the door and go outside.
Leave the door open if you are planning to come back in!
3.Come back in within two minutes and close the door .
The system will rearm to 2—STAY.
Turn ing on the Chi me featur e is lik e ha ving bells o n ev ery prot ected
door and window. When this feature is on, sirens and speakers
sound 2 beeps whenever anyone opens a protected door or window.
The Chime feature works only in Level 1—OFF.
To turn Chime on/off:
•While in Level 1—OFF, from any touchpad, press 7 + 1.
While the Chime feature is on, touchpads display,
When the system is armed again, Chime becomes deactivated.
The Chime-On-Close feature works like the regular Chime feature,
but in addition to the double beeps heard upon opening a protected door or window, the system sounds one long beep when
the door or window is closed again.
You can turn the Chime-On-Close feature on or off from the programming menu. Refer to Appendix C, “Programming Menus” for
information on programm in g your system.
Y o ur secur ity system is enginee red with advanced technology that
reduces the chance of an accidental alarm caused by a technical
problem. In wireless systems, this technology prevents other
devices, such as garage door openers, ham radios, television
remote control s, and cellul ar ph on es, from interfering with yo ur
security system.
Most accidental alarms occur when le aving the house after arming
the system, or upon returning, before disarming the system.
If, for example, you ar m the syst em, then run ups tairs for something
you forgot, the Exit Dela y time may expire. Once the Exit Delay
expires, opening an armed do or or moving in front of a mo tion
detector will cause an alarm.
Guidelines for Preventing Accidental Alarms
Following these guidelin es wil l g o a long way toward preventing accidental alarms.
✓Close doors and windows before you leave your
✓When getting ready to leave the house, gather the
things you w ant t o tak e with you so you can e xit imme diately after arming the system.
✓Always enter and exit within the programmed delay
✓Make sure you leave through a door that has a delay
time set for it. If you arm your system, then leave
through a door without a delay time, an alarm will
immediately sound.
✓When you return, immediately disarm your system.
✓Be aware of the devices in your security system and
learn how each one operates.
✓Listen t o sy stem beeps. Take note of any t ou chpad
messages which indicate the sys tem’s current status.
✓If you ha ve pets, ask your installer if y o u need pet
lenses in your motion detectors. Pets climb higher
than you may guess, causing alarms when you are
✓Check the location of your smoke detectors. Smoke
detectors near bathrooms can be tripped by steam
from a shower. Smoke detectors near the kitchen can
be tripped by cooking smoke.
Refer to the User Sheet in Appendix A to determine what
the specific settings are for your system.
Aborting Accidental Alarms
Y o ur sy stem can be set up with the opportunity to abort an accidental intrusion, Police or Auxiliary alarm. (Fire alarms caused by
smoke sensors, fire panic alarms, and heat sensors cannot be
If the Dialer Abort feature is turned on, disarming the system (thus
aborting the alarm), within a specified time period will silence the
siren and prevent the alarm from being reported to the central
monitoring stat ion.
Aborting a fire alarm will silence the siren, however fire alarms are
always r eported. If an accidental fire alarm has sounded, follo w the
procedures of your central monitoring station to prevent a false dispatch.
To cancel an alarm:
•Press 1 + Code.
After arming your system, you need time to exit the
building so you w on’t set off an alarm. Lik ewise , upon
returning to your home or business, you’ll need
enough time to open the door and get to a touchpad
to disarm the system.
•The Exit Delay is a period of t i me long enough to let you le ave
through a designated delay door after arming the system.
•The Entry Delay is a period of time long enough to let y ou unlock
a designated delay door and get to a t ouchpad to disarm the system.
Exit Delay Example
Y o u’re about to go on an errand. You are inside your house and
have just armed the system to Level 3—A WAY.
The interior sirens and touchpads sound three quick status beeps,
telling you that the system accepted the command and has started
the Exit Delay time.
During the Exit Delay time, the system sounds one short beep
every 4 seconds. Exit the premises immediately.
During the last 10 seconds of the Exit Delay, you’ll hear a three
more quick status beeps. These beeps indicate that the Exit Delay
has ended. Opening an armed door or windo w after the Exit Dela y
has expired will cause an alarm.
fte r a rm in g ,
o u 'll h e a r
3 quick
ta tu s b e e p s .
During the Exit Delay,
you'll hear one b eep every
fo u r s e c o n d s .
Leave th e prem ises n ow .
3 quick status
b e e ps so u n d
b e fo re th e sy stem
is a r m e d .
Extended Delay
In some situations, additional time is needed t o arm or
disarm the system from, for example, a protected outside gate or door. In these instances, the installer can
program an extended delay, giving as much as 16
minutes to exit or disarm the system befor e setting off
an alarm.
Refer to the Appendix A User Sheets, “Delay Doors and Delay
Time Settings,” for a list of actual exit delay times.
