ADC H2TU-C-231 User Manual

H2TU-C-231 List 2 Line Unit
Product Catalog: H2TU-C-231-L2 CLEI: VACJDLYE
Revision History of This Practice
Revision Release Date Revisions Made
01 January 9, 2002 Initial release.
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1
January 9, 2002 © 2002 ADC DSL Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Trademark Information
ADC is a registered trademark of ADC Telecommunications, Inc. HiGain is a registered trademark of ADC DSL Systems, Inc. No right, license, or interest to such trademarks is granted hereunder, and you agree that no such right, license, or interest shall be asserted by you with respect to such trademark. Other product names mentioned in this practice are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Disclaimer of Liability
Informationcontainedinthisdocumentiscompanyprivateto ADC DSL Systems,Inc.,and shall not be modified,used,copied, reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part without the written consent of ADC.
Contents herein are current as of the date of publication. ADC reserves the right to change the contents without prior notice. In no event shall ADC be liable for any damages resulting from loss of data, loss of use, or loss of profits, and ADC further disclaims any and all liability for indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other similar damages. This disclaimer of liability applies to all products, publications and services during and after the warranty period.
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Using This Manual
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Monospace type indicates screen text.
Keys you press are indicated by small icons such as or . Key combinations to be pressed
simultaneously are indicated with a plus sign as follows: + .
Items you select are in bold.
Three types of messages, identified by icons, appear in text.
Notes contain information about special circumstances.
Cautions indicate the possibility of personal injury or equipment damage.
The Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) susceptibility symbol indicates that a device or assembly is susceptible to damage from electrostatic discharge.
For a list of abbreviations used in this document, refer to “Appendix E - Abbreviations” on page 62.
Upon receipt of the equipment:
Unpack each container and inspect the contents for signs of damage. If the equipment has been damaged in
transit, immediately report the extent of damage to the transportation company and to ADC. Order replacement equipment, if necessary.
Check the packing list to ensure complete and accurate shipment of each listed item. If the shipment is short
or irregular, contact ADC as described in “Appendix D - Product Support” on page 61. If you must store the equipment for a prolonged period, store the equipment in its original container.
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 iii
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Table of Contents
Overview ____________________________________________________________________________ 1
Compatibility .....................................................................................................................................2
Front Panel __________________________________________________________________________ 3 Installation___________________________________________________________________________ 7
Verification ........................................................................................................................................8
Verification without an H2TU-R Remote Unit ...................................................................8
Verification with an H2TU-R Remote Unit ........................................................................8
Provisioning__________________________________________________________________________ 9
Using the MODE and SEL Pushbuttons............................................................................................ 9
Setting Options through MODE and SEL ...........................................................................9
Resetting to Factory Default Values.................................................................................. 10
Displaying System Parameter Settings..............................................................................10
Disabling an Alarm............................................................................................................10
Loopback Modes ...............................................................................................................10
Using a Maintenance Terminal........................................................................................................11
Connecting to a Maintenance Terminal.............................................................................11
Logon Screen.....................................................................................................................11
Provisioning Tasks...........................................................................................................................13
Setting Date and Time .......................................................................................................13
Setting Circuit ID Numbers...............................................................................................14
Configuring the System .....................................................................................................15
Clearing the History, Alarm, and Event Log Screens .......................................................23
Monitoring System Activity and Performance ____________________________________________ 24
Using the Monitor Screen to View System Activity........................................................................24
Using the Performance Screens to View Performance Data............................................................26
Performance History at the DS1 Interface .........................................................................26
Performance History at the HDSL2 Interface ...................................................................30
Using the Performance Screens to View Alarm Data......................................................................32
Alarm History at the DS1 Interface...................................................................................33
Alarm History at the HDSL2 Interface..............................................................................35
Using the System Event Log to Track Events .................................................................................36
Using the Report Menu....................................................................................................................37
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 v
Testing _____________________________________________________________________________40
System Alarms.................................................................................................................................40
Alarm Option for Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) Feed ........................................................ 41
Retiring System Alarms.................................................................................................... 41
Remote LOS and AIS Response.......................................................................................42
OCT55 Test Pattern with AMI Line Code ......................................................................................42
Loopback Operation........................................................................................................................43
Generic Loopback Commands.......................................................................................... 43
Special Loopback Commands........................................................................................... 45
Manual Loopback Session ................................................................................................46
Loopback Test Procedures .............................................................................................................. 47
General Troubleshooting Tips ..........................................................................................47
GNLB Test Procedures..................................................................................................... 47
A1LB, A2LB, and A5LB Test Procedures .......................................................................49
A3LB and A4LB Test Procedures ....................................................................................51
Testing with H2TU-C BERT Generator.......................................................................................... 52
Testing with H2TU-R BERT Generator.......................................................................................... 53
Appendix A - Specifications____________________________________________________________54
Power Consumption ........................................................................................................................ 55
Maximum Power Dissipation.......................................................................................................... 55
Maximum Current Drain.................................................................................................................55
Loop Attenuation, Insertion L oss, and Reach.................................................................................56
