Adaptec Storage Manager User Manual

Storage Manager
User’s Guide
©2005 Adaptec, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Adaptec, Inc., 691 South Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA
Adaptec, Storage Manager, and the Adaptec logo are trademarks of Adaptec, Inc., which may be registered in some jurisdictions.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the US and other countries, used under license.
Red Hat is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. in the US and other countries, used under license.
Novell and NetWare are trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the US and other countries, used under license.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, Adaptec, Inc. assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this document, or from the use of the information contained herein.
Adaptec reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.

Adaptec Customer Support

If you have questions about installing or using your Adaptec product, check this document first—you will find answers to most of your questions. If you need further assistance, use the support options listed below. To expedite your service, have your computer in front of you.
Technical Support Identification (TSID) Number
Before contacting Technical Support, you need your unique 12-digit TSID
number. The TSID number identifies your product and support status.
The TSID number is included on a white, bar-coded label, like this example :
Affix a copy of the TSID label to the CD jacket so that you don’t lose it.
North America
Visit our Web site at
Search the Adaptec Support Knowledgebase (ASK) at for
articles, troubleshooting tips, and frequently asked questions for your product.
For information about Adaptec’s support options, call +1 408-957-2550, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To speak with a Technical Su p po rt Specialist,
For Hardware products call +1 408-934-7274,
Monday to Friday, 3:00
For RAID and Fibre Channel products call +1 321-207-2000,
Monday to Friday, 3:00
For support via e-mail, submit your question at
You can order Adaptec products, including accessories and cables, by calling +1 408-957-7274.
Or, you can order cables online at
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German: Call +49 89 43 66 55 22, Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 17:00, CET. For
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English: Call +49 89 43 66 55 44, Monday to Friday, 9:00 to 17:00, GMT. For
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You can order Adaptec cables online at
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A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Pacific Time.
A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Pacific Time.