Exit Extension
Note: In UL Listed systems, this feature is disabled.
Y our sy s t em may be set up so that the delay time is restart ed if you
re-open the delay door during the initial delay time.
This is useful if, after arming the sy st em, you w alk out the doo r, the n
remember something you forgot inside. You can re-enter and exit
through the delay door without disarming and re-arming the system.
Note: The Exit Extension will work on the first re-entry only.
If your syste m is not usin g this feature, you must disarm the sys tem
when you re-ent er the armed pr emises to av oid setting off an alarm.
No Delay—For Instant Alarm
Y ou can choose to turn off the Entry and Exit Delays,
causing the delay doors to arm immediately. Anyone
entering the house thr ou gh the de lay door when the
system is set to No Delay would immediately cause an
No Delay is normally used:
Entry Delay Example
Y o u ar e returning to your house that is armed t o Level 3—AWAY.
When you unl ock an d en t e r the de sig nat ed del a y do or, the interior
sirens and touchpads sound tw o short beeps e very two seconds.
This tells you that the Entry Delay time has begun and r eminds you
to disarm the system t o a void setting off an alarm.
During the last 10 seconds of Entry Delay, you’ll hear one beep
every second.
Y our i ns talle r wil l work with you t o deci de which doo r(s) sho uld be
delay door(s), and deter mine the dela y times that will w ork bes t f or
you and your family. Then, the insta ller will program the Exit and
Entry Delay times into your system.
• When you’re staying at home, after you’ve armed the system.
• When you’re arming and disarming your house from the outside.
(You must have a wireless touchpad in order to do this.)
Arming to Level 2 or 3 with No Delay:
1.Close all perimeter doors and windows.
2.Exit the premises if arming to Level 3—AWAY.
3.Ent er: 2 + Codeor 3 + Code.
The system sounds two or three short beeps.
4.Immedi ately after hearing the beeps, press 4 for No Delay.
Touchpads display, “Armed to STAY No Delay” or “ARMED
TO AWAY NO DELAY ,” f o r exampl e.
Changing the arming level will restore delay doors to their normal
Exit and Entry Delay times.
U pon entering, during the
Entry D elay, yo u'll hear 2 b eeps
2 se co nd s.
D isarm th e sy stem be fo re
the last o f 1 0 qu ick statu s b ee ps
to avoid an acciden tal alarm .
Auto STAY Arming Feature
The Auto STAY Arming feature helps cut down on false alarms in
the event that you arm the syst em to 3—AWAY , but fai l to leave
during the exit delay time. Here’s how it works:
If you arm the system to Level 3—AWAY,
and do not leave the premises within the exit delay time—
The system can tell that no one opened and
If feature
turned on
If feature
turned off
Y o ur de aler can turn this feature on or off for you.
closed a delay door within the delay time. It
assumes that someone is still inside and the
panel will arm to 2—STAY to avoid a false alarm.
The system arms to Level 3—AWAY regardless of
whether or not a delay door has been opene d
and closed.
Your movement inside the premises could activate a motion detector, causing an alarm.
It is possible to arm your system while leaving a
door or window open. This is useful if, f or example, you like to sleep at night with the window
If the door or window has a sensor ins tall ed on it,
the system must be told to ignore, or bypass, that
sensor when it’s open. All other sensors will
remain active .
There are two methods for bypassing a sensor:
• Directly — After arming the system, bypass door/window sen sors before you open them. Y ou must kno w the sensor number of the
door or window you wish to bypass. To bypass directly, the user
code must have been given the Direct Bypassing attribute. (See
“Assi gn ing the Dir ec t Bypassing Attribute” on page 10.)
• Indirectly — As you are arming, by pass senso rs on alr eady-o pen
doors and window. This method should not be used in UL-list ed
When a sensor is bypassed, you are allowing that door or
window to be unprotected.
Bypassing a Sensor Directly
Use this method if the system is arme d and you would like to open
a window without disarming.
Refer to the Appendix A User Sheets to determine what the sensor
number is for the sensor you wish to b ypass.
To bypass sensors directly:
1.Close all doors and windows.
2.Arm your system to the desired level.
3.A t any touchpad, press ƒ + Code + sensor number.
(ƒ is labeled Bypass)
4.Touchpads display, “Bypassed Zones 01,” or
“SENSOR 01 BYPASSED,” for example.
If the touchpad displays “INVALID,” or if the touchpad
sounds one long beep, make sure that you entered a valid
sensor number. Heat and smoke sensors cannot be
5.Bypass other sensors, if necessary, by repeating Step 3.
6.The b ypassed door or window can now be opened.
To arm bypassed sensors:
•Arm the system again.
Note: You cannot bypass sensors directly using a
keychain touchpad.
Bypassing a Sensor Indirectly
Use this method if you are arming the system and would like to
bypass doors and windows already open.
