Manual Rev. 3.02
Revision Date: December 2, 2008
Part No: 50-11116-2040
Advance Technologies; Automate the World.
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NuDAQ, NuIPC, DAQBench are registered trademarks of ADLINK
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Using this manual
Audience and scope
This manual guides you when using ADLINK NuDAQ® multi-function PCI card. The card’s hardware, signal connections, and calibration information are provided for faster application building.
This manual is intended for computer programmers and hardware
engineers with advanced knowledge of data acquisition and highlevel programming.
How this manual is organized
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction: This chapter introduces the PCI9812/9810 card including its features, specifications, software
support information, and package contents.
Chapter 2 Hardware Information: This chapter presents the
card’s layout and connector pin definition.
Chapter 3 Installation: This part describes the PCI-9812/9810
installation, configuration, and options for signal connections.
Chapter 4 Registers: Descriptions of the register format and
structure of the PCI-9812/9810 are specified in this chapter.
Chapter 5 Operation Theory: The operation theory of the
PCI-9221 functions including A/D conversion, D/A conversion,
and programmable function I/O are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 6 Function Reference: The chapter includes a software library necessary for operating the PCI-9812/9810 card in
DOS or Windows 95.
Chapter 7 Calibration: The chapter offers information on how
to calibrate the PCI-9812/9810 for accurate data acquisition
and output.
Chapter 8 Software Utility: The chapter offers information on
how to use the software utility to configure, calibrate, and test
the PCI-9812/9810 card.
War rant y Pol icy : This presents the ADLINK Warranty Policy
terms and coverages.
Take note of the following conventions used throughout the manual to make sure that you perform certain tasks and instructions
NOTEAdditional information, aids, and tips that help you per-
form particular tasks.
IMPORTANTCritical information and instructions that you MUST perform to
WARNING Information that prevents physical injury, data loss, mod-
complete a task.
ule damage, program corruption etc. when trying to complete a particular task.
Table of Contents
List of Tables.......................................................................... iv
List of Figures......................................................................... v
Figure 5-5: Data Transfer Diagram of PCI-9812/9810............... 38
List of Figures v
The PCI-9812/9810 is an advanced performance data acquisition
card based on the 32-bit PCI bus architecture. With maximum
sampling rate of up to 20 million samples per second, the PCI9812/9810 delivers continuous and high-speed streaming of A/D
samples to the host memory. The high-performance design and
state-of-the-art technology make these cards ideal for DSP, FFT,
digital filtering, and image processing applications.
The PCI-9812/9810 advanced DAQ card is designed with the following features:
X 32-bit PCI bus with bus mastering DMA data transfer
X 12-bit (PCI-9812)/10-bit (PCI-9810) analog input resolution
X Onboard 32K words (samples) A/D FIFO memory
X Up to 20 MHz A/D sampling rate
X Four single-ended analog input channels
X Bipolar input signals
X Four A/D converters with simultaneously sampling
X Five A/D trigger modes including software trigger, pre-trig-
ger, post-trigger, middle trigger, and delay trigger
X IF and BASEBAND digitization
X Ultrasound imaging
X Gamma cameras
X Test instrument
X CCD imaging
X Video digitizing
Introduction 1
Analog Input (AI)
ConvertersB.B. ADS800 series
Input ChannelsFour single-ended
Resolution12-bit (PCI-9812)
10-bit (PCI-9810)
Over Voltage ProtectionBipolar ±1 V, or ±5 V by soldering selection
Maximum Sampling Rate
AccuracyGain error ±1.5% at 25°C
Input Impedance (soldering
Dynamic Characteristic
Differential Linearity Error±0.4 LSB (Typ.) ±1.0 LSB (Max.) at 25°C
Integral Linearity Error±1.9 LSB at 25°C
A/D Clock SourcesInternal clock, continuous external digital clock,
Input Impedance of External
Clock Source
Trigger SourcesSoftware, analog threshold comparator using
ChannelsThree TTL compatible inputs with 10 KW pull
Input Voltage
LowMin. 0 V, Max. 0.8 V
HighMin. +2.0 V, Max. 5.5 V
Input Load
Low±1 uA 0 V
High+2.7V min. 20 mA max.
20 MHz samples/second
50 Ω (±1 V and ±5 V)
1.25 KΩ (±5 V only)
5 MΩ (±1 V only)
and continuous external sine wave
50 Ω
internal D/A to set trigger level, and external
digital trigger
middle-trigger, and delay-trigger
down resistor
0.5 mA 5V
General Specifications
Connectors5 BNC-type, one 10-pin header
Operating Temperature0°C to 40°C
Storage Temperature-20°C to 80°C
Humidity5% to 85%, non-condensing
Power Consumption+5 V 2.5 A (maximum)
Dimension101 mm (H) X 173 mm (L)
With a single channel enabled, the maximum sampling rate is 20 MHz. With
two channels enabled, the 20 MHz sampling rate may only be reached when
the number of samples accessed for each channel is smaller than 16K. With
four channels enabled, the 20 MHz sampling rate may only be reached when
the number of samples accessed for each channel is smaller than 8K. Refer
to section 5.5 for more information on sampling rates and data length limitations.
Introduction 3
1.4Unpacking Checklist
Before unpacking, check the shipping carton for any damage. If
the shipping carton and/or contents are damaged, inform your
dealer immediately. Retain the shipping carton and packing materials for inspection. Obtain authorization from your dealer before
returning any product to ADLINK.
Check if the following items are included in the package.
