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Product Information
Product Model
Chipset: Bios:
Please give a detailed description of the problem(s):
The DAQ/PXI-20XX is an advanced data acquisition card based
on the 32-bit PCI architecture. High performance designs and the
state-of-the-art technology make this card ideal for data logging
and signal analysis ap-plications in medical, process control, etc.
Introduction 1
The DAQ/PXI-20XX Advanced Data Acquisition Card provides the
fol-lowing advanced features:
X 32-bit PCI-Bus, plug and play
X 4-channel simultaneous differential analog inputs
X DAQ/PXI-2010: 14-bit Analog input resolution with sampling
rate up to 2MS/s
X DAQ/PXI-2005: 16-bit Analog input resolution with sampling
rate up to 500KS/s
X DAQ/PXI-2006: 16-bit Analog input resolution with sampling
rate up to 250KS/s
X DAQ/PXI-2016: 16-bit Analog input resolution with sampling
rate up to 800kS/s
X Programmable bipolar/unipolar analog input
X Programmable gain (x1, x2, x4, x8 for all DQ-20XX)
X DAQ/PXI-2010: Total 8K samples A/D FIFO
X DAQ/PXI-2005/2006/2016: Total 512 samples A/D FIFO
X Versatile trigger sources: software trigger, external digital
trigger, analog trigger and trigger from System Synchronization Interface (SSI).
X A/D Data transfer: software polling & bus-mastering DMA
with Scatter/Gather functionality
X Four A/D trigger modes: post-trigger, delay-trigger, pre-trig-
ger and middle-trigger
X 2 channel DA outputs with waveform generation capability
X 2K samples output data FIFO for DA channels
X DA Data transfer: software update and bus-mastering DMA
with Scatter/Gather functionality
X System Synchronization Interface (SSI)
X A/D/DA fully auto-calibration
X Completely jumper-less and software configurable
X Automotive Testing
X Cable Testing
X Transient signal measurement
X Laboratory Automation
X Biotech measurement
Introduction 3
Analog Input (AI)
X Number of channels: 4 differential
X A/D converter:
Z 2010: LTC1414 or equivalent
Z 2005: A/D7665 or equivalent
Z 2006: A/D7663 or equivalent
Z 2016: A/D7671 or equivalent
X Max sampling rate:
Z 2010: 2MS/s
Z 2016: 800kS/s
Z 2005: 500kS/s
Z 2006: 250kS/s
X Resolution:
Z 2010: 14 bits, no missing code
Z 2005/2006/2016:16 bits, no missing code
X FIFO buffer size:
Z 2010:8K samples
Z 2005/2006/2016: 512 samples
X Programmable input range:
Z Bipolar: ±10V, ±5V, ±2.5V, ±1.25V
Z Unipolar: 0~10V, 0~5V, 0~2.5V, 0~1.25V
X Operational common mode voltage range: ±11V
X Overvoltage protection:
Z Power on: continuous ±30V
Z Power off: continuous ±15V
X Input impedance: 1GΩ/100pF
X -3dB small signal bandwidth: (Typical, 25°C)
Device Input Range Bandwidth (-3dB) Input Range Bandwidth (-3dB)
±10V1170 kHz0~10V1090 kHz
±5V1050 kHz0~5V1020 kHz
±2.5V800 kHz0~2.5V790 kHz
±1.25V530 kHz0~1.25V530 kHz
±10V1160 kHz0~10V1210 kHz
±5V1050 kHz0~5V1050 kHz
±2.5V780 kHz0~2.5V770 kHz
±1.25V520 kHz0~1.25V530 kHz
±10V630 kHz0~10V640 kHz
±5V620 kHz0~5V620 kHz
±2.5V540 kHz0~2.5V540 kHz
±1.25V410 kHz0~1.25V420 kHz
Table 1-1: -3dB small signal bandwidth
X Large signal bandwidth (1% THD): 300 kHz
X System Noise: (Typical)
Device Input Range System noise Input Range System noise
