ADLINK PCI-9820 User Manual

2-CH, 130MS/s, 14-Bit, Simultaneous-Sampling Digitizer
User's Guide
Copyright 2003 ADLINK Technology Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Manual Rev. 1.01 December 19, 2003
Part No: 50-11133-100
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Table of Contents
Tables ........................................................................... iii
Figures.......................................................................... iv
How to Use This Guide................................................. v
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................. 1
1.1 Features................................................................................3
1.2 Applications ..........................................................................3
1.3 Specifications .......................................................................4
1.4 Software Support..................................................................7
1.4.1 Programming Library........................................................7
1.4.2 WD-LVIEW: LabVIEW® Driver.......................................... 8
1.4.3 WD-OCX: ActiveX Controls..............................................8
1.5 Block Diagram ......................................................................9
Chapter 2 Installation ................................................. 11
2.1 Contents of Package ..........................................................11
2.2 Unpacking........................................................................... 12
2.3 PCI Configuration ...............................................................13
Chapter 3 Signal Connections................................... 15
3.1 Connectors .........................................................................15
3.2 Analog Input Impedance Setting ........................................17
3.2.1 Analog Input Impedance Setting..................................... 17
Chapter 4 Operation Theory ...................................... 19
4.1 Analog Input Signal Source Control ...................................19
4.2 A/D Sampling rate and TIMEBASE Sources Control .........19
4.2.1 External sine wave clock source..................................... 20
4.2.2 130 MS/s Sampling using Ping-pong Mode.................... 20
4.3 Trigger Modes ....................................................................20
4.3.1 Post-trigger Acquisition................................................... 20
4.3.2 Pre-trigger Acquisition .................................................... 21
4.3.3 Middle-trigger Acquisition ............................................... 22
4.3.4 Delay-trigger Acquisition................................................. 23
4.3.5 Post-trigger of Delay-trigger Acquisition with Re-trigger . 23
Table of Contents  i
4.4 Trigger Sources ..................................................................24
4.4.1 Software-Trigger............................................................. 24
4.4.2 External Analog Trigger.................................................. 24
4.4.3 External Digital Trigger...................................................25
4.5 Data Transfers....................................................................26
4.6 AI Data Format ...................................................................27
4.7 Synchronizing Multiple Devices..........................................28
4.7.1 SSI_TIMEBASE.............................................................. 28
4.7.2 SSI_TRIG1.....................................................................28
4.7.3 SSI_TRIG2 and SSI_START_OP................................... 29
4.7.4 Comparing the different trigger sources from SSI........... 30
4.8 Auto-calibration...................................................................31
Warranty Policy........................................................... 33
ii  Table of Contents
Table 3.1 Signal Locations........................................................... 16
Table 3.2 Location of solder switches..........................................17
Table 4.1 Analog trigger ideal transfer characteristic ..................25
Table 4.2 Analog input voltage and the output digital code.........27
Table 4.3 Summary of SSI timing signals and the corresponding
functionalities ...............................................................28
Tables  iii
Figure 1.1: PCI-9820 block diagram................................................9
Figure 3.1: Location of connectors ................................................ 16
Figure 3.2: Location of solder switches.........................................17
Figure 4.1 Post trigger...................................................................21
Figure 4.2 Pre trigger (the trigger event occurs after the specified
amount of data has been acquired)...............................................21
Figure 4.3 Pre trigger (The trigger signal is accepted anytime after
the operation starts) ......................................................................22
Figure 4.4 Pre trigger (The trigger signal will be ignored until the
specified amount of data is acquired)............................................22
Figure 4.5 Middle trigger ..............................................................23
Figure 4.6 Delay trigger.................................................................23
Figure 4.7 Post-trigger with re-trigger............................................24
Figure 4.8 Analog trigger conditions..............................................25
Figure 4.9 External digital trigger input .........................................26
Figure 4.10 TRG IO output signal timing.......................................26
Figure 4.11 Scatter/gather DMA for data transfer ......................... 27
Figure 4.12 SSI_TRIG1 output signal timing.................................29
Figure 4.13 SSI_TRIG1 input signal timing...................................29
Figure 4.14 SSI_TRIG2 output signal timing.................................29
Figure 4.15 SSI_TRIG2 input signal timing...................................30
Figure 4.16 SSI_START_OP output signal timing ........................30
Figure 4.17 SSI_START_OP input signal timnig ..........................30
iv  Figures
How to Use This Guide
This manual is designed to help users understand the PCI-9820. It is di­vided into four chapters:
Chapter 1
Gives an overview of the product features, applications, and
Chapter 2
Describes how to install the PCI-9820.
