ADLINK PCI-9846 User Manual

4-CH 16-Bit 10/20/40 MS/s Digitizer
with 512 MB SDRAM
User’s Manual
Manual Rev. 2.02
Revision Date: October 5, 2010
Part No: 50-17031-1020
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables.......................................................................... iii
List of Figures ........................................................................ iv
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 3
1.2 Applications ......................................................................... 3
1.3 Specifications....................................................................... 4
2 Getting Started ................................................................. 19
2.1 Installation Environment .................................................... 19
2.2 Package Contents ............................................................. 20
2.3 Mechanical Drawing and I/O Connectors .......................... 21
2.4 Installing the module.......................................................... 23
2.5 Software Support ............................................................... 24
Driver Support for Windows .......................................... 24
WD-DASK (Legacy Drivers and Support) ..................... 26
3 Operation Theory ............................................................. 27
3.1 Functional Block Diagram.................................................. 27
3.2 Basic AI Acquisition ........................................................... 28
Analog Input Path ......................................................... 28
Basic Acquisition Timing ............................................... 28
AI Data Format ............................................................. 30
3.3 ADC Sampling Rate and TIMEBASE Control.................... 31
Internal Oscillator .......................................................... 31
External Clock Through Front Panel ............................. 31
External Clock from PXI Interfaces ............................... 32
Sampling Rate Control .................................................. 32
Timebase Exporting ...................................................... 33
3.4 Trigger Sources ................................................................. 34
Software Trigger ........................................................... 34
External Digital Trigger ................................................. 35
Analog Trigger .............................................................. 36
PXI STAR Trigger ......................................................... 37
PXI Trigger Bus ............................................................ 37
Table of Contents i
Trigger Signal Exporting ............................................... 38
3.5 Trigger Modes.................................................................... 39
Post-trigger Acquisition ................................................. 39
Pre-trigger Acquisition .................................................. 40
Middle-trigger Acquisition ............................................. 41
Delay-trigger Acquisition ............................................... 41
Post-trigger or Delay-trigger Acquisition
with Re-trigger .................................................... 42
3.6 Data Transfers ................................................................... 43
3.7 Synchronizing Multiple Modules ........................................ 44
SSI_TIMEBASE ............................................................ 47
SSI_TRIG1 ................................................................... 48
SSI_TRIG2 and SSI_START_OP ................................. 49
Comparing the Different Trigger Sources from SSI ...... 50
3.8 Physical Location of the PXI and PCI Digitizer .................. 52
Identify PXI Digitizer’s Physical Location
by Geographic Address ...................................... 52
Assign a Board ID to a PCI Digitizer ............................. 52
Important Safety Instructions............................................... 55
ii Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1-1: Analog Input Specifications ...................................... 4
Table 1-2: Offset and Gain Error ............................................... 4
Table 1-3: -3dB Bandwidth, typical ............................................ 5
Table 1-4: System Noise ........................................................... 7
Table 1-5: Spectral Characteristics – PCI/PXI-9816 .................. 8
Table 1-6: Spectral Characteristics – PXI-9826 ....................... 10
Table 1-7: Spectral Characteristics – PCI/PXI-9846 ................ 12
Table 1-8: Timebase ................................................................ 14
Table 1-9: Triggering ............................................................... 15
Table 1-10: Data Storage and Transfer ..................................... 16
Table 1-11: Onboard Reference ................................................ 16
Table 1-12: General Information ................................................ 17
Table 2-1: Connector Pin Assignments ................................... 22
Table 3-1: Basic Counters ....................................................... 29
Table 3-2: AI Data Format ....................................................... 30
Table 3-3: Ideal Transfer Characteristics for Analog Triggers . 36 Table 3-4: Summary of SSI timing Signals and
the Corresponding Function ................................... 44
Table 3-5: SSI Signal Locations and Pin Definition ................. 47
Table 3-6: Board ID Combination Conditions .......................... 54
List of Tables iii