H2TU-C-231 List 2 Card-Edge Connector ..................................................................................... 57
Network Management Control Bus ..................................................................................57
Fuse Alarm........................................................................................................................ 58
System Alarm Output Pins................................................................................................ 58
Craft Port......................................................................................................................................... 58
Appendix B - FunctionalOperation _____________________________________________________ 59
Timing .............................................................................................................................................59
Ground Fault Detect........................................................................................................................59
Appendix C - Compatibility____________________________________________________________ 60 Appendix D - Product Support _________________________________________________________ 61 Appendix E - Abbreviations____________________________________________________________ 62 Certification and Warranty______________________________________________ Inside Back Cover
vi January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 List of Figures
1. H2TU-C-231 List 2 Front Panel.......................................................................................................................3
2. Installing the H2TU-C-231 List 2 into a Shelf.................................................................................................7
3. Logon Screen..................................................................................................................................................12
4. Config Menu - Date and Time........................................................................................................................13
5. Inventory Screen............................................................................................................................................. 14
6. Config Menu...................................................................................................................................................15
7. Config Menu - Standard Options (defaults shown) ........................................................................................16
8. Config Menu - ADC Options (defaults shown) .............................................................................................16
9. Config Menu - Set Factory Defaults ..............................................................................................................22
10. Config Menu - Master Clear...........................................................................................................................23
11. Monitor Screen - Active Loopback with Al arms ...........................................................................................24
12. H2TU-R DS1 31-Day Performance History ..................................................................................................26
13. H2TU-C DS1 48-Hour Performance History.................................................................................................27
14. H2TU-R DS1 25-Hour Performance History.................................................................................................27
15. H2TU-R DS1 Current Statistics .....................................................................................................................28
16. H2TU-C DS1 Current Statistics .....................................................................................................................28
17. H2TU-C HDSL2 31-Day Performance History.............................................................................................30
18. H2TU-C HDSL2 48-Hour Performance History ...........................................................................................30
19. H2TU-C HDSL2 25-Hour Performance History ...........................................................................................31
20. H2TU-C HDSL2 Current Statistics................................................................................................................31
21. H2TU-C DS1 Alarm History Screen..............................................................................................................33
22. H2TU-R DS1 Alarm History Screen..............................................................................................................33
23. H2TU-C HDSL2 Alarm History Screen ........................................................................................................35
24. System Event Log...........................................................................................................................................36
25. Report Menu - Full Report .............................................................................................................................37
26. H2TU-R LOS and AIS Response Priorities...................................................................................................42
27. Loopback Summary........................................................................................................................................43
28. Loopback Modes ............................................................................................................................................48
29. H2TU-C BERT Generator Screen..................................................................................................................52
30. H2TU-R BERT Generator Screen..................................................................................................................53
31. H2TU-C-231 List 2 Card-Edge Connector .................................................................................................... 57
32. RS-232 Craft Port Pinouts..............................................................................................................................58
33. H2TU-C-231 List 2 Block Diagram...............................................................................................................59
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 vii
1. Front-Panel Description................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Front-Panel Display Messages......................................................................................................................... 5
3. Navigational Keys for the Maintenance Terminal Screens........................................................................... 11
4. Logon Screen Menus .................................................................................................................................... 12
5. H2TU-C-231 List 2 Standard C onfig Menu Options .................................................................................... 17
6. H2TU-C-231 List 2 ADC Config Menu Options .......................................................................................... 18
7. DS1/DSX-1 24-Hour PM Threshold .............................................................................................................21
8. Monitor Screen Descriptions .........................................................................................................................25
9. Acronyms Used on the DS1 Performance History Screens........................................................................... 29
10. Acronyms Used on the HD SL2 Performance History Screens .....................................................................32
11. DS1 Alarm Des criptions................................................................................................................................34
12. HDSL2 Alarm Descriptions........................................................................................................................... 35
13. Report Types..................................................................................................................................................38
14. Event Log Entry Messages List ..................................................................................................................... 39
15. Front-Panel System Alarms Summary ......................................................................................................... 40
16. Summary of HiGain HDSL2 Loopback Codes and Activation Methods...................................................... 44
17. Addressable Repeater Loopback Commands (A1LB, A2LB, A5LB)........................................................... 49
18. Addressable Repeater Loopback Commands (A3LB and A4LB)................................................................. 51
19. BERT Signal Generator Option Settings....................................................................................................... 52
20. H2TU-C-231 Power Parameters....................................................................................................................55
21. HDSL2 Reach Chart...................................................................................................................................... 56
viii January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Overview