Software License Agreement

In return for acquiring a license to use the Adaptec software (“Software”) and the related documentation, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. License. This Agreement grants you, the Licensee, a license to:
Use the Software o n a single c omputer system or on m u ltip le workstations, systems and servers which incorporate an Adaptec RAID controller and may be accessed by multiple users from multiple locations. You may make as many installations of the Software as needed, but must restrict such installation only to systems, workstations or servers using an Adaptec RAID controller.
Make one copy of the Software in mac hine readable form solely for back-up
purposes provided you reproduce Adaptec’s c o pyright notice and any proprietary legends.
2. Restrictions. You m ay not distribute copies of the Software to others. You may not post or otherwise make available the Software, or any portion thereof, in any form, on the Internet. You may not use the Software in a computer service business, including in time sharing applications. The Software contains trade secrets and, in ord er to protect them, you may not decompile, rev e rse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form. YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, ADAPT, TRANSLATE, RENT , LEASE, LOAN, RESELL FOR PROFIT, DISTRIBUTE, NETWORK OR CREATE DERIVATIVE WO RK S BASED UPON THE SOFTWAR E OR ANY PART THEREOF.
Ownership of Software. As Licensee, you own the media upon which the software is recorded or fixed, but Adaptec and its licensors retain title and ownership of the Software recorded on th e original media and all su bsequent copies of th e Software, regardless of the form or media in which or on which the original and other copies may exist. This license is not a sale of the Software or any copy
4. Confidentiality. You agree to maintain the Software in confidence and that you will not disclose the Software to any third party without the express written consent of Adaptec. You further agree to take all reasonable precautions to preclude access of unauthorized persons to the Software.
5. Term. This license is effective until January 1, 2045, unless terminated earlier. You may terminate the license at any time by destroying the Software (including the related documentation) together with all copies or modifications in any form. Adaptec will have the right to terminate our license immediatel y if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this A greeme nt. Upon any termination, including termination by you, you must destroy the Software (including the related documentation), together with all copies or modifications in any form.
6. Special Terms Applicable to Databases. W here a database is included with the Software, you ackn owledge that it is licensed only in connection with the use of the Software to perform disc creation, and that the database and all data derived therefrom must be maintained in c on fidenc e in ac co rdan ce with the pr o visions of Section 4. This license does not grant you any rights to distribute or disclose such database or data.
7. Limited Warranty. Adaptec and its Licensor warrant only that the media upon which the Software is furnished will be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of delivery to you. ADAPTEC AND ITS LICENSORS DO NOT AN D CANNOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OR RESULTS YOU MAY OBTAIN BY USING THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. THE FOREGOING STATES THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES ADAPTEC AND ITS LICENSORS WILL PROVIDE FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY. EXCEPT FOR THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY, ADAPTEC AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED, AS TO NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specifi c legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from sta t e to state.
8. The entire liability of Adaptec and its licensors, and your exclusive remedy for a breach of this warranty, shall be:
The replacement of any media not meeting the above limited warranty which is returned to Adaptec; or:
If Adaptec or its distributor is unable to deliver replacement media which is free from defects in materials or workmanship, you may terminate this Agreement by returnin g the Software and your money will be refunded.
9. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL ADAPTEC OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR LOSS OF DATA, EVEN IF ADAPTEC OR A LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY C LA IM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. Some states do not allow the exc l us ion or limitation of special, incidental, or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
10.Export. You acknowledge that the laws and regulations of the United States and other countries may restrict the export and re-export of the Software. You agree that you will not export or re-export the Software or documentation in any form in violation of applicable United States and foreign law.
11.Government Re stricted Rights. The Software is subject to restricted rights as follows. If the Software is acquired under the terms of a GSA contract: use, reproduction or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the applicable ADP Schedule contract. If the Software is acquired under the terms of a DoD or
civilian agency contract, use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions of this Agreement in accordance with iC.F.R. 12.212 of the Federal Acquisition R eg u la tions and its successors and 49C.F.R. 227.7202-1 of the DoD FAR Supplement and its successors.
12.General. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and that by using the Software you agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Y ou further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between Adaptec and you, and supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communication between Adaptec and you relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. N o add itional or any different terms will be enforceable against Adaptec unless A daptec giv es its expr ess co nsen t, inc ludin g an express waiver of the terms of this Agreement, in writing signed by an officer of Adaptec. You assume full responsibility for the use of the Software and agree to use the Software legally and responsibly. This Agreement shall be governed by California law, except as to copyright matters, whic h are covered by Federal law. This Agreement is deemed entered into at Milpitas, Calif o rn ia by both parties. Should any provision of this Agreement be declared unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then such p r o visio n sh all be deem ed sev e rable from this Agreement and shall not affect the remainder hereof. A ll rights in the Software not specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved by Adaptec.
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, you may contact Adaptec by writing to:
Adaptec, Inc. Legal Department 691 South Milpitas Boulevard Milpitas, California 95035.


