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This publication provides a complete description of the Fiber Distribution Terminal (FDT)
ACE-142 S/142V Cabinet. Also included are procedures for mounting the cabine t, installing and
splicing the feeder and distribution cables, installing additional connector panels and splitter
modules, connecting the splitter output fibers to the distribution fibers, and replacing damaged
Listed below are related manuals and their publication numbers. Copies of these publications
can be ordered by contacti ng the ADC T e chnical Assi stance Center at 1-800-366- 389, ext ension
73475 (in U.S.A. or Canada) or 1-952-917-3475 (outside U.S.A. and Canada).
TitleADCP Number
Round Splice Tra y Cable Routing Instructions90-321
Optical Fiber Systems Cleaning and Mating Instructions90-159
ADCP-96-015 • Issue 1 • July 2004 • Preface
Important safety admonishments are used thr oughout this manual to warn of possible hazards to
persons or equipment. An admonishment identifies a possible hazard and then explains what
may happen if the hazard is not avoided. The admonishments — in the form of Dangers,
Warnings, and Cautions — must be followed at all times. These warnings are flagged by use of
the triangular alert icon (seen below) and are listed in descending order of severity of injury or
damage and likelihood of occurrence.
Danger: Danger is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that will cause severe personal
injury, death, or substantial property damage if the hazard is not avoided.
Warning: Warning is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that can cause s evere personal
injury, death, or substantial property damage if the hazard is not avoided.
Caution: Caution is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that will or can cause minor
personal injury or property damage if the hazard is not avoided.
Warning: Wet conditions increase the potential for receiving an electrical shock when
installing or using electrically-powered equipment. To prevent electrical shock, never install or
use electrical equipment in a wet locat ion or during a lightning storm.
Danger: Do not look into the ends of any optical fiber. Exposure to laser radiation may result.
Do not assume the laser power is turned-off or that the fiber is disconnected at the other end.
Danger: Use adequate lifting equipment when moving or installing Fiber Distribution Terminal
cabi n ets . Verify t ha t th e m ax im um l ift w eig ht rat ing of t he e qu ip m ent is su ffic ient t o h and le th e
weight of the cabinet.
Danger: Do not stand under a Fiber Distribution Terminal cabinet as it is being hoisted into
position for mounting. A failure of the lifting equipment or apparatus could result in serious
personal injury.
Warning: Before digging, check with all local utilities for the presence of buried cables or
pipes. Contact with underground cables or pipes, especially electric power cables and gas
service lines, could interrupt local utility service and cause serious personal injury and
extensive property damage.
Telcordia: This equipment complies with the applicable sections of GR-2898-CORE (Issue 2,
December 1999)
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this manual are detailed in the following list:
This section provides a description of the ACE-142S/142V cabinet plus specifications. Also
included is a listing of the various acc es s orie s and kits .
1.1ACE-142S/142V Cabinet
The ACE-142S/142V cabinet is a secure, above-ground, outdoor fiber optic distribution cabinet
that is designed to hold the splice trays, splitters, connector panels, and connector storage panel
required for various Fiber To The Premises (FTTP) applications. A typical ACE-142S/142V
cabinet (with split ter modules and connector panels installed) is shown in Figure 1.
The outsid e plant (OSP) fe eder and dist ribution cables e nter the cabinet from the botto m rear
side. Clamps are provided for securing each cable to the inside of the cabinet. The bottom of the
cabinet is e nclose d with a t wo-piec e removable m oistu re ba rrier. The cable ent ry/exit hol es ar e
fitted with grommets to resist the entry of dust and moisture. On an optional basis, the cabinet
may be ordered with the distribution cables pre-installed.
The ACE-142S/142V cabinet is constructed of heavy gauge aluminum and is coated with an
almond-colored finish. The cabinet doors are equipped with tamper-resistant latches with hasps
for padlocks , stainless steel hinges, and door catches to prevent accidental closing. Acc ess to the
cabinet requ ires a
the sides of the cabinet to allow use of hoisting equipment. A grounding bus is provided within
the cabinet for grounding the cabinet and cables per local practice.