The H2TU-C-231 List 2 line unit is the Central Office (CO) side of a T1 transmission system. The HiGain™ HDSL2 product family is fully comp liant with the HDSL2 standard ANSI T1.418-2000. Providing full-rate T1 accessusingjust a single copper pair, HDSL2 is a cost-effectivesolutionthatoffersan open architecture. The open architecture inherent in HDSL2 guarantees interoperability allowing simple and economic accommodation o f network growth.
HiGain HDSL2 products provide 1.544 Mbps transmission on one unconditioned copper pair over the full Carrier Service Area (CSA) range. The CSA includes loops up to 12,000 feet of 24 AWG wire or 9 ,000 feet of 26 AWG wire, including bridged taps.


HDSL2 transmission features Lightning and power cross-protection on HDSL2 interfaces Full-duplex HDSL2 transmission on one pair at 1.552 Mbps Ultra-low wander (Stratum 1 compliant) Grounded loop detection on High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line 2 (HDSL2) Sources sealing current when connected to any locally powered H4TU-R-402
Front-panel provisioning features Four-character status display DS1 splitting and bridging access Status Light Emitting Diode (LED) RS-232 craft port for connection to a maintenance terminal Front-panel dual loopback commands
Maintenance screens for inventory, provisioning, and troubleshooting DS1 and HDSL2 performance monitoring DS1 and HDSL2 alarm hist ories Payload (PL) and HiGain (HG) loopback source identification Margin Alarm (MAL) threshold Report menu option for downloading status and performance monitoring data to a file Bit Error Rate (BER) Tester (BERT)
Network Management and Administration (NMA) interface
Configuration options Selectable DSX-1 pre-equalizer Bipolar Violation Transparency (BPVT) Bit Error Rate (BER) alarm Power Back Off Network (PBON) and Power Back Off Customer (PBOC) options for configuring
HDSL2 transmit power levels
Loss of Signal/Alarm Indication Signal (LOS/AIS) payload alarm
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 1
Remote provisioning Selectable loopback activation codes
Additional (Loopback Timeout) LBTO settings of 8 hours and 24 hours
Compatible with Small Cross-Section Shelf (SXS S) and equipment
DS1 is used throughout this document to refer to either the remote unit’s DS1 interface or the line unit’s DSX-1 interface.


The H2TU-C-231 List 2 is designed to mount in 220 mechanics shelves. For a list of compatible shelves see
“Appendix C - Compatibility” on page 60.


HiGain HDSL2 systems provide a cost-effective, easy-to-deploy method for delivering T1 High Capacity Digital Service (HCDS) over a single copper pair. HiGain HDSL2 systems support a multitude of network connections and system models.
The service is deployed over one unconditioned, non-loaded copper pair.
Conventional inline DS1 repeaters are no longer required.
Cable pair conditioning, pair separation, and bridged tap removal are not required.
Each loop has no more than 35 dB of loss at 196 kHz, with driving and terminating impedances of 135 general, HiGain HDSL2 systems:
Operate effectively in the same cable binder group with other HDSL2 lines, HDSL, DS1, ADSL, SDSL,
POTS, Digital Data Service (DDS), and other transmission schemes.
Can be used with customers requiring DS1 service on a temporary or permanent basis.
Provide a means of quickly deploying service in advance of fiber-optic transmission systems.
2 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2

LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Front Panel

Figure 1 shows the H2TU-C-231 List 2 front panel. Table 1 on page 4describes the front-panel components. For
a list of front-panel display messages, refer to “Front-Panel Display Messages” on page 5. For pinoutdiagrams of the H2TU-C card-edge connector and craft port, refer to “Appendix A - Specifications” on page 54.
HiGain HDSL2
Front-panel display
CLEI and ECI barcode label
List number
H 2 T U
C 2
3 1
R S 2 3 2
MODE and SEL pushbuttons
Status LED
DSX-1 access jacksDSX-1 access jacks
Craft port
Retaining latch
Figure 1. H2TU-C-231 List 2 Front Panel
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 3
Table 1. Front-Panel Description
Front-Panel Feature Function
Front-panel display Displays four-character status, provisioning, and alarm system messages. The front-panel
display illuminates when power is initially applied. To conserve power, the display only remains on for 5 minutes. Using the MODE or SEL pushbuttons reactivates the display and restarts the 5-minute timer. Refer to Table 2 on page 5 for a listing of the four-character messages.
MODE and SEL pushbuttons Permits the user options to be monitored and modified without the need of a maintenance
terminal. Used to initiate all loopbacks and to display DSX-1 line parameters and line unit identity.
Status LED The status LED can report the following conditions:
Off Line power is off. Green Normal operation. Red Fuse alarm. Flashing red HDSL2 acquisition or system alarm. Yellow An H2TU-C-231 Customer Remote Loopback (CREM) or a Network Local Loopback (NLOC) is in
Flashing yellow H2TU-C-231 is in an Armed (ARM) state.
DSX-1 access jacks
BRG Provides non-intrusive bridging jack access to (IN) and from (OUT) the HDSL2 span at the DSX-1
interface. Allows the two DS1 payloads to be monitored.
LINE Provides splitting jack access to (IN) and from (OUT) the HDSL2 span at the DSX-1 interface.
Breaks the IN and OUT paths to permit test signal insertion and retrieval.
Craft port (RS-232) Provides bidirectional communication between the unit and an external terminal to allow
configuration and performance monitoring through the maintenance terminal screens.
CLEI and ECI bar code label Provides the human-readable Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code number and
the Equipment Catalog Item (ECI) bar code number. List number Identifies the list number of the H2TU-C-231. Retaining latch Retains the card in the shelf when pulled up and extracts the card from the shelf when pulled
4 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Front Panel
Table 2 lists the front-panel display messages. The four-character display reports the code of a pertinent alarm,
loopback,or diagnostic messageand, in some cases, is followed by a second four-character message that modifies the first message with a value or current configuration setting.
Table 2. Front-Panel Display Messages
Message Full Name Description
ACO Alarm Cutoff A system alarm has occurred and has been retired to an ACO condition by
ALRM Alarm Condition Exists A system alarm condition is in effect. DBER DS1 Bit Error Rate A system DS1 BER alarm is in effect and remains in effect until cleared. HBER HDSL2 Block Error Rate A system HDSL2 Block Error Rate alarm is in effect. LA Loop Attenuation Indicates that the attenuation on the HDSL2 loop has exceeded the
LAIS Line Alarm Indication Signal Indicates an AIS (unframed all ones) pattern, is being received or
LLOS Line (Unit) Loss of Signal Indicates that no signal is detected at the DSX-1 input to the H2TU-C.
LOSW Loss of Sync Word Indicates that the HDSL2 loop has lost synchronization. LRAI Line RAI Indicates an RAI alarm (yellow) from the CPE with an error-free signal
MAL Margin Alarm The margin on HDSL2 loop has dropped below the threshold
PWR FEED GND Ground The HDSL2 loop is grounded. PWR FEED OPEN Open Indicates a line power open condition. PWR FEED SHRT Short Indicates a short between the Tip and Ring of the HDSL2 pair. PRMF Performance Report Messaging -
Far End
PRMN Performance Report Messaging -
Near End
RAIS Remote Alarm Indication Signal Indicates an AIS an (unframed all ones) pattern is being received at the
RLOS Remote (Unit) Loss of Signal Indicates that no signal is detected at the DS1 input to the H2TU-R. Causes
