Manual Rev. 2.00
Revision Date: April 27, 2009
Part No: 50-11162-1000
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The PCI-8124-C is an advanced quadrature encoder counter
board with position compare and high speed trigger pulse output
capability. With a state-of-the-art of FPGA, it can meet most
machine maker requirements – high frequency encoder input and
trigger pulse output.
Typically, most machine makers design motion control systems
and vision inspection systems individually. Specifically, line scan
application, the frame grabber needs high frequency of trigger
pulse input to scan the whole image line-by-line. The more intensive lines, the more precise images users can get. This means
users will have this demand for high frequency of trigger pulse
input. With the advantage of integrating the trigger board and
frame grabber together, the vision system completely retrieves the
encoder information from servo motors or linear sca l e and the tr igger pulse signal can be wired by flat cable internally. It is convenient for system integrators and also reduces the possibility of
signal interference. With FPGA ca lculation, it can also save CPU
loading of host PC.
The PCI-8124-C utilizes a FPGA and FIFO to realize the purpose.
All comparing points will automatically load into FIFO and be compared with the internal comparators. As a result, users do not have
to handle this with software. Besides, the trigger pulse frequency
can be up to 5MHz and the encoder input frequency can be up to
20 MHz. Users will not need to worry about noise disturbance
through the use of a digital filter. With adjustable pulse width,
users can change this with software control as they wish. Furthermore, the relation between comparator and trigger output is mutually corresponding – One comparator to multi-trigger outputs or
Multi-comparators to one trigger output. Eventually, the quantity of
trigger output pulse will be counted and stored in the trigger counter.
The PCI-8124-C offers the board index design. This can let users
have one unique index number in the PC system. For input and
output channel, this board provides two types – TTL (without isolation) and Open Collector (with isolation). The former one can
meet high frequency demand; the latter one can let users have circuit protection.
Introduction 1
ADLINK provides a Windows WDM driver for users. Users can
use DLL function library to build up the application. The block diagram of PCI-8124-C is as follows.
Figure 1-1: PCI-8124-C Block Diagram
PCI Rev 2.2, 32-bit/33Mhz Compliment
Support both PCI-X (3.3V) and PCI (5V) slots
Support 4-bit board ID for multiple boards in one system
4 differential quardrature encoder counter input channels
Each encoder counter input pair supports 1/2/4x A/B phase, dual
pulse (CW/CCW) and signed pulse (OUT/DIR) modes
Internal digital filter
4 trigger output channels via both open collector and TTL pins
Trigger pulse width is software programmable from 0.1µs to
Each trigger output channel is selected from all comparators, man-
ual trigger commands, EZ signal and timers by demands
4 trigger counters that can observe the accuracy of the trigger out-
put pulse quantity
4 comparators for comparing encoder counter and FIFO data
10 comparators for comparing encoder counter and linear data
Each encoder counter source is selected from encoder input pins
or timers
Comparator data is updated by next FIFO data or linear data when
encoder counter is compared and trigger is outputted
14 comparators can select one of 4 trigger output channels individ-
4 channel TTL output pins for general purpose output or trigger
4 channel TTL input pins for general purpose or timer start signal
4 channel high speed latch input pins for counters
EZ and Latch input pins can be used for general purpose input
Latch input logic is selectab l e by risi ng or falling edge
Encoder counter clear via EZ input pin as zero operation
Programmable interrupt sources from linear data finished, trig-
gered, FIFO empty/full/low, latched, TTL input on.