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: PCI/PXI-9816 Bandwidth Chart
(50 input impedance) ............................................. 6
Figure 1-2: PCI/PXI-9826 Bandwidth Chart
(50 input impedance) ............................................. 6
Figure 1-3: PXI-9846 Bandwidth Chart (50 input impedance).. 7
Figure 1-4: PXI-9816 FFT with ±0.2 V Input Range..................... 8
Figure 1-5: PXI-9816 FFT with ±1 V Input Range........................ 9
Figure 1-6: PXI-9826 FFT with ±0.2 V Input Range................... 10
Figure 1-7: PXI-9826 FFT with ±1 V Input Range...................... 11
Figure 1-8: PXI-9846 FFT with ±0.2 V Input Range................... 12
Figure 1-9: PXI-9846 FFT with ±1 V Input Range...................... 13
Figure 2-1: PXI-98x6 Mechanical Drawing................................. 21
Figure 2-2: PCI-98x6 Mechanical Drawing ................................ 21
Figure 2-3: DAQPilot Main Interface .......................................... 24
Figure 2-4: DAQMaster Device Manager................................... 25
Figure 2-5: Legacy Software Support Overview ........................ 26
Figure 3-1: PXI-98x6 Functional Block Diagram ....................... 27
Figure 3-2: PCI-98x6 Functional Block Diagram........................ 27
Figure 3-3: Analog Input Signal Block Diagram ......................... 28
Figure 3-4: Basic Acquisition Timing Of Digitizer ....................... 30
Figure 3-5: PCI/PXI-98x6 Timebase Source and Architecture... 31 Figure 3-6: Configuring Different Sampling Rate of a Digitizer. . 33
Figure 3-7: PCI/PXI-98x6 Trigger Architecture .......................... 34
Figure 3-8: External Digital Trigger Polarity
and Pulse Width Requirement. ................................ 35
Figure 3-9: Analog Trigger Conditions ....................................... 37
Figure 3-10: TRG IO Output Signal Timing.................................. 38
Figure 3-11: Post-trigger Acquisition............................................ 39
Figure 3-12: Pre-trigger Mode Operation ..................................... 40
Figure 3-13: Pre-trigger Mode Operation ..................................... 40
Figure 3-14: Middle-trigger Mode Operation ................................ 41
Figure 3-15: Delay-trigger Mode Operation ................................. 41
Figure 3-16: Re-trigger Mode Operation. ..................................... 42
Figure 3-17: Scatter-Gather DMA for Data Transfer .................... 43
Figure 3-18: SSI Architecture....................................................... 45
Figure 3-19: SSI Connector Location on the PCI-9816/26/46...... 46
Figure 3-20: Installation of ACL-SSI-2 Cable ............................... 46
Figure 3-21: SSI_TRIG1 Input and Output Timing
iv List of Figures
Characteristics......................................................... 48
Figure 3-22: SSI_TRIG2 Output Timing....................................... 49
Figure 3-23: SSI_TRIG2 Input Timing Requirement.................... 49
Figure 3-24: SSI_START_OP Output and Input Timing
Characteristics......................................................... 50
Figure 3-25: The Location of Board ID Switch ............................. 53
Figure 3-26: Enlargement of Board ID setting. ............................ 53
List of Figures v
vi List of Figures

