Manual Rev. 2.50
Revision Date: July 1, 2008
Part No: 50-11106-1030
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Table of Contents
List of Tables.......................................................................... iv
List of Figures......................................................................... v
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A is cPCI/PCI/PCI Express form factor
ultra-high speed digital I/O card, it consists of 32 digital input or
output channel. High performance designs and the state-of-the-art
technology make this card to be idea l for high speed digital input
and output applications.
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A performs high-speed data transfers
using bus mastering DMA and scatter/gather via 32-bit PCI bus
architecture. The maximum data transfer rates can be up to 80MB
per second. It is very suitable for interface between high speed
peripherals and your computer system.
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A is configured as two ports, PORT A and
PORTB, each port controls 16 digital I/O lines. The I/O can configure as either input or output, and 8-bit or 16-bit. According to outside device environment, users can configure cPCI/PCI/PCIe7300A to meet all high speed digital I/O data transfer.
There are 4 different digita l I/O operation modes are supported:
1. Internal Clock: the digital input and output operations
are paced by internal clock and transferred by bus mastering DMA.
2. External Clock: the digital input operation is paced by
external strobe signal ( DIREQ ) and transferred by bus
mastering DMA.
3. Handshaking: through REQ signal and ACK signal, the
digital I/O data can have simple handshaking data transfer.
4. Pattern Generation: You can output a digital pattern
repeatedly at a predetermined rate. The transfer rate is
controlled by internal timer.
Introduction 1
X Interface to high-speed peripherals
X High-speed data transfers from other computers
X Automated test equipment (ATE)
X Electronic and logic testing
X Interface to external high-speed A/D and D/A converter
X Digital pattern generator
X Waveform and pulse generation
X Parallel digital communication
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A Ultra-High Speed DIO cards provide
the following advanced features:
X 32 digital input/output channels
X Extra 4-bit TTL digital input and output channels
X Transfer up to 80M Bytes per second
X SCSI active terminator for high speed and long distance
data transfer
X 32-bit PCI bus
X Plug and Play
X Scatter/gatter DMA
X On-board internal clock generator
X Internal timer/external clock controls input sampling rate
X Internal timer control digital output rate
X ACK and REQ for handshaking
X TRIG signal controls start of data acquisition/pattern gener-
X On-board 64KB FIFO
X 100-pin SCSI style connector
2 Introduction
Digital I/O (DIO)
X Numbers of Channel: 32 TTL compatible inputs and/or out-
X Device: IDT 74FCT373
X I/O Configurations:
Z 16 DI & 16 DO
Z 32 DI
Z 32 DO
Input Voltage:
X Low: Min. 0V; Max. 0.8 V
X High: Min. +2.0 V
Input Load:
X Terminator OFF:
Z Low: +0.5 V @ ±20 mA
Z High: +2.7 V @ ±1 mA max.
X Terminator ON:
Z Termination resistor: 110 Ohms
Z Termination voltage: 2.9V
Z Low: +0.5 V @ ±22.4mA
Z High: +2.7 V @ ±1mA max.
