ADLINK PCI-8144 User Manual

4-Axis Stepper
Motion Control Card
User’s Manual
Manual Rev. 2.01 Revision Date: September 2, 2008 Part No: 50-11144-1010
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents..................................................................... i
List of Tables........................................................................... v
List of Figures........................................................................ vi
1 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
1.1 Features............................................................................... 5
1.2 Specifications....................................................................... 6
1.3 Supported Software............................................................. 7
Programming Library ........................................ ... ...........7
MotionCreatorPro ........................................................... 7
2 Installation .......................................................................... 9
2.1 Package Contents ............................................................... 9
2.2 PCI-8144 Outline Drawing................................................. 10
2.3 PCI-8144 Hardware Installation......................................... 11
Hardware configuration .................................................11
PCI slot selection ................. ... ... .... ... ... ... ......................11
Installation Procedures .................................................11
Troubleshooting: ............................... ............................11
2.4 Software Driver Installation................................................ 13
2.5 SW1 Card Index Selection................................................. 13
2.6 J1-J8 Pulse Output Type: Differential / Open Collector..... 14
2.7 JP2 Direct Control to Stepper ........................................... 14
2.8 CN1 Pin Assignments: Main connector ............................. 15
3 Signal Connections.......................................................... 17
3.1 Pulse Output Signals CW and CCW.................................. 18
3.2 Origin Signal ORG............................................................. 21
3.3 Slow Down input signal........................ ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... . 22
3.4 End-Limit Signals PEL and MEL........................................ 23
3.5 Simultaneously Start/Stop Signals STA and STP.............. 24
3.6 Termination Board............................................................. 25
3.7 General Purpose DIO........................................................ 25
Isolated Input channels .................................................26
Isolated Output channels .............................................. 26
Example of input connection .........................................26
Table of Contents i
Example of output connection ......................................27
3.8 JP2 pin define for stepping singal (Optional)..................... 27
4 Operation Theory.............................................................. 29
4.1 Classifications of Motion Controller.................................... 29
Voltage motion control interface ................................... 29
Pulse motion control interface ......................................30
Network motion control interface .................................. 30
Software real-time motion control kernel ..................... .31
DSP motion control kernel ............................................31
ASIC motion control kernel ...........................................31
Compare Table of all motion control types ...................32
PCI-8144 motion controller type ...................................32
4.2 Motion Control Modes........................................................ 33
Coordinate system ........................................................33
Absolute and relative position move .............................34
Trapezoidal speed profile .............................................35
S-curve and Bell-curve speed profile .................. .......... 36
Velocity mode ...............................................................38
One axis position mode ................................................39
Home Return Mode ......................................................40
Synchronous Start Function .........................................41
Auto Home Move Mode ................................................42
4.3 The motor driver interface.................................................. 44
Pulse Command Output Interface ................................44
4.4 Mechanical switch interface............................................... 46
Original or home signal .................................................46
End-Limit switch signal .................................................46
Slow down switch ..................................... ... ... .... ... ... ... .46
4.5 The Counters..................................................................... 47
Preset Command position counter ...............................47
4.6 Interrupt Control.......... .... ... ... ... .......................................... 47
4.7 Multiple Card Operation..................................................... 50
5 MotionCreatorPro ............................................................. 51
5.1 Run MotionCreatorPro....................................................... 51
5.2 About MotionCreatorPro....................................... .... ... ... ... 52
5.3 MotionCreatorPro Form Introducing .................................. 53
Main Menu ...................................................... .... ... ... ... .53
Select Menu ................................. ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ....54
ii Table of Contents
Card Information Menu .................................. ............... 55
Configuration Menu .......... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... .. 56
Single Axis Operation Menu .........................................59
Four-Axis Operation Menu ............................................ 63
Help Menu ....................................................................65
6 Function Library............................................................... 67
6.1 List of Functions................................................................. 68
6.2 C/C++ Programming Library.............................................. 71
6.3 System and Initialization.................................................... 72
_8144_initial ................................................................. 72
_8144_close ................................................................. 74
_8144_get_version ....................................................... 75
_8144_set_security_key ................................... ............ 76
_8144_check_security_key ..........................................78
_8144_reset_security_key ................................... .........80
_8144_config_from_file ................................................ 82
6.4 Motion Interface I/O ........................................................... 83
_8144_set_limit_logic ................................................... 83
_8144_get_limit_logic ....................................... ............ 85
_8144_get_mio_status .................................................87
_8144_set_mio_sensitivity ............................. ... ... ... .... .. 89
_8144_set_pls_outmode .............................................. 91
_8144_set_pls_outmode2 ............................................ 93
6.5 Motion................................................................................ 94
_8144_tv_move ............................................................ 94
_8144_sv_move ........................................................... 96
_8144_start_tr_move ..................................... ............... 98
_8144_start_sr_move .................................................101
_8144_enable_get_command .................................... 104
_8144_get_command ....................................... .......... 105
_8144_set_command ................................................. 106
_8144_set_external_start ........................................... 107
_8144_emg_stop ........................................................109
_8144_dec_stop ......................................................... 111
_8144_speed_up .................................... .................... 113
_8144_slow_down ............................... ....................... 114
_8144_enable_org_stop ...................................... ....... 116
_8144_enable_sd_signal ........................................ ....118
_8144_home_move .......................................... .......... 120
Table of Contents iii
_8144_home_status ................................................... 122
6.6 Motion status.................................................................... 125
_8144_motion_done ................................................... 125
_8144_motion_status .................................................127
6.7 Interrupt ................ ... ... .... ... ... .......................................... . 129
_8144_set_motion_interrupt_factor ............................ 129
_8144_wait_single_motion_interrupt ..........................131
_8144_set_gpio_interrupt_factor ................................ 134
_8144_wait_single_gpio_interrupt ..............................136
_8144_wait_multiple_gpio_interrupt ........................... 138
6.8 General purpose input/output ...................................... ... . 141
_8144_get_gpio_input ................................................ 141
_8144_get_gpio_input_channel ..................................142
_8144_set_gpio_output .............................................. 143
_8144_set_gpio_output_channel ................................144
_8144_get_gpio_output .............................................. 145
_8144_get_gpio_output_channel ............................... 146
6.9 Speed profile calculation.................................................. 147
_8144_get_tv_move_profile .......................................147
_8144_get_sv_move_profile ..................................... ..149
_8144_get_start_tr_move_profile ............................... 151
_8144_get_start_sr_move_profile .............................. 153
7 Function Return Code.................................................... 155
iv Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 2-1: SW1 Card Index ..................................................... 13
Table 2-2: JP2 Direct Control to Stepper ................................. 14
Table 2-3: CN1 Pin Assignments ............................................. 15
Table 6-1: Data type definitions .............................................. 71
List of Tables v

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: PCI-8144 Block Diagram ........................................... 2
Figure 1-2: Flow chart for building an application ........................ 4
Figure 2-1: PCB Layout of the PCI-8144 ................................... 10
vi List of Figures

1 Introduction

The PCI-8144 is a cost-effective 4-axis motion controller card with a PCI interface that can generate a pulse train up to 2.4MHz to control a stepper motor. As a motion controller, it provides non­symmetric acceleration and deceleration speed profile settings, T­curve and S-surve speed profile control, and simultaneously start/ stop. Changing speed on the fly is also available with a single axis operation.
Multiple PCI-8144 cards can be installed in one system. The on­board switch can be used to the set a specific index for each board in order to manage multiple cards.
Figure 1 shows the functional block diagram of the PCI-8144 card. All functions and computations are performed internally by the ASIC, thus limiting the impact on the PC’s CPU.
Introduction 1
Figure 1-1: PCI-8144 Block Diagram
MotionCreatorPro is a Windows-based application development software package included with the PCI-8144 and is useful for debugging a motion control system during the design phase of a project. An on-screen display lists information of all installed axes and I/O signal status of the PCI-8144.
Windows programming libraries are also included for C++ and Visual Basic. Sample programs are provided to illustrate the oper­ations of the functions.
Introduction 3
Figure 1-2 illustrates a flow chart of the recommended process in using this manual in developing an application. Refer to the related chapters for details of each step.
Figure 1-2: Flow chart for building an application

1.1 Features

The following list summarizes the main features of the PCI-8144 motion control system.
X 32-bit PCI bus Plug and Play X 4 pulse train channel for stepping motors X Maximum output frequency: up to 2.4MPPS X Pulse output options: CW/CCW X Programmable acceleration and deceleration time for all
X Trapezoidal and S-curve velocity profiles for all modes X Change speed on the fly X Home return modes with ORG & SD signal X Hardware backlash compensator and vibration suppression X Card index setting by switch X All digital input and output signals are 2500Vrms isolated X Programmable interrupt sources X Simultaneous start/stop X Software supports a maximum of up to 12 PCI-8144 cards
operation in one system
X Includes MotionCreatorPro, a Microsoft Windows-based
application development software
X PCI-8144 libraries and utilities for Windows 2000/XP.
Introduction 5

1.2 Specifications

Applicable Motors
Z Stepping motors Z Excitation sequencing output for 2-phase stepping motor
with JP2 connector
Z Number of controllable axes: 4 Z Maximum pulse output frequency: 2.4MPPS, trapezoi-
dal, or S-Curve speed profile
Z Internal reference clock: 4.9MHz Z Position pulse setting range (28-bit): -134,217,728 to
I/O Signales
Z Input/Output signals for each axis Z All I/O signal are optically isolated with 2500Vrms isola-
tion voltage
Z Command pulse output pins: CW and CCW Z Mechanical limit/switch signal input pins: ±EL, PSD/
MSD, and ORG
Z Digital input/output: DIN & DOUT Z Simultaneous Start/Stop signal: STA and STP
General Specifications
Z Connectors: 68-pin SCSI-type connector Z Operating Temperature: 0°C - 50°C Z Storage Temperature: -20°C - 80°C Z Humidity: 5 - 85%, non-condensing
Power Consumption
Z Slot power supply (input): +5V DC ±5%, 900mA max Z External power supply (input): +24V
Z External power supply (output): +5V
±5%, 500mA
±5%, 500mA,
PCI-8144 Dimensions
Z 159mm(L) X 126 mm(W)

1.3 Supported Software

1.3.1 Programming Library

Windows 2000/XP DLLs are provided for the PCI-8144. These function libraries are shipped with the board.

1.3.2 MotionCreatorPro

This Windows-based utility is used to setup cards, motors, and systems. It can also aid in debugging hardware and sof tware prob­lems. It allows for the setting of I/O logic parameters to be loaded in custom program. This product is also bundled with the card.
Refer to Chapter 5 for more details.
Introduction 7

2 Installation

This chapter describes how to install PCI-8144. Please follow these steps below:
X Check what you have (section 2.1) X Check the PCB (section 2.2) X Install the hardware (section 2.3) X Install the software driver (section 2.4) X Understanding the I/O signal connections (chapter 3) and
their operation (chapter 4)
X Understanding the connector pin assignm e nts (the rem a in-
ing sections) and wiring the connections

2.1 Package Contents

In addition to this User’s Guide, the package also includes the fol­lowing items:
X PCI-8144: 4-Axis Stepper Motion Control Card X ADLINK All-in-one Compact Disc X An optional terminal board for wiring purposes if a different
model is ordered.
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materi­als and carton to ship or store the product in the future.
Installation 9

2.2 PCI-8144 Outline Drawing

Figure 2-1: PCB Layout of the PCI-8144
X CN1: Input/Output signal connector X JP2: Direct control to stepper X SW1: Card ID selection X J1-J8: Pulse output selection jumper
10 Installation

2.3 PCI-8144 Hardware Installation

2.3.1 Hardware configuration

The PCI-8144 is fully Plug-and-Play compliant. Hence, memory allocation (I/O port locations) and IRQ channel of the PCI card are assigned by the system BIOS. The address assignment is done on a board-by-board basis for all PCI cards in the system.

2.3.2 PCI slot selection

Some computer system may hav e both PC I and ISA slots. Do not force the PCI card into a PC/AT slot. The PCI-8144 can be used in any PCI slot.

2.3.3 Installation Procedures

1. Read through this manual and setup the jumper accord­ing to your application
2. Turn off your computer. Turn off all accessories (printer, modem, monitor, etc.) connected to computer. Remove the cover from the computer.
3. Select a 32-bit PCI expansion slot. PCI slots are shorter than ISA or EISA slots and are usually white or ivory.
4. Before handling the PCI-8144, discharge any static buildup on your body by touching the metal case of the computer. Hold the edge of the card and do not touch the components.
5. Position the board into the PCI slot you have selected.
6. Secure the card in place at the rear panel of the system unit using screws removed from the slot.

2.3.4 Troubleshooting:

If your system doesn’t boot or if you experience erratic operation with your PCI board in place, it’s most likely caused by an interrupt conflict (possibly an incorrect ISA setup). In general, the solution, once determined it is not a simple oversight, is to consult the BIOS documentation that comes with your system.
Installation 11
Check the control panel of the Windows system if the card is listed by the system. If not, check the PCI settings in the BIOS or use another PCI slot.
12 Installation

2.4 Software Driver Installation

1. Auto run the ADLINK All-In-One CD. Choose Driver Installation -> Motion Control -> PCI-8144.
2. Follow the procedures of the installer.
3. After setup installation is completed, restart windows.
Note: Please download the latest software from ADLINK website if

2.5 SW1 Card Index Selection

The SW1 switch is used to set the card index. For example, if 1 is set to ON and the others are OFF, that card index is 1. The index value can be from 0 to 15. Refer to the following table for details.
Card ID Switch Setting (ON=1)
00000 10001 20010 3 0011 40100 50101 60110 7 0111 81000
91001 10 1010 11 1011 12 1100 13 1101 14 1110 15 1111
Table 2-1: SW1 Card Index
Installation 13
2.6 J1-J8 Pulse Output Type: Differential / Open Col­lector
Jumpers J1-J8 are used to set the ty pe of pulse output signals. The output signal type can either be differential line driver or open collector output. Refer to section 3.1 for detail jumper settings.
J1 & J2 Axis 0 J3 & J4 Axis 1 J5 & J6 Axis 2 J7 & J8 Axis 3

2.7 JP2 Direct Control to Stepper

No. Name Function No. Name Function
1 DGND Bus power ground 2 PB4 Axis 3 Pulser PHB 3 PA4 Axis 4 Pulser PHA 4 PB3 Axis 2 Pulser PHB 5 PA3 Axis 3 Pulser PHA 6 VCC Bus Power +5V 7 DGND Bus power ground 8 PB2 Axis 1 Pulser PHB
9 PA2 Axis 1 Pulser PHA 10 PB1 Axis 0 Pulser PHB 11 PA1 Axis 0 Pulser PHA 12 VCC Bus Power +5V 13 -- N/A 14 -- N/A 15 -- N/A 16 -- N/A 17 -- N/A 18 -- N/A 19 -- N/A 20 -- N/A
Table 2-2: JP2 Direct Control to Stepper
14 Installation

2.8 CN1 Pin Assignments: Main connector

CN1 is the major connector for the motion control I/O signals.
No. Name I/O Function No. Name I/O Function
1 VDD O I solated +5V Output 35 VDD O Isolated +5V Output 2 EGND - Ext. power ground 36 EGND - Ext. power ground 3 CW+ O Positive pulse (+) 37 CW+ O Positive pulse (+) 4 CW- O Positive pulse (-) 38 CW- O Positive pulse (-) 5 CCW+ O Negative pulse (+) 39 CCW+ O Negative pulse (+) 6 CCW- O Negative pulse (- ) 40 CCW- O Negative pulse (-) 7 PEL0 I Positive end limit signal 41 PEL2 I Positive end limit signal 8 MEL0 I Negative end limit signal 42 MEL2 I Negative end limit signal
9 PSD0 I Positive slow down signal 43 PSD2 I Positive slow down signal 10 MSD0 I Negative slow down signal 44 MSD2 I Negative slow down signal 11 ORG0 I Origin signal 45 ORG2 I Origin signal 12 EGND - Ext. power ground 46 EGND - Ext. power ground 13 CW+ O Positive pulse (+) 47 CW+ O Positive pulse (+) 14 CW- O Positive pulse (-) 48 CW- O Positive pulse (-) 15 CCW+ O Negative pulse (+) 49 CCW+ O Negative pulse (+) 16 CCW- O Negative pulse (-) 50 CCW- O Negative pulse (-) 17 PEL1 I Positive end limit signal 51 PEL3 I Positive end limit signal 18 MEL1 I Negative end limit signal 52 MEL3 I Negative end limit signal 19 PSD1 I Positive slow down signal 53 PSD3 I Positive slow down signal 20 MSD1 I Negative slow down signal 54 MSD3 I Negative slow down signal 21 ORG1 I Origin signal 55 ORG3 I Origin signal 22 STP/EMG I Forced stop signal 56 STA I External start signal 23 DIN0 I Digital Input 0 57 DOUT0 O Digital Output 0 24 DIN1 I Digital Input 1 58 DOUT1 O Digital Output 1 25 DIN2 I Digital Input 2 59 DOUT2 O Digital Output 2 26 DIN3 I Digital Input 3 60 DOUT3 O Digital Output 3 27 DIN4 I Digital Input 4 61 DOUT4 O Digital Output 4 28 DIN5 I Digital Input 5 62 DOUT5 O Digital Output 5 29 DIN6 I Digital Input 6 63 DOUT6 O Digital Output 6 30 DIN7 I Digital Input 7 64 DOUT7 O Digital Output 7 31 VDD - Isolated +5V Output 65 DO_COM - Common for DO 32 VDD - Isolated +5V Output 66 DO_COM - Common for DO 33 EGND - Ext. power ground 67 EGND - Ext. power ground 34 EX+24V I +24V isolation power input 68 EX+24V I +24V isol ation power input
Table 2-3: CN1 Pin Assignments
Installation 15
16 Installation

3 Signal Connections

Signal connections of all I/O’s are described in this chapter. Refer to the contents of this chapter before wiring any cables between the PCI-8144 and any stepper drivers.
This chapter contains the following sections: Section 3.1 Pulse Output Signals CW and CCW
Section 3.2 Orig in Sign al ORG Section 3.3 Slow Down input signal Section 3.4 End- Lim it Signa ls PEL an d MEL Section 3.5 Simultaneous start/stop signals STA and STP Section 3.6 Termination Board Section 3.7 General-purposed DIO Section 3.8 JP2 pin definition for stepping singal (Optional)
Signal Connections 17

3.1 Pulse Output Signals CW and CCW

There are 4 axis pulse output signals on the PCI-8144. For each axis, two pairs of CW and CCW signals are used to transmit the pulse train and to indicate the direction. In this section, the electri­cal characteristics of the CW and CCW signals are detailed. Each signal consists of a pair of differential signals. For example, CW2 consists of CW2+ and CW2- signals. The following table shows all pulse output signals on CN1.
CN1 Pin No. Signal Name Description Axis #
3 CW0+ Pulse signals (+) 1 4 CW0- Pulse signals (-) 1 5 CCW0+ Direction signal (+) 1
6 CCW0- Direction signal (-) 1 13 CW1+ Pulse signals (+) 2 14 CW1- Pulse signals (-) 2 15 CCW1+ Direction signal (+) 2 16 CCW1- Direction signal (-) 2 17 CW2+ Pulse signals (+) 3 18 CW2- Pulse signals (-) 3 39 CCW2+ Direction signal (+) 3 40 CCW2- Direction signal (-) 3 47 CW3+ Pulse signals (+) 4 48 CWT3- Pulse signals (-) 4 49 CCW3+ Direction signal (+) 4 50 CCW3- Direction signal (-) 4
18 Signal Connections
The output of the CW or CCW signals can be configured by jump­ers as either differential line drivers or open collector output. Users can select the output mode either by closing breaks between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 of jumpers J1-J8 as follows:
Output Signal
CW0- J1 J1
CCW0- J2 J2
CW1- J3 J3
CCW1- J4 J4
CW2- J5 J5
CCW2- J6 J6
CW3- J7 J7
CCW3- J8 J8
For differential line driver output,
close breaks between 1 and 2 of:
For open collector output, close
breaks between 2 and 3 of:
The default setting of CW and CCW is set to differ ential line driver mode.
The following wiring diagram is for CW and CCW signals on the 4 axes.
Note: If the pulse output is set to open collector output mode, CW-
and CCW- are used to transmit CW and CCW signals. The sink current must not exceed 20mA on the CW- and CCW­pins. The default setting of jumper is 1-2 shorted.
Suggest Usage: Jumper 2-3 shorted and conn ect CW+/CCW+ to a 470 ohm pulse input interface’s COM of driver. See the following figure.
Signal Connections 19
Choose one of CW/CCW+ and CW/CCW- to connec t to driver’s OUT/DIR
Warning: The sink current must not exc eed 20mA or t he 2631 will
be damaged!
20 Signal Connections
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