RRAI Remote RAI Indicates an RAI alarm (yellow) from the CPE with errors from the line unit
TUC Transmission Unit Central Office Accompanies the HBER, MAL, and LA alarm and indicates that the alarm
TUR Transmission Unit Remote End Accompanies the HBER, MAL, and LA alarm and indicates that the alarm
pressing the SEL pushbutton on the H2TU-C front panel.
maximum threshold value.
transmitted at the H2TU-C DS1 input or output ports.
Causes a system alarm.
from the line unit or network. RAI signal is transmitted towards the network.
(0 to 15 dB) as set by the operator.
H2TU-R PRM-FE BER threshold has been exceeded.
H2TU-R PRM-NE BER threshold has been exceeded.
H2TU-R DS1 input port.
a system alarm.
or network.
has occurred at the H2TU-C central office unit.
has occurred at the H2TU-R remote unit.
CLOC Customer Local Loopback Signal from customer is looped back to the customer at the H2TU-R. COLB Central Office Loopback Dual loopback at the H2TU-C. CREM Customer Remote Loopback Signal from customer is looped back to the customer at H2TU-C-231. NLOC Network Local Loopback DSX-1 signal is looped back to the network at the H2TU-C.
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 5
Table 2. Front-Panel Display Messages (Continued)
Message Full Name Description
NREM Network Remote Loopback DSX-1 signal is looped back to the network at the H2TU-R. RULB Remote Unit Loopback Dual loopback at the H2TU-R. SMJK Remote SmartJack Loopback DSX-1 signal is looped back to the network at the H2TU-R SmartJack module.
A = xx Maximum Loop Attenuation The Attenuation (A) message appears followed by xx, where xx is the
highest loop attenuation measured in dB.
ACQ Acquisition The multiplexers of the H2TU-C and H2TU-R are trying to establish
synchronization over the HDSL2 loop. ARM HiGain System Armed Armed to respond to Intelligent Repeater Loop (ILR) codes. BAD RT? No Response from H2TU-R The H2TU-C does not receive any response from the H2TU-R and all
HDSL2 loop conditions are normal. Therefore, the integrity of the H2TU-R
or the HDSL2 loop is questionable. FERR Framing Bit Error Occurred Framing bit error occurred at H2TU-C DSX-1 input. FLDL Flash Download Flash download of firmware upgrades. Contact Customer Service for
upgrades procedures (see “Appendix D - Product Support” on page 61). HES HDSL2 CRC Error H2TU-C HDSL2 Loop Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) error. LBPV Local Bipolar Violation A bipolar violation has been received at the DSX-1 input to the
H2TU-C-231. M=xx HDSL2 Loop Margin Indicates the power of the received HDSL2 signal relative to noise (S/N
with respect to 21.5 dB). Any value of 6 dB or greater is adequate for
reliable system operation. MNGD Managed The H2TU-C-231 is under control of the HMU-319 network management
unit. In this state, the front-panel craft port and pushbuttons are disabled. PWR FEED OFF Power Feed Off HDSL2 span power has been turned off by setting the PWRF option to off,
or HDSL2 span power has been turned off by use of the A1LB, A2LB, or
A5LB Intelligent Office Repeater (IOR) Power Down code. PWR FEED ON Power Feed On Indicates that the HDSL2 loop is not grounded or shorted. SIG Signaling The transceivers of the H2TU-C and H2TU-R are trying to establish contact
with each other over the HDSL2 loop.
CODE xxxx Line Code: AMI or B8ZS The line code that H2TU-C-231 is receiving at its DSX-1 interface, if the
DS1 option is set to AUTO. Otherwise, it mimics either of the other two
DS1 line code settings, Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) or Bipolar with
8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS). FRM xxxx Frame: SF, ESF, UNFR Defines the type of frame pattern being received from the DSX-1:
SuperFrame (SF), Extended SuperFrame (ESF), or Unframed (UNFR). LATT xx Loop Attenuation Current loop attenuation threshold setting is measured in dB.
LIST xx List Number List number of the H2TU-C-231. MARG xx Margin Current margin threshold setting is measured in dB. VER x.xx Software Version Number Software version number of the H2TU-C-231.
(a) System information messages are displayed in scroll mode. To scroll through the messages, press the MODE pushbutton for
3 or more seconds.
6 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Installation