1 About This Guide
Terminology Used in this Guide...................................................15
2 Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager
About Adaptec Storage Manager..................................................17
About the Adaptec Storage Manager Agent.................................17
System Requirements....................................................................18
Growing Your Storage Space with Adaptec Storage Manager....19
A Simple Storage Space ..........................................................19
An Advanced Storage Space...................................................19
Continuing to Grow Your Storage Space..............................20
Adding Enhanced Features ...........................................................21
Unlocking the Enhanced Features.........................................22
Getting Started Checklist...............................................................23
3 Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager
Installing on Windows..................................................................25
Before You Begin....................................................................25
Installing Adaptec Storage Manager......................................25
Completing a Silent Installation (Advanced)........................26
Installing on Linux.........................................................................28
Before You Begin....................................................................28
Installing Adaptec Storage Manager......................................28
Contents 8
Installing on NetWare...................................................................29
Before You Begin....................................................................29
Installing Adaptec Storage Manager......................................29
4 Step 2: Starting Adaptec Storage Manager
Starting Adaptec Storage Manager on Windows.........................31
Starting Adaptec Storage Manager on Linux...............................32
Starting Adaptec Storage Manager on NetWare..........................32
Starting the Adaptec Storage Manager Agent Only.....................33
Starting the Agent on Windows.............................................33
Starting the Agent on Linux...................................................34
Starting the Agent on NetWare..............................................34
Understanding Permission Levels ................................................35
Administrator Level................................................................35
User Level................................................................................36
Guest Level..............................................................................36
Configuring NetWare User Authentication..........................37
Logging Out of Adaptec Storage Manager...................................38
Logging Back In ......................................................................38
5 Step 3: Exploring Adaptec Storage Manager
Navigating the Main Window.......................................................40
Using Enterprise View...................................................................40
Using Physical Devices View.........................................................41
Using Logical Devices View ..........................................................42
Revealing More Disk Drive Information .....................................43
Checking System Status.................................................................45
Working in Adaptec Storage Manager.........................................46
About the Actions Menu........................................................46
Getting Help...................................................................................46
Contents 9
6 Step 4: Building Your Storage Space
Selecting a Configuration Method................................................48
Express Configuration: Building the Easy Way...........................48
Partitioning and Formatting Your Logical Drives................50
Next Steps................................................................................51
Custom Configuration (Advanced)..............................................51
Including More Systems in Your Storage Space ...................55
Building a RAID Volume..............................................................56
RAID Controller Support..............................................................59
Managing Your Storage Space......................................................59
7 Step 5: Customizing Adaptec Storage Manager
Logging In to Remote Systems......................................................61
Creating Display Groups...............................................................63
Setting Preferences and Changing Views.....................................65
Sorting Systems in the Enterprise View.................................65
Setting the Standard Unit of Measure...................................66
Changing the Main Window Appearance.............................66
Customizing the Adaptec Storage Manager Agent......................67
Broadcasting Event Alerts from a System..............................67
Changing a System’s Audible Alarm Settings........................67
Changing a System’s Event Log Setting.................................69
Changing a System’s Agent Base Port Number ....................69
8 Running Adaptec Storage Manager from the CD
When to Choose Bootable-CD Mode..........................................71
Bootable-CD Mode Limitations............................................71
Getting Started in Bootable-CD Mode.........................................71
Running Adaptec Storage Manager from the CD........................72
Contents 10
9 Managing Logical Drives and Hot Spares
Understanding Logical Drives ......................................................74
Creating Logical Drives.................................................................75
Setting the Size of a Logical Drive..........................................75
Including Different-sized Disk Drives in a Logical Drive.....76
Creating a Logical Drive Using Available Space....................77
Fine-tuning Logical Drives............................................................78
Changing the Write Cache Setting.........................................79
Changing the Stripe Size.........................................................79
Changing the Read Cache Setting..........................................80
Changing the Initialize Method.............................................80
Changing the Initialize Priority..............................................81
Verifying Logical Drives................................................................81
Verifying and Fixing a Logical Drive.....................................82
Verifying a Logical Drive (Without Fix) ...............................83
Enabling/Disabling Background Consistency Check ...........84
Increasing the Capacity of a Logical Drive...................................84
Extending a Partition on a Logical Drive ..............................87
Changing the RAID Level of a Logical Drive...............................87
Deleting a Logical Drive................................................................89
Working with Hot Spares..............................................................90
Hot Spare Limitations............................................................90
Dedicated Spare or Global Spare?..........................................90
Designating a Global Hot Spare.............................................91
Assigning a Dedicated Hot Spare...........................................92
What Do the Hot Spare Icons Mean?....................................93
Removing a Hot Spare............................................................93
10 Protecting Your Data
Creating a Snapshot.......................................................................96
Snapshot Limitations..............................................................96