±10V 0.6 LSBrms0~10V0.8 LSBrms
±5V0.6 LSBrms0~5V0.8 LSBrms
±2.5V0.6 LSBrms0~2.5V0.9 LSBrms
±1.25V0.6 LSBrms0~1.25V0.9 LSBrms
±10V 1.2 LSBrms0~10V1.9 LSBrms
±5V1.2 LSBrms0~5V2.0 LSBrms
±2.5V1.3 LSBrms0~2.5V2.1 LSBrms
±1.25V1.3 LSBrms0~1.25V2.2 LSBrms
Table 1-2: System Noise
Introduction 5
Device Input Range System noise Input Range System noise
±10V 1.0 LSBrms0~10V1.5 LSBrms
±5V1.0 LSBrms0~5V1.6 LSBrms
±2.5V1.1 LSBrms0~2.5V1.7 LSBrms
±1.25V1.1 LSBrms0~1.25V1.8 LSBrms
±10V1.6 LSBrms0~10V2.9 LSBrms
±5V1.8 LSBrms0~5V3.2 LSBrms
±2.5V1.8 LSBrms0~2.5V3.2 LSBrms
±1.25V1.9 LSBrms0~1.25V3.4 LSBrms
Table 1-2: System Noise
X CMRR: (DC to 60Hz, Typical)
Device Input Range CMRR Input Range CMRR
±10V 90 dB0~10V89 dB
±5V92 dB0~5V92 dB
±2.5V95 dB0~2.5V94 dB
±1.25V97 dB0~1.25V97 dB
±10V 86 dB0~10V85 dB
±5V88 dB0~5V88 dB
±2.5V91 dB0~2.5V90 dB
±1.25V93 dB0~1.25V93 dB
±10V 87 dB0~10V86 dB
±5V89 dB0~5V88 dB
±2.5V91 dB0~2.5V91 dB
±1.25V93 dB0~1.25V93 dB
Table 1-3: CMRR: (DC to 60Hz)
X Time-base source:
Z Internal 40MHz or External clock Input (fmax: 40MHz,
fmin: 1MHz, 50% duty cycle)
X Trigger modes:
Z Post-trigger, Delay-trigger, Pre-trigger and Middle-trigger
X Data transfers:
Z Programmed I/O, and bus-mastering DMA with scatter/
X Input coupling: DC
X Offset error:
Z Before calibration: ±60mV max
Z After calibration: ±1mV max
X Gain error:
Introduction 7
Z Before calibration: ±0.6% of output max
Z After calibration: ±0.1% of output max for DAQ/PXI-
2010, ±0.03% of output max for DAQ/PXI-2005/2006/
Analog Output (AO)
X Number of channels: 2 channel voltage output
X DA converter: LTC7545 or equivalent
X Max update rate: 1MS/s
X Resolution: 12 bits
X FIFO buffer size:
Z 1k samples per channel when both channels are
enabled for timed DA output, and 2k samples when only
one channel is used for timed DA output
X Data transfers:
Z Programmed I/O, and bus-mastering DMA with scatter/
X Output range:
Z Bipolar: ±10V or ±AOEXTREF
Z Unipolar: 0~10V or 0~AOEXTREF
X Settling time: 3µS to 0.5 LSB accuracy
X Slew rate: 20V/µS
X Output coupling: DC
X Protection: Short-circuit to ground
X Output impedance: 0.3Ω typical
X Output driving current: ±5mA max.
X Stability: Any passive load, up to 1500pF
X Power-on state: 0V steady-state
X Power-on glitch: ±1.5V/500uS
X Relative accuracy:
Z ±0.5 LSB typical, ±1 LSB max
Z ±0.5 LSB typical, ±1.2 LSB max
X Offset error:
Z Before calibration: ±80mV max
Z After calibration: ±1mV max
X Gain error:
Introduction 9
Z Before calibration: ±0.8% of output max
Z After calibration: ±0.02% of output max
X General Purpose Digital I/O (G.P. DIO, 82C55A)
X Number of channels: 24 programmable Input/Output
X Compatibility: TTL/CMOS
X Input voltage:
Z Logic Low: VIL=0.8V max; IIL=0.2mA max.
Z High: VIH=2.0V max; IIH=0.02mA max
X Output voltage:
Z Low: VOL=0.5V max; IOL=8mA max.
Z High: VOH=2.7V min; IOH=400µA
X Synchronous Digital Inputs (SDI, for DAQ/PXI-2010 only)
X Number of channels: 8 digital inputs sampled simulta-
neously with the analog signal input
X Compatibility: TTL/CMOS
X Input voltage:
Z Logic Low: VIL=0.8V max; IIL=0.2mA max.
Z Logic High: VIH=2.7V min; IIL=0.02mA max.