The ACE-142S/142V cabinet can accommodate up to thirty-seven round splice trays, up to
twelve 1x8 or 1x32 splitter modules, and five 72-position c onnector panels equipped with APC/
SC adapters. Seven splice tray slots are provided for feeder cable splices. Thirty splice tray slots
are provided for distribution cable splices. The ACE-142S/142V cabinet is equipped with two
doors that provide fro nt and rear access to the opti cal components. Th e specifications for the
ACE-142S/142V cab i net are p rovid ed in Table 1.
216B key tool (accessory) to operate the latches. Lifting eyes are attached to
Table 1. ACE-142S/142V Cabinet Specifications
Dimensions (W x D x H) – See Figure 227.5 x 19.7 x 47.5 inches (699 x 500.4 x 1206.5 mm)
Weight (fully loaded)210 lbs (95.3 kg)
Certification (Pending)GR-2898-CORE (Issue 2, December 1999)
Distribution ports360 (with 5 connector panels installed)
Distribution port connectorsAPC/SC
Splitter module capacity (1x8 or 1x32)12
Splice tray capa city (round)
Feeder cable
Distribution cable
Total feeder cable splices84 (7 splice trays with 12 spli ces per tray)
Total distrib ution cable splices360 (30 splice trays with 12 splices per tray)
Splitter Modules
Splitter module output pigtails2 mm with APC/SC connectors
Splitter module input pigtail2 mm
Test bandpass1260–1360 nm
This section provides general installation considerations, unpacking and inspection procedures,
and lists the tools and materia ls required for cabinet installation.
2.1Installation Overview
Installation of the ACE-142S/142V cabinet involves the fo llowing main tasks:
Installing a Support Base–The cabinet must be mounted on a suitable support base. The
following two mounting options are available:
• Fiberglass M ounti ng Sl eeve (FM S)–The FMS provides a stable mounting platform plus
storage space under the cabinet for OSP cable slack. The FMS may also be used as a
splicing va ult for the OSP feeder and distribution cables.
• Poured Concrete Pad–Concrete slab with Pad Mounting Frame (PMF). The PMF
provides a stainless-steel frame for mounting the cabinet. The PMF ensures that the
cabinet will be securel y anchor ed to the concrete slab.
ADCP-96-015 • Issue 1 • July 2004
Mounting the Cabinet–After the support base is installed, the cabinet is secured to the support
Feeder and Di stribution Ca ble Installa tion–The cabinet OSP feeder and distribution cables
are routed into the cabinet and spliced.
Connector Panel Installation-Additional connector panels are installed in the cabinet if
Spli tter in stal la t i o n–Additional splitters are installed in the cabinet if needed.
2.2Unpacking and Inspection
This section provides instructions for opening the shipping boxes, verifying that all parts have
been recei ved, and verifying that no shipping damag e has occurred.
Use the following pr ocedure to unpack and inspect the cabinet and all accessorie s:
1. Open the shi pping carton(s) and carefully unpack the cabinet and any accessories from the
protective packing material.
2. Open the cabinet doors (requires 216B key tool) and check for broken or missing parts. If
there are damages, contact ADC (see Section 13) for an RMA (Return Material
Authorization) and to reorder if replacement is required.
• Utility wire (to secure PMF during installation)
• Drill with screwdriver bits
• Square
ADCP-96-015 • Issue 1 • July 2004
• Landscaping equipm ent and site restoration supplies
2.5Cabinet Mounting
The next two sections provides instructions for mounting the cabinet on either a fiberglass
mounting sleeve or concrete pad. Use whichever procedure is appropriate for the inst allation.
The FMS-20000, shown in Figure3, is a fiberglass and polymer concrete sleeve that may be
used to support the cabinet at ground level. The FMS may also be used as a splicing vault. Four
vertical racks are molded into the sides of the FMS to accommodate removable rungs (not
provided). The rungs provide support for splice cases or OSP cable storage.
3.1Installation Recommendations
The site chosen for the installation must conform to all local codes and any permits required
must be obtained prior to the start of installation. The location must be accessible and provide
adequate parking for worker and vehicle safety.
The installed cabinet must not create a visual or physical obstruction to vehicular or pedestrian
traffic. Ensure that there is sufficient space on all sides to facilitate cabinet installation.
Depending on the landscaping requirements, the top surface of the mounting sleeve may be
located from 0 to 4 inches (10.2 cm) above the surrounding grade.