Creating a Snapshot with Backup..........................................97
Creating a Snapshot Without Backup...................................97
Deleting a Snapshot................................................................97
Enabling Copyback........................................................................98
Contents 11
11 Monitoring Your Storage Space
Monitoring Options....................................................................100
Checking Activity in Your Storage Space...................................101
Viewing the Full List of Events.............................................101
Clearing the Event Log.........................................................102
What Do the Status Icons Mean?................................................102
Using Event Notifications to Monitor Status.............................103
Setting up Event Notifications.............................................103
Managing the Event Notification List..................................107
Monitoring and Managing the Notification Log................109
Disabling Event Notifications..............................................111
Setting Up Email Notifications............................................111
Managing the Email List.......................................................115
Monitoring and Managing the Email Log...........................116
Changing the Email Notification Manager Settings...........118
Disabling Email Notifications..............................................119
Broadcasting Event Alerts to Users.............................................120
Silencing and Testing the Audible Alarm...................................121
Testing the Alarm .................................................................121
Silencing the Alarm...............................................................122
Disabling a Controller’s Alarm............................................122
Viewing Component Properties.................................................122
12 Managing Tasks
Scheduling a Task........................................................................124
Opening the Task Manager.........................................................126
Monitoring Tasks ........................................................................127
Monitoring Upcoming Tasks in the Task List ....................127
Checking Past Tasks and Events in the Event Log..............127
Modifying a Task.........................................................................129
What if a task misses its start time?......................................130
Deleting a Task.............................................................................130
Disabling the Task Manager........................................................131
Re-enabling the Task Manager ............................................131
Contents 12
13 Managing Remote Systems
Removing a Remote System........................................................133
14 Working with Display Groups
Adding a System to a Display Group..........................................135
Viewing Display Group Status....................................................136
Removing a System from a Display Group................................136
Moving a System from One Display Group to Another............137
Renaming a Display Group.........................................................137
Deleting a Display Group............................................................138
15 Managing Controllers and Disk Drives
Rescanning a Controller..............................................................140
Registering New Controllers.......................................................140
Viewing Controller Properties....................................................141
Saving Your Controller Configuration.......................................141
Updating Controller BIOS and Firmware..................................142
Before You Begin..................................................................142
Updating the Controller BIOS and Firmware.....................142
Setting a Disk Drive to ‘Failed’....................................................144
Replacing Disk Drives in a Logical Drive...................................145
16 Solving Problems
Identifying a Failed or Failing Component................................147
Recovering from a Disk Drive Failure........................................147
Failed Disk Drive Protected by a Hot Spare........................148
Failed Disk Drive Not Protected by a Hot Spare.................149
Failure in Multiple Logical Drives Simultaneously.............149
Disk Drive Failure in a RAID 0 Logical Drive.....................149
Multiple Failures in the Same Logical Drive.......................150
Removing a Failed Disk Drive’s Icon...................................150
Rebuilding Logical Drives...........................................................151
Solving Notification Problems....................................................151
Creating an Archive File..............................................................152
Troubleshooting Adaptec Storage Manager...............................152
Contents 13
A Configuring SNMP Support
Configuring SNMP Support on Windows.................................154
Configuring SNMP Support on Linux.......................................155
Configuring SNMP Support on NetWare..................................155
B Quick Answers to Common Questions...
How do I...?..................................................................................157
Set up my storage space?.......................................................157
Open the Configuration wizard?..........................................157
Turn off the alarm?...............................................................157
Add a new user to Adaptec Storage Manager?....................157
Add a remote system?...........................................................157
Prevent a user from changing my storage space?................157
Check disk drive or logical drive status?..............................157
Access a feature with a padlock icon beside it?....................157
Log out of Adaptec Storage Manager?.................................157
Schedule a task?.....................................................................158
Find the Task Manager?........................................................158
Find the Notification Manager?...........................................158
Find the Email Notification Manager? ................................158
What’s the difference between...?................................................159
Adaptec Storage Manager and the agent?............................159
Event notifications, email notifications, and event alerts? .159
C Buttons and Icons At-a-Glance
Icons in the Physical Devices View.............................................161
Icons in the Logical Devices View...............................................161
Buttons in the Physical/Logical Devices Views..........................162
Buttons on the Main Window Tool Bar.....................................162
Contents 14
D Understanding RAID
Understanding Drive Segments..................................................164
RAID 0 (Non-RAID Logical Drives)..........................................164
RAID 1 Logical Drives.................................................................165
RAID 1 Enhanced Logical Drives ...............................................166
RAID 10 Logical Drives...............................................................167
RAID 5 Logical Drives.................................................................168
RAID 5EE Logical Drives............................................................169
RAID 50 Logical Drives...............................................................170
RAID 6 Logical Drives.................................................................171
RAID 60 Logical Drives...............................................................172
Selecting the Best RAID Level.....................................................173
Glossary Index

