ADC HDU-409 User Manual

HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 Doubler
Revision History of This Manual
To order copies of this manual, use document catalog number LTPH-UM-1234-01.
Issue Release Date Revisions Made
01 April 29, 1998 Initial release of 150-409-100-01. 02 June 24, 1998 Modified front panel and cover. Changed deployment
03 July 14, 1998 Corrected CLEI Code. (150-409-100-03) 04 December 18, 1998 Corrected CLEI Code; new LED indication for margins.
05 December 13, 1999 Added PG-Flex Fault applications and expanded the
01 April 30, 2003 Rebranded PairGain document 150-409-100-05 to new
April 30, 2003 © 2003 ADC DSL Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
rules. (150-409-100-02)
thermal deployment rules. (150-409-100-05)
catalog number and updated to include List 3.
Trademark Information
ADC is a registered trademark of ADC Telecommunications, Inc. HiGain and PG-Flex are registered trademarks of ADC DSL Systems, Inc. No right, license, or interest to such trademarks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to such trademark.
Other product names mentioned in this document are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Disclaimer of Liability
Information containe d in this document i s company private to ADC DSL Systems, Inc., and shall not be modified, used, copied, reproduced or disclose d in who le or in part without the written consent of ADC.
Contents herein are current as of the date of publ ication. ADC reserves the right to change the contents without prior notice. In no event shall ADC be liable for any damages resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits, and ADC further disclaims any and all liability for ind irect, incidenta l, specia l, consequ ential o r other similar damages. This disclaimer of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and after the warranty period.
ii April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
LTPH-UM-1234-01 Using This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Monospace type indicates screen text.
Keys you press are indicated by small icons such as or . Key
combinations to be pressed simultaneously are indicated with a plus sign as follows: + .
Items you select are in bold.
The following types of messages, identified by icons, may be included in text:
Notes provide information about special circumstances.
General cautions indicate the possibility of personal injury, product failure, or equipment damage if instructions are ignored or not completely followed.
An Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) caution indicates that a device or assembly is sus ceptible to damage from electros tatic discharge.
An electrical shock caution indicates the presence of a dangerous level of electrical power and the potential for serious personal injury or equipment damage.
A laser caution indicates the potential for permanent eye damage or blindness due to direct exposure to laser beams.
For a list of abbreviations used in this document, refer to “Appendix E -
Glossary” on page 34.
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 iii
Unpack and Inspect Your Shipment LTPH-UM-1234-01
Upon receipt of the equipment:
Unpack each container and inspect the contents for signs of damage. If
the equipment has been damaged in transit, immediately report the extent of damage to the transportation company and to ADC DSL Systems, Inc. Order replacement equipment, if necessary.
Check the packing list to ensure complete and accurate shipment of each
listed item. If the shipment is short or irregular, contact ADC DSL Systems, Inc. as described in “Appendix D - Product Support” on
page 32. If you must store the equ ipment for a prolonged period, store the
equipment in its original container.
iv April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
LTPH-UM-1234-01 Table of Contents
Overview _______________________________________________ 1 Features________________________________________________ 2 Product Description_____________ ___ ___ ___ ________________ 3 Applications ____________________________________________ 6 PG-Flex Deployment _____________________________________ 7 Generic Information______________________________________ 9
Doubler Enclosure Capacities with Full Solar Load................9
Alternative Doubler Enclosure Capacities.............................16
Mixing HiGain Doublers ....................................................... 18
Micro Doubler Capacity Deployment Rules.......................... 18
Installation ____________________________________________ 20 Loopback Operation in HiGain Systems ____________________ 22 Appendix A - Functional Description_______________________ 25 Appendix B - Specifications_______________________________ 27 Appendix C - Ground Faults______________________________ 29
Ground Fault Detection..........................................................29
HiGain Fault Isolation............................................................30
PG-Flex Fault Isolation..........................................................31
Appendix D - Product Support ____________________________ 32 Appendix E - Glossary___________________________________ 34 Certification and Warranty__________________Inside Back Cover
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 v
List of Figures LTPH-UM-1234-01
1. HDU-409 Front Panel ...........................................................................3
2. Typical HDU Installation with PG-Flex ...............................................7
3. Two Doubler HDU Installation with PG-Flex......................................8
4. AT&T 819 Enclosure, Slot Locations 1 through 14 ...........................17
5. Installing the HDU-409 in an Enclosure.............................................20
6. HiGain Loopbacks...............................................................................24
7. Doubler Block Diagram......................................................................25
1.Front Panel Components and Labels ......................................................4
2.Front Panel Status Indicator LED...........................................................5
3.HDU-409 Circuit Ranges........................................................................6
4.HDU-409 Indoor Enclosure Capacities................................................11
5.Capacities with Full Solar Load, 239 T1 Repeaters .............................12
6.Capacities with Full Solar Load, LD-1 Repeaters................................15
7.SPLB Generic Command Set ...............................................................23
8.HDSL Signal Cable Loss......................................................................26
9.Fault Isolation Guide............................................................................30
10.Fault Isolation Guide for PG-Flex ........................................................ 31
vi April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
LTPH-UM-1234-01 Overview


