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ADT22XA Series Calibrators..................................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Standard Accessories.......................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 Working Environment.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
7. Structure and Functions...................................................................................................................................................... 16
8.2.3 Frequency Measurement............................................................................................................................................. 21
8.2.7 Current Measurement.................................................................................................................................................. 23
8.3.1 Changing the Source Value......................................................................................................................................... 26
8.3.2 Fine Tuning the Source Value...................................................................................................................................... 26
8.3.8 Frequency Source....................................................................................................................................................... 31
8.3.11 Current Source....................................................................................................................................................... 33
8.3.12 Pressure Source(only available with pressure module).............................................................................................. 33
9.3 Date and Time..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
9.4.5 Pressure Leak Test(only pressure module is available)................................................................................................ 41
9.4.6 Unit Converters(Temperature, Pressure, Mass Flow and Volume Flow)...................................................................... 42
9.5 System Settings................................................................................................................................................................. 42
9.5.3 Auto Power Off.............................................................................................................................................................. 42
9.6 System Calibration.............................................................................................................................................................. 43
9.7 24V dc Loop Power........................................................................................................................................................... 43
9.9 Help Guide........................................................................................................................................................................ 44
10. Task and AsCal.................................................................................................................................................................. 45
10.1 What is AsCal?................................................................................................................................................................ 45
10.2 Creating a New Task........................................................................................................................................................ 47
10.4 Select a Task to Be Calibrated......................................................................................................................................... 49
10.5 Viewing the Task Results................................................................................................................................................. 54
11. HART Communication(only HART is available).............................................................................................................. 56
11.1 Brief and Note.................................................................................................................................................................. 56
11.2 Connect to a HART Device.............................................................................................................................................. 56
11.3 HART Process Variables.................................................................................................................................................. 59
11.4 HART Diagnostics and Service........................................................................................................................................ 60
11.4.2 PV Zero Trim............................................................................................................................................................... 60
11.4.4 Special Calibration...................................................................................................................................................... 63
This user manual will guide you through the specifications and functions of the ADT22XA series calibrators
For further information please feel free to visit our website www additel com
1 Specifications
ADT221A Multifunction Temperature Calibrator
ADT222A Multifunction Process Calibrator
ADT223A Documenting Process Calibrator
ADT221A Multifunction Temperature Calibrator
ADT222A Multifunction Process Calibrator
ADT223A Documenting Process Calibrator
Other utility functions
ADT221A Multifunction Temperature Calibrator
ADT222A Multifunction Process Calibrator
ADT223A Documenting Process Calibrator
On offRTDsTC
Note: ● :Available ○ U:Unavailable: CDP Series Intelligent Digital Pressure Modules
2 Safety Information
3 Accessories
3 1 Standard Accessories
3 sets (6 pcs)
1set (2 pcs)
Short circuit cable
Test leads
Chargeable Li ion battery110V 220V external power adapter
3 2 Optional Accessories
Intelligent digital
pressure modules
Pressure module
connection cable
USB to RS232 Cold Junction
compensation kits
4 Cautions
◆ Do not connect the test leads before toggling to another measurement or sourcing function
◆ Regular cleaning and maintenance is recommended
If the calibrator exhibits any unusual behavior contact Additel Corporation to help troubleshoot the problem
5 Technical Index
Temperature: (-10 to 50)°C.Relative humidity: <90% (Non-condensing).Atmosphere pressure: (86 to 106) kPa
Temperature: (-20 to 60)°C.Relative humidity: <90% (Non-condensing).
Power supply: polymer Li-ion rechargeable battery or 10VDC adaptor.Charge mode: specified 10VDC adaptor (charging time is less than 4 hours).Working time: more than 15 hours (The battery icon will blink when the power is low. It will power off automatically if no power
charge is left).
To get the best sourcing and measuring performance, the battery power supply is recommended.
Display: 3 5 inch high resolution TFT color screen.Size: 192mm x 100mm x 52mm (L x W x H), Weight: 0 7kg.Measure and source jacks: standard Φ4mm electrical jack.Thermocouple measure and simulation (for cold junction and automatic compensation modes): flat mini-size connection.Charger connection: standard Φ 2 1mm charger jack.Rs232 interface: standard RS232-DB9 socket.Pressure module: five-pole circular push-pull connector.