About This Guide

This User’s Guide explains how to install and use Adaptec® Storage Manager to build a storage space and manage y our stor ed data, whether you have a single RAID controller installed in a server or a complex Storage Area Network (SAN) with multiple RAID controllers and servers.
This Guide is written for advanced computer users who want to create a storage space for their data. Advan ced kno wledge of st orage networks is not required, but you should be familiar with computer hardware, data storage, and Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) technology.
If you are using A daptec Storage Manager as part of a complex storage system, such as a SAN, you should be familiar with network administration terminology and tasks, have knowledge of Local Area Network (LAN) and SAN technology, and be familiar with the input/ output (I/O) technology—such as Fibre Channel (FC) or Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)—that you are using on your network.
Note: Because this Guide covers multiple Adaptec RAID products, some of the features and functions described here may not be available for your controller.
Chapter 1: About This Guide 15

Terminology Used in this Guide

Because this Guide provides information that can be used to manage multiple Adaptec RAID products in a variety of configurations from DAS to SAN, the generic term “storage space” is used to refer to the controller(s) and disk drives being managed with Adaptec Storage Manager.
For efficiency, the term “components” or “component” is used when referring generically to the physical and virtual parts of your storage space, such as systems, disk drives, controllers, and logical drives.
Many of the terms and concepts referred to in this Guide are known to computer users by multiple names. In this Guide, this terminology is used:
Controller (also known as adapter, HBA, board, or card)
Disk drive (also known as hard disk, hard drive, or hard disk drive)
Logical drive (also known as logical device)
Note: For more information, see Understanding RAID on page 163 and the Glossary on page 174.

Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager

In this chapter...
About Adaptec Storage Manager......................................................17
About the Adaptec Storage Manager Agent .....................................17
System Requirements.........................................................................18
Growing Your Storage Space with Adaptec Storage Manager.........19
Adding Enhanced Features................................................................21
Getting Started Checklist...................................................................23
This chapter describes Adaptec Storage Manager and the Adaptec Storage Manager agent, explains the concept of a “storage space” and provides a checklist of getting-started tasks.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 17

About Adaptec Storage Manager

Adaptec Storage Manager is a software application that helps you build a storage space for your online data, using Adaptec RAID controllers and disk drives.
With Adaptec Storage Manager, you can group disk drives into logical drives and build in redundancy to protect your data and improv e system performance.
You can also use Adaptec Storage Manager to monitor and manage all the controllers and disk drives in your storage space from a single location.

About the Adaptec Storage Manager Agent

When Adapt ec Storage Ma nager is installed on a co mput er, the Adaptec Storage Manager agent is also installed automatically. The agent is like a
service that keeps your storage space running. It’ s designed to run in the background, without user intervention, and its job is to monitor and manage system health, event notifications, tasks schedules, and other on-going processes on that system. It sends notices when tasks are completed successfully, and sounds an alarm when errors or failures occur on that system.
The agent uses less memory than the full application. If your storage space includes systems that won’t be connected to monitors (and therefore won’t require the user interface described in this Guide), you can choose to run the agent only on those systems instead of the full application (see page 33). You may want to do this if system resources are limited, or if you want more system resources available for other tasks.
You can manage and monitor systems running the agent only by logging into them as remote systems (see page 61).
You can also customize the agent settings to suit your storage space requirements (see page 67).
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 18

System Requirements

PC-compatible computer with Intel Pentium, or equivalent,
At least 128 MB of RAM
20 MB of free drive space
16-bit SVGA color monitor with a resolution of at least 800 x 600
CD drive
One of these operating systems:
Windows 20 03 Server—Standard, Advanced
Windows XP—Home Edition, Professional
Red H at
SuSE Linux—Personal, Professional, Enterprise
Windows® 2000—Server, Advanced Server,
Linux—Professional, Enterprise, Advanced Server
Note: For the latest on Adaptec’s support of Linux, or to download driver sources, visit
—NetWare® 6.5
Note: Adaptec Storage Manager can also be used before an operating system is installed. See page 70 for more information.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 19

Growing Your Storage Space with Adaptec Storage Manager

As your requirements change, Adaptec St orage Manager grows with your storage space as you add more controllers, more disk drives, more logical drives, and more data protection.