To bypass sensors indirectly:
1.Leave open only those doors and windows that are to
remain open. Close all others.
2.Arm your system to the desired level. The touchpad emits
protest beeps and displa ys “PR OTEST,” because of the open
3.At any touchpad. press BYPASS. Touchpads with displays
show, “Bypassed Zones 01,” or “SENSOR 01 BYPASSED,”
for example.
4.The system sounds arming level beeps to indicate that the
system is armed and open sensors have been successfully
To arm bypassed sensors:
•Arm the system again.
To bypass sensors indirectly using a keychain touchpad:
•Press the Lock button once to arm the system and again to
bypass open sensors:
Was the Bypass Successful?
To confirm whether or not a sensor was bypassed:
•Press the Status button on the touchpad.
(‚ is labeled Status.)
Touchpads with displays list bypassed sensors or zones.
Checking the system s tatu s means finding out about the curre nt
condition of your sy stem. This includes finding out if any senso rs
are open or currently bypassed, whe the r or not the AC power and
backup battery are okay, the nature of the most recent alarm, and
more, depending on the features in u se and the equipment in y o ur
Check the system status if:
• Your system sounds trouble beeps (five short beeps every
• Your touchpads display, “Zone s,” “POLICE,” “AUXILIARY,” and
• Your touchpads display, “Press Status” or a blinking ✽.
Short System Status
A Short Status indicates the current arming level, sensor status
(whether open or bypassed), low battery, supervisory, AC power or
backup battery failures.
To get a Short System S tatus:
•Press ‚. (‚ is labeled Status.)
The system sounds beeps according to the current arming
level. (One for Level 1, two for Level 2, three for Level 3.)
Touchpads display the status information, for example:
“System is OK,” or “SENSOR 02 OPEN.”
If an alarm or syst em tr ouble c ondi tion h as occu rr ed, it is displayed
on a touchpad the first time you perform a Short or Full Status
check. Performing a system status check a second time displays
the system status including any trouble conditions.
If any alarm or system trouble is active, it continues to show up in
every status check until the system is disarmed.
System Alarm Sounds
The sirens and touchpads in your system emit alarm sounds whenever an alarm occurs, either b y a senso r or panic butt on activation.
Each type of alarm sounds and reacts differently when activated, as
described in the following table.
Type of AlarmAlarm Sound
Repeating series of three beeps
Continuous tone
Rapid beeps
Panic alarms are easily activ at ed from an y to uchpad to quickly ale rt
the central monitoring station to a Fire, Police, or Auxiliary emergency. A panic alarm can be acti va ted at any ti me, regar dless of the
current arming level: 1—OFF, 2—STAY, or 3—AWAY.
This system is desi gned to in form a cen tral moni toring s tation of the
nature of the emergency so the correct personnel can be dispatched immediately.
Fire Panic
The Fire panic alarm sounds from all interio r and ext e rio r sirens.
On monitored systems, the central monitoring station responds by
calling the fire department.
Full System Status
A Full Status combines the Short Status information with added
details about specific system features.
To get a Full System Status:
•Press ‚ + ‚. Interior sirens sound beeps according to
the current arming level. Touchpads display the status information, for example, “System is OK,” “SENSOR 03
Note: A Full System Status is not available from the fixed English
To activate a Fire panic alarm from a touchpad:
•Press and hold both Fire buttons for 2 seconds.
Police Panic Alarm
The Police panic alarm sounds from all interior and exterior sirens,
scaring off any intruder and alerting neighbors to the trouble. On
monitored systems, the central monitoring station responds by calling the police.
To activate a Police panic alarm using a touchpad:
•Press and hold the Police button(s) for 2 seconds.
To activate a Police panic alarm from a keychain touchpad*:
•Press and hold the Lock and Unlock buttons at
the same time for 2 seconds.
* The installer must configure the Police panic alarm to
work this way.
Auxiliary Panic Alarm
The Auxiliary panic alarm sounds from interior sirens only. It is typically set up by your security dealer, based on your specific needs.
On monitored systems, the central station responds by calling the
service or agency you specified through your dealer.
To activate an Auxiliary panic alarm from a touchpad:
•Press and hold the Auxiliary button(s) for 2 seconds.
To send an Auxiliary panic alarm from a keychain t ouchpad :
•Press and hold the Lock and Unlock buttons at
the same time for 2 seconds.
Siren Time-out
If the system is not disarmed after an alarm, the si rens will conti nue
to sound until the time-out period is reached. The time-out period
can be programmed only by your installer or dealer.
Even though reaching the end of the time-out period stops the
sirens, if your sys tem is monitored, the central s tatio n will con sider
the alarm in progress until the sys tem is manually disarmed.
The system r e qu ires a valid access code befor e i t wil l process most
commands. The Appendix A User Sheets provide a location for
you to record the System Master and User codes.