1 Introduction

The ADLINK PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 are 10 MS/s, 20 MS/s, and 40 MS/s sampling 16-bit 4-CH digitizers designed for digitizing high frequency and wide dynamic range signals with an input frequency up to 20 MHz. The analog input range can be programmed via software to ±1 V or ±0.2 V. With deep onboard acquisition memory up to 512 MB, the PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 are not limited by the data transfer rate of the PCI bus to enable the recording of waveforms for extended periods of time.
The PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 are equipped with four high linearity 16­bit A/D converters ideal for demanding applications with a high dynamic range such as radar, ultrasound, and software-defined radio.
Analog Input
The PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 each feature four analog input channels. The bandwidth of each channel can be up to 5 MHz, 10 MHz, and 20 MHz for PCI/PXI-9816, PCI/PXI-9826, and PCI/PXI-9846, respectively. The input ranges are software programmable as either ±1 V or ±0.2 V. Software selectable 50 input impedance makes it easy to interface with high-speed, high-frequency sig­nals.
Acquisition System and On-board Memory
The PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 include four 16-bit A/D converters to digi­tize the input signals. These four channels sample signals simulta­neously at a maximum sampling rate of 10 MS/s, 20 MS/s, and 40 MS/s, respectively. The PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 supports a total of 512 MB on-board memory. The digitized data is stored in the on­board memory before being transferred to the host memory. The data transfer is performed using scatter-gather DMA, which pro­vides a high data throughput rate and uses system memory more effectively.
Introduction 1
Flexible Triggering
The PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 feature flexible triggering options such as a software trigger, external digital trigger, an analog trigger from any of the analog input channels and triggers from the PXI trigger bus. These versatile trigger sources allow you to configure the PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 to fit your application needs. Post-trigger, delay-trigger, pre-trigger and middle-trigger modes are also avail­able to acquire data around the trigger event. The PCI/PXI-9816/ 26/46 also features repeated trigger acquisition, so you can acquire data in multiple segments with successive trigger events at extremely short rearming intervals.
Multiple-Module Synchronization
The versatile trigger options provided by the PXI backplane allow the PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 to achieve multi-module synchronization in a simplified way. Utilizing the PXI Trigger bus, the PCI/PXI­9816/26/46 can output trigger signals and the timebase to the PXI trigger bus when configured as a master, or receive trigger signals and the timebase from the PXI trigger bus when configured as a slave. Moreover, when the PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 is plugged into a peripheral slot of a PXI system, they can also receive triggers or the timebase from the PXI star trigger controller slot. The precision 10 MHz clock that comes from the PXI backplane can also be used as one of the timebase sources. Combining these PXI trigger features with the interface of the PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 makes it very easy to synchronize multiple modules.
The PCI/PXI-9816/26/46 include a precision on-board reference with very low temperature drift. This feature not only provides a stable calibration source for auto-calibration but also maintains stable acquisition accuracy over a wide temperature range. The automated calibration process can be done through software with­out need for any manually adjustments. Once the calibration pro­cess has completed, the calibration information will be stored in the on-board EEPROM so that the values can be loaded and used as needed by the board.

1.1 Features

3U Eurocard form factor (PXI version)
Standard height, half-length PCI form factor (PCI version)
Support 5 V and 3.3 V PCI signaling
Support 32-bit / 66 MHz PCI interface
4 channels simultaneous single-ended analog input
16-bit high resolution ADC
Up to 10 MS/s, 20 MS/s and 40 MS/s per channel
512 MB onboard memory for data storage
Software selectable 50 or 1 M input impedance
Programmable input voltage range: ±0.2V/±1V or ±1V/±5V
5 MHz, 10 MHz and 20 MHz analog input bandwidth for
PCI/PXI-9816, PCI/PXI-9826 and PCI/PXI-9846, respec­tively
Multiple modules synchronization through PXI trigger bus
Support scatter gather DMA transfer
Fully auto calibration
90 dBc SFDR, 79 dBc SINAD and 12.8-bit ENOB (PXI-

1.2 Applications

Software radio/wireless communication
Introduction 3

1.3 Specifications

Analog Input
Specification Value
Number of Channels 4 single-ended channels
Input Connector BNC
Input Impedance 50 or 1 M, software selectable, default 50
Input Coupling DC
Input Range (±0.2V, ±1V) or (±1V, ±5V), software selectable
Overvoltage Protection
ADC Resolution 16-Bit, 1 in 65536
Table 1-1: Analog Input Specifications
Offset Error
Model Name
Offset Error ±0.2 mV ±0.3 mV
Gain Error
Input Range ±0.2 V ±1 V ±1 V ±5 V
Gain Error ±0.1% ±0.05% ±0.1% ±0.06%
Note: When calculating offset error and gain error, sampled data are averaged with 65536 points and AI channel configured with 50 input impedance.
±5V for (±0.2V, ±1V) ±15V for (±1V, ±5V)
-80 dB at 1MHz, for all input ranges at 50 input impedance
PXI-9816D PXI-9826D PXI-9846D PXI-9846W PCI-9846D
PXI-9846H, PCI-9816H PCI-9826H PCI-9846H
Table 1-2: Offset and Gain Error
-3dB Bandwidth, typical
Input Range PXI-9816D PXI -9826D
@50 and 1 M impedance
±0.2 V, ±1 V 5.1 MHz 9.6 MHz 20 MHz
Input Range PCI-9816H PCI-9826H
@50 and impedance
±1 V, ±5 V 5.1 MHz 9.6 MHz 20 MHz ---
@ 1 M impedance
±1 V, ±5 V 90 KHz ---
Table 1-3: -3dB Bandwidth, typical
PXI-9846D PCI-9846D
PXI-9846H PCI-9846H
80 MHz (±1 V) 50 MHz (±0.2 V)
Introduction 5
Figure 1-1: PCI/PXI-9816 Bandwidth Chart (50 input impedance)
0.1M 1M 10M
Frequen cy (Hz)
Amplitude (dB)
0.1M 1M 10M
Frequen cy (Hz)
Amplitude (dB)
Figure 1-2: PCI/PXI-9826 Bandwidth Chart (50 input impedance)
Figure 1-3: PXI-9846 Bandwidth Chart (50 input impedance)
0.1M 1M 10M
Frequen cy (Hz)
Amplitude (dB)
System Noise (measured and calculated under 50 input impedance)
Input Range PXI-9816D PXI-9826D PXI-9846D PXI-9846W PCI-9846D
±0.2 V
±1 V
5.0 LSB
3.0 LSB
6.0 LSB
4.0 LSB
8.0 LSB
5.0 LSB
15.0 LSB
7.0 LSB
8.0 LSB
5.0 LSB
Input Range PCI-9816H PCI-9826H PCI-9846H PXI-9846H
±1 V
±5 V
5.0 LSB
3.0 LSB
6.0 LSB
4.0 LSB
8.0 LSB
5.0 LSB
8.0 LSB
5.0 LSB
Table 1-4: System Noise
Introduction 7
Spectral Characteristics – PXI-9816
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10
-1 20
-1 00
Freq uency (Hz)
Magnitu de (dB)
PXI- 9816, +/-0.2V , S-Rate = 10 MS/s, Input Signal = 0 .998 MHz @ -0.97 d BFs
Specification Input Range
±1 V ±0.2 V
Signal to Noise and Distortion (SINAD), typical 79.11 dBc 75.93 dBc
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), typical 79.36 dBc 75.96 dBc
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), typical -89.90 dBc -95.77 dBc
Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR), typical 90.37 dBc 98.65 dBc
Effective Number of Bit (ENOB), typical 12.85-Bit 12.32-Bit
Test Conditions: Input signal frequency is 0.998 MHz. Digitizer sampling rate at 10 MHz with 50 input impedance. Calculated with 64 K-point data.
Note that these dynamic parameters may vary from one unit to another, with input frequency and with the full scale input range selected.
Table 1-5: Spectral Characteristics – PCI/PXI-9816
Figure 1-4: PXI-9816 FFT with ±0.2 V Input Range
Figure 1-5: PXI-9816 FFT with ±1 V Input Range
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
x 10
-1 20
-1 00
Freq uency (Hz)
Magnitu de (dB)
PXI- 9816, +/-1V, S -Rate = 10MS/s, I nput Signal = 0. 998 MHz @ -1.1993 dBFS
Introduction 9
Spectral Characteristics – PXI-9826
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x 10
-1 20
-1 00
Freq uency (Hz)
Magnitu de (dB)
PX-9 826, + /-0.2 V, S-R ate = 2 0MS/s , Input Signal = 0.9 98 MHz @ - 0.87 54 dB Fs
Specification Input Range
±1 V ±0.2 V
Signal to Noise and Distortion (SINAD), typical 78.63 dBc 74.44 dBc
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), typical 79.95 dBc 74.48 dBc
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), typical -88.29 dBc -93.52 dBc
Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR), typical 88.88dBc 95.52 dBc
Effective Number of Bit (ENOB), typical 12.77-Bit 12.07-Bit
Test Conditions: Input signal frequency is 0.998 MHz. Digitizer sampling rate at 20 MHz with 50 input impedance. Calculated with 64 K-point data.
Note that these dynamic parameters may vary from one unit to another, with input frequency and with the full scale input range selected.
Table 1-6: Spectral Characteristics – PXI-9826
Figure 1-6: PXI-9826 FFT with ±0.2 V Input Range
10 Introduction
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