Output Voltage:
X Low: Min. 0 V; Max. 0.5V
X High: Min. +2.7 V
Driving Capacity:
X Low: Max. +0.5 V at 48mA (Sink)
X High: Min. 2.4 V at -8 mA (Source)
Hysteresis: 500 mV
Introduction 3
Transfer Characteristic
X Mode: Bus Mastering DMA with Scatter/Gather
X Data Transfers: 8/16/32-bit input or output (programmable)
DMA Transfer count:
X No limitation for chaining mode (scatter/gather) DMA
Max. Transf er rate:
X DO: 80M Bytes/sec: 32-bit output @ 20 MHz
X DI: 80M Bytes/sec: 32-bit input @ 20 MHz
Programmable Counter:
X Device: 82C54-10
X Digital Input Pacer: 20 MHz, 10 MHz, or clock output of
Timer #0
X Digital Output Pacer: 20 MHz, 10 MHz, or clock output of
Timer #1
General Specifications
X Connector: one 100-pin male SCSI-II style cable connector
X Operating Temperature: 0°C - 60°C
X Storage Temperature: -20°C - 80°C
X Humidity: 5 - 95%, non-condensing
X Dimensions
Z PCI-7300A: 179mm (L) X 102mm (H)
Z PCIe-7300A: 168 mm (L) x 112 mm (H)
Z cPCI-7300A: 160mm (L) x 100 mm (H)
4 Introduction
X Power Consumption:
Z +5 V @ 830 mA typical (onboard terminator off), 1.0 A
typical (onboard terminator on)
Z +12 V @ 119 mA typical (onboard terminator off), 287
mA typical (onboard terminator on)
Z +3.3 V @ 499 mA typical (onboard terminator off), 543
mA typical (onboard terminator on)
Z +5 V @ 830 mA typical (onboard terminator off), 1.0 A
typical (onboard terminator on)
Introduction 5
1.4Software Support
ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages for
users’ different approach to built-up a system. We not only provide programming library such as DLL for many Windows systems, but also provide drivers for software packages such as
All the software options are included in the ADLINK CD. Commer-
cial software drivers are protected with serial license d code . Without the software serial number, you can still install them and run
the demo version for two hours for demonstration purposes.
Please contact with your dealer to purchase a license.
1.4.1 Programming Library
For customers who are writing their own programs, we provide
function libraries for many different operating systems, including:
X DOS Library: Borland C/C++ and Microsoft C++, the func-
tions descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
X Windows 95 DLL: For VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, the functions
descriptions are included in this user’s guide.
X PCIS-DASK: Include device drivers and DLL for Windows
98/NT/2000/XP/Vista. The DLL is binary compatible across
Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista. Th at means all applications
developed with PCIS-DASK are compatible across Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista. The developing environment
can be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, or any Windows programming language that allows calls to a DLL. The user’s guide
and function reference manual of PCIS-DASK are in the
CD. Please refer the PDF manual files under \\Manual\Software Package\PCIS-DASK.
The above software drivers are shipped with the board. Please
refer to the “Software Installation Guide” to install these drivers.
1.4.2 DAQ-LVIEW PnP: LabVIEW® Driver
DAQ-LVIEW PnP contains the VIs, which are used to interface
with NI’s LabVIEW® software package. The DAQ-LVIEW PnP
supports Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista. The LabVIEW® drivers
6 Introduction
are free shipped with the board. You can install and use them
without license. For detail information about DAQ-LVIEW PnP,
please refer to the user’s guide in the CD.
(\\Manual\Software Package\DAQ-LVIEW PnP)
1.4.3 PCIS-VEE: HP-VEE Driver
The PCIS-VEE includes the user objects, which are used to interface with HP VEE software package. PCIS-VEE supports Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. The HP-VEE drivers are free shipped with
the board. You can install and use them without license. For detail
information about PCIS-VEE, please refer to the user’s guide in
the CD.
(\\Manual\Software Package\PCIS-VEE)
1.4.4 DAQBenchTM: ActiveX Controls
We suggest the customers who are familiar with ActiveX controls
and VB/VC++ programming use the DAQBenchTM ActiveX Control components library for developing applications. The
DAQBenchTM is designed under Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. For
more detailed information about DAQBench, please refer to the
user’s guide in the CD.
(\\Manual\Software Package\DAQBench Evaluation)
Introduction 7
8 Introduction
This chapter describes how to install the cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A. At
first, the contents in the package and unpacking information that
you should be careful are described. Because the cPCI/PCI/PCIe7300A is following the PCI design philosophy, it is no more jumpers and DIP switches setting for configuration. The Interrupt and I/
O port address are the variables associated with automatic co nfiguration, the resource allocation is managed by the system BIOS.
Upon system power-on, the internal con figuration register s on the
board interact with the BIOS.
2.1What You Have
In addition to this User's Manual, the package includes the following items:
X cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A 80 MB Ultra-High Speed 32-CH Digi-
tal I/O Card
X ADLINK All-in-one CD
X Software Installation Guide
If any of these items is missing or damaged, contact the dealer
from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton in case you want to ship or store the product in the
Installation 9
Your cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A card contains sensitive electronic
components that can be easily damaged by static electricity.