A Simple Storage Space

The example below shows the sort of simple storage space that might be appropriate in a home office or for a small business. This storage space includes one RAID controller and two disk drives installed in a server. For data protection, the disk drives have been used to build a RAID 1 logical drive.
daptec Storage Manager

An Advanced Storage Space

The example below shows how you can gro w your storage space t o meet the expanding requirements of your business. For data protection, segments of space from each disk drive have been used to build two RAID 5 logical drives. One logical drive stores all the customer information and the other logical drive stores the business’ s ac counting, payroll, and personnel information.
daptec Storage Manager
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 20

Continuing to Grow Your Storage Space

As your needs change, Adaptec Storage Manager will help you grow your storage space to include multiple controllers and disk drives in multiple locations.
The Administrator of the storage space shown in the example belo w can create and modify logical drives and monitor all the c ontrollers and disk drives in the storage space from a single workstation.
Department 1
Adaptec Storage Manager
Department 2
Customer Data
Department Data
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 21

Adding Enhanced Features

As you grow your storage space, you can enhance data protection and improve performance by upgrading your Adaptec controller with extra features, then manage these enhanced features with Adaptec Storage Manager.
Adaptec offers a package of upgrade features that can be activated with a feature key (sold separately). Purchase a feature key to unlock these features:
Copyback (see page 98)
Snapshots (see page 96)
RAID 1E (see page 166)
RAID 5EE (see page 169)
RAID 6 (see page 171)
RAID 60 (see page 172)
Locked features—features which are unavailable without a key— have a padlock icon (shown at right) beside them, as shown in the examples below. If you select a locked feature, you are reminded that a key is required to unlock it.
To purchase a feature key, contact your Adaptec Reseller or refer to the Adaptec Web site at
To unlock the enhanced features with a feature key, see page 22.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 22

Unlocking the Enhanced Features

To unlock enhanced features with a feature key:
1 In the Enterprise View, right-click the controller you want, then
click Add feature key.
The Add Feature Key window opens.
2 Enter the feature key, then click OK.
3 Click OK to confirm.
The enhanced features are unlocked and are now ready for use.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Adaptec Storage Manager 23

Getting Started Checklist

This Guide provides five special Getting Started chapters to help you install, start, and begin to use Adaptec Storage Manager.
Step 1: Install Adaptec Storage Manager on ev ery compute r that will
be part of your storage space (see page 24).
Step 2: Start Adaptec Storage Manager—or the Adaptec Storage
Manager agent only—on every computer in your storage space (see
page 30).
Step 3: Explore the features of Adaptec Storage Manager (see page
Step 4: Build your storage space (see page 47).Step 5: Optional—Customize Adaptec Storage Manager and the
Adaptec Storage Manager agent (see page 60).
Step 1: Installing Adaptec
Storage Manager
In this chapter...
Installing on Windows.......................................................................25
Installing on Linux.............................................................................28
Installing on NetWare........................................................................29
Adaptec Storage Manager must be installed on ev ery computer tha t will be part of your storage space.
To install Adaptec Storage Manager, follow the instructions for your operating system:
Note: You need administrator or root privileges to install Adaptec Storage Manager. For details on verifying privileges, refer to your operating system documentation.
To use Adaptec Storage Manager to configure a RAID controller before you install your operating system, see R unning Adaptec Storage M anager
from the CD on page 70.
Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager 25

Installing on Windows

This section describes how to install Adaptec Storage Manager on computers running W indows. See S ystem R equi rem ents on page 18 for a list of supported operating systems.
Note: Advanced users —To perform a silent installation, follow the instructions on page 26.

Before You Begin

If a previous version of Adaptec Storage Manager is installed on your computer, you must remove it before beginning this installation. To uninstall Adaptec Storage Manager, use the Add/Remove Programs option in your Windows Control Panel.