Upon receipt of the equipment, inspect the contents for signs of damage. If the equipment has been damaged in tr ansit, immediately report the extent of damage to the transportation company and to ADC.
CO Shelf
Figure 2. Installing the H2TU-C-231 List 2 into a Shelf
When installing an H2TU-C 231 in a chassis, be sure to wear an antistatic wrist strap. Avoid touching components on the circuit board.
To comply with the intrabuilding wiring requirements of GR-1089 CORE, Section 4.5.9, the shields of the ABAM-type cables that connect the H2TU-C-231 List 2 DSX-1 output ports to the cross-connect panel must be grounded at both ends.
1 Align the H2TU-C with the enclosure slot guides and slide the unit in. Push the unit back until it touches the
backplane card-edge connector and the retaining latch on the front panel opens.
2 Place your thumbs on the front panel and push the H2TU-C into the slot guides until the retaining latch closes.
This indicates that the card is properly seated.
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 7


Once the H2TU-C-231 is installed, verify that it is operating properly. To do this, monitor the following:
Status LED (see Figure1onpage3)
Status messages reported by the front-panel display (see Table 2 on page 5)

Verification without an H2TU-R Remote Unit

If there is no H2TU-R remote unit installed: 1 Verify that the H2TU-C powers up. The front-panel display illuminates and reports status messages. (See
Table 2 on page 5 for a list of messages.)
2 Verify that the H2TU-C attempts to communicate with a remote unit (status LED flashes red). Even if a
remote unit is not present, the following events should occur:
a The front-panel display reports various four-character status messages. b The H2TU-C again attempts communication until a remote unit is detected.

Verification with an H2TU-R Remote Unit

If an H2TU-R remote unit has been installed:
1 Verify that the H2TU-C powers up. (The front-panel display illuminates and reports various status messages.) 2 Verify that the H2TU-C attempts to communicate with the remote unit (status LED flashes r ed). One of the
following occurs: a If the remote unit is successfully identified and the HDSL2 loop synchronizes, t he H2TU-C status LED
lights a steady green. The H2TU-C reports normal margin messages on the front-panel display.
b If the remote unit is not identified, the H2TU-C reports four-character status messages. The H2TU-C
attempts communication again and reports four-character status messages. The H2TU-C repeats this cycle until a remote unit is detected.
3 Verify that a valid DS1 signal has been applied to the H2TU-C and the H2TU-R.
a If no DS1 signal is being applied to either the H2TU-C or the H2TU-R inputs, then the appropriate DS1
alarms (LLOS or RLOS) display on the front panel and the status LED flas hes red.
b If a valid DS1 signal is being supplied to the H2TU-C and H2TU-R, then DS1 alarm indications should
be absent and the status LED should be a steady green.
8 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Provisioning


There are two methods for provisioning:
Use the MODE and SEL pushbuttons on the front panel of the H2TU-C to: Set system options Reset the H2TU-C to its factory default settings for system options Display system option settings (scroll mode) Select system loopbacks
Use a maintenance terminal (VT100 terminal or a PC running terminal emulation software) connected to the
H2TU-C craft port (or to an HMU craft port) to acces s the maintenance screens (Figure3onpage12). This gives you full access to all H2TU-C status, history, inventory, and provisioning screens.
No dip switches or jumpers are required to provision the H2TU-C-231 as it contains a non-volatileRAM (NVRAM) which stores the system option settings. System option settings are retained if shelf power is lost or if the H2TU-C-231 is unplugged.


Setting Options through MODE and SEL

To provision the H2TU-C-231 List 2 through the MODE and SEL pushbuttons on the front panel: 1 Press the MODE pushbutton for 1 second and release it. The front-panel display alternately shows the first
system parameter and its current setting.
2 Press the SEL pushbutton to step through all possible settings of the selected parameter. 3 After the desired setting has been selected, press the MODE pushbutton. This updates the currently displayed
parameter to the selected setting, then advances to the next configurable parameter. After the last p arameter has been selected, a CONF NO message appears on the front-panel display.
4 Do one of the following:
To cancel the session without saving the requested parameter changes, press the MODE pushbutton or
do nothing. (After 30 seconds, the display returns to its normal mode without saving the new changes.)
To accept the requested parameter changes, press the SEL pushbutton. (A CONF YES message appears
and returns to its normal mode after saving the new changes.)
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 9

Resetting to Factory Default Values

AlluseroptionsfortheH2TU-C-231List2(Table 6 on page 18) can be set to t he factory default values using the MODE and SEL pushbuttons. To set the user options to their default values:
1 Press the SEL pushbutton for 6 seconds until the following message appears:
2 Press the SEL pushbutton while the DFLT NO message is displayed.
The message changes to DFLT YES indicating t he factory default values are now in effect and the display returns to the normal mode.
To terminate the DFLT mode without setting the factory default values, do one of the following:
Press the MODE pushbutton to return to the normal display mode.
Wait 30 seconds for the unit to return to the normal display mode.

