88 Currant Road Fall River, MA 02720-4781 • 508.678.9000 • Fax: 508.678.9447 • Email:
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our Loads
Per Hour
Productivity is the benchmark by which
all large tumblers are measured. The AD464 can dry up to four loads per hour of
terry towels*. With its 175 cu. ft. basket,
2.8 million Btu/hr, and 13,000 cfm, this
performer will show immediate returns
through added productivity.
We manufacture the AD-464 as an “allinclusive” machine. ADC incorporates
as standard every feature necessary
for proper operation. Our competitors
prefer to oer their machines as stripped
down. They add important features,
such as, sprinkler systems**, computer
controls, insulation, rotational sensors,
and even lint collection systems as
The AD-464 is an industrial grade dryer
suited to batch, conventional, and
overhead sling conveyor operations. ADC
oers the laundry manager the highest
possible level of exibility, fast drying,
The AD-464 is constructed and can be
shipped in two (2) or four (4) modules,
easily integrated at the installation
site using simple, military spec, quickconnectplugs.
* Test results may vary by location. In-house test results are
available upon request
** Sprinkler system standard on ADC steam model.