Installing Adaptec Storage Manager

1 Insert the Adaptec Storage Manager CD.
The Installation wizard opens automatically. (If it doesn’t open, browse to the CD in Windows Explorer, then click Autorun.)
2 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Do not install SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) unless you have a specific requirement for Adaptec Storage Manager to work with SNMP gets and traps. (See page 153 for more information.)
3 Repeat these steps to install Adaptec Storage Manager on every
Windows computer that will be part of your storage space.
4 Continue with Starting Adaptec Storage Manager on Windows on
page 31.
Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager 26

Completing a Silent Installation (Advanced)

A silent installation uses command line parameters to complete an installation without messages or user interaction.
To complete a silent installation:
1 Insert the Adaptec Storage Manager CD into your CD drive. 2 Open a command prompt window and change to the CD directory. 3 Install Adaptec Storage Manager using this command line string:
setup.exe /s /v“ /qn <OPTIONS>”
This table describes the command line options. Multiple features can be separated with commas.
Option Required Values
ADDLOCAL No All—(Default) Installs all features.
\“path to installation directory\”
The installation path must be enclosed in escaped quotation marks. For example:
INSTALLDIR=\“C:\Program Files\Adaptec\ Adaptec Storage Manager\”
Manager—Installs Adaptec Storage
SNMPSupport—Installs SNMP support;
requires Manager feature. (See page 153 for more information.)
ASMReadme—Installs the Readme file and
Start menu shortcut.
CLITools—Installs Command Line
Interface tools.
Note: Use commas to separate multiple features.
Force—(Default) Forces a reboot at the
end of the install ation.
Suppress—Suppresses a reboot unless files
were in use and could not be overwritten during installation.
ReallySuppress—Suppresses all reboots at
the end of the installation.
Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager 27
Example command strings:
Install all default features and default to reboot:
setup.exe /s /v“ /qn INSTALLDIR=\“C:\Program Files\Adaptec\
Adaptec Storage Manager\””
Install Adaptec Storage Manager, Readme, and SNMP support,
and default to reboot:
setup.exe /s /v“ /qn INSTALLDIR=\”C:\Program Files\Adaptec\
Adaptec Storage Manager\“ADDLOCAL=Manager, SNMPSupport,ASMReadme”
4 After a minute or two, the silent installation should be complete and
the Adaptec Storage Manager icon should be accessible.
Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager 28

Installing on Linux

This section describes how to install Adaptec Storage Manager on computers running Linux. See S ystem R equ iremen ts on page 18 for a list of supported operating systems.
Adaptec Storage Manage r includes th e Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Before You Begin

If a previous version of Adaptec Storage Manager is installed on your computer, you must remove it before beginning this installation. An y customization files you created with the previous version are saved and used in the upgrade.
To remove Adaptec Storage Manager, type the
rpm --erase StorMan

Installing Adaptec Storage Manager

1 Insert the Adaptec Storage Manager CD. 2 Mount the Adaptec Storage Manager CD:
Red Hat SuSE
3 Change to the cdrom directory:
Red Hat SuSE
4 Extract the RPM package and install it:
rpm --install ./StorMan*.rpm
5 Unmount the Adaptec Storage Manager CD:
Red Hat SuSE
6 Repeat these steps to install Adaptec Storage Manager on every
Linux computer that will be part of your storage space.
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
cd /mnt/cdrom/linux/manager cd /media/cdrom/linux/manager
umount /mnt/cdrom umount /media/cdrom
Continue with
Starting Adaptec Storage Manager on Linux
on page 32.
Step 1: Installing Adaptec Storage Manager 29

Installing on NetWare

This section describes how to install Adaptec Storage Manager on computers running NetWare. See System Requirements on page 18 for a list of supported operating systems.

Before You Begin

You need the latest Support Pack for your operating system so you can run the supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM). You need JVM version
1.3 or later. To check your JVM version, load JVM, type Note: For the latest updates from Novell, visit

Installing Adaptec Storage Manager

1 Insert the Adaptec Storage Manager CD. 2 From the command prompt, type load cdrom and press Enter. 3 From the command prompt, type:
where xx is the product CD, yy is the version number, and zz is the release number. For example:
The installation program starts.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 5 Repeat these steps to install Adaptec Storage Manager on every
NetWare computer that will be part of your storage space.
6 Continue with Starting Adaptec Storage Manager on NetWare on
page 32.
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