The card should be placed on a grounded anti-static mat. The
operator should be wearing an anti-static wristband, grounded at
the same point as the anti-static mat.
Inspect the card module carton for obvious damage. Shipping and
handling may cause damage to your module. Be sure there are no
shipping and handling damages on the module before pr ocessing.
After opening the card module carton, extract the sys tem module
and place it only on a grounded anti-static surface compone nt side
Again inspect the module for damage. Press down on all the socketed IC's to make sure that they are properly seated. Do this only
with the module place on a firm flat surface.
You are now ready to install your cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A.
2.3Device Installation for Windows Systems
Once Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista has started, the Plug and Play
function of Windows system will find the new NuDAQ/NuIPC
cards. If this is the first time to install NuDAQ/NuIPC cards in your
Windows system, you will be informed to input the device information source. Please refer to the “Software Installation Guide” for
the steps of installing the device.
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe cards are equipped with plug and play PCI
controller, it can request base addresses and interrupt according to PCI standard. The system BIOS will install the system
resource based on the PCI cards’ configuration registers and
system parameters (which are set by system BIOS). Interrupt
assignment and memory usage (I/O port locations) of the PCI
cards can be assigned by system BIOS only. These system
resource assignments are done on a board-by-board basis. It
is not suggested to assign the system resource by any other
PCI/cPCI/PCIe slot selection
Please note that the PCI/cPCI/PCIe slot must provide busmastering capability to operate this board well.
Installation Procedures
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Turn off all accessories (printer, modem, monitor, etc.)
connected to your computer.
3. Remove the cover from your computer.
4. Select a 32-bit PCI/cPCI/PCIe slot.
5. Before handling the PCI/cPCI/PCIe cards, discharge any
static buildup on your body by touching the met al case of
the computer. Hold the edge and do not touch the components.
6. Position the board into the PCI/cPCI/PCIe slot you
7. Secure the card in place at the rear panel of the system.
Installation 13
2.6Connector Pin Assignment
The PCI/cPCI/PCIe-7300A comes equipped with one 100-pin
SCSI type connector (CN1) located on the rear mounting plate.
The pin assignment of CN1 is illustrated in the Figure 2-3.
PinsSignal Name Signal Type
85..100 PA15…PA0DATAI/O
Table 2-1: Connector Pin Assignment
Ground – these lines are the ground reference for all other signals
PortB bidirectional data liness-PB15 is
the MSB, and PB0 is the LSB.
Digital output Acknowledge lines – In
handshaking mode, DOACK carries
handshaking status information from the
Request line – In handshaking mode,
DOREQ carries handshaking control
information to peripheral.
DO TRIG- can be used to control the
start of data output in all DO modes and
to control the stop of pattern generation
in pattern generation mode.
AUX DO 3…0 – can be used as extra
output data or can be used as extra
control signals.
PortA bidirectional data liness-PA15 is
the MSB, and PA0 is the LSB.
Digital input Acknowledge lines – In
handshaking mode, DIACK carries
handshaking status information to the
Request line – In handshaking mode,
DIREQ carries handshaking control
information from peripheral. In external
clock mode, DIREQ carries the external
clock input.
14 Installation
PinsSignal Name Signal Type
Table 2-1: Connector Pin Assignment
DI TRIG – can be used to control the
start of data acquisition in all DI modes.
AUX DI 3…0 – can be used as extra
input data or can be used as extr a co ntrol signals.
TERMPWR -- 4.7V active terminator
power output
Installation 15
Figure 2-4: CN1 Pin Assignment
16 Installation
2.7 Wiring and Termination
Transmission line effects and environment noise, particularly on
clock and control lines, can lead to incorrect data transfers if you
do not take care when running signal wires to and from the
Take the following precautions to ensure a uniform transformation
line and minimize noise pickup:
1. Use twisted-pair wires to connect digital I/O signals to
the device. Twist each digital I/O signal with a GND line.
