Ty pe Manager
Font management made easy
In 1989, Adobe Type Manager
) software changed the face
of desktop publishing. By smooth-
ing out the jagged edges of type
on-screen and significantly
improving print quality, ATM
redefined “what-you-see-is-what-
you-get.” Adobe Type Manager
Deluxe 4.1 offers a more versatile
way to manage your OpenType,
PostScript,® and TrueType fonts.
Powerful features help you work
more efficiently while producing
the same sharp, clean text that you
have come to expect from the
award-winning ATM software.
Get organized
No need to shy away from using your
full spectrum of fonts in ever-changing
configurations—ATM Deluxe 4.1 makes
cumbersome font management routines
a thing of the past! Using interactive
control panels, install typefaces with
point-and-click simplicity. Create
custom font sets that apply to different
projects, users, or any other classification
you choose, and then activate and
deactivate the typefaces you need—
in sets and individually—in seconds.
Be more productive
Because you activate only the fonts
you need at any given time, your system
can work faster, and you can work more
efficiently. Creating sets doesn’t actually
move your font files; it simply groups
representations of them. So you can
place the same font into as many sets
as you’d like without using additional
disk space.
Deluxe 4.1
Design with confidence
Take advantage of the ability to smooth
Type 1 font edges on-screen, and easily
create multiple master font instances.
Interactive controls let you adjust
weight, width, style, and optical size
axes. ATM Deluxe 4.1 includes 15 fonts
from the Adobe Type Library, so every
document you create will feature
beautiful, visually compelling text—
and with screen and print sample
previewing, you’re assured the letterperfect look every time! When you’re
ready to print, ATM Deluxe 4.1 will
deliver crisp, clear type on Adobe
PostScript and non-PostScript
printers alike.
Rely on the industry leader
However you employ fonts in your
documents, count on ATM Deluxe 4.1
to streamline font management so
you can work more efficiently while
producing crisp, great-looking type!

Adobe®Ty pe Manager
Create multiple master instances easily. Then drag
and drop them from the sample window into sets.
The point-and-click interface lets you activate
and deactivate font sets instantly.
Full WYSIWYG previews of all your fonts help
you choose the best font for the job.
Deluxe 4.1
Key Features
• Group OpenType, PostScript, and
TrueType fonts into sets
• Activate and deactivate sets with
a mouse click
• View and print font samples
• Create multiple master font instances
• Install and remove fonts easily
• Get crisp, clean output from any
printer, including non-PostScript
• Adobe Type Manager Deluxe 4.1
• 15 Adobe Type Library fonts
• Adobe Acrobat® Reader
• Adobe PostScript (AdobePS™)
printer driver
• Adobe Type Library pocket guide
• User Guide
System Requirements
• PC using a Pentium® or faster processor
• Microsoft® Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows NT® 4.0 Workstation or
Server with Service Pack 4 installed,
or Windows 2000
• Minimum of 16 MB of RAM
(32 MB recommended)
• 7 MB of available hard-disk space
• CD-ROM drive
For More Information
In the United States and Canada, call
800-682-3623 or contact your local
Adobe Authorized Reseller.
In other countries, please contact the
nearest Adobe distributor or representative. To receive a list of international
Adobe distributors and sales offices
by fax, call our automated FaxYI faxresponse system at 650-556-8481 and
request Document 499950.
For a comprehensive list of features
and information about other Adobe
products, visit the Adobe Web site at
Included Fonts
Bermuda™ Squiggle
Chaparral® Display
Khaki™ 2
Myriad® Tilt
Pompeia™ Inline
Postino™ Italic
Shuriken Boy
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue, San Jose, CA 95110-2704 USA
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Acrobat Reader, AdobePS, Adobe Type Manager, ATM, the ATM logo, Chaparral, Cutout, Giddyup, Moj o, Myriad, Nyx,
Ouch!, Postino, PostScript, Shuriken Boy, and “If you can dream it, you can do it” are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Bermuda and Spumoni
are trademarks of LetterPerfect. Greymantle is a trademark of MvB Design. Khaki is a trademark of Aerotype. Pompeia is a trademark of Unitype. Pentium
is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, OpenType, Windows, and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Screen shots show simulated
system fonts. Your system fonts may vary.
© 2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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