The ADC® HiGain® HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 are low-power doubler units that extend the range of a HiGain repeaterless T1 transmission system. The doubler units are installed between any do ubler-compatible HiGain Line Unit (HLU) and a HiGain Doubler Unit (HDU) or HiGain Remote Unit (HRU). Each doubler allows 1.544 Mbps transmission over an additional Carrier Serving Area (CSA) range.
Each CSA with one doubler encompasses approximately 24,000 fe et (7.3 km) using 24 American Wire Gauge (AWG) or 18,000 feet (5.5 km) using 26 AWG loops. Two doublers can triple the CSA range up to 36,000 feet (11 km) using 24 AWG or up to 27,000 feet (8.2 km) using 26 AWG loops. Three doublers extend the 24 AWG range up to 48,000 feet (14.6 km) and four doublers (with a locally-powered HRU) extend the range up to 60,000 feet (18.3 km). The HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 are identical except that:
The List 1 is only compatible with the HiGain product line.
Lists 2 and 3 are compatible with HiGain and PG-Flex
Refer to “PG-Flex Deployment” on page 7 for more information regarding the PG-Flex doubler applications.
product lines.
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 1
Features LTPH-UM-1234-01


The unit occupies one standard 239 T1 mechanics slot.
Powered by any doubler-com patible H iGain or PG-F lex (List 2 or L ist 3
only) Central Office (CO) line unit.
Front-panel status display Light Emitting Diode (LED).
Lightning and power-cross pro tecti on on bo t h sides of the High-bit-rate
Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) interface.
Extremely low power dissipation.
Extremely low latency.
Can be used in four-span line-powered circuits (three doublers and one
remote) or five-span locally-powered circuits (four doublers and one remote).
Compatible with PG-Flex List 3x line units in configurations with up to
three spans.
Complies with the applicable requirements of Network Equipment
Building System (NEBS ) G eneric Equipment requirement s o f G R 108 9 CORE and GR 63 CORE compliance.
Minimal wander and jitter.
2 April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
LTPH-UM-1234-01 Product Description


The open-framed cover reduces thermal stress and improves reliability, allowing air to freely circulate over all components. The open cover also permits the doubler to be easily distinguished from the 239 T1 repeater.
Figure 1 on page 3 shows the front panel of the HDU-409 and Table 1 on page 4 describes the doubler unit components and labels.
number label
(located on top)
code label
Figure 1. HDU-409 Front Panel
List number
Status LED
Extraction handle
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 3
Product Description LTPH-UM-1234-01
Table 1. Front Panel Components and Labels
Name Function
Status LED Indicates operational status of doubler
CLEI/ECI Bar Code Label
Configuration number
(see Table 2 on page 5). Contains human-readable Common Language Equipment
Identifier (CLEI) code number and Equipment Catalog Item (ECI) bar code number.
For some products the configuration number may contain either a five- or six-digit warranty configuration number or a stand-alone two- or three-digit configuration number as follows:
Digit 1 - Last digit of shipment year. Digits 2 and 3 - Shipment month. Digits 4, 5, and 6 - Configuration number.
The configuration number identifies the version of the product. New configuration numbers usually accompany changes in the last two characters of the CLEI code.
The configuration number can also be found on a small bar label that also contains the Julian date code. The configuration number appears as either a stand-alone CFG xx number or as a 15-character number comprised of the part number and a 3-character extension. For example, the number 150-2404-15-x03 is comprised of the part number and an x03 configuration number. This gummed label may be attached to the PC board or to the front panel.
The front panel of the HDU-409 contains a tri-color LED. The LED color and activity provides information on system functionality. Table 4 provides a list of all alarm indications in priority order.
4 April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
LTPH-UM-1234-01 Product Description
Table 2. Front Panel Status Indicator LED
LED Description
Flashing Red about once per second
Flashing Red rapidly Indicates an HDSL CRC error has occurred between the
Flashing Yellow about once per second
Flashing Yellow rapidly
Flashing Green about once per second
Flashing Green rapidly Indicates synchronization is being attempted between the
Steady Yellow Indicates the HDSL margin is less than the margin threshold
Steady Green Indicates HDSL frame synchronization has been achieved
Indicates an HDSL Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error has occurred between the HDU-409 and the upstream module.
HDU-409 and the downstream module. Indicates a Network Doubler Unit (NDU) loopback is in effect in
the HDU-409 towards the network. This tests the integrity of the upstream span.
Indicates a Customer Doubler Unit (CDU) loopback is in effect in the HDU-409 towards the customer. This tests the integrity of the downstream span.
Indicates synchronization is being attempted between the HDU-409 and the upstream (network) module.
HDU-409 and the downstream (customer) module.
provisioned for the circuit.
between the HDU-409 and both the upstream and downstream modules.
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 5
Applications LTPH-UM-1234-01