General Purpose Timer/Counter (GPTC)
X Number of channel: 2 Up/Down Timer/Counters
X Resolution: 16 bits
X Compatibility: TTL
X Clock source: Internal or external
X Max source frequency: 10MHz
Analog Trigger (A.Trig)
X Source:
Z All analog input channels; external analog trigger
X Level: ±Full-scale, internal; ±10V external
X Resolution: 8 bits
X Slope: Positive or negative (software selectable)
X Hysteresis: Programmable
X Bandwidth: 400khz
External Analog Trigger Input (EXTATRIG)
X Input Impedance:
Z 40kΩ for DAQ/PXI-2010
Z 2kΩ for DAQ/PXI-2005/2006/2016
X Coupling: DC
X Protection: Continuous ±35V maximum
Digital Trigger (D.Trig)
X Compatibility: TTL/CMOS
X Response: Rising or falling edge
X Pulse Width: 10ns min
System Synchronous Interface (SSI)
X Trigger lines: 7
X Recommended warm-up time: 15 minutes
X On-board calibration reference:
Z Level: 5.000V
Z Temperature coefficient: ±2ppm/°C
Z Long-term stability: 6ppm/1000Hr
Introduction 11
X Dimensions:
Z 175mm by 107mm for DAQ-20XX
Z Standard CompactPCI form factor for PXI-20XX
X I/O connector: 68-pin female VHDCI type (e.g. AMP-
Power Requirement (typical)
X +5VDC: 1.82 A for DAQ/PXI-2010
Z 2.04 A for DAQ/PXI-2005
Z 1.82 A for DAQ/PXI-2006
Z 2.52 A for DAQ/PXI-2016
Operating Environment
X Ambient temperature: 0 to 55°C
X Relative humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing
Storage Environment
X Ambient temperature: -20 to 80°C
X Relative humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
Interface Connector: 68-pin AMP-787254-1 or equivalent
1.4Software Support
ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages for
users’ dif-ferent approach to building up a system. ADLINK not
only provides pro-gramming libraries such as DLL for most Windows based systems, but also provide drivers for other software
packages such as LabVIEW®.
All software options are included in the ADLINK CD. Non-free software drivers are protected with licensing codes. Without the software code, you can install and run the demo version for two hours
for trial/demonstration purposes. Please contact ADLINK dealers
to purchase the formal license.
Programming Library
For customers who are writing their own programs, we provide
function libraries for many different operating systems, including:
X D2K-DASK: Include device drivers and DLL for Windows
98/NT/2000/XP. DLL is binary compatible across Windows
98/NT/2000/XP. This means all applications developed with
D2K-DASK are compatible across Windows 98/NT/2000/
XP. The developing environment can be VB, VC++, Delphi,
BC5, or any Windows programming language that allows
calls to a DLL. The user’s guide and function reference
manual of D2K-DASK are in the CD. (\\Manual\Software
X D2K-DASK/X: Include device drivers and shared library for
Linux. The developing environment can be Gnu C/C++ or
any program-ming language that allows linking to a shared
library. The user's guide and function reference manual of
D2K-DASK/X are in the CD. (\\Manual\Software Package\D2K-DASK-X.)
DAQ-LVIEW PnP contains the VIs, which are used to interface
with NI’s LabVIEW® software package. The DAQ-LVIEW PnP
supports Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. The LabVIEW® drivers is
shipped free with the card. You can install and use them without a
Introduction 13
license. For detailed information about DAQ-LVIEW PnP, please
refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
(\\Manual\Software Package\DAQ-LVIEW PnP)
D2K-OCX: ActiveX Controls
We suggest customers who are familiar with ActiveX controls and
VB/VC++ programming use D2K-OCX ActiveX control component
libraries for developing applications. D2K-OCX is designed for
Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. For more detailed information about
D2K-OCX, please refer to the user's guide in the CD.
(\\Manual\Software Package\D2K-OCX)
The above software drivers are shipped with the card. Please refer
to the “Software Installation Guide” in the package to install these
In addition, ADLINK supplies ActiveX control software DAQBench.
DAQBench is a collection of ActiveX controls for measurement or
auto-mation applications. With DAQBench, you can easily develop
custom user interfaces to display your data, analyze data you
acquired or received from other sources, or integrate with popular
applications or other data sources. For more detailed information
about DAQBench, please refer to the user's guide in the CD.
(\\Manual\Software Package\DAQBench Evaluation)
You can also get a free 4-hour evaluation version of DAQBench
from the CD.
DAQBench is not free. Please contact ADLINK dealer or ADLINK
to pur-chase the software license.
This chapter describes how to install the DAQ/PXI-20XX. The contents of the package and unpacking information that you should be
aware of are outlined first.
The DAQ/PXI-20XX performs an automatic configuration of the
IRQ, and port address. Users can use software utility, PCI_SCAN
to read the system configuration.
2.1Contents of Package
In addition to this User's Guide, the package should include the
following items:
X DAQ/PXI-20XX Multi-function Data Acquisition Card
X ADLINK All-in-one Compact Disc
X Software Installation Guide
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the dealer
from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton in case you want to ship or store the product in the
Your DAQ/PXI-20XX SERIES card contains electro-static sensitive com-ponents that can be easily be damaged by static electricity.
Therefore, the card should be handled on a grounded anti-static
mat. The operator should be wearing an anti-static wristband,
grounded at the same point as the anti-static mat.
Inspect the card module carton for obvious damages. Shipping
and han-dling may cause damage to your module. Be sure there
are no shipping and handling damages on the modules carton
before continuing.
After opening the card module carton, extract the system module
and place it only on a grounded anti-static surface with component
side up.
Installation 15
Again, inspect the module for damages. Press down on all the
socketed IC's to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this
only with the module place on a firm flat surface.
You are now ready to install your DAQ/PXI-20XX.
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