24-Bit High Resolution Dynamic Signal
Acquisition and Generation
User’s Manual
Manual Revision: 2.00
Revision Date: November 26, 2010
Part No: 50-11241-1000
Advance Technologies; Automate the World.
PCI-9527 ADLINK Technology, Inc.
User’s Manual Copyright 2010
Revision History
Revision Release Date Description of Change(s)
2.00 2010/11/26
Document Created
Initial Release
ADLINK Technology Inc. PCI-9527
Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
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iv Preface
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vi Preface
ADLINK Technology Inc. PCI-9527
Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 2
1.2 Applications ......................................................................... 2
1.3 Specifications....................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Analog Input ............................................................... 3
1.3.2 Analog Output............................................................. 7
1.3.3 Triggers, Timebase..................................................... 9
1.3.4 General Specifications.............................................. 10
1.4 Software Support ............................................................... 11
1.4.1 Software Support ...................................................... 11
1.4.2 Programming Library ................................................ 11
1.4.3 DSA-DASK ............................................................... 11
2 Getting Started ................................................................. 13
2.1 Installation Environment .................................................... 13
2.2 Package Contents ............................................................. 15
2.3 Device Layout and IO Connectors ..................................... 16
2.4 Installing the Module.......................................................... 17
2.5 Signal Connection.............................................................. 18
2.5.1 BNC Connector Polarity ........................................... 18
2.5.2 Analog Input Connection .......................................... 18
2.5.3 Analog Output Connection ....................................... 19
3 Operation Theory ............................................................. 21
3.1 Functional Block Diagram.................................................. 21
3.2 Analog Input Channel ........................................................ 22
3.2.1 Analog Input Front-End Configuration ...................... 22
3.2.2 Input Range and Data Format .................................. 24
3.2.3 ADC and Analog Input Filter ..................................... 25
3.2.4 FIFO and DMA Transfer For Analog Input ............... 26
Table of Contents vii
PCI-9527 ADLINK Technology Inc.
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3.3 Analog Output Channel...................................................... 28
3.3.1 Analog Output Front-End Configuration ................... 28
3.3.2 Output Range and Data Format ............................... 29
3.3.3 DAC and Analog Output Filter .................................. 29
3.3.4 FIFO and DMA Transfer For Analog Output ............. 30
3.4 Trigger Source and Trigger Mode...................................... 31
3.4.1 Trigger Sources ........................................................ 31
3.4.2 Trigger Mode ............................................................ 33
3.5 ADC and DAC Timing Control ........................................... 35
3.5.1 Timebase Architecture.............................................. 35
3.5.2 DDS Timing VS ADC/DAC Relationship................... 35
3.5.3 Timing Constraint When AI and
AO Enabled Simultaneously..................................... 36
3.5.4 Filter Delay in ADC and DAC.................................... 37
4 Calibration......................................................................... 39
4.1 Calibration Constant .......................................................... 39
4.2 Auto-Calibration ................................................................. 40
4.3 Offset Error Compensation During
AI Sampling Rate Change ....................................... 40
viii Table of Contents
ADLINK Technology Inc. PCI-9527
Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: PCI-9527 Product Image ................................................. 1
Figure 1-2: Analog Input Channel Bandwidth, ±10 V Input Range ....5
Figure 1-3: Magnitude Response of AC Couple of Input Channel..... 6
Figure 3-1: Linked List of PCI Address DMA Descriptors ................ 27
Figure 3-2: Trigger Architecture of the PCI-9527 ............................. 31
Figure 3-3: Analog Trigger Conditions ............................................. 32
Figure 3-4: Post-trigger Acquisition / Waveform Generation............ 33
Figure 3-5: Delay Trigger Mode Acquisition /
Waveform Generation.................................................... 34
Figure 3-6: PCI-9527 Timebase Architecture................................... 35
List of Figures xi
PCI-9527 ADLINK Technology Inc.
User’s Manual Copyright 2010
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xii List of Figures
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Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Channel Characteristics................................................... 3
Table 1-2: Crosstalk.......................................................................... 4
Table 1-3: Transfer Characteristics................................................... 4
Table 1-4: Analog Input Channel Bandwidth .................................... 4
Table 1-5: AC Coupling..................................................................... 5
Table 1-6: Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric (IEPE)....................... 6
Table 1-7: Channel Characteristics................................................... 7
Table 1-8: AO DC Accuracy.............................................................. 7
Table 1-9: Output Impedance ........................................................... 8
Table 1-10: AO Dynamic Characteristics ............................................ 8
Table 1-11: Triggers............................................................................ 9
Table 1-12: Analog Trigger ................................................................. 9
Table 1-13: Digital Trigger .................................................................. 9
Table 1-14: Timebase ......................................................................... 9
Table 1-15: Bus and Physical Specifications .................................... 10
Table 1-16: Environment Requirements ........................................... 10
Table 1-17: Calibration...................................................................... 10
Table 1-18: Power Consumption ...................................................... 10
Table 2-1: Analog Input Connection ............................................... 18
Table 2-2: Analog Output Connection............................................. 19
Table 3-1: Input Configurations....................................................... 22
Table 3-2: Input Range and Data Format ....................................... 24
Table 3-3: ADC Sample Rates VS DSS Outpu Clock..................... 25
Table 3-4: Output Configuration...................................................... 28
Table 3-5: Digital Input Code and Analog Output Range................ 29
Table 3-6: DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) ................................ 29
Table 3-7: Timing Relationship of the ADC, DAC and DDS Clock . 35
Table 3-8: ADC Filter Delay............................................................ 37
Table 3-9: DAC Filter Delay............................................................ 37
Table 4-1: Offset Compensation Time Required
for Different Sampling Rates.......................................... 40
List of Tables xiii
PCI-9527 ADLINK Technology Inc.