HiGain doublers operate with any number of other T1, Plain Old Telephone System (POTS), Digital Data Service (DDS), or other HiGain systems sharing the same cable binder group.
The HDU-409 can be used in two- to five-span circuits, depending on the models of the HLU and HRU b eing used with the doubler units and the power option chosen for t he HRU. The num ber of d oublers is equal to one less than the number of spans as shown in Figure 6 on page 24.
Table 3 lists the maximum number of HDU-409 doubler units that can be
deployed according to which HLU and HRUs are used.
Each span can take up to 30 seconds to acquire HDSL synchronization. The total time to acquire end-to-end synchronization increases with the number of spans.
Table 3. HDU-409 Circuit Ranges
Maximum Number of HDU-409 Doublers Per Circuit
HLU Model
HLU-388 List 2x, HLU-319 List 2x, HLU-231 List 3D, HLU-231 List 6D, HLU-232 List 1D HLU-231 List 7x, HLU-431 List 1D
HLU-231 List 8D, HLU-319 List 5D, HLU-388 List 5D HLU-231 List 8/List 8E, HLU-319 List 5/List 5E, HLU-388 List 5/List 5E
(a) HRU-411 applications with Current-Customer Premises Equipment (I-CPE) ON are
limited to single HDU-409 doubler circuits. The HRU-412 is limited to applications with
one and two doublers only. (b) Requires HRU-402 or HRU-411. (c) Requires HRU-402 List 1 or List 3.
6 April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
Line-Powered Remote Locally-Powered Remote I-CPE ON I-CPE OFF I-CPE ON I-CPE OFF
1 2 2 2
LTPH-UM-1234-01 PG-Flex Deployment


Figure 2 shows a typical HDU-409 List 2 or List 3 installation for the
PG-Flex subscriber carrier system. For each doubler installed between the PG-Flex Central Office Terminal (COT) and Remote Terminal (RT), two auxiliary power pairs are required between the C OT and RT. A maximum of two doublers may be installed in a PG-Flex system.
Auxiliary Power Pairs
Span 1
9,000' 26 AWG
12,000' 24 AWG
9,000' 26 AWG or 12,000' 24 AWG (without Doubler)
9,000' 26 AWG
12,000' 24 AWG
Figure 2. Typical HDU Installatio n with PG-Flex
Span 2
HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3 April 30, 2003 7
PG-Flex Deployment LTPH-UM-1234-01
With two doublers, four sets of auxiliary power pairs must be installed between COT and the RT. These auxiliary power pairs must be the same wire gauge (or larger) as the pairs used for HDSL and power.
Auxiliary Power Pairs
Span 1 HDSL
Doubler 1 HDU-409-L2 HDU-409-L3
Span 2 HDSL
Doubler 2 HDU-409 L2 HDU-409-L3
Span 3 HDSL
Figure 3. Two Doubler HDU Installation with PG-Flex
PG-Flex systems do not support doubler loopbacks.
The PG-Flex system can operate with a number of other systems, sharin g the same cable binder group, such as:
T1 (1.544 Mbps capability)
Other PG-Flex systems
With doublers, PG-F lex CO line units produce ±125V to ±130V on t he HDSL and auxiliary power pairs. At least ±75V is required at the RT for ringer voltage and POTS loop current to meet specification.
Refer to the PG-Flex COT shelf, RT enclosure, and line unit practices for additional information on PG-Flex powering and auxiliary power pair requirements (see “Documentation” on page iii).
8 April 30, 2003 HDU-409 Lists 1, 2, and 3
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