Rs232 parameter: baudrate is 2400, 4800, 9600 or 19200, data bits is 8, stop bits is 1, address is from 1 to 121.Real-time clock: three date formats are selectable. The year range is 2000 to 2099, and the time format is 24-hour.
Electrical Signal Measure Specifications: (working environment: 205°C accuracy for one year)±
Table 5-1
Voltage DC
Current DC
Two wire
Three wire
Four wire
Two wire
Three wire
Four wire
-75 0000 to 75 0000 mV
-30 0000 to 30 0000 V
-30 0000 to 30 0000 mA
0 to 400 000
0 to 400 000
0 to 400 000
0 to 4000 00
0 to 4000 00
0 to 4000 00
1 to 50000 0 Hz
0 to 999999
0 1
0 1mV
0 1
0 1Hz
+3V to +24V
Note1 : When ambient temperature is (-10 to 15°C and 25 to 50°C ) temperature coefficients are:
(1) Voltage, current measurement: ± (0 001 RD+0 0015%FS)/°C
0 01 RD + 3 75
0 01 RD + 1.5 m
0 01 RD + 1 5
0 02 RD + 0 02
0 02 RD + 0 02
0 01 RD + 0 02
0 02 RD + 0 2
0 02 RD + 0 2
0 01 RD + 0 2
0 005 RD + 1Hz
(2) 2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire resistance measurement: ± (0 002 RD0 001%FS)/°C.
Note2: Input features:
(1) Voltage measurement: input impedance > 1M Ω ,overvoltage of ports is ± 300VDC.
(2) Current measurement: input impedance < 10,overvoltage of ports is 1A DC.
(3) Frequency, pulse measurement: Input impedance>500MΩ,square wave, low-level voltage < 0.3V, high-level voltage > 2V,
duty cycle is from 20% to 80%, overvoltage of ports is ±30VDC.
(4) Resistance, RTD measurement: excitation current is about 0 7mA at 400range, and about 0 3mA at 4000range,
(5) Thermocouple, RTD measurement temperature: To be decided by the accuracy of mV measurement, resistance
measurement, according to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90).
(6) Cold junction compensation range:-10 to 50°C,accuracy: ± 0 1°C,calibration is available.
ElectricalSignalSourceSpecifications: (workingenvironment: 20±5°C,accuracy for one year)
(1) Millivolts source: Max load capability is 1mA, load variance ratio less than 50mA.
(2) 12V source: Max load capability is 5mA, load variance ratio less than 1mV/mA.
(3) Current source: Internal 24V power supply, max load capability is 20mA@1k Ω . External power supply, the max voltage is 36V.
(4) Simulating resistance: (1Ω to 110Ω) excitation current (0.6mA to 4mA), (110Ωto 400Ω) excitation current (0.3mA to
4mA), (400Ω to 1000Ω) excitation current (0.06mA to 1.5mA), (1000Ωto 4000Ω) excitation current (0.01mA to 0.6
mA). For (1Ω to 400Ω) range, 1mA driving current is recommended, and for (400Ω to 4000Ω) range, 0.1mA driving
current is recommended.
(5) , : ()%, ,
(6) Loop 24V DC power: The maximum load current is 50mA, ripple<50mV.
(7) Simulating thermocouple, RTD source: To be decided by the accuracy of mV source and resistance source, according to
the ITS-90.
(8) All ports are short circuit protected.
(9) The maximum overvoltage of all the sourcing ports is±30VDC (less than 1 minute duration), the calibrator will be damaged
if this range is exceeded.
IEC 751-100 to 260
IEC 751-50 to 150-50 to 1500 130 170 17
IEC 751-50 to 150
DIN 43760
DIN 43760-100 to 260
-100 to 260
-200 to 200
200 to 600
600 to 850
-200 to 200
200 to 600
600 to 850
-100 to 2600 560 610 61
-50 to 1500 09
-100 to 2600 05
-100 to 2600 06
0 320 22
0 1
0 27
0 12
0 07
0 08
0 160 36
0 54
0 270 40
0 05
0 100 2
0 14
0 67
0 25
0 42
0 54
0 12
0 07
0 08
6 Summary
The ADT22XA series calibrators are high performance instruments, designed for the calibration and troubleshooting of variety
of process instrumentation and controls.