ADLINK PCI-8164 User Manual

PCI-8164/MPC-8164/PXI-8164 Advanced 4-Axis Servo/Stepper
Motion Control Card
User’s Manual
Manual Rev. 2.00
Revision Date: August 25, 2006
Part No: 50-11124-1050
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables.......................................................................... vi
List of Figures ....................................................................... vii
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 6
PCI-8164 ........................................................................ 6
MPC-8164 ....................................................................... 8
PXI-8164 ......................................................................... 9
1.2 Specifications..................................................................... 11
1.3 Software support................................................................ 14
Programming library ..................................................... 14
Motion Creator .............................................................. 14
2 Installation ........................................................................ 15
2.1 Package contents .............................................................. 16
2.2 PCI-8164 layout ................................................................. 17
2.3 MPC-8164 layout ............................................................... 18
2.4 PXI-8164 layout ................................................................. 19
2.5 PCI-8164/PXI-8164 hardware installation.......................... 20
Hardware configuration ................................................. 20
PCI slot selection .......................................................... 20
Installing the PCI-8164 card ......................................... 20
Installing the PXI-8164 card .......................................... 21
2.6 MPC-8164 hardware installation........................................ 22
Hardware configuration ................................................. 22
2.7 Driver installation ............................................................... 24
2.8 CN1 pin assignments: External Power Input
(PCI-8164 only) ....................................................... 25
2.9 CN3 pin assignments: Manual Pulse Input
(PCI-8164 only) ....................................................... 26
2.10 J4 pin assignments: Manual Pulse Input
(PXI-8164 only)........................................................ 27
2.11 CN3 pin assignments: General Purpose DIO
(MPC-8164 only) ..................................................... 28
2.12 J3 pin assignments: Isolated DIO
Table of Contents i
(PXI-8164 only)........................................................ 29
2.13 CN2 pin assignments: Main Connector ............................. 30
2.14 CN4 pin assignments: Simultaneous Start/Stop
(PCI-8164 only)........................................................ 32
2.15 CN5 pin assignment: TTL Output (PCI-8164 only) ............ 33
2.16 Jumper setting for pulse output (PCI-8164 only) ............... 34
2.17 Switch setting for EL Logic................................................. 35
2.18 CN3 pin assignment: General Purpose DI/DO ports
(MPC-8164 only)...................................................... 36
2.19 S2 card ID switch setting (PXI-8164 only) ......................... 37
3 Signal Connections .......................................................... 39
3.1 Pulse Output Signals OUT and DIR................................... 40
3.2 Encoder Feedback Signals EA, EB and EZ....................... 43
3.3 Origin Signal ORG ............................................................. 46
3.4 End-Limit Signals PEL and MEL........................................ 47
3.5 Ramping-down and PCS ................................................... 48
3.6 In-position Signal INP ........................................................ 49
3.7 Alarm Signal ALM .............................................................. 50
3.8 Deviation Counter Clear Signal ERC ................................. 51
3.9 General-purpose Signal SVON.......................................... 52
3.10 General-purpose Signal RDY ............................................ 53
3.11 Position compare output pin: CMP .................................... 54
3.12 Position latch input pin: LTC .............................................. 55
3.13 Pulser Input Signals PA and PB (PCI-8164 only) .............. 56
3.14 Simultaneously Start/Stop Signals STA and STP
(PCI-8164 only)........................................................ 57
3.15 General Purpose TTL Output (PCI-8164 only) .................. 59
3.16 Termination board.............................................................. 60
3.17 General Purpose DIO (MPC-8164/PXI-8164 only) ............ 61
Isolated input channels ................................................. 62
Isolated output channels ............................................... 62
Example of input connection ......................................... 63
Example of output connections ..................................... 64
4 Operation Theory .............................................................. 65
4.1 Motion Control Modes........................................................ 66
Pulse Command Output ............................................... 67
Velocity mode motion ................................................... 71
Trapezoidal motion ....................................................... 72
ii Table of Contents
S-curve profile motion ................................................... 75
Linear interpolation for 2-4 axes ................................... 77
Circular interpolation for 2 axes .................................... 82
Circular interpolation with Acc/Dec time ....................... 84
Relationship between velocity and acceleration time ... 85
Continuous motion ........................................................ 88
Home Return Mode ...................................................... 95
Home Search Mode .................................................... 103
Manual Pulser Mode (PCI-8164 Only) ........................ 104
Synchronous starting modes ...................................... 105
4.2 The motor driver interface................................................ 107
INP .............................................................................. 107
ALM ............................................................................ 109
ERC ............................................................................ 110
SVON and RDY .......................................................... 111
4.3 The limit switch interface and I/O status .......................... 112
SD/PCS ...................................................................... 112
EL ............................................................................... 114
ORG ........................................................................... 115
4.4 Counters .......................................................................... 116
Command position counter ......................................... 116
Feedback position counter .......................................... 117
Position error counter ................................................. 119
General purpose counter ............................................ 120
Target position recorder .............................................. 122
4.5 Multiple PCI-8164 Card Operation (PCI-8164 Only)........ 123
4.6 Change position or speed on the fly ................................ 124
Change speed on the fly ............................................. 124
Change position on the fly .......................................... 129
4.7 Position compare and Latch ............................................ 132
Comparators of the 8164 ............................................ 132
Position compare with trigger output .......................... 134
Position Latch ............................................................. 138
4.8 Hardware backlash compensator and
vibration suppression............................................. 139
4.9 Software Limit Function ................................................... 140
4.10 Interrupt Control............................................................... 141
4.11 PXI Trigger Bus (PXI-8164 only) ..................................... 147
5 Motion Creator................................................................ 149
Table of Contents iii
5.1 Execute Motion Creator ................................................... 150
5.2 Notes on Motion Creator.................................................. 151
5.3 Using Motion Creator ....................................................... 152
Main Menu .................................................................. 152
Interface I/O Configuration Menu ................................ 152
Pulse I/O and Interrupt Configuration Menu ............... 155
Operation menu: ......................................................... 156
6 Function Library.............................................................. 163
6.1 List of Functions............................................................... 163
6.2 C/C++ Programming Library ............................................ 174
6.3 Initialization ...................................................................... 175
6.4 Pulse Input/Output Configuration..................................... 179
6.5 Velocity mode motion....................................................... 182
6.6 Single Axis Position Mode ............................................... 186
6.7 Linear Interpolated Motion ............................................... 193
6.8 Circular Interpolation Motion ............................................ 201
6.9 Home Return Mode.......................................................... 211
6.10 Manual Pulser Motion ...................................................... 214
6.11 Motion Status ................................................................... 218
6.12 Motion Interface I/O ......................................................... 220
6.13 Motion I/O Monitoring....................................................... 224
6.14 Interrupt Control ............................................................... 226
6.15 Position Control and Counters ......................................... 234
@ Return Code ........................................................... 238
6.16 Position Compare and Latch............................................ 239
6.17 Continuous motion ........................................................... 249
6.18 Multiple Axes Simultaneous Operation ............................ 251
6.19 General-purposed TTL output (PCI-8164 Only)............... 257
6.20 General-purposed DIO (MPC-8164/PXI-8164 only) ........ 259
6.21 Card ID (PXI-8164 Only).................................................. 261
6.22 PXI Trigger Bus (PXI-8164 Only)..................................... 262
7 Connection Example ...................................................... 265
7.1 General Wiring Description .............................................. 265
7.2 Connection Example with Servo Driver ........................... 267
7.3 Wiring with DIN-814M ...................................................... 270
PIN Assignments: ....................................................... 271
Signal Connections ..................................................... 274
Mechanical Dimensions: ............................................. 275
iv Table of Contents
7.4 Wiring with DIN-814P ...................................................... 276
Mechanical Dimensions: ............................................. 277
PIN Assignment: ......................................................... 278
How to wire ................................................................. 280
7.5 Wiring with DIN-814PA .................................................... 281
Wiring Example: .......................................................... 283
Mechanical Dimensions: ............................................. 285
PIN Assignment: ......................................................... 286
7.6 Wiring with DIN-814M-J3A .............................................. 288
PIN Assignment: ......................................................... 289
7.7 Wiring with DIN-814Y ...................................................... 292
PIN Assignment: ......................................................... 293
8 Appendix......................................................................... 295
8.1 Color code of CN3 Cable (MPC-8164 Only) .................... 295
Warranty Policy................................................................... 297
Table of Contents v

List of Tables

Table 2-1: GEME hardware configuration ................................ 22
Table 2-2: Base Addresses ...................................................... 22
vi List of Tables

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: PCI-8164 block diagram ............................................ 2
Figure 1-2: MPC-8164 block diagram .......................................... 3
Figure 1-3: PXI-8164 block diagram ............................................ 4
Figure 1-4: Application building flow chart ................................... 5
Figure 2-1: PCI-8164 PCB layout .............................................. 17
Figure 2-2: PCI-8164 face plate ................................................. 17
Figure 2-3: MPC-8164 PCB layout ............................................ 18
Figure 2-4: MPC-8164 face plate ............................................... 18
Figure 2-5: PXI-8164 layout and front panel .............................. 19
Figure 7-1: System Integration with PCI-8164 ......................... 266
Figure 7-2: Connection of PCI-8164 with Panasonic Driver .... 268
Figure 7-3: Connection of PCI-8164 with SANYO Driver......... 269
List of Figures vii

1 Introduction

The PCI-/MPC-/PXI-8164 is an advanced 4-axis motion controller card that generates high frequency pulses (6.55 MHz) to drive stepper or servomotors, and provides a 2-axis circular interpola­tion, 4-axis linear interpolation, or continuous interpolation for con­tinual velocity. The PCI-/MPC-/PXI-8164 also changes position and/or speed on the fly with a single axis operation.
Multiple PCI-/MPC-/PXI-8164 cards may be installed in one sys­tem. Incremental encoder interface on all four axes provide the ability to correct positioning errors generated by inaccurate mechanical transmissions. With the aid of an onboard FIFO, the PCI-/MPC-/PXI-8164 also performs precise and extremely fast position comparison and trigger functions without compromising CPU resources. In addition, a mechanical sensor interface, a servo motor interface, and general-purposed I/O signals are pro­vided for easy system integration.
The following figures show the functional block diagrams of the 8164 card in PCI, MPC, and PXI interfaces. The PCI-/MPC-/PXI­8164 uses one ASIC (PCL6045) to perform all 4 axes motion con­trols. The motion control functions include linear and S-curve acceleration/deceleration, circular interpolation between two axes, linear interpolation between 2-4 axes, continuous motion position­ing, and more than 13 home return modes. All these functions and complex computations are performed internally by the ASIC, thus minimizing CPU usage and eliminating real-time issues.
Introduction 1
Figure 1-1: PCI-8164 block diagram
The MPC-8164 is an advanced 4-axis motion controller card with a PC104 interface. All features and specification are leveraged with the PCI-8164, except for some differences in the user I/O interfaces. Figure 1-2 shows the MPC-8164 card block diagram.
Figure 1-2: MPC-8164 block diagram
Introduction 3
The PXI-8164 is an advanced 4-axis motion controller card with a PXI interface. All features and specification are the same with the PCI-8164, except for some differences in the user I/O interfaces. Figure 1-3 shows the PXI-8164 the block diagram.
Figure 1-3: PXI-8164 block diagram
Motion Creator is a Windows-based application development soft­ware package that comes with the card. Motion Creator is useful for debugging a motion control system during the design phase of a project. An on-screen display lists all installed axes information and the card’s I/O signal status.
DOS and Windows programming libraries for C++ and Visual Basic are included together with some sample programs to illus­trate the operations of these functions.
Figure 1-4 illustrates a flow chart of application development using the contents of this manual. Refer to the related chapters for details.
Figure 1-4: Application building flow chart
Introduction 5

1.1 Features

1.1.1 PCI-8164

X 32-bit PCI bus, Plug and Play
X 4 axes of step and direction pulse output for controlling
stepping or servomotor
X 6.55 MPPS maximum output frequency
X OUT/DIR, CW/CCW pulse output options
X Programmable acceleration and deceleration time for all
X Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profiles for all modes
X Any 2 of 4 axes circular interpolation
X Any 2-4 of 4 axes linear interpolation
X Continuous interpolation for contour following motion
X Change position and speed on the fly
X Change speed by condition comparing
X 13 home return modes with auto searching
X Hardware backlash compensator and vibration suppression
X 2 software end-limits for each axis
X 28-bit up/down counter for incremental encoder feedback
X Home switch, index signal (EZ), positive, and negative end
limit switches interface on all axes
X 2-axis high speed position latch input
X 2-axis position compare trigger output with 4k FIFO auto-
X 2500V
X Programmable interrupt sources
X Simultaneous start/stop motion on multiple axes
X Manual pulser input interface (A small steering device that gen-
erates pulses when turned)
X Software supports a maximum of up to 12 PCI-8164 cards
(48 axes) operation in one system
X Compact, half-sized PCB
isolated digital input and output signals
X Includes Motion Creator, a Microsoft Windows-based appli-
cation development software
X Libraries and utilities support DOS, Windows
XP, and Linux
Introduction 7

1.1.2 MPC-8164

X 16-bit PC104 bus
X 4 axes of step and direction pulse output for controlling
stepping or servomotor
X 6.55 MPPS maximum output frequency
X OUT/DIR, CW/CCW pulse output options
X Programmable acceleration and deceleration time for all
X Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profiles for all modes
X Any 2 of 4 axes circular interpolation
X Any 2-4 of 4 axes linear interpolation
X Continuous interpolation for contour following motion
X Change position and speed on the fly
X Change speed by comparator condition
X 13 home return modes with auto searching
X Hardware backlash compensator and vibration suppression
X 2 Software end-limits for each axis
X 28-bit up/down counter for incremental encoder feedback
X Home switch, index signal (EZ), positive, and negative end
limit switches interface on all axes
X 2-axis high speed position latch input
X 2-axis position compare trigger output with 4k FIFO auto-
X 2500
X Programmable interrupt sources
X 8 channels of general purpose photo-isolated digital inputs
X 8 channels of general purpose open collector digital outputs
X Software supports a maximum of up to 4 MPC-8164 cards
(16 axes) operation in one system
X Includes Motion Creator, a Microsoft Windows-based appli-
cation development software
X Libraries and utilities support DOS, Windows
XP, and Windows
X Libraries for Linux and Windows
isolated digital input and output signals
XP/NT Embedded
CE systems

1.1.3 PXI-8164

X PXI specifications Rev. 2.0-compliant
X Multiple modules synchronized via PXI trigger bus
X 3U Eurocard form factor, CompactPCI compliant (PICMG
2.0 R2.1)
X 4-CH isolated digital I/O
X 4 axes of step and direction pulse output for controlling
stepping or servomotor
X 6.55 MPPS maximum output frequency
X OUT/DIR, CW/CCW pulse output options
X Programmable acceleration and deceleration time for all
X Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profiles for all modes
X Any 2 of 4 axes circular interpolation
X Any 2-4 of 4 axes linear interpolation
X Continuous interpolation for contour following motion
X Change position and speed on the fly
X Change speed by condition comparing
X 13 home return modes with auto searching
X Hardware backlash compensator and vibration suppression
X 2 software end-limits for each axis
X 28-bit up/down counter for incremental encoder feedback
X Home switch, index signal (EZ), positive, and negative end
limit switches interface on all axes
X 2-axis high speed position latch input
X 2-axis position compare trigger output with 4k FIFO auto-
X Programmable interrupt sources
X Simultaneous start/stop motion on multiple axes
X Manual pulser input interface (A small steering device that gen-
erates pulses when turned)
X Software supports a maximum of up to 12 PXI-8164 cards
(48 axes) operation in one system
Introduction 9
X Includes Motion Creator, a Microsoft Windows-based appli-
cation development software
X Libraries and utilities DOS, Windows
9x/NT/2000/XP, and
10 Introduction

