Adler 550-767 Installation Manual

Gestalteter Arbeitsplatz für
Seitenairbag - Sollreißnaht
Engineered work station for
side airbag tearing seam
Bedienanleitung / Operating instructions
Aufstellanleitung / Installing instructions
Postfach 17 03 51, D-33703 BielefeldPotsdamer Straße 190, D-33719 Bielefeld Sprache: D/ GB Telefon + 49 (0) 5 21/ 59 25- 00Telefax+49(0)521/
Ausgabe / Edition: 10/2006 Printed in Federal Republic of Germany Teile-Nr.:/Part-No.: 0791 550034
Übersicht Summary
Bedienanleitung Aufstellanleitung
Serviceanleitung (0791 767651)
9890 550004 B
Operating Instructions Installation Instructions
Service Instructions (0791 767651)
9890 550004 B
This instruction manual is intended to help the user to become familiar with the machine and take advantage of its application possibilities in accordance with the recommendations.
The instruc ti o n m an ual contains i m po rt a nt i nf orm ation on how to operate the machine securely, properly and economically. Observation of the instructions eliminates danger, reduces costs for repair and down-times, and increases the reliability and life of the machine.
The instruction manual is intended to complement existing national accident prevention and environment protection regulations.
The instruc ti o n m an ual must alway s be available at the machine/sewing unit.
The instruction manual must be read and applied by any person that is authorized to work on the machine/sewing unit. This means:
Operation, i ncl u di n g e qu i pp i ng , t r ou bl e s ho ot i ng du r ing the work
cycle, removing of fabric waste, – Service (maintenance, inspection, repair and/or – Transport.
The user also has to assure that only authorized personnel work on the machine.
The user is o bl i g ed to c he ck th e m ac h i ne at l ea s t o nc e pe r shi f t f or apparent da ma ge s and to immedia tl y r e po r t a ny c h an ge s ( inc l u di n g the performanc e i n se r vi c e), wh i c h im pa i r th e sa fe ty.
The user comp an y mu s t e ns u re that the machi n e i s o nl y o pe r at ed i n perfect working order.
Never remove or disable any safety devices.
If safety dev i c e s ne ed to be removed for equi pp i ng , r e pa i ri ng or maintaining, the safety devices must be remounted directly after completion of the maintenance and repair work.
Unauthorized modification of the machine rules out liability of the manufacture r fo r da ma ge res u l ti n g f r om th i s .
Observe all safety and danger recommendations on the machine/unit! The yellow -and-black str i pe d surfaces desig na t e pe rma ne nd danger areas, eg danger of squashing, cutting, shearing or collision.
Besides the recommendations in this instruction manual also observe the general safety and accident prevention regulations!
General safety instructions
The non-observance of the following safety instructions can cause bodily injuries or damages to the machine.
1. The machine must only be commissioned in full knowledge of the instruction book and operated by persons with appropriate training.
2. Before putting into service also read the safety rules and instructions of the motor supplier.
3. The machine must be used only for the purpose intended. Use of the machine without the safety devices is not permitted. Observe all the relevant safety regulations.
4. When gauge parts are exchanged (e.g. needle, presser foot,
needle plate, feed dog and bobbin) when threading, when the workplace is left, and during service work, the machine must be disconnected from the mains by switching off the master switch or disconnecting the mains plug.
5. Daily servicing work must be carried out only by appropriately trained persons.
6. Repairs, conversion and special maintenance work must only be carried out by technicians or persons with appropriate training.
7. For service or repair work on pneumatic systems, disconnect the machine from the compressed air supply system (max. 7-10 bar). Before disconnecting, reduce the pressure of the maintenance unit. Exceptions to this are only adjustments and functions checks made by appropriately trained technicians.
8. Work on the electrical equipment must be carried out only by electricians or appropriately trained persons.
9. Work on parts and systems under electric current is not permitted, except as specified in regulations DIN VDE 0105.
10. Conversion or changes to the machine must be authorized by us
and made only in adherence to all safety regulations.
11. For repairs, only replacement parts approved by us must be used.
12. Commissioning of the sewing head is prohibited until such time
as the entire sewing unit is found to comply with EC directives.
It is absolutely necessary to respect
the safety instructions marked by these signs.
Danger of bodily injuries !
Please note also the general safety instructions.
Contents Page:
Part 2: Installing Instructions, Class 550-767
1. Items delivered
2. General and transport packing
2.1 Transportpacking .............................................. 3
2.2 Connecting the control unit (PC) ...................................... 3
2.3 Transportwithincustomerpremises ................................... 3
2.4 V-belttension................................................. 4
2.5 Mounting the reel stand ........................................... 4
2.6 Adjustingworkingheight .......................................... 5
2.7 Pedal adjustment ............................................... 5
3. Electrical connection
3.1 Nominalvoltage................................................ 6
3.2 Checkingthedirectionofrotation..................................... 6
3.3 Checkingthepositioning .......................................... 7
3.4 Settingparameters.............................................. 8
4. Pneumatic connection
5. Lubrication
5.1 Topping up with oil .............................................. 10
5.2 Adjustingshuttlelubrication ........................................ 10
5.3 Oilingwicksandfelt............................................. 11
............................................... 2
........................................... 9
6. Sewing test
.................................................. 12
1. Items delivered
What items are supplied depends on your order. Before setting-up please check that all the required components are present.
Basic equipment
maintenance unit 1
Knee switch 2
sewing lamp
Additional equipment
Minor components in the accessory pack
+ 12 hidden pages