Switch setting for trigger output default level while power on
Trigger output pin logic programmable
Provide DLL and driver to support Windows 2K/XP/Vista
Introduction 3
Main Chip
Chip Vendor: ACTEL
Model No: A3P1000
Power usage: 3.3V and 1.5V
Reference clock: 40Mhz
Encoder Counters:
Number of channels: 4
Type of wiring: dual differential pairs or single-ended pair
Input Isolated photo coupler: PS9115
Isolated Voltage: 2500 Vrms
Maximum input frequency: 20 MHz (under 4xAB mode)
Supported modes: AB phase x1/2/4, CW/CCW, OUT/DIR
Data length: 32-bit
Digital filter: Yes
Zero Operation: EZ input
Counter Comparators:
Number of comparators: 14
Data length: 32-bit
Trigger pulse width: 0.1µs to 3.2765ms programmable
Internal Timers:
Number of timers: 4
Timer base: 400ns
Resolution: 14-bit
Synchronous start signal: TTL input or register setting
Synchronous stop signal: register setting
Trigger Output:
Number of channels: 4
Maximum output frequency: 5Mhz
Output types: Open collector or TTL
Open collector Isolated photo-coupler: PS9115
Open collector Isolated: 2500 Vrms
Continuous triggering method: Timer, FIFO or Linear func-
tion data reloading
Interrupt: Yes, when triggered
Trigger counter: Yes
Comparator FIFO:
Number of FIFO: 4
FIFO depth: 1023x32bits
Interrupt type: Empty/full/low (1/4,1/2,3/4)
Auto reload: Yes, auto reload n ext FIFO data to comparator
when compared
Comparator Linear Function
Number of Linear Functions: 10
Start Address length: 32-bits
Repeat times length: 32-bit
Interval length: 13-bit
Direction length: 1-bit
Interrupt: Yes, when repeat times count to 0
Auto reload: Yes, auto reload next linear data to comparator
when compared
Latch Input
Number of Latch Input pins: 4
Input isolated photo-coupler: PS9115
Isolated Voltage: 2500 Vrms
Band width: 10Mhz
Interrupt: Yes, when latched
Introduction 5
TTL Input
Number of input pins: 4
Photo-coupler Isolated: No
TTL input mode: General purpose or timer synchronous
start signal
TTL output
Number of output pins: 4
Photo-coupler Isolated: No
TTL output mode: General purpose output or trigger output
Slot power supply (input): +5V DC 5%, 450mA(max)
Slot power supply (input): +12V DC 5%, 100mA(max)
Isolation power is from PCI bus (+12V to isolated +5V DC)
PCB Dimension: 151mm(L) X 107mm(W)
1.3Supported Software
1.3.1Programming Library
ADLINK provides Windows WDM driver and DLL function library
for the PCI-8124-C. These function libra ries are shipped with the
board. It supports for Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
Introduction 7
This chapter describes how to inst all the PCI-8124-C. Please follow these steps below:
Check what you have (Section 2.1)
Check the PCB (Section 2.2)
Install the hardware (Section 2.3)
Install the software driver (Section 2.4)
Understanding the I/O signal connections (Chapter 3) and
their operation (Chapter 4)
2.1Package Contents
Except this User’s Guide, the package also inc ludes the following
If any of these items are missing or damaged, contact the dealer
from whom you purchased the product. Save the shipping materials and carton to ship or store the product in the future.
Installation 9
2.2PCI-8124-C Outline Drawing
Figure 2-1: PCI-8124-C PCB Layout
CN1: SCSI 50 pins Connector
CN2: TTL output
SW1: Board ID switch (ID: 0 to 15)
SW2: Default Trigger Level
2.3PCI-8124-C Hardware Installation
2.3.1Hardware Configuration
The PCI-8124-C is fully Plug and Play compliant. Hence memory
allocation (I/O port locations) and IRQ channel of the PCI card are
assigned by the system BIOS. The address assignment is done
on a board-by-board basis for all PCI cards in the system.
2.3.2PCI Slot Selection
Your computer system may have both PCI and ISA slots. Do not
force the PCI card into a PC/A T slot. The PCI-8124 -C can be used
in any PCI slot. It also supports dual voltage PCI bus.
2.3.3Installation Procedures
1. Read through this manual and setup the board index
with SMD switch. The ID range is from 0 to 15.
2. Turn off your computer. Turn off all accessories (printer,
modem, monitor, etc.) connected to computer. Remove
the cover from your computer.
3. Select a 32-bit PCI expansion slot. PCI slots are shorter
than ISA or EISA slots and are usually white or ivory.
4. Before handling the PCI-8124-C, discharge any static
buildup on your body by touching the metal case of the
computer. Hold the edge of the card and do not touch
the components.
5. Position the board into the PCI slot you have selected.
6. Secure the card in place a t the rear pan el of the system
unit using screws removed from the slot.
If your system doesn’t boot or if you experience erratic operation
with your PCI board in place, it’s most likely caused by an interrupt
conflict (possibly an incorrect ISA setup). In general, the solution,
once determined it is not a simple oversight, is to consult the BIOS
documentation that comes with your system.
Installation 11
Check the control panel of the Windows system if the card is listed
by the system. If not, check the PCI settings in the BIOS or use
another PCI slot.