Displaying System Parameter Settings

To scroll through the current settings of all system parameters, press the MODE pushbutton for 3 or more seconds. The H2TU-C-231 List 2 displays the following parameters:
Software version number
List number
Type of frame pattern received from the DSX-1
Line code of the signal received from the DSX-1
All user-configured parameter settings
Loop attenuation threshold setting
Margin alarm threshold setting

Disabling an Alarm

If the system is in a Minor alarm state, the alarm relay can be disengaged by p ressing the SEL pushbutton. This activates the Alarm Cutoff (ACO) indication. For more information about alarms, see “System Alarms” on
page 40.

Loopback Modes

See “Loopback Operation” on page 43 for instructions on using the MODE and SEL pushbuttons to activate loopbacks.
10 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Provisioning


Connecting to a Maintenance Terminal

The craft port on the front panel allows you to connect the H2TU-C-231 to a maintenance terminal (ASCII terminal or PC running a terminal emulation program). Once connected to a maintenance terminal, you can access the maintenance, provisioning, and performance screens.
To connect to a maintenance terminal: 1 Connect a st andard 9 -pin terminal cable to the RS-232 craft port (Figure1onpage3) on the H2TU-C-231
front panel.
2 Con nect the other end of the cable to the serial port on the maintenance terminal. 3 Start a terminal emulation p rogram such as Procomm (emulating a VT100 terminal). 4 Configure the maintenance terminal to the following communication settings:
9600 baud
No parity
1 stop bit
Hardware flow control to OFF
5 If necessary, press + to refresh the logon screen.

Logon Screen

The maintenance terminal screens allow you to monitor, provision, and troubleshoot an HDSL2 system. To select a menu from the logon screen (Figure3onpage12), do one of the following:
Press the underlined letter of the menu.
Use the arrow keys to select the menu and then press .
Table 3 summarizes the navigational keys. They are also listed in the onscreen Help menu. Table 4 on page 12
describes the Logon screen menus.
or (VT100 only) Return to the parent menu.
or + Select the submenu or item above the current one, or return to the previous menu.
or + Select the submenu or item below the current one.
or + Select the menu or item to the right of the current one.
or + Select the menu or item to the left of the current one, or return to the previous menu.
+ Refresh the screen.
(a) Legacy management units require use of control keys instead of arrow keys.
← →
Table 3. Navigational Keys for the Maintenance Terminal Screens
Cycle through selections. Activate the current setting or choice, or display a menu.
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 11
Most VT100 emulation programs support a print screen option. For Windows-based programs, such as Procomm or HyperTerminal, do the following:
1 Highlight the screen that you wish to print. 2 Click File,thenPrint. 3 In the Print dialog box, choose Selection as the Print Range. 4 Click OK to print. For printing procedures for other programs, contact the appropriate vendor.
Menu bar
Monitor Performance Event Log Config Inventor y Report Rlogon Help
+------------------------------------------+ || | ADC DSL Systems, Inc. | | HiGain HDSL2 | || | Voice: 800.638.0031 | | Fax : 714.730.2400 | +------------------------------------------+
Press this key:
ID: xxxx--xxxx--xxxx—-xxxx 09/01/2001 12:30:01 H2TU-C System: OK___
Circuit ID Number Date and Time Logon Device System Status
Figure 3. Logon Screen
Table 4. Logon Screen M enus
To access this menu:
Monitor Monitors loopbacks and alarms, and provides a graphical representation of circuit activity,
Performance Provides performance and alarm histories for current, 25-hour, 48-hour, or 31-day periods
Event Log Identifies the 100 most recent system events and reports the date and time of occurrence. Config Provides standard configuration options, ADC options, BER tester (BERT), date and time
Inventory Provides product information about the various devices that are in the system and lists circuit
Report Provides four types of reports: Full Report, Short Report, System Information Report, and
Menu Functions
including ES, UAS, SES, and line code.
for either the DS1 or HDSL2 interface.
setting, and a reset option (factory settings). Also provides a master clear option that clears all performance, alarm, and event log entries. Selecting the Config menu after a remote logon displays the BERT Generator menu, which provides access to the BERT Signal Generator configuration submenu.
and device identifications.
Event Report.
12 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Provisioning
Table 4. Logon Screen Menus (Continued)
Press this key:
To access this menu:
Menu Functions
Rlogon/Rlogout Remote logon can be performed from the H2TU-C or H2TU-R. The screen displays “Rlogout”
when the H2TU-C or H2TU-R is remotely logged on to the other unit at the end of the circuit. Remote logon from the H2TU-C will permit viewing of the H2TU-R and BERT Signal
Generator configuration submenu. To log off from the remote unit, press . “Rlogout” changes to “Rlogon”. The unit is now
locally logged on until is pressed again to re-initiate the remote logon.
Help Provides a glossary of terms used in the maintenance screens, a list of navigational keys, and
ADC contact information.