X PCI-9812/9810 multi-function DAQ card
X Five BNC terminators
X ADLINK All-in-One CD
X User’s Manual
X Software Installation Guide
If any of the items is damaged or missing, contact your dealer
CAUTIONThe card must be protected from static discharge and
physical shock. Neve r r emove any of the socketed parts
except at a static-free workstation. Use the anti-static bag
shipped with the product to handle the card. Wear a
grounded wrist strap when servicing.
1.5Software Support
Software Support
ADLINK provides versatile software drivers and packages to suit
various user approach to building a system. Aside from programming libraries, such as DLLs, for most Windows-based systems,
ADLINK also provides drivers for other application environment
such as LabVIEW
All software options are included in the ADLINK All-in-One CD.
Commercial software drivers are protected with licensing codes.
Without the code, you may install and run the demo version for
trial/demonstration purposes only up to two hours. Contact your
ADLINK dealers if you want to purchase the software license.
Programming Libraries
For customers who want to write their own programs, ADLINK provides the following function libraries which are compatible with various operating systems.
DOS Library
Borland C/C++ and Microsoft C++, the functions descriptions
are included in this user’s guide.
Windows 95 DLL
For VB, VC++, Delphi, and BC5 the functions descriptions are
included in this user’s guide.
, HP VEETM, DASYLabTM, InTouch™, InCon-
The PCIS-DASK includes device drivers and DLL for Windows
98/NT/2000. DLL is binary compatible across Windows 98/NT/
2000. This means all applications developed with PCIS-DASK
are compatible with these Windows operating systems. The
developing environment may be VB, VC++, Delphi, BC5, or
any Windows programming language that allows calls to a
DLL. The PCIS-DASK user's and function reference manuals
are in the ADLINK All-in-One CD. (\\Manual_PDF\Software
Introduction 5
Include device drivers and shared library for Linux. The
developing environment can be Gnu C/C++ or any
programming language that allows linking to a shared library.
The user's guide and function reference manual of PCISDASK/X are in the CD. (\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-DASKX).
These software drivers are shipped with the card. Refer to the
Software Installation Guide for details.
Drivers for Third-Party Programming Languages
The PCIS-LVIEW contains virtual instruments (VIs) which are
used to interface with the LabVIEW software package. PCISLVIEW supports Windows 95/98/NT/2000. The LabVIEW
driver is shipped free with the card. These may be installed and
used without a license. For more information on PCIS-LVIEW,
refer to the user’s guide in the All-in-One CD
The PCIS-VEE includes user objects that interface with HP
VEE software package. The PCIS-VEE supports Windows 95/
98/NT. The HP-VEE drivers are shipped free with the card.
These may be installed and used without license. For more
information on PCIS-VEE, refer to the user’s guide in the All-inOne CD (\\Manual_PDF\Software\PCIS-VEE).
For customers who are familiar with ActiveX controls and VB/
VC++ programming, it is recommended to use the DAQBench
ActiveX Control components library for developing applications. DAQBench is designed for Windows NT/98. For more
information on DAQBench, ref er to the user ’s guide in the Allin-One CD (\\Manual_PDF\Software\DAQBench\DAQBench
: ActiveX Controls
DASYLab is an easy-to-use software package that provides
easy-setup instrument functions such as FFT analysis. Contact
ADLINK for DASYLab PRO support, including DASYLab and
ADLINK hardware drivers.
Introduction 7
2Hardware Information
This chapter describes the PCI-9812/9810 layout, connectors,
signal connection with external devices, and switch settings for
various applications.
Hardware Information 9
The PCI-9812/9810 connects to external devices via five BNC
connectors and one 10-pin dual-in -line header. Figure 2-1 show s
the location of these connectors.
Figure 2-1: Location of Connectors
J1Input signal of channel 0 A/D converter.
J2Input signal of channel 1 A/D converter.
J3Input signal of channel 2 A/D converter.
J4Input signal of channel 3 A/D converter.
J5Input signal of external clock 0.
This 10-pin connector is for digital input signal, including a
digital clock, a digital trigger, and three digital inputs.
Table 2-2: JP1 Pin Definition Connected to 9-pin D-type Connector
Hardware Information 11
2.3Input Settings
This section describes the characteristics and settings of the PCI9812/9810 inputs.
Analog Input
The PCI-9812/9810 has four analog input channels which are
connected through the J1 to J4 connectors. The input impedance
and input amplitude range can be changed through soldering the
gap switches on the board (refer to PCI-9812/9810 layout). A
solder gap switch consists of two copper pads. The switch can be
turned on by soldering the copper pads. As all four channels use
the same method to configure their input characteristics, only
channel 0 is discussed here. There are two solder gap switches
labeled as C0LO (channel 0 low impedance) and C05V (channe l 0
5 V input) to setup the input of channel 0. Refer to Figure 2-1.
CAUTIONDO NOT leave the input connector unconnected when it
is configured as high impedance input. The input connector must be connected to a low impedance signal source
to provide a return path for the input bias current. Since
the OPAMP has a maximum input bias current of 35 µA
in the input stage, it will be placed in an abnormal environment when the input is left unconnected and will lead
to saturation in the output stage. Although a curren t-limiting resistor is present to protect the ADC, the large current brought by the saturation will damage the ADC.
Offset problems will occur if you use high impedance
(~15 MΩ) with signal sources having high output impedance. The high output impedance and the input bias current of up to 35 µA introduces a voltage drop of several
volts. Adjusting the variable resistor does not eliminate
this large offset voltage.
NOTE75 Ω input impedance can be achieved by: (1) replacing
R95 with a 75-ohm resistor and close C0LO or (2) placing
a T-connector with a 75-ohm terminator on J1 and open
The corresponding switches and resistors of other channels are
listed below: