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specications, diagrams, images, and instructions herein are
subject to change without notice. ADJ Products, LLC logo and
identifying product names and numbers herein are trademarks
of ADJ Products, LLC. Copyright protection claimed includes all
forms and matters of copyrightable materials and information
now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted.
Product names used in this document may be trademarks or
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hereby acknowledged. All non-ADJ Products, LLC brands and
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
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ADJ Products, LLC and all aliated companies hereby dis-
claim any and all liabilities for property, equipment, building,
and electrical damages, injuries to any persons, and direct or
indirect economic loss associated with the use or reliance of
any information contained within this document, and/or as a
result of the improper, unsafe, unsucient and negligent assembly, installation, rigging, and operation of this product.
User Instructions
Europe Energy Saving Notice
Energy Saving Matters (EuP 2009/125/EC)
Saving electric energy is a key to help protecting the enviroment.
Please turn o all electrical products when they are not in use. To
avoid power consumption in idle mode, disconnect all electrical
equipment from power when not in use. Thank you!

RGBW4C IR General Information
RGBW4C IR General Instructions
Unpacking: Thank you for purchasing the RGBW4C IR by ADJ Products, LLC. Every RGBW4C IR has been thoroughly tested and has
been shipped in perfect operating condition. Carefully check the shipping carton for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If the
carton appears to be damaged, carefully inspect your xture for any
damage and be sure all equipment necessary to operate the unit has
arrived intact. In the event damage has been found or parts are missing, please contact our toll free customer support number for further
instructions. Please do not return this unit to your dealer without con-
tacting customer support rst.
The RGBW4C IR is a 32-channel RGB, RGBW or RGBA
LED controller. Up to 8 LED fixtures or fixture groups can independently be controlled via four fixture buttons. The units control panel
includes; 9 “Static Color/Chase” buttons, which contain pre-programmed colors and chase programs, 3 programmable color preset
buttons, 4 multi function faders that control RGBW intensities, as well
as program speed, fade time, and master dimmer. There are 8 buttons used to select the operation mode, including RGB Fade, Auto
Run, Color Macro, Chase, Sound Active, Strobe, Manual RGBW and
Blackout modes. The RGBW4C IR is one of the simplest and most ver-
satile LED controllers available today. It is ideal for D.J.’s, nightclubs,
lounges, bars, and anyone that wants easy control of LED Par’s, Bar’s,
Flood’s, or Panel’s.
Customer Support: ADJ Products, LLC provides a toll free customer
support line, to provide help and to answer any question should you
encounter problems during your set up or initial operation. You may
also visit us on the web at www.adj.com for any comments or sugges-
tions. Service Hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Pacic Standard Time.
Voice: (800) 322-6337
Fax: (323) 582-2941
E-mail: support@americandj.com
To purchase parts online visit http://parts.americandj.com
To optimize the performance of this product, please read these
operating instructions carefully to familiarize yourself with the basic
operations of this unit. These instructions contain important safety
information regarding the use and maintenance of this unit. Please
keep this manual with the unit, for future reference.
RGBW4C IR Features
• 9 Static Colors
• RGBW Faders To Create Desired Color
• 9 Chases
• Auto, Program, RGBW, Chase, and Sound Active Modes
• Adjustable Program and Fade Speed
• Adjustable Sound Sensitivity
• Strobing
• Blackout
ADJ LED RC2 Compatible (
Sold separetely)
RGBW4C IR Product Registration
The RGBW4C IR carries a 1 year (365 days) limited warranty. Please
fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase and warranty. You may also register your product online at www. americandj.
com. All returned service items whether under warranty or not, must
be freight pre-paid and accompany a return authorization (R.A.) number. If the unit is under warranty you must provide a copy of your proof
of purchase invoice. Please contact ADJ customer support for a R.A.
Warning! To prevent or reduce the risk of electrical shock or re, do
not expose this unit to rain or moisture.
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ADJ Products, LLC www.adj.com - RGBW4C IR Page 3

Termination reduces signal errors and
avoids signal transmission problems
and interference. It is always advisable
to connect a DMX terminal, (Resistance
120 Ohm 1/4 W) between PIN 2 (DMX-)
and PIN 3 (DMX +) of the last fixture.
and PIN 3 (DMX +) of the last fixture.
Power Supply: Before plugging your unit in, be sure the source volt-
age in your area matches the required voltage for your ADJ RGBW4C
IR. The ADJ RGBW4C IR is 120v only. Only use the included power
supply to power RGBW4C IR.
DMX-512: DMX is short for Digital Multiplex. This is a universal pro-
tocol used by most lighting and controller manufactures as a form of
communication between intelligent fixtures and controllers. A DMX
controller sends DMX data instructions from the controller to the fixture. DMX data is sent as serial data that travels from fixture to fixture
via the DATA “IN” and DATA “OUT” XLR terminals located on all DMX
fixtures (most controllers only have a DATA “OUT” terminal).
DMX Linking: DMX is a language allowing all makes and models of
dierent manufactures to be linked together and operate from a single
controller, as long as all xtures and the controller are DMX compli-
ant. To ensure proper DMX data transmission, when using several
DMX fixtures try to use the shortest cable path possible. The order
in which fixtures are connected in a DMX line does not influence the
DMX addressing. For example; a fixture assigned a DMX address of 1
may be placed anywhere in a DMX line, at the beginning, at the end,
or anywhere in the middle. Therefore, the first fixture controlled by
the controller could be the last fixture in the chain. When a fixture is
assigned a DMX address of 1, the DMX controller knows to send DATA
assigned to address 1 to that unit, no matter where it is located in the
DMX chain.
Data Cable (DMX Cable) Requirements (For DMX and Master/Slave
Operation): Your DMX controller require a standard 3-pin XLR connec-
tor for data input and data output (Figure 1). We recommend Accu-Cable
DMX cables. If you are making your own cables, be
sure to use standard 110-120 Ohm shielded cable
(This cable may be purchased at almost all pro
lighting stores). Your cables should be made with
a male and female XLR connector on either end of
the cable. Also remember that DMX cable must be
daisy chained and cannot be split.
Notice: Be sure to follow gures two and three when making your own
cables. Do not use the ground lug on the XLR connector. Do not connect the cable’s shield conductor to the ground lug or allow the shield
conductor to come in contact with the XLR’s outer casing. Grounding
the shield could cause a short circuit and erratic behavior.
Figure 2
XLR Pin Conguration
Pin 1 = Ground
Pin 2 = Data Compliment (negative)
Pin 3 = Data True (positive)
Figure 4
XLR Male Socket
1 Ground
2 Cold
3 Hot
XLR Female Socket
2 Cold
1 Ground
3 Hot
Figure 3
Special Note: Line Termination.
When longer runs of cable are
used, you may need to use a terminator on the last unit to avoid erratic
behavior. A terminator is a 110-120 ohm 1/4 watt resistor which is connected between pins 2 and 3 of a male XLR connector (DATA + and
DATA -). This unit is inserted in the female XLR connector of the last
unit in your daisy chain to terminate the line. Using a cable terminator
(ADJ part number Z-DMX/T) will decrease the possibilities of erratic
Termination reduces signal errors and
avoids signal transmission problems
and interference. It is always advisable
to connect a DMX terminal, (Resistance
120 Ohm 1/4 W) between PIN 2 (DMX-)
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Figure 1