In PCI/cPCI/PCIe-7300A, 50 signals are used as GND.
2. Place a shield around the wires connecting digital I/O
signal to device.
3. Route signals to the devices carefully. Keep cabling
away from noise sources, such as video monitor.
For the cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A, it is important to terminate your
cable properly to reduce or eliminate signal reflections in the
cable. The PCI/cPCI/PCIe-7300A support active terminator on
board, you can enable or disable the terminator by software selection. This is a good way to include termination on the signal transmission.
Additional recommendations apply for all signal connection to yo ur
cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A are listed as follows:
1. Separate cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A device signal lines from
high-current or high-voltage line. These lines are capable of inducing currents in or voltages on the cPCI/PCI/
PCIe-7300A if they run in parallel paths at a close distance. To reduce the magnetic coupling between lines,
separate them by a reasonable distance if they run in
parallel, or run the lines at right angles to each other.
2. Do not run signal lines through conducts that also contain power lines.
3. Protect signal lines from magnetic fields.
Installation 17
2.8Termination Board Support
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A can be connected with two termination
boards: DIN-100S or DIN-502S. The functionality and connections
are specified as follows.
2.8.1 Connect with DIN-100S
The DIN-100S is a direct connection for the add-on card that is
equipped with SCSI-100 connector. User can connect this daughter board by a 100-pin SCSI type cable (ACL-102100) to the cPCI/
PCI/PCIe-7300A. It is suitable for the applications of 32-bit digital
input or 32-bit digital output.
2.8.2 Connect with DIN-502S
The DIN-502S with the cable ACL-10252 separates the 100-pin
SCSI connector into two 50-pin SCSI connectors. One 50 pin connector is for pin 1 - 25 and pin 51- 75 of CN1 whi le the other one is
for pin 26 - 50 and pin 76-1 00 of CN1. That means the DIN-502S
and the ACL-10252 make users easy to connect the 16-bit digital
inputs and 16-bit digital outputs by using two 50-pin daughter
boards respectively. The independent wiring of 16-bit DI and 16-bit
DO let users convenient to setup and maintain his systems.
18 Installation
In this chapter, the registers’ format of the cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A
is described.
This information is quite useful for the programmers who wish to
handle the card by low-level programming. In addition, users can
realize how to use software driver to manipulate this card after
understanding the registers' structure of the cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A functions as a 32-bit PCI master
device on the PCI bus. There are three types of registers on the
cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A: PCI Configuration Registers (PCR), Local
Configuration Registers (LCR) and cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A’s registers.
The PCR, which compliant to the PCI-bus specifications, is initialized and controlled by the plug & play (PnP) PCI BIOS. User‘s
can study the PCI BIOS specification to understand the operation
of the PCR. Please contact with PCISIG to acquire the specifications of the PCI interface.
The LCR is specified by the PCI bus controller PLX PCI-9080,
which is provided by PLX technology Inc. ( . It is
not necessary for users to understa nd the d etails of the LCR if you
use the software library. The base address of the LCR is assigned
by the PCI PnP BIOS. The assigned address is located at offset
14h of PCR.
Registers 19
3.1I/O Port Base Address
The registers of the cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A are shown in Table 3.1.
The base address of these registers is also assigned by the PCI
P&P BIOS. The assigned base address is stored at offset 18h of
the PCR. Therefore, users can read the PCR to know the base
address by using BIOS function call. Note that the cPCI/PCI/
PCIe-7300A registers are all 32 bits. Users should access these
registers by 32 bits I/O instructions.
The cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A occupies 8 consecutive 32-bit I/O
addresses in the I/O address space. Table 3.1 shows the I/O Map
of the cPCI/PCI/PCIe-7300A rev.B.
Base + 18-FIFO_CR
Base + 208254_COUNT08254_COUNT0
Base + 248254_COUNT18254_COUNT1
Base + 288254_COUNT28254_COUNT2
Base + 2C 8254_CONTROL 8254_CONTROL
Table 3-1: I/O Port Base Address
20 Registers
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