ADLINK PCIe-7360 User Manual


100 MHz 32-CH High-Speed Digital I/O Card
User’s Manual
Manual Rev.: 2.00
Revision Date: Aug. 2, 2013
Part No: 50-11042-1000
Advance Technologies; Automate the World.
Revision Release Date Description of Change(s)
2.00 Aug. 2, 2013 Initial release


Copyright ©2013 ADLINK Technology, Inc.
This document contains proprietary information protected by copy­right. All rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be repro­duced by any mechanical, electronic, or other means in any form without prior written permission of the manufacturer.
The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice in order to improve reliability, design, and function and does not represent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer.
In no event will the manufacturer be liable for direct, indirect, spe­cial, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the product or documentation, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
Environmental Responsibility
ADLINK is committed to fulfill its social responsibility to global environmental preservation through compliance with the Euro­pean Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) direc­tive and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive. Environmental protection is a top priority for ADLINK. We have enforced measures to ensure that our products, manu­facturing processes, components, and raw materials have as little impact on the environment as possible. When products are at their end of life, our customers are encouraged to dispose of them in accordance with the product disposal and/or recovery programs prescribed by their nation or company.
Product names mentioned herein are used for identification pur­poses only and may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Preface iii
Take note of the following conventions used throughout this manual to make sure that users perform certain tasks and instructions properly.
Additional information, aids, and tips that help users perform tasks.
Information to prevent minor physical injury, component dam­age, data loss, and/or program corruption when trying to com-
plete a task.
Information to prevent serious physical injury, component damage, data loss, and/or program corruption when trying to complete a specific task.
iv Preface

Table of Contents

Revision History...................................................................... ii
Preface .................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ....................................................................... vii
List of Tables.......................................................................... ix
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 1
1.2 Applications ......................................................................... 1
1.3 Specifications....................................................................... 2
1.4 Software Support ............................................................ 11
DAQPilot ....................................................................... 11
PCIS-DASK .................................................................. 11
1.5 Schematics, I/O and Indicators.......................................... 12
1.6 Connectors ........................................................................ 12
1.7 LED indicator ..................................................................... 17
2 Getting Started ................................................................. 19
2.1 Unpacking Checklist .......................................................... 19
2.2 Installing the Card.............................................................. 19
2.3 Selecting Cables and Termination Board .......................... 20
3 Operations ........................................................................ 21
3.1 Block Diagram ................................................................... 21
3.2 Programmable Logic Level ................................................ 22
3.3 Digital I/O Configuration..................................................... 23
DI Raw Data Mapping ................................................... 24
3.4 Sample Clock Phase Shift ................................................. 27
3.5 Bus-mastering DMA Data Transfer.................................... 29
Table of Contents v
3.6 Sample Clock..................................................................... 31
Digital Input (DI) Sample Clock ..................................... 31
Digital Output (DO) Sample Clock ................................ 33
3.7 Operating Modes ............................................................... 35
Polling Mode (Single Read/Write) ................................. 35
DI DMA in Continuous Mode ........................................ 35
DO DMA in Continuous Mode ......................................38
DI DMA in Handshake Mode ........................................ 41
DO DMA in Handshake Mode ......................................44
DI DMA in Burst Handshake Mode ...............................47
DO DMA in Burst Handshake Mode ............................. 50
DO DMA in Burst Handshake Mode 2 .......................... 53
3.8 Trigger Source and Trigger Mode...................................... 54
3.9 Application Function I/O..................................................... 57
I2C Master .................................................................... 62
SPI Master .................................................................... 64
External Digital Trigger ................................................. 67
Trigger Out .................................................................... 68
Event Out ......................................................................69
Handshake .................................................................... 70
Sample Clock In/Out .....................................................71
3.10 Pattern Match..................................................................... 72
3.11 COS (Change of State) Event............................................ 74
3.12 Termination........................................................................ 75
AppendixA ADLINK DIN-68H .......................................... 77
Important Safety Instructions.............................................. 81
Getting Service ..................................................................... 83
vi Table of Contents