1.2 Specifications

Applicable motors
X Stepping motors
X AC or DC servomotors with pulse train input servo drivers
X 4 controllable axes
X 6.55MPPS maximum pulse output frequency, linear, trape-
zoidal, or S-Curve velocity profile drive
X 19.66 MHz internal reference clock
X 28-bit up/down counter range: 0 to 268,435,455 or
–134,217,728 to +134,217,727
X Position pulse setting range (28-bit): -134,217,728 to
X Pulse rate setting ranges (pulse ratio = 1: 65535):
Z 0.1 PPS to 6553.5 PPS (multiplier = 0.1)
Z 1 PPS to 65535 PPS (multiplier = 1)
Z 100 PPS to 6553500 PPS (multiplier = 100)
Introduction 11
I/O signals
X Input/Output signals for each axis
X Opto-isolated digital input with 2500V
X OUT and DIR command pulse output pins
X EA and EB incremental encoder signals input pins
X EZ encoder index signal input pin
X ±EL, SD/PCS, and ORG mechanical limit/switch signal
isolation voltage
input pins
X INP, ALM, and ERC servomotor interface I/O pins
X LTC position latch input pin
X CMP position compare output pin
X SVON general-purposed digital output pin
X RDY general-purposed digital input pin
X PA and PB (PCI-8164/PXI-8164) pulse signal input pin
X STA and STP (PCI-8164/PXI-8164) simultaneous start/stop
General-purpose output
X 6 TTL level digital outputs (PCI-8164 only)
X 8 digital inputs/8 digital outputs (MPC-8164 only)
X 4 digital inputs/4 digital outputs (PXI-8164 only)
General specifications
X 100-pin SCSI-type connector
X Operating temperature: 0ºC - 50ºC
X Storage temperature: -20ºC - 80ºC
X Humidity: 5% - 85%, non-condensing
Power consumption
X Slot power supply (input): +5V DC ±5%, 900mA max
X External power supply (input): +24V DC ±5%, 500mA max
X External power supply (output): +5V DC ±5%, 500mA, max
12 Introduction
X PCI-8164: 185 mm (L) X 106.68 mm (W)
X MPC-8164: 152 mm (L) X 104.7 mm (W)
X PXI-8164: 3U Eurocard form factor, CompactPCI-compliant
(PICMG 2.0 R2.1)
Introduction 13

1.3 Software support

1.3.1 Programming library

Programming libraries for MS-DOS and Borland C/C++ (Version
3.1) and DLLs for Windows
95/98/NT/2000/XP come bundled with the PCI-8164/PXI-8164 card package. Support for Linux­based systems is also included.
MPC-8164 supports DOS/Windows
98/NT/2000/XP, Windows
XP/NT Embedded, Windows® CE, and Linux.

1.3.2 Motion Creator

This Windows-based utility sets up cards, motors, and systems. It also debugs hardware and software problems and enables the user to set I/O logic parameters that can be loaded in their own programs. Refer to Chapter 5 for more details.
14 Introduction

2 Installation

Follow these steps to install the PCI-/MPC-/PXI-8164 card.
X Check the card package contents (section 2.1)
X Check the card PCB and face plate/front panel layout (sec-
tion 2.2)
X Install the card to the chassis (section 2.3)
X Install the drivers (section 2.4)
X Refer to the I/O signal connections (chapter 3) and their
operation (chapter 4)
X Refer to the connector pin assignments (the remaining sec-
tions) and wiring connections
Installation 15

2.1 Package contents

Check the package contents for the following items:
X PCI-8164/MPC-8164/PXI-8164 card
X ADLINK All-in-one CD
X +24V power input cable (for CN1) accessories (PCI-8164
X Optional terminal board for wiring purposes
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact your dealer immediately. Save the original packaging for future shipment.
16 Installation

2.2 PCI-8164 layout

Figure 2-1: PCI-8164 PCB layout
CN1: External Power Input Connector
CN2: Input / Output Signal Connector
CN3: Manual Pulse Signal Connector
CN4: Simultaneous Start / Stop Connector
CN5: General purpose TTL output
S1: End limit logic selection switch
J1-J8: Pulse output selection jumper
Figure 2-2: PCI-8164 face plate
Installation 17

2.3 MPC-8164 layout

Figure 2-3: MPC-8164 PCB layout
Figure 2-4: MPC-8164 face plate
CN2: Input / Output Signal Connector
CN3: 8 DI / 8 DO Connector
JP1: IRQ selection
SW1: Base Address Selection
18 Installation
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