User’s Manual Copyright 2010
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xiv List of Tables
ADLINK Technology Inc. PCI-9527
Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
1 Introduction
The PCI-9527 is a high-performance, 2-CH analog input and 2-CH
analog output dynamic signal acquisition board. This board is specifically designed for use in audio testing, acoustic measurement,
and vibration analysis applications.
The PCI-9527 features two 24-bit simultaneous sampling analog
input channels. The 24-bit sigma-delta ADC provides a sampling
rate up to 432 KS/s at high resolutions, making it idea for higher
bandwidth dynamic signal measurements. The sampling rate can
be adjusted by setting the onboard DDS clock source to an appropriate frequency. All channels are sampled simultaneously and
accept an input range from ±40 V to ±0.316 V. The PCI-9527 analog input supports software selectable AC or DC coupling and 4
mA bias current for integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) sensors.
The PCI-9527 also has two channels of 24-bit resolution, high
fidelity analog output. The outputs occur simultaneously at software programmable rates up to 216 KS/s. A software programmable output range of 0.1 V, 1 V, and 10 V is available on the output
Figure 1-1: PCI-9527 Product Image
Introduction 1
PCI-9527 ADLINK Technology Inc.
User’s Manual Copyright 2010
1.1 Features
24-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC and DAC
2-CH simultaneous sampling analog inputs
2-CH simultaneous updated analog outputs
432 KS/s maximum ADC sampling rate with software pro-
grammable rate
216 KS/s maximum DAC sampling rate with software pro-
grammable rate
Programmable input range: ±40 V, ±10 V, ±3.16 V, ±1 V,
±0.316 V
Programmable output range: ±0.1 V, ±1 V, ±10 V
AC or DC input coupling, software selectable
A trigger I/O connector for external digital trigger signal
Support IEPE output on each analog input, software-config-
1.2 Applications
Audio signal testing
Acoustic measurements
Environment noise testing
Vibration test
Machine conditioning monitoring
2I n t r o d u c t i o n
ADLINK Technology Inc. PCI-9527
Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
1.3 Specifications
1.3.1 Analog Input
Channel Characteristics
Number of channels 2
Input configurations Differential or pseudodifferential
Input coupling AC or DC, software selectable
ADC resolution 24-bits
ADC type Delta-sigma
Sample rates (fs) 432KS/s maximum, 2KS/s to 432KS/s in
454.7uS/s increments, maximum
FIFO buffer size Total 4096 samples shared for AI channels
Data transfers Direct memory access (DMA)
Input signal range ±40V
Input Common Mode
Overvoltage protection Differential input: ±40 Vpk
Input impedance Differential Configuration
T able 1-1: Channel Characteristics
±10V for both Differential and Pseudodifferential
Positive terminal: ±40 Vpk
Negative terminal: ±10 Vpk
Between (+) and GND: 1MΩ
Between (-) and GND: 1MΩ
Pseudodifferential Configuration
Between (+) and GND: 1MΩ
Between (-) and GND: 50Ω
Introduction 3
PCI-9527 ADLINK Technology Inc.
User’s Manual Copyright 2010
Adjacent channel < -110 dB
Measured with +/-10V input
Input signal is 18 Vpp @ 1KHz sine wave
T able 1-2: Crosstalk
Transfer Characteristics
AI Offset Error Input Range Offset (±mV) @ Tcal ± 5°C
±40 V 120
±10 V 3
±3.16 V 1.4
±1 V 0.6
±0.316 V 0.5
AI Gain Error ±10 V ±0.5% max
T able 1-3: Transfer Characteristics
Analog Input Channel Bandwidth
Input Range Bandwidth (-3dB)
±40 V 30 KHz
±10 V, ±3.16 V, ±1 V, ±0.316 V 130 KHz
T able 1-4: Analog Input Channel Bandwidth
4I n t r o d u c t i o n
ADLINK Technology Inc. PCI-9527
1K 10K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Magnitude (dB), Refer to 10Hz
Copyright 2010 User’s Manual
Figure 1-2: Analog Input Channel Bandwidth, ±10 V Input Range
AC Coupling
-3 dB cutoff frequency 6.5 Hz
-0.1 dB cutoff frequency 40 Hz
T able 1-5: AC Coupling
Introduction 5