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Acquisition Timing Diagram ............................................. 7
Figure 1-2: Generation Timing Diagram............................................. 8
Figure 1-3: PCIe-7360 Schematic Diagram ..................................... 12
Figure 1-4: PCIe-7360 Connectors .................................................. 13
Figure 3-1: PCIe-7360 Block Diagram ............................................. 22
Figure 3-2: DI Raw Data Mapping for 8-Bit Data Width ................... 25
Figure 3-3: DI raw data Mapping for 16-Bit Data Width ................... 26
Figure 3-4: DI raw data Mapping for 24-Bit Data Width ................... 27
Figure 3-5: DI raw data Mapping for 32-Bit Data Width ................... 27
Figure 3-6: Phase Shift of Sample Clock ......................................... 28
Figure 3-7: Maximum Data Throughput ........................................... 29
Figure 3-8: Scatter-Gather DMA for Data Transfer .......................... 31
Figure 3-9: DI/DO Sample Clock Architecture ................................. 34
Figure 3-10: DI Continuous Mode Architecture.................................. 37
Figure 3-11: DI Timing Diagram......................................................... 38
Figure 3-12: DO Continuous Mode Architecture ................................ 40
Figure 3-13: DO Timing Diagram ....................................................... 41
Figure 3-14: DI Handshake Mode Architecture.................................. 43
Figure 3-15: DI Handshake Timing Diagram...................................... 44
Figure 3-16: DO Handshake Mode Architecture ................................ 46
Figure 3-17: DO Handshake Timing Diagram.................................... 47
Figure 3-18: DI Burst Handshake Mode Architecture ........................49
Figure 3-19: DI Burst Handshake Timing Diagram ............................ 50
Figure 3-20: DO Burst Handshake Mode Architecture....................... 52
Figure 3-21: DO Burst Handshake Timing Diagram ..........................53
Figure 3-22: DO Burst Handshake 2 Timing Diagram .......................53
Figure 3-23: DI Post Trigger............................................................... 54
Figure 3-24: DO Post Trigger............................................................. 55
Figure 3-25: DI Post Trigger with Re-trigger ...................................... 55
Figure 3-26: DO Post Trigger with Re-Trigger ................................... 56
Figure 3-27: DI Gated Trigger ............................................................ 56
Figure 3-28: DO Gated Trigger .......................................................... 57
Figure 3-29: I2C Master of PCIe-7360 ............................................... 62
Figure 3-30: Data Transfer on the I2C Bus ........................................ 63
Figure 3-31: I2C Data Format ............................................................ 64
Figure 3-32: SPI Master of PCIe-7360............................................... 65
Figure 3-33: Data Transfer on SPI Bus.............................................. 66
Figure 3-34: Clock Mode of SCK .......................................................66
List of Figures vii
Figure 3-35: External Digital Trigger Input Configuration...................67
Figure 3-36: Configured AFI as Internal Software Trigger Output .....68
Figure 3-37: Pattern Match and COS Event Configuration ................ 69
Figure 3-38: Configured AFI as Handshake Interface........................ 70
Figure 3-39: Configured AFI7 as DI Sampled Clock In/Out ............... 71
Figure 3-40: Configured AFI6 as DO Sampled Clock In/Out .............72
Figure 3-41: Example of Pattern Matching......................................... 74
Figure 3-42: Example of Pattern Match .............................................75
Figure A-1: DIN-68H Layout ............................................................ 77
Figure A-2: Resistor Termination Schematic....................................78
Figure A-3: DIN-68H Layout (Back Side) .........................................79
viii List of Figures

List of Tables

Table 1-1: PCIe-7360 SCSI-VHDCI 68-pin Assignment ................. 15
Table 1-2: Signal Descriptions for SCSI-VHDCI
and SMB Connectors..................................................... 16
Table 1-3: SMB Jack Connector Signal Description ....................... 17
Table 1-4: LED indicator ................................................................. 17
Table 3-1: Logic Levels................................................................... 23
Table 3-2: DI/DO Sample Clock Configuration ............................... 35
Table A-1: DIN-68H Pin Assignment ............................................... 77
Table A-2: Pad Position of User-Defined Resistor Termination ......79
List of Tables ix
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x List of Tables

1 Introduction

ADLINK’s PCIe-7360 is a high-speed digital I/O board with 32-channel bi-directional parallel I/O lines. Data rate up to 400 MB/s is available through the x4 PCI Express® interfaces, with clock rate up to 100 MHz internal clock or 200 MHz external clock, ideally suited for high-speed and large scale digital data acquisi­tion or exchange applications, such as digital image capture, video playback, and IC testing.

1.1 Features

X x4 lane PCI Express
X 8/16/24/32-CH @ up to 100MHz for DI or DO and 8/16-CH
@ up to 200MHz for DI in external clock mode
X 400 MB/s maximum throughput
X Software selectable 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V (5 V compatible)
voltage levels
X 80-step phase shift in external clock mode
X Per group (8-bit) input/output direction selectable
X Supports I2C and SPI programmable serial interfaces for
external device communication
X Scatter-gather DMA support
X Flexible handshake and external digital trigger modes
X 8-channel auxiliary programmable I/O support

1.2 Applications

X High-speed digital data exchange
X Digital pattern generation and acquisition
X IC testing
X Interface to external high-speed A/D and D/A converter
Introduction 1

1.3 Specifications

1.3.1 General

Interface x4 PCI Express interface
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Humidity 5 - 95%, non-condensing
Dimensions 168 mm (L) x 112 mm (H), not including connectors
Power Consumption

1.3.2 Digital I/O

Channels 32
Direction (programmable)
Logic level (programmable)
Input voltage
Output voltage
Driving capacity (min.)
Max. throughput
Max. V
Min. V
Max. V
SMB Jack Connector x2 (CLK IN & OUT) 68-pin SCSI-VHDCI x1 (32-bit Data Lines & 8-CH AFI)
0°C - 55°C
-20°C - 70°C
Typical Maximum
+3.3 VDC 860 mA 950 mA
+12V VDC 270 mA 550 mA
Total Power 6.1 W 9.8 W
Input or output, per group (8 channel) basis
1.8 V 2.5 V
1.2 V 1.6 V 2 V
0.63 V 0.7 V 0.8 V
1.6 V 2.3 V 3.1 V
0.2 V 0.2 V 0.2 V
3.3 V (5 V compatible)
±8 mA ±16 mA ±32 mA
Digital input: 400M Byte/s Digital output: 400M Byte/s
2 Introduction
Buffer size
Data transfer
Digital input: 8k samples Digital output: 20k samples
Software polling Bus-mastering DMA with scatter-gather
Internal clock: up to 100 MHz External clock: 200 MHz for DI, 100MHz for DO (see
Clock modes
Note) Handshake Burst handshake
Trigger source
External digital signal Pattern match
Trigger modes
Post trigger with re-trigger Gate trigger
Input impedance 10 k
Input protection range
Input protection range
-1 to 6 V
-1 to 6 V
Output impedance 50
Power-up initial state
Output protection range
Tri-state/All digital inputs
-0.5 V to 3.8 V
External clock rate, which can be up to 200 MHz, only supports
8 or 16-bit data width
Introduction 3

1.3.3 Application Function I/O (AFI)

Channels 8
Direction (programmable)
Logic levels (programmable)
Input voltage
Max. V
Output voltage
Max. V
Driving capacity (max.)
Input impedance 10 k
Input protection range
Output impedance 50
Power-up initial state Tri-state/All digital inputs
Output protection range
Supported Modes (programmable)
Input or output, per channel basis
1.8 V 2.5 V
1.2 V 1.6 V 2 V
0.63 V 0.7 V 0.8 V
1.6 V 2.3 V 3.1 V
0.2 V 0.2 V 0.2 V
±8 mA ±16 mA ±32 mA
-1 to 6 V
-0.5V to 3.8V
C master SPI master Handshake External trigger in/out DI/DO sample clock in/out
3.3 V (5 V compatible)

1.3.4 Timing Specifications

Sample Clock
Internal clock: onboard 100MHz with 16-bit divider
Clock sources
4 Introduction
External clock: AFI6 (for DO) AFI7 (for DI) SMB CLK in
Internal clock rate (programmable)
1526 Hz – 100 MHz (100 MHz/ N; 1N65,535)
Phase shift disabled: 0-200 MHz
Ext. frequency range
Phase shift enabled: 20MHz - 100MHz (see Note)
Phase shift
Internal clock: N/A External clock: 80 steps; 1 step = 4.5°
Sample Clock Exporting
AFI6 (for DO)
AFI7 (for DI) SMB CLK out
Phase shift disabled: 0-100 MHz
Frequency range
Phase shift enabled: 20MHz - 100MHz (see Note)
Clock jitter Period jitter: 300 ps
Clock duty cycle 50%
Phase shift resolution
1/80 of external sampled clock period (80 steps; 1 step = 4.5°)
When phase shift is enabled, the clock must be continuous and free-running
Introduction 5

1.3.5 Timing Accuracy

Acquisition Timing
Channel-to-Cannel skew ±1.08 ns
Setup time to sampled clock (t
Hold time to sampled clock (t
Time delay of external sampled clock from AFI7 to internal (t
Time delay of external sampled clock from SMB CLK in to internal (t
Time delay of DI data from VHDCI connector to internal (t
Generation Timing
Exported clock skew AFI6 -to- SMB CLK out
Exported clock (AFI6) -to- DO data delay (t
) 2 ns
) 2 ns
) 600 ps - 5 ns
6.3 ns
9.1 ns
3.26 ns - 4.34 ns
2 ns
6 Introduction
DI Sampled Clock
DI Data
DI Sampled Clock
(into FPGA)
DI Data
(into FPGA)
= Time delay of external sampled clock from AFI7 to internal
= Time delay of DI data from VHDCI connector to internal
Figure 1-1: Acquisition Timing Diagram
D0 D1 D2 D3
Trace & component delay
D0 D1 D2 D3
Introduction 7
DO Sampled Clock
Exported DO Sampled Clock
(SMB CLK out/ non-inverted)
Generation Start
Trace & component delay
Exported DO Sampled Clock
(AFI6/ non-inverted)
Exported DO Sampled Clock
(AFI6/ inverted)
Exported DO Sampled Clock
(AFI6/ phase delay)
DO Data
= Time delay from sampled clock (internal) to exported sampled clock (AFI6)
= Time delay from exported clock (AFI6) to exported clock (SMB CLK out)
= Time delay from exported sampled clock (AFI6) to do data
Figure 1-2: Generation Timing Diagram
Phase delay (0° ~ 360°)
D1 D2
Write data to
external device
8 Introduction

1.3.6 External Clock I/O Specification

CLK IN (SMB Jack Connector)
Destination DI or DO sample clock
Input coupling AC
Input Impedance 50
Minimum detectable pulse width
External sampled clock range
CLK OUT (SMB Jack Connector)
Sources DI or DO internal sample clock
Source impedance 50
Logic Levels (programmable)
Driving Capacity (Max.)
8 ns
Square Wave
Voltage 0.2 Vpp to 5 Vpp
Phase shift disabled:
Duty cycle 40% - 60%
Sine Wave
Voltage 0.2 Vpp to 5 Vpp
The same logic level of AFI I/O (1.8 V,
2.5 V, or 3.3 V)
±8 mA at 1.8 V ±16 mA at 2.5 V ±32 mA at 3.3 V
0-200 MHz Phase shift enabled: 20MHz - 100MHz
Phase shift disabled: 0-200 MHz Phase shift enabled: 20MHz - 100MHz
1.3.7 I
Supported clock rate (programmable)
Introduction 9
C Master Specification
Direction Pin
1.9 kHz -244.14 kHz;
488.28125 kHz / (n + 1); 1 n 255
Transfer size of Data 0 - 4 Bytes
Transfer size of Cmd/ Addr 0 - 4 Bytes
Logic families (programmable)
Input Voltage
Output Voltage
Min. V
Max. V
Min. V
Max. V
1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V
1.2 V 1.6 V 2.0 V
0.63 V 0.7 V 0.8 V
1.6 V 2.3 V 3.1 V
0.2 V 0.2 V 0.2 V

1.3.8 SPI Master Specification

Supported clock rate (programmable)
244.14 kHz -62.5 MHz,
62.5 MHz / (n + 1); 0 n 255
Direction Pin
Clock mode
The first bit be transferred
Mode =1
Mode =0
MSB/ LSB (Default: MSB)
Transfer size of Data 0 - 32 bits
Transfer size of Cmd/ Addr 0 - 32 bits
Dummy size 0 - 15 bits
SPI Slave selection CS_0
Logic families (programmable)
Input Voltage
Output Voltage
Min. V
Max. V
Min. V
Max. V
1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V
1.2 V 1.6 V 2 V
0.63 V 0.7 V 0.8 V
1.6 V 2.3 V 3.1 V
0.2 V 0.2 V 0.2 V
10 Introduction

1.4 Software Support

ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages for users’ different approach to building up a system. ADLINK not only provides programming libraries such as DLL for most Windows based systems, but also provide drivers for other software pack­ages such as LabVIEW®.
All software options are included in the ADLINK CD. Non-free soft­ware drivers are protected with licensing codes. Without the soft­ware code, you can install and run the demo version for two hours for trial/demonstration purposes. Please contact ADLINK dealers to purchase the formal license.


DAQPilot is ADLINK’s proprietary task-oriented software develop­ment kit (SDK), supporting ActiveX Controls/.NET Assembly, Express VI and Polymorphic VI for LabVIEW and DAQ Toolbox for MATLAB.
You can download and install DAQPilot at:
Please note that only DAQPilot versions and later sup­port the PCIe-7360.