After H2TU-C-231 is successfully installed, perform these basic provisioning tasks.
Setdateandtime(seeSetting Date and Timebelow)
Set circuit ID numbers (see Setting Circuit ID Numberson page 14)
Make any necessary configuration changes (see Configuring the Systemon page 15)
Clear history, alarm, and event log screens to remove miscellaneous data during startup (see Clearing the
History, Alarm, and Event Log Screenson page 23)

Setting Date and Time

Monitor Performance Event Log Config Inventor y Report Rlogon Help
ID: xxxx--xxxx-xxxx--xxxx 09/01/2001 12:30:01 H2TU-C System: OK___
+----------------------+ |
Standard Options -> | | ADC Options -> | | BERT Generator -> | |
Date a nd Time -> |
+-------------------------------+ | Date (mm/dd/yyyy): | Time (hh:mm[:ss]): 12:30:01 | +-------------------------------+
Figure 4. Config Menu - Date and Time
1 Press to select the Config menu. 2 Use the and arrow keys to select Date and Time,thenpress . 3 Type the date in the format indicated, then press .
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 13
4 Type the t ime in the format indicated (entering seconds is optional), then press .

Setting Circuit ID Numbers

The Inventory screen provides product information on all units in the system and allows setting of the circuit and unit identification numbers.
Monitor Performance Event Log Config Inventor y Report Rlogon Help
-------------------------- Product Information -------------------------- -­Unit : H2T U-C H2TU-R Product : H2TU-C-231 H2TU- R-402 List : 2 1B Sw Ve r. : 3.00 3.00 Build # : 20 20 Checksum : 0x157C 0x157C H2 Xc vr : L1-HB2 1.51 L1-HB2 1.51 Serial # : 01232456789 01234 56789 CLEI : VAC JDLYEAA VAR1JBKEAA Mfg. Date: 08/28/2001 08/28/2001
-------------------- Circuit and Unit Identifications ---------------------
Circuit ID : H2TU-R ID : yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy Circuit Notes:
ID: xxxx--xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 0 9/01/2001 12:30:01 H2TU-C Sys tem: OK___
Figure 5. Inventory Screen
1 Press to select the Inventory screen. 2 Type the Circuit ID number, then press . 3 Type the ID numbers of all other devices list ed in the system, pressing after each entry.
14 January 9, 2002 H2TU-C-231 List 2
LTPH-UM-1109-01, Issue 1 Provisioning

Configuring the System

TheConfigmenu(Figure 6) allows you to make the following types of system configuration changes:
Standard options (Figure7onpage16)
ADC options (Figure8onpage16)
BERT Generator (Figure 29 on page 52)
Date and time (see Setting Date and Timeon page 13)
Master clear (see Clearing the History, Alarm, and Event Log Screenson page 23)
Reset to factory default configuration (see Resetting to Factory Default Valueson page 10)
Monitor Performance Event Log Config Inventor y Report Rlogon Help
ID: xxxx--xxxx-xxxx--xxxx 09/01/2001 12:30:01 H2TU-C System: OK___
+----------------------+ |
Standard Options -> |
| ADC Options -> | | BERT Generator -> | | Date and Time -> | | Master Clear | | Set Factory Defaults | +----------------------+
Figure 6. Config Menu
Making Changes to Standard and ADC Options
Figure 7 and Figure 8 on page 16 show the Standard and ADC configuration options. Standard options are those
supported by HiGain HDSL2 units when connected to units from other vendors. ADC options are an extended set of options that are only available when using HiGain HDSL2 u nits exclusively. For a des cription of each option and a list ofpossible option settings, refer to Table 5 on page 17 and Table 6 on page 18.To make changes to these options:
1 Press to select the Config menu. 2 Use the and arrow keys to select Standard Options or ADC Options,thenpress .
3 Use the arrow keys to select an option. 4 Press the to cycle through the available settings for that option. 5 Press to activate your choice.
H2TU-C-231 List 2 January 9, 2002 15
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