2.4Software Driver Installation
Using the All-In-One CD with PCI-8124-C package and execute
the following steps:
1. Autorun the ADLINK All-In-One CD.
2. Follow the procedures of the installer.
3. After setup installation is completed, restart windows.
2.5CN1 Pin Assignments
CN1 is the 50-pin SCSI type connector for I/O signals.
1INCOM1-Latch input common26INCOM3-Latch input common
2LTC1ILatch input27LTC3ILatch input
3INCOM2-Latch input28INCOM4-Latch input common
4LTC2ILatch input29LTC4ILatch input
5EGND-Trigger output common 30EGND-Latch input common
6TRG1OTrigger output 131TRG3OTrigger output 3
7EGND-Trigger output common 32EGND-Trigger output common
8TRG2OTrigger output 233TRG4OTrigger output 4
1+5V-+5V power supply
2TTL-OUT1 O TTL output signal
3TTL-OUT2 O TTL output signal
4TTL-OUT3 O TTL output signal
5TTL-OUT4 O TTL output signal
6DGND-TTL signal ground
Table 2-2: CN2 Pin Assignments: TTL Output
Note: +5V and DGND pins are provided by the PCI-Bus. There-
fore, these signals are not isolated.
2.7Board Index Switch Setting
The SW1 switch is used to set board unique index. Its range is
from 0 to 15. For example, the board index is 1 if you switch on pin
1 and switch off pin 2, 3 and 4.
2.8Default Trigger Level
The SW2 switch is used to set TRG pin’s default level when power
on. Each bit represents one TRG channel. “ON” position means
default level of TRG channel is set to +5V and OFF position
means it is set to 0V. Manufacturing setting is ON.
3Signal Connections
Signal connections of all I/O’s are described in this chapter. Refer
to the contents of this chapter before wiring any cables between
the PCI-8124-C and the end device.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Section 3.1Connector (CN1) Pin Definition
Section 3.2 Isolated Input Ports (LTC, INCOM)
Section 3.3 Isolated Encoder Differential Input
Section 3.4 Isolated Out pu t Por ts (T RG , EGND)
Section 3.5TTL Input Ports
Section 3.6TTL Output Ports
Signal Connections 15
3.1Connector (CN1) Pin Definition
There are 4 Isolated Latch Inputs, 4 A-B-Z Encoder Inputs, 4 TTL
level Inputs, 4 TTL level outputs and 4 Iso lated Outputs on PCI8124-C. The following table shows the pin assignment of CN1.
There are 4 pairs of isolated input ports on PCI-8124-C. Each pair
has two terminals. One is INCOMx, and the other is LTCx.
Because the input port of the photo coupler utilized on PCI-8124 -C
is single-directional, LTC signal must be lower than INCOM signal.
When there is a differential voltage between LTCx and corresponding INCOMx, the photo coupler will turn on immediately.
There is an internal resistor in the PCI-8124-C circuit as figure
shows below. So it is not necessary to attach additional resistor
connected outside the PCI-8124-C. The forward current of input
signal is 7.5mA to 12.5mA. The typical forward voltage is 1.65V,
and the maximum forward voltage is 1.9V. So users should calculate the appropriate voltage applied on LTCx and INCOMx.
There are 4 pairs of A-B-Z encoder signal inputs on PCI-8124-C.
The pin assignment of these encoder inputs are listed in the following table.
The typical forward voltage of the input diode is 1.65V. And the
forward current of the input diode is 7.5mA to 12.5mA. There is an
internal resistor in the PCI-8124-C circuit as figure shows below.
So if there is no additional resistor connected outside the PCI8124-C, the voltage difference between Encoder+ and Encodershould be lower than 5VDC.
CN1 Pin No. NameDescription
9, 15, 34, 40 EAn+ Isolated Encoder A +
10, 16, 35, 41 EAn- Isolated Encoder A 11, 17, 36, 42 EBn+ Isolated Encoder B +
12, 18, 37, 43 EBn- Isolated Encoder B 13, 19, 38, 44 EZn+ Isolated Encoder Z +
14, 20, 39, 45 EZn- Isolated Encoder Z -
Note: n=1, 2, 3, 4
Signal Connections 19
3.4Isolated Output Ports (TRG, EGND)
There are 4 independent isolated output ports on PCI-8124-C.
Because the use of photo coupler PS9115, the output pull high is
not needed. The pin assignment of the isolated output ports on
PCI-8124-C is as follows, and PS9115 output characteristics are
described in the following figure.