PCIS-DASK comprises advanced 32/64-bit kernel drivers for cus­tomized DAQ application development, enabling detailed opera­tions and superior performance and reliability from the data acquisition system. DASK kernel drivers now support Windows 8/7/XP OS.
Please note that only PCIS-DASK versions 5.10 and later support the PCIe-7360 module.
Introduction 11

1.5 Schematics, I/O and Indicators

All dimensions shown are in mm
Figure 1-3: PCIe-7360 Schematic Diagram

1.6 Connectors

The PCIe-7360 card is equipped with one 68-pin SCSI-VHDCI connector for high-speed digital I/O and programmable function
12 Introduction
I/O, and two SMB connectors for sample clock input and output, as labeled on the faceplate.
Figure 1-4: PCIe-7360 Connectors
Introduction 13
ID Pin Pin ID
GND 68 34 GND
(DI CLK) AFI7 67 33 AFI6 (DO CLK)
GND 66 32 GND
D0 65 31 D1
AFI5 64 30 AFI4
D2 63 29 D3
GND 62 28 GND
D4 61 27 D5
AFI3 60 26 AFI2
D6 59 25 D7
GND 58 24 GND
D8 57 23 D9
GND 56 22 GND
D10 55 21 D11
GND 54 20 GND
D12 53 19 D13
AFI1 52 18 GND
D14 51 17 D15
GND 50 16 GND
D16 49 15 D17
GND 48 14 GND
D18 47 13 D19
GND 46 12 GND
D20 45 11 D21
GND 44 10 GND
D22 43 9 D23
GND 42 8 AFI0
D24 41 7 D25
GND 40 6 GND
D26 39 5 D27
GND 38 4 GND
14 Introduction
ID Pin Pin ID
D28 37 3 D29
GND 36 2 GND
D30 35 1 D31
Table 1-1: PCIe-7360 SCSI-VHDCI 68-pin Assignment
Pin Signal
25, 27, 29, 31, 59, 61,
D0 – D7 Data I/O
63, 65
17, 19, 21, 23, 51, 53,
D8 – D15 Data I/O
55, 57
9, 11, 13, 15, 43, 45, 47,
D16 – D23 Data I/O
1, 3, 5, 7, 35, 37,
D24 – D31 Data I/O
39, 41
8, 26, 30, 52, 60, 64AFI0 – AFI5
Signal Type
Control /Data
Direction Description
Port_A bi-directional digital data lines
Port_B bi-directional digital data lines
Port_C bi-directional digital data lines
Port_D bi-directional digital data lines
Application Function I/O, can be configured as:
X Handshake sig-
X External trigger
X Event out
Introduction 15
Pin Signal
Signal Type
Direction Description
Application Function I/O,
can be configured as:
X Handshake sig-
33 AFI6
Control /Data
X External trigger
X Event out X DO sampled
clock in/out
Application Function I/O,
can be configured as:
X Handshake sig-
67 AFI7
Control /Data
X External trigger
X Event out X DI sampled clock
2, 4,6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,
GND Ground N/A
Ground reference for Data
I/O and AFI I/O 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 54, 56, 58, 62, 66, 68
Table 1-2: Signal Descriptions for SCSI-VHDCI and SMB Connectors
16 Introduction
CLK IN Clock I
Table 1-3: SMB Jack Connector Signal Description
Direction Description
External clock input for DI/DO sampled clock from external device to the PCIe-7360
DI/DO sampled clock exporting from the PCIe-7360 to an external device

1.7 LED indicator

The LED on the faceplate indicates I2C & SPI communication and digital I/O status of the PCIe-7360.
LED Color Mode
Red DI DMA operation
Green DO DMA operation
Amber DI & DO DMA operation
Table 1-4: LED indicator
Introduction 17
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18 Introduction

2 Getting Started

2.1 Unpacking Checklist

Before unpacking, check the shipping carton for any damage. If the shipping carton and/or contents are damaged, inform your dealer immediately. Retain the shipping carton and packing mate­rials for inspection. Obtain authorization from your dealer before returning any product to ADLINK. Check if the following items are included in the package.
X PCIe-7360 high-speed DIO card
X ADLINK All-in-One CD
X Quick Start Guide
If any of the items is damaged or missing, contact your dealer immediately.
The card must be protected from static discharge and physical shock. Never remove any of the socketed parts except at a
static-free workstation. Use the anti-static bag shipped with the product to handle the card. Wear a grounded wrist strap when servicing.

2.2 Installing the Card

Install the card driver before you install the card into your com­puter system. See “Software Support” on page 11. for driver sup­port information.
To install the card:
1. Turn off the system/chassis and disconnect the power plug from the power source.
2. Remove the system/chassis cover.
3. Select the PCI Express slot that you intend to use, then remove the bracket opposite the slot, if any.
4. Align the card connectors (golden fingers) with the slot, then press the card firmly until the card is completely seated on the slot.
Getting Started 19
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