Using the Programming Menus
Some system se tting s can be chan ged b y y o u, the user, while other
settings must be changed by the installer.
To change system settings, you’ll use the System Master code to
enter a series of progr amming menus. Appen dix C giv es a detailed
explanation of how to use the menus or, if desired, how to use pr ogramming shortcuts.
Programming Access Codes
User codes can be given certain attributes which det er min e
whether the user can bypass a sensor or perform system tests.
Changing a User Code
To change or assign a user access code:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 10 n n 0 where nn is user 00 through 15.
3.Enter the desired 4-digit code, then ƒ.
4.‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the programming menus.
Note: The system will not accept the same code for
two different users.
Erasing a User Code
When a code is deleted from the system, that code no longer acts
as a key for operating the system in any manner.
System Master Code
There is one System Master co de. The Sys tem Maste r code is used
to enter the programming menus for your sy s tem. The default Sys-
tem Master code is 1234. It is important that you change the
default code and record the new code in the Appendix A User
Regular User Codes
There are 16 Regular User codes which act like keys to arm and
disarm the system. If n ecessary, they can be assigned t o neighbors,
baby-sitters, or repair persons for temporary use. Regular user
codes can be changed in the programming menus and are easily
deleted from the system when no longer necessary.
Good User Code Hygiene
To pr eserv e the int egri ty of your syst e m,
keep user codes confidential and
delete extra codes as soon
as they are no longer
We recommend that you avoid using
obvious code patterns such as 1234 or
1111, 2222, etc.
To erase a user code:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 10 n n 0 where nn is user 00 through 15.
3.Enter the System Master code, then ƒ.
4.‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the programming menus.
Assigning the Direct Bypassing Attribute
Direct Bypassing is a user code attribute that allows the user to
bypass open sensors. If the user code does not have this attribute
turned on, the user will not be able to bypass sensors directl y.
To assign Direct Bypassing to a user:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 10 n n 1 where nn is user 00 through 15.
3.To turn Direct Bypassing:
• on, press 2 + ƒ.
•off, press 1 + ƒ.
4.‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the programming menus.
Assigning the System Test Attribute
System Tests is a user code attribute that allo ws the user to perfo rm
system tests. If the user code does not have this attribute turned
on, the user will not be able to perform phone or sensor t e sts.
To assign the System Testing to a user:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 10 n n 2 where nn is user 00 through 15.
3.To turn System Testing:
• on, press 2 + ƒ.
• off, press 1 + ƒ.
4.‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the programming menus.
The Touchpad Tamper Feature
The installer can program your system to send a Police
alarm in the case of possible touchpad tampering.
If more than 40 key s are pressed wh en the syst em asks for
a code, and those keys trok es are not part of a valid access
code, a siren will sound.
Arming Your System Silently
Use the Silent Arming feature to arm your system without disturbing people throughout the house with arming status beeps. There
are two methods for implementing Silent Arming:
• Silent on Demand (User presses 5 before arming.)
• A rming Always Silent (Silent Arming feature on).
Regardless of the method employed, when Silent Arming is in
effect, no Exit beeps sound.
Note: Protest beeps will always sound when bypassing a sensor.
Silent Arming on Demand
Pressing 5 before arming silences arming status beeps from
touchpads and interior siren s.
To use Silent Arming on demand:
1.From any touchpad, press 5.
2.Within 4 seconds enter: 2 + Codeor 3 + Code.
Although the installer usually sets the time and dat e at the time of
installation, the user can change it when necessary. See Appendix
C, “Programming Your System” for more detailed information on
setting this feature.
To set the system time:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 00.
3.Enter the correct time in 24-hour format (4 digits),
then press ƒ.
For example, if the current time is 7:23 a.m.,
press 0723 + ƒ.
4.Press ‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the programming menus.
24-H our Form at
1:00 am
2:00 am
3:00 am
4:00 am
5:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
6:00 am
7:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 p
7:00 p
8:00 p
9:00 p
10:00 p
11:59 p
Arming Always Silent
Turning this feature on in the programming menu means that the
status beeps that come from to uchpads and int erio r speak er s whil e
arming will always be silent. You wi ll not have to enter 5 before
arming, as with Silent Arming on Demand.
See Appendix C, “Programm ing Your System” for more detailed
information on setting this feature.
To enable Silent Arming:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 2 + 1.
3.To turn Silent Arming:
• on, press 2 + ƒ. No system status beeps will sound
while arming.
• off, press 1 + ƒ. System status beeps will sound from
touchpad while arming.
4.Press ‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the pr ogramming menus.
To set the system date:
1.Enter the programming menus by pressing
9 + System Master Code.
2.Press 01.
3.Enter the current date as 6 digits (mm/dd/yy) then press ƒ.
4.Press ‚ + 4 + ƒ to exit the programming menus.
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