Chapter 3
Describes connector pin assignments.
Chapter 4
Describes how to operate the PCI- 9820, including signal
Signal Connections
Operation Theory
sources, TIMEBASE sources, trigger sources, trigger modes, data transfers, synchronizing multiple cards, and auto-calibration.
How to Use This Guide  v
The ADLINK PCI-9820 is a 65MS/s, high-resolution PCI digitizer with deep SODIMM SDRAM memory that features flexible input configurations, in­cluding programmable input ranges and user-selectable input impedance. With the deep on-board acquisition memory, the PCI-9820 is not limited by the PCI’s 132MB/s bandwidth, and can record the waveform for extended periods of time. The PCI-9820 is ideal for high-speed waveform capturing (such as radar and ultrasound), software radio, and other signal digitizing applications needing large amounts of memory for data storage.
Analog Input
The PCI-9820 device features two analog input channels. The small signal bandwidth of each channel exceeds 30MHz, which satisfies the Nyquist sampling theory. The input ranges are programmable as either 5V or 1V. The 14-bit A/D resolution makes the PCI-9820 ideal both for time-domain and frequency-domain applications.
Acquisition System
The ADLINK PCI-9820 device uses a pair of 65MS/s, 14-bit pipeline ADCs to digitize the input signals. The device provides an internal 60MHz time­base for data acquisition. The maximum real-time sampling rate is 60MS/s with internal timebase and up to 65MS/s with external timebase. By using the “ping pong” mode, the sampling rate is up to 120MS/s with internal timebase or 130MS/s with external timebase.
Acquisition Memory
Introduction  1
The PCI-9820 device supports SODIMM SDRAM ranging from 64MB to 512MB. The digitized data is stored in the on-board SDRAM before being transferred to host memory. The PCI-9820 uses scatter-gather bus mas­tering DMA to move data to the host memory. If the data throughput from the PCI-9820 is less than the available PCI bandwidth, the PCI-9820 also features on-board 3k-sample FIFO to achieve real-time transfer bypassing the SDRAM, directly to the host memory.
The PCI-9820 features flexible triggering functions, such as analog and digital triggering. The analog trigger features programmable trigger thresholds on rising or falling edges of both input channels. The 5V/TTL digital trigger comes from SSI interface or the external SMB connector for synchronizing multiple devices.
Post-trigger, pre-trigger, delay-trigger and middle-trigger modes are available to acquire data around the trigger event. The PCI-9820 also features repeated trigger acquisition to acquire data in multiple segments coming with successive trigger events at extremely short rearming inter­vals.
Multiple-Instrument Synchronization
On the PCI-9820, a synchronization bus (system synchronization interface, SSI) routes timing and trigger signals between one or more PCI-9820 de­vices. The SSI synchronizes between different acquisition hardware by a common trigger signal or a single sample clock for the acquisition of mul­tiple devices.
The auto-calibration function of the PCI-9820 is performed with trim DACs to calibrate the offset and gain errors of the analog input channels. Once the calibration process is done, the calibration constant will be stored in EEPROM. These values are loaded and used as needed by the board. Because all the calibration is conducted automatically by software com­mands, users do not have to adjust trimpots to calibrate the boards.
2  Introduction
1.1 Features
Supports 32-bit 3.3V or 5V PCI bus
14-bit A/D resolution
Up to 60MS/s sampling rate per channel with internal timebase
Up to 65MS/s sampling rate per channel with external timebase
Up to 130MS/s sampling rate using “ping pong” mode for sin-
gle-channel acquisition
2-CH simultaneous-sampled single-ended analog inputs
Programmable input ranges of 1V and 5V
User-selectable input impedance of 50 or high input impedance
>30MHz -3dB bandwidth
Up to 512MB on-board SODIMM SDRAM
Scatter-gather DMA data transfers
Analog and digital triggering
Fully auto calibration
Multiple cards synchronization
Compact, half-size PCB
1.2 Applications
Communication system analysis
Software radio
Automotive Testing
RF signal analysis
Transient signal capture
Laboratory automation
Biotech measurement
Introduction  3
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