The excavation must be large enough to provide a fill base that will maintain stability for the
FMS and the cabinet mounted on it. There must be room for 12 inches (30.5 cm) of fill below
and on each side of the FMS. The excavation dimensions for the FMS 20000 are shown in
Figure 4. Excavate a rectangular hole for the FMS.
ADCP-96-015 • Issue 1 • July 2004
92 IN (234 CM)
38 IN
(96.5 IN)
42 IN
(106.7 CM)
12 IN
(30.5 CM)
3.3Placement of the FMS
Danger: Use adequate lifti ng equi pme nt wh en ins tal li ng the FMS. Do not s tan d in th e hole w hil e
placing the FMS in position. An unexpected shift of the FMS could result in personal injury.
Use the following procedures to place the FMS into the excavation.
1. Fill the bottom of the hole with stone aggregate, tamping it as it is filled to build a 12 inch
(30.5 cm) layer with a level surface. The stone aggregate will provide a stable base to
support the FMS.
71 IN (180 CM)
(30.5 CM)
Figure 4. Excavation Recommendations for FMS-20000
Note: Use crushed rock 3/8-inch or less in size mixed with stone dust (per local practice)
to fill the hole. The name of the material may differ in different geographical areas.
Possible names are Class 5, stone dust, aughts (0s) and ones (1s), or stone aggregate
2. Use appropriate lifting equipment to place the FMS into the center of the hole. Lifting
loops are provided on eit her side of the FMS for attaching a sling or chain.
3. Use a carpenter’s level to verify that the FMS is level. If it is necessary to add or remove
fill for leveling, tamp any added fill to maintain the base stability.
3.4Cable Conduit Installation
Select the conduit entrance hole(s) for the OSP feeder and distribution cables. Refer to Figure 4
for the location of the holes. If necessary, additional conduit entrance holes may be cut using a
power drill and hole saw. Place and route the conduit into the entrance hole(s). If preferred, the
FMS may be installed without conduit . OSP cables may be routed into the FMS at any point tha t
is convenient. Cut the cable entrance hole to match the size of the cable.
3.5Grounding System Installation
Install a grounding system (not provi ded ) that meets all loc al electr ical codes. C heck local codes
for grounding system installation, use of clamps, wire size, and any other grounding
requirements. Typically, #6 AWG copper wire is used for the grounding wire. Install the
grounding syste m inside the FMS where it will not interfere with the conduit or cables. Connect
the grounding wire to the grounding system. Leave sufficient slack in the grounding wire to
allow it to be routed into the cabinet after the cabinet is mounted on the sleeve.
3.6Back Fill
If installing conduit, hand shovel stone aggregate under the conduit to avoid damage from the
power tamper. Complete the back fill as follows:
1. Add stone aggregate evenly around the FMS and tamp. Fill to approximately 6 inches
(15.2 cm) from the top of the excavation.
2. Complete the back-fill with crushed rock or topsoil depending on the landscaping
requirements. The top surface of the mounting sleeve may be located from 0 to 4 inches
(10.2 cm) above the surrounding grade (see Figure 4).
3.7Mounting the Cabinet on the FMS-20000
The following sections provide instructions for mounting the ACE-142S/142V cabinet on the
FMS-20000. With the ACE-142S cabinet, the distribution cables must be installed after the
cabinet is mounted. With the ACE-142V cabinet, the distribution cables are pre-installed in the
cabinet by the factory. If mounting an ACE-142S cabinet, refer to Section 3.7.1 for the cabinet
mounting procedure. If mounting an ACE-142V cabinet with pre-installed distribution cables,
refer to Section 3.7.2 for t he cabinet mounting proce dur e. Use the 216B key tool to un-latch and
latch the cabinet doors as need ed during the mounting process.
Warning: Use appropriate lifting equipment when moving or installing the cabinet. Do not
stand under a cabinet as it is being hoisted into position for mounting. A failure of the lifting
equipment could result in serious personal injury.
3.7.1Mounting the ACE-142S Cabinet on the FMS-20000
Use the following procedure to mount an ACE-142 cabinet on the FMS-20000:
1. Install the FMS adapter cover onto the FMS and secu re using the t wo capscrews and flat
washers provided with the cover as shown in Figure 5. Tighten each capscrews securely.
Figure 5. Mounting the ACE-